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Show . abouts a against c 0 Ingam ? and |! and of any pee disc losed more ener the plates ed whene) ae_ |} trip recommen- > ou had actede as t theirmi lega "tain . ps ‘ ioe 7 ee Agia ae CARTE GIE It i |°Ur asi a Bo ss 7 GH Competitors supply most' e| that their o eh where hundreds and thou- | dations of a commutation with semi-weekly editions. of senten e| |} circulation Republican will not publish any sands of shares are turned over every |might be made by the secret service| The or seml-weekly and its subday, without more than the most €ur-| officials, who would thus be relleved| weekly me at these points are for sory examination, seems like child's ; Wf the worry of running down addi-| scriptions newspapers only. play as compared with some of the |, fjonal counterfeits. In this shape the | daily great counterfeiting ac hievements of}, natter stood for several weeks until | In Sanpete, Sevier and Piute. the masters of that art. P sut at the race track where > origi-| ve | From Mt. leasant to any edstianced secret service 1a nal "Monroe™ $100 bill had Ore ee| Manti, Richfield and to the you that the counterman will tell there turned up a new counterfeit $2 Rio Grande -~Western division at| feiter's device is a surprisingly simple | pil] that fell short only in the shade } Marysvale was one conlinuous ovation| one in most aneigni ces. .and in hie of the ink used in printing it is; perhaps the most,famous O° Made in Philadelphia Jail Bae a . P ae Inc 4 . cases of this kind-the Taylor-Bredell bill, $100 "Monroe the like This, 1896-7-an in Philadelphia in case apt A jtnerepaee}s Is found of this fact, | ¥ vas traced to Arthur Taylor's brother it had and when he was arrested-for That case was run down py Chief enn lb. Wilkie of the secret service | t yecn. thought wise not to take him | and his men until the two arch-con- | ! n on the. original roundup-tTaylor| they h: . confessed that spirators were safely in jail, and still and Bredell actually been counte ‘rfeiting the. counterfeiting continuec I the dete aa e crowning feature of the whole |1 rill while they. were section. o the Philadelphia jail waitstory came When it appeared that Tay- the ] or 1 Bredell Bredell and sutsiie. $20 | to the members of The Inter-Moun-| I ain Rey oe "Flying Messrs. Fairbanks, A. | L;, H. Alpen and F. Cc. ee H. Fowle,| Houghton. | It was this quartette of up-to-date | solicitors who made the southern trip in the interest of the Republican's circulation department and who suc-! ceeded In less than twenty days in} | adding 989 names to the subscription| | y . » Se ae , . eac ‘ actually counterfeited | ing a to andappear Newilas witnesses against In- | Sch Ephraim aberthirty-five soe eae subscriptions ane | actua $20 bills in the eee eat MET Ma sent them by Taylor's brother as a fo 1 off tl confederate to be worked o ""PNat: they could on the ont oe Let The process was had been used in : 7 ae} Were awaiting them. Manti raised much the same 4814 'total Hst of elghty-seven, and Rich-| the first instance, | (O'4' tb Bee acs fleld ‘do this is|except that Taylor, was who had been fig- | [e1d there with was there ¢ tal with a total subse subscrip- one thing which seeret service men | Uring all the time to discover a wash- jtion list of eighty-five, while Marys-| will point tb when they say that coun-| {ing solution that would remove the | vale signed for twenty-six additional.| terfeiti really. an sim- | black ink from the face of a bill as} : ~At Elsmore subscrip|| erfeiting is ; really an amazingly amazingly sim "a obt: twenty-eight and } ' ' e New well ocx oe satéite in Counterteits. Era device for duplicating the currency of} the land that marked a new epoch the history of counterfeiting, country. In the middle '90's D aDadelp hia su as the green ink from in at in) it face and ¥ Lf reverse to every known test without being able to detect through any of the recognized symptoms of the counterfeit, and finally, as the Jast resort, split it, to find to their great astonishment that the "Monroe" $100 was, as a matter of fact, the halves of two #31 bills which hs ad. been split, as one splits a bit of birch bark, and pasted together again Many times before had split bills been discovered by the department, but almost invariably the workman- ship on the face and back had borne some defect that gave away the counterfelt immediately, In this bill, however, no such defects were traceable The myriad lines which the gcometric lathe had ees put in the border about the figures and the printing were 380 heat ‘ike the lines which bona fide lathes had put in the borders of honest currency that no clew was offered, even on ea second and. third inspection, to the nature of the new counterfeit. The letters themselves and the general printing work on the bill measured up with the letters and figures on the original to the tast fraction of a millimeter. The portrait was a perfect reproduction and, generally speaking, the bill was as near "the real thing" as it ceuld | tions to night Taylor figured on his chemi-|from cal formula and sent this|resenting it out the slips ot paper to on which the raul oer on ine face appeared to be altogether too light In color. Otherwise the bill was to all intents and purposes perfect. But it wouldn't go through with the light red seal and it was sent to Washington for examination, There the government experts took submitted back were obtained and Monroe con- return| took al As he was confined in the dcten- | side trip to Mereur and succecded in| tion section, was possible for his| obtaining eighty-four contracts. prother to visit him, and from night| The trip