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Show THE INTER-MOUNTAIN * XE oon * a Who Death or In 1 | Havuor a the 8 eae to the ee bootleg-'4 . sition | So the iness ‘G = . ay mothe in t Seat gives 2ny,community : liguor is in. and business a oa the height of of of and has: very government has strict neninst the sale of liquor He make' a much better living at SE Rowen, 7 e ea {> urly other line of busines: im ‘nears pla rdinary United c fni Ss a States marshals and Whisky in Axletree. an wa Ys fs of I" ‘ arrested. plan, e had collars ‘wo made, re ant aree ney business Were) per of in this The fellows. 4¢ pusiness turned the get drunk. schemes: needles; Jaborers in camp After wate poss wit of - outs ean seh coma to fool to say Territory : they eg our office and models or send Ulu 7 Civil r FR gto ii 172 -hoto S ‘ S bot SON ESS Sy West num- Tem ez SF FIT, Awl Fd. IEEE St me ., S , oalt Lake City, Sas Brot ;: Utah. mh Ss the Indians, but it is they do: not resort from would their not fare feet well at are the (forever, the as hands muargeoue two. gallons of lquor. of the Indians if they were caught Severe oto| neighborhood _A,man was recently arrested inI the During the Penaltics last year. Deficd. according of Holdenville, oD ( the report of J.-L. MeCracken of the! gn the charee of selling whisky to the Federal prison at Guthrie, they have Indian: and was later released, when had 523. prisoners in their jail, and | jt was cound that he had been selling of these more than 300 were charged | them bottled coffee. The Indians are bootlegging, whisky among the! cautious, and slip in jootlegger's camp, and fore to throw off f t he e watchful o ers Gurinetthe last year radera there wasal butes |ebar Netchtul ;véendor and use s This wasofficer taming out of : The . Long of Bc -- Distance Record, ; The toy'? Special, f Guinrie, and she was convicted at| Would mot attenme tovepen thetic, | 2265 Miles Over Mountain and Plain Lawton, Okla, of Indians. usiness, "and ‘was' she understood une selling whisky to} until they. were far away from the ¢ ad a bal fancy veveral mat to catch, as|jons of'scoffec at price an business stfti- was about ready to leave comp when @ hard othicera - ort trail. Only _récently,: just over the Okin-| border, three ean and two} women were ares ped tated ot after finding homa Tulsa, on the charge of selling made to PME of their dress "T skirts,) fooled. was like to see a man take a man who was proud of pride his fast. the luxury of 3 Regular Trains From to everywhere East and Southwest. in You Rates and C. oo b CO. Baad, ates see male oe ae a, ab c _ 7 A ; -om wee a Ee Gh, Streaks "roreeay he members-of the Creek -tribe. the-~man--with-the..unobtrusive. .mus-.| The federal officers' have become | tache. + Ry., GROUP _ - Salt L THE Cit = the Schoo! t T be ‘ io © YW et as fi re pits ushs) a: 55 ia fae ore Ry 1S | re 3 ~ aestS », Sates+ 7 Sy 7 psahe ? x of Wit] OF COLLEGE Sat 7GE f ‘ OF | | trained specialists, -HITONDe. eyreantic supplied with ‘4 aeamtin: represeniuns alarala yA a ffn PRISES- The School of cal Arts. Engineering and Mechani- ihe School ft The S School General Music. - ce Rp - cies est of of , & ‘ modern i . t institut \erviacrl es ° : equipment, » sis educational acl Scieace. ae ; the lh most = the 4 Aa, BUILDINGS eh Cc Stati Station. deitsininish ssi dipiniantniiaN anita Lg "edt 9 tes £8 COMPRISES: commerce, thinednewenacry: buildings, lists a Sos : erect AA COLLEGE "neriment Experiment % apae ie 4 Ree Teel. hat gS Aros f ake | F i