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Show :-,t .: " ,-; 7 '"'A- -"'- 8 -PLEASANTGROVE NEWS.: - THE ABILITYsOF .DOING -THINGS, MILITARISM-GERMANY.VS.' AMERICA. - I RAISE BETTER FRUIT. 4f 9 tThereis always a place for the' man who is able to do things. n is a well known fact that the pension list in the United States If a man- is capable pf certain work, he is in demand lot that class j is equal m numbers and greater m expense than that of either of the ot worK. it may oe to neaa a great corporation or may even large standing armies of Germany and ol France. It numbers now V fix the main spring fn an old worn-out clock The office doors wait forty-four years after Jhe war five hundred and ninety-four thousand tor tnc commg oi men wnu i;au uu pumuuwiui ayinij, .ne coming oi men w oju mi uuiiuuiia wim . tl. w.ui I- -.i. Tf : -- ' v , -, , - - - f hisis stratedthebuilding of the :Provo-Cdm stead The h ghest strength of the Union Army at the end of the ;war was boulevard. The work is broeressine with .excellent speed because "y c uunurea anu snxuren, ou max btdoi a oasis tor cal "oflhe aptness df Engineer QSheltr- He has learned how to build a tulation for it overlooks th'men who wereonce-soldiershuthT good road and he is teaching a score of men how it is done. A mud- the surrender of Lee'werig no longer, in the raojts. ,The regular army ayj aimost unpassaDie roaa; nas; Deen put miu iiiipc su uni ii mm i amiuugu . was smaii aunng me reoeuion-must also be consid soon be a thoroughfare which will not -have an equal in Utah, ! he ered as must also the marines. old dugwaw which was a danger to all -travelers has been cut down If war were to be declared between Germany and afiy other civ and will soon be as safe as any part-of the entire road. The part of I ilized country Germany w-oulddbubtless Tmore quickly ready to "the. road which is now completed is a compliment to the builders j take the held than her antagonist. All German railway cars are built and lt.is only due to their-abikty -to-do htngs. - - - j tor war first and forf reight and passengers afterwards Eveiylfuck - - Upportunity waits lor men whq. have ability in certain nnesrpias characters on its side which will perhaps convey no information There is not the chance for "jack-of-all-trades," said a btlsinessmanj lothe-easual obser-er but whlclTnicely tells the. number of horses or the other day. "I have a good position for some man but I have been j men. or the weight of guns or ammunitions of war that the cancan searching fof weeks fpr a fellow'; that can do the Work efficiently." carry. On the Russian frontier the subjects of the Czar have made iiu mis tasc imiui cxv.cpuuiiti. jl ucic ic uiiiiiy jjim-ca "t,c" nitii iinca ui idiiwciy on a gaugc uinereni irom tnat ot the Oermans. of ability. The man who says that there are not opportunities is mis,- The object is. of course, to foil Hfririvasion by means of the railroads taken. There are many for the right man." ? but the"r5ermans, it is said, have met the difficulty by equipping each -rtscrrttH! r young nitm'hcrareTatTuut to assume the-xares and re-Tperrtan:TarwitrwheeIs;that can be aaapted to fit any gauge. In sponsibilitiesf earning a liyingshould by all means search out a order that .'horses 1 may. be quickly available in time of war every work that will suit and then master the business.. The competent horse in the Fatherland is.registered with the" police and the records fellow will always win out. Many men who are at the head of large j are : in the possession of the war office. The sale of a horse eannot institutions have had a bad start. They have not been, fav.oredwith be legally consummated without the 'formal registration of the a college educationTTherr meanlVould not allow this but through transfer and the record contains a complete description of the animal constant effort tq master thnr work they have become efficient and giving all details which would make it possible to collect the horses a! e --.. rr i " v . t ... - mereiore control large anairs. , - ; oy. means, oi the records with almost perfect assurance as to their The aim of every man, whether old or young, should be to do suitability and "usefulness. These are only small examples of the worK just a little better than the other lellow. 