over the Salt Lake Route | chem la s. Tost: the symbols by Be sty 7 st Salt rep- | business his. brother sompougded Lk it, the of it, finally hit upon a formula that |tributed twenty-one. On the _ | would accomplish this desired result | journey the "Flying Squadron" _ Baldwin 5. and chem- | hit upon | Lake success to Las Vegas and a_ was a} circulation on |builder... The solicitors who made} at} fie journey opened thelr campaign | ocle. @Théro. sev cribers Pd and an ot litfonal twen- up yack in little ae Suntil the fina Te- | nine at Grantsville. Stockton result was. reac it was only [sponded with twenty-seven and Silver necessary to malta a plate by the old} City contributed a total of twelve process and Pe on a handpress so Beaver City came in with cighteen, small that Taylor was able carry | Newhouse and Frisco with a total of it around in rp ponicet the jail-made twenty-five, and efghteen were secured 20 counterfeit at Calient« At Las Vegas the solicitors | |}enecountered competition Los Angeles Couldn't = esist Temptation. Taylor and Bredell confessed after- | but nine subscribers were ward that their intention in getting | there by way of a starter. "Monroe" down Wilkie's minute and $100 in men, lost Baldwin was temptation to "spend" a few of them jand Taylor-Bredell run but ory for ous, his strenuous staff accomplicned variety have ever been | tyirty days has passed, and if the pres- down by the secret service people, with the experience in their memthey are constantly on the outlook fake moncy of. this very dangerbecause ve pert » Variety, und they have been Watechine for counterfeit stock certificates bonds, to the making of Which Taylor-Gredel proce would | ent rate of increase continues it will be accomplished at a much: earlier | date At Morean "eho City and Coallich the response of the people was i mohatic In Logan seventy-five subalso criptions were obtained in. one day and while Garland contributed forty-seven the/as its share «and. similar-conditions lend [continu d all: over the sar tion the. oe mennfactore a re Oe Of a cur- ter eee government ency This people |for The Can Not Devise remari proves ibis awakening the existence of Inte Ge arrarifatss Scheme, State firm of Bredell Jacobs fair never of the a field Republican. Circulation way to | ni Pa Time and Place. eo When one is eating some expensive | and finally they 1A spread- Danae costing ten dollars pe trip to Lancaster | 1ecad- j | a conference with gg se is filled with costly food and i of Arthur & Kendig, Taylor cigar peut ernie ces eee oe aes like cee ; "Wa spose am; come from oe ee ‘tany es r rom sconsin that 3 quite a Se ea come on one roid cia Say, dic you ever pass irougn 1e manufacturers, with joy and feels extreme- ‘lowe Peone in your oss =e _ As # result the revenue stamps that| And slows es, sir, ne answerer a Kind Oo went on the Jacobs & Kendir cigar | )"Tis then, ‘tis then he speaks in words | Wicked look stealing over his ugly boxes were rather carefully cxamined | sublime phizmahogany, "I ‘ben through the the } by the ‘secret service men and About the splendid meals of olden | outskirts." : arrest of everybody concerned. includ| time | "I thought it likely. Well, what is ing Taylor, Bredell, the cigar manu-- jit like down there ees: ex-Axssistant. District Set: . | "Oh," said the Y ankee, deliberately, ney ngam of Philadelphia and is a Irishman, upon arriving in }half shutting his eyes, and drawing Philadelphia lawyer named ~ Ne pe isla . aca his name at Ellis ‘ound the corner of his mouth, followed. Expert Gets a Clew. thing that puzzled the rece | | fe guve it. j"you'll find it much the same as in peak louder," said. the officer. jthis: region-the lawyers sit n ighes repeated it. ithe fire. again said the officer; why, man, your waite is.as soft as a | was the fact that the oe A woman entered a photographer's | Wornan's ' appeared to have no very nsive| gallery: ‘Do you take pictures of chil"Well," said Pat, "that might be. /dren?" she askec plant. Plates were eaucie of ee "Mon. Me mother was a woman. 12 wee was the reply roe" hundred-dollar bill and aleo of a "Lincoln" fifty-doliar bill, so perfect i ~ | "How. .much. are they, please?" that the government agents thanked | A colored clergyman in Philadel-| sonra, dollars a dozen," said the their stars that none of them had been iphia recently gave notice as follows er omnia i put into circulation. Various prepara- \from the pulpit: "There will be ell," rile replied with a sigh, "T tous of acids were discovered also, |four-days' meeting every ev ening this |shall nave tow ait and' come again. I but nothing to explain how the re- |; we on except Wednesday #* >cnoon.' ave only eleven.' One ment slouths even after the govern- arrests | He RES CT: oyLJjd >. aS ced | Furnits ST EO: 57. South We Main are showing afine Ris 0. See OO, 058, AR a Bw ab: Oe 05% Mi Meatncte ateiteP otic ste titaw ele tei elosdantetrate aeoteatertestoateate ateetistergeete ethaterteatesteatecten" malestocteeteateete stvateeteatvety stestretaatestnatnetnaty "woe ¥ See et 2s o>Seenate @ 3 ® Street. line of fr Pe ents Cito Paced? oteMeeatnalvetorts elnetestestesteatvete eteeteetactonteof bad = Ee iB ‘ ~ ‘ ‘J aD 3 ma mragerte dah eeete a te eteetecteetnatna ert ag,‘ a Peston' Pacts trate Pos%e ecestiatesteetveteaty o*nsPeatoctictrctacty ofeePoctretees <PerPiatie Mente oMestaseeMeates test e wlesteate atoctecteateats aeMeets toute *e' «fe eateateates . fr * 7.6 ew -* Hee sce ee Vee eee "s oh tote tee Me! seregesgeeess + The prices ee * . etree eaters ete rang e from $2.50 up to $120.00. is SROnKen with the best kind of goo ds, and the ok ces are O@r Carpet and Rug ees ‘ _ ees low. ----eeeeeee