e Agricultural cant and Ns ' a ofr strong A faculty ) : America ' AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE,‘ wr mm ee ¢ i cena ve | | - LOGAN, UTAH ~~ eeeee eee B si | $500,000.00) fOr WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY z UAH RENTAL CO., 234 Main The most Reliable Dentists in Teeth extracted without pain methods. Free With Other Wor =f OUR ent 4 MORE: WITHOUT PLATES ASPECIALTY ap the City, by our scientific poe Weare REDUCED SPECIAL PRICES, s Hes Bet of teeth (best red rubber), $.C Gold crowns, 2-k,, $350 to $5.00. Bridge worn best, $2.50 to $5.00. Gold fillings, $1 and up. Other fillings, 500 to 7c @ars' Protecti: : Vice-President Gashies eer ae Asst. Cashie | eee PAY $250,000.00] f R Hves Moses Thatcher WY sue er OSI n Hill HY TEETH ' y p hed \ : oa Me od mea crept et Paton gat od nace Dae Tae ig > Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah. ee Block, , DEPOSITORY. Deseret dgai see: 7 EXAMINATION ON ale : SFREE ahh en See ‘Fhones,. Ind. 2008; 2 . 34 Main St. P. Ball, DR. m.; Sunday, .1738-¥. 10 ZIMMERMAN, to 2, bs f 2 fy. Mgr. and PLAYER PIANO. . TRE KRELL 2 < = Q of ESTEY, KIMBALL, SEYBOLD, & GREAT WESTERN 3." others. KNABE-ANGELUS House AUTO GRAND PLAYER others. PIANO. THE WINTER MASTER PLAYER PIANO. S EDISON PHONOGRAPHS! = VICTOR TALKING MACHINES eS THE ee ~TS The PG LS IS, = vas SEK COE and __ YY | 2 wey STEINWAY, KNABE, VOSE, KIMBALL, WINTER, | & arae Rd "SD - Le Dealers. 8 COSGEOOBLOS LOTGOBOT BOGE IGO COOOIOGO LD GIRO INOS HOOICOM OODOOICIAO ORDO DOAN AMROOMOE ete Music § & < RS LILLIE IDL LIEN io mel BID BD fo; a Leading ARE ABLE T AYTON TO SELL ON YOUR MUSIC OWN CO.. 3 eT! Zz eo, - - fin paren DEALERS. soe pram aaa wy! YOU MUSIC If DOES NOT WE ARE..... MUSIC yeaa] poe pened <I LEADING Pm omens > ST Te) = 2 a) pees! Cc ri (Hr ED, - Soll - WE THE IN ja KNOWN STEP INTO OUR MUSIC PALACE AND SEE IF ----- IMPRESS YOU WITH THE FEELING THAT TRULY Daily. vo} EVERYTHING Received = Records ea C$ New TERMS. mmm stort Fes [09-11-13 S, Main St RARER ERERR ERE RR SDE SESE BEDE SBE Pe eh ee m4 & and ‘ Europe, yi eptional opportuni les are afforded for thorough training in agricultural and other lines of industrial education, Baccalaureate, preparatory, and winter courses are offered, There is no. tuition, An illustarted catalogue will be mailed free upon request; ° Utah. See rn Th St i « Mig Cc MMe National 2 e as eet The Scheoi of Agriculture. | . : : The Schcol of Domestic Science and Arts. | cr Docly Se. 4 CaySekee ee 53 yas ne ian ua F own ole. edit Aieemye sei) - Utah and Colorado = Ask me for Ticket 41] ‘ i fee tore Col : arery F. ao a eT : oot 2 my "g. A rE es Capital S. 64 : i} sieamyit SUColus wees § f t p t A.T.& J = Peers Ben prefer Literature. F. Warren, G. A., Hs ai 2 ‘2 work else --_ ba Saute oF ey ory U.-S: rT own work," said the person, with old fashioned nose. "There never pint snugly, eUlGhecee and/that didn't find thatee everybody ric bottle aery mrtienin ae Cote. oe pints of whisky, which they could jan instance to the contray." , . . ably YOU wouldn't care to ride so Pr 1D 7 fiteea were vss than 45 h . i sé enn: ours Demonsirating that "Santa Fe} track,: equip-; ment and employees are of the Depepdable kind. Prop- brewer] 17> inside they An Instance. liquor to the Indjans. Upon searching them, | his it was ers Son had pockets |the on-the out = ~ Stn oc Ene a) yee ~ got of muc sasier back and was good af leaving'a blind id | arrested than it the HeIndians ‘had eaught-him cient : a be ; : every efa . f