1 his method Will win. I minute care with which Germany has prepared herself for war, biv I his rule will win promotion and respect. Clock -watchers have no serve to show the detail and thoroughness of the foresight. Chance to defeat the fellow who does not care if he works a half hour-over time. Probably the worker thinks that the.boss does not see his good work but it is seen and sooner or later rewarded. -The business world cries fer men whcrwill work" ahd become capable in their certain lines. De a worker, master some line of work. MEN MUST WORK AND WOMEN MUST WEEP. Considering that the public feels itself fully "equipped to pro-j not know. Th mine disaster at Clu rrv. IllVwas a horrible thing to contem plate. The suffering of thse unfortunate men in the lmwcls of the earth will probably reverse !:ncwn. It is best that their friends do nounce on the truth of Dr. Cook's claim to have reached the Pole, it. seems a great waste v! nerve, blood and muscle for either of the explorers to have made the effort to reach it. The knowing ptiblic knew all the time just what should be found there. TAFT MAY "WARM CONGRESS. In the various speeches which the President has made during his sw ing apjiind the gnat circle he has left little duiibt as touhat his jKdicy may be with reference to important iM.liiical questions lie has said that he intends to recommend a. good many measure to the next session ot Congress. Not that he expects them all to br I have lived in hope of the fire ceasing before it reached them passed but he desires to shift the responsibility to legislative should would have been a coward s act. P.rave, too, arc the men'vho worked ers wherc. it belongs. If the measures do not pass the public will I as rescuers. Jt is a jov to knw that some of the men were taken The fire in the great coal mine is supposed to have started in the hay at the stable which is near the shaft down in the mine." When the fire gained headway there was nothing to do but wait-untiLit ceased. It is estimated that between three ;Tnd four hundred-men were in the mine at the time the fire started. Late dispatches tell of the rescue of some of the men. Many holies are brought to the.surface. burned bevond recognition. One of the suryvivers tells a pitiful storv,; As soon as it became apparent to the men that the fire was coming their way'in the mine, a small rruwd.ti mcu-walb-d- themselves in. This'is a brave deed. To be several hundred feet under the earth and thyn wall in a small tunnel to save them against the fire is not the act of cowards.' They might This Mr. W. M:Roylande haVreturned from the Spokane apple show.- He lull of praise for the display made by Oregon and.he expressed a wish that all the fruif growers of this section could have beenlat m exhibition, The could have Teamed much: : - --r- Raise better fruit. -This is the lessonMr. Roylanceisautfiority v for the statement that just 33 good apples, can be raised in this section sec-tion as can be had.In 'Oregon, but the fruit raisers are not using enough eare in spray ingrruning, picking and "packing; their fruits. ZZ Artistic packing can easily be accomplished if the, fruit is of the best n quality but4t requires much effort on the part of the fruit raiser to hring-4he-quality of the fruit up to the standard. y-"- . 2 , There is no reason why Utah county should not produce some of the hest fruit Tnthe west. The climate and soil is favorable. There " are trees which thrive appropriately here. ,All that is necessary is-the is-the education of how to handle the trees' and the fruit when it is developed. Fruit raising is a business and requires as m,uch atten tion as any other line. A majority of the fruit raisers of this section have -thispoint ' to appreciate soonas" theyaTe convinced,"it will onluy be a short while until the oUtout will be douhled. bfttpr nripe. will be obtained and the fruit business in general will become more profitable. " Fruit raisers have hardly become convinced that the sorting - prgcess is JLSJiccess. home ot them complain that the packer throws out apples that jre hardly up to the standard,;This accounts for the . difference in the prices paid for Oregon apples as compared with lo- ;. cal products. The Oregon and Washington apples bring from fifty cents to a dollar per box more than Utah apples. This is greatly .due to the thorough sorting which they are given before they are placed on the market. When an eastern buver purchases ar box of Drpo-nrv apples, he is confident as to the quality. The fruit has been sorted to such an extent that it is practically, in a class by itselft t Llah county has an excellent chance fo become one of the great est fruijUsectionsin the. West, but it will requke the education of the fruit TaTser.7Cature has endowed this;section K ith the necessary conditions for a fruit belt and now it requires the skill and work of man. ' THE BEAST AND THE JUNGLE. ...know where to place the blame. Mr. Taft was elected as probably some millions still remember to carry out the policies of Theodore Roosevelt. The peop'e of the country have not forgotten what those policies are and both the majority in Congress and the President of the United States are under obligation" to make performance a fact The President, for a long time a member of the Roosevelt Cabinet and deliberately chosen for the Roosevelt mantle and big stick, has aidjhat he knows better than any other what those policies are Since every intelligent man in America knows them well the President Pres-ident must be a remarkably well informed-man. from the mine alive. It is sad that some were death's victims. France is to have a slow race for aeroplanes. That's an unsports manlike way of ruling out America. A Chicago man killed his wife and himself rather than work- so he said, Still, it may have been rather than stav in Chicaeo. TAX PAYMENTS EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD. Cotton is selling so high through Dixie nowadays that the farm ers are actually contemplating twenty-horse power autuu..bi!es. Abnormally inflated prices are indicative of real prosperity just . County Treasurer Johnson states that the taxes have been paid about as surely as. an abnormally inflated head is indicative o sur-up sur-up better thij year than any previous time during his administration, i nam-T u.Ulm' ' - - tl:. :. j.ii .t i. i. - - 4 l"s,mt wiuom. , . m i iiMiimciKiamc un inc pan oi inc people, it igmcant irom many points of view: It demonstrates that the people are becoming more prosperous. The crops must have been good or they would have been unable to settle so promptly. It is a mighty good thing ben the delinquent list is cut dow n. FOOTBALL FATALITIES. While a complete list of football fatalities will not be made up until after Thanksgiving the death list up to date makes it clear that if the game is to retain is h4d on tpu!ar favor, radical revision ot its rules must made. A commission composed of Army and Navy officers might be tpjK'intrd to dpt rule whkh would be accepted as a m!cl by the universities of the coanrry. Professor Lowell, of the California Observatory, reports that there is great activity in Mars and that the inhabitants are digging more canals. Can it be possible that the Martians are cnvKJaf'of Col. Goethal's progress in Fanama? . Thore is something appealing in those articles w ritten by Judge Lindsey In "Everybody's" magazine. The manner in which he has set forth the political rottenness of Denver and Colorado would con- ince any honest man that he is speaking the truth. No matter what is said of Judge Lindsey, the impressions which are imparted by his article will do more to wreck the political demons on their graft thrones than anything that has yet been written. The articles are powerful because they are statements of facts. They depuu the graft methods of all the larger cities of America. While these special articles ar-ticles deal with Denver, they can be duplicated in almost any town of oyer fifty thousand inhabitants. Graft and dishonesty will not be overcome in any part of the country until public sentiment is- strong enough to overcome the "powers. Judge Lirulsey has helped to creVtc public sentiment. Almost every reader of his a'rticlcs w ill credit their truthfulness. One is reminded that the people are to be blamed, after all. They elect the men who do the stealing. They allow the grafters to hclp. themselves to the contents of public coffers. The business powers the men thatVeally make the country sit back and wink at the corruption. Thar attitude is explained in the fact that thev derive profits from dishonest office holders. - And there you are. The "dear" people must take the brunt of the blow. H grafting continues unabated. No wonder some of tfTe vo"--- of the nation are disfwstrd with t?,ih k.tht-t- parties. " " " SUGAR TRUST FRAUD. ' Pe thankful'tvery dar. We are t-M that the new UriJ lnard will not be ornament! What! Jjrr.f P.orton Reynolds unornamenul Miss Canada shows a disposition to nag a little over the question ques-tion of the Xorth Pole's ownership. If Miss Canada will go ip there and sit on the Pole and stay thereand hold her tongue, he can hive it. , We don't want the old Pole all we wanted was to do the discovery dis-covery stunt . There appears to be no doubt that this administration will be as severe with reference to Jugar 'trust and other Custom House frauds as was Jhe administration of President Roosevelt in the post-office post-office fraud caics that sent a number of high officials to the penitentiary. President Taft's recent tariff speech, boiled down, is "party in- President TaA the. Secretary of the Treasury, and the Attorney General are deter:ned ,to prosecute untiringly the criminal connected con-nected with the sugar trust and whether they be high or low and no matter how much they may have contributed to Republican campaign cam-paign funds. The wife of Pittsburg biggest millionaire has left her home to I t;, ; trK 4 i. .i !. i . . . . . . terests are above public interests, but special interests are supreme.' j hardio ' lease I he ware earner who is comnlainmir of increasing rrice of ---- 1 j----- - ill not be ornament! fl and ck-.hin for tlW WJr tU ,V tW ... 7 ' . .7 ....... r"1" Vl V". says the r u .x. T . . ' quanta joanui neu.-il Chicago fails in. the wetocratsf ihi Pemh the thoMght, ln axi-Le happy! - . . country may a lung their Eas on weeding willow tree The Remember and Don't: Forget That rr tt it w W Tl n Mi elm ii ovmncGiL nun n Vant All The First Class Potatoes, Cabbage, Onions, fruits and Produce you have. Don't let it go to waste. Bring it to us. Wcpay highest CA?H PRICES. DON'T BRING ANY WORMY FRUIT IT IS AGAINST THE LAW Office end warehouse near! Salt Lake Route Depot - . . . H I ".SIVTJC "'I |