particu- ee advantage Prac- . € OIA with Indians or taking it upon the reserva-| tlons, the penalty for which is just| as severe'.as for selling it and Education. oe az 2 aa Thorough tical CAE EER eek' CH 7: 4 Ys Og wy OFS rn F-F AT Fs . Liberal, , ny/ Typewriter Se SE ple Provides i j ; ray Company § UL Se :a this class work up in engaged sometimes. ers stra horse | 10preparing ah¥ suchto methods untildust theyof 1€ extra Sige shake the and whisky. a ng. pu have R (Yi ‘ r ao = | SIEOGG06 TOCHIGI re j = ull would fOr for to glad Remington 5 ; ee yt 8% years. He, would make regular watertight. trips to Texas, and every time he re-| Bae tne tale that he would. manner iter be all ee Institution Learning. 5 3 oma the Ypcwr! Of 30 years of experience in di Ie neat Fee LNT RaNATTIn BCrMIS the new Jeatures. 4 ~-. #¢3S2 aE The "officers: at lons discovered a new method of SMUE-) .eamoving a tap from are end of echt gling the liquor into the Indian coun- | ,yje the y hisky would come out the try. iA teamster ae on the end same as from a splgot He had heen} road grade near that point devised | ...> ing on a successful bootlegging horse SUDStancc z i ee Technical Higher 3 3 Rv¥ ing er | CF my axles were! the | axles'of ng~ of his wagon. id wereBoth hollow, and| "is : fill ma cc W ith fe ie d recently | canagity of . several is, and 1 Muskogee ‘ will you call at rea the new Oe ty plerty of money with which to buy Wnjaiy, and the fellow was running ite a . : oe the whisky out in buckets from the] ace acting « ahead ] Gna of ie preaking a ae law, getting Sane inn nt that appeals to him. r i We ry} i) cient with] PU cTree Caniropenara thGa irtie eeereohc the 3 JaWS/¢. of Indians, and al of them could some) every ee We) to posse the c us success-pl acae ae $5 } Ng3 } driv- man hitehed wagon by4 b Nf CE! 1 caught. last at ugo team farm camp a The New Models representz the sum ea hy i and SA wy Af such offenders are) schemes fs he is infallible, until non Only ai fe WWv ing 2 handsome | dinar looking the es | surpt oj ised ‘ ash ‘! his glory where reservations, Indian the the trail ranner each te mperance, of cause the in tion in on al up Lcormvatdu suspicionshis legitimate trade that Mrs: Na-|j,otcneabootlegger that thinks outlaw, ae has mk » anresa card for because the law, hebut no'studon = t up all kinds3 of ways t break it The bootlegger is a prelty tough. proposi- | entire but he strict Ithat -- po same e identically fills gor failure. wane was a ; Remington never fa (yi y Na 4 r SS. ; ya ee --- } Every coe modelpeecf the Remington TypcThere a Lea aioe wv Oral Daw Prison. it. get you that sce will he and . ka wy POWDER. >, BAKING EE, ali Quality, of SOO NEW MODELS NeW READY| Men of SuCarcer ar End Tne Scientific, SOE perior i Engages IRR Trade tne Oudaw Utah's er WHISKY > LAWLESS is AS PEDDLE ¥) 3 os IO0 SOCSIS2 COOLOOD ey -- a OOOO © COOSCEO COUULUU DU GIUOCONS COCOSES OCLCOCO e why Dea Sees PSL. it Bers b ane y we DOOLSOOD gz) % | Baur ree ace res 0D , AGRICULTURAL C CISCOSO OIGIGIGO OTNGOCOIND COODOOOCES CIOO0C ay ID DODD dl ) ) COOGOCSA ~~« im. ee CORO OOD cdl SERRE CR LEKEX u as CROWN oad te ET SSX THREE less Vendors. mae ‘Uypewriter Iny Ri 7 1 aS J Merry Chase by Fear- ie Remington ER for ede. «Se a Se him cs he Bits Daas ard ask oe . OOOO COIPIGOGIS GOBIIOOO OOSBGOG0GO Just HEWLETT'S a Led Officers Sam's a - Je ound ~ eee ~ < eka © °S sor uraH. TRICKS OF DARING] Uncle ec}. YOUR GROCER ee PLAY ROGTLEGGERS REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1906. CAG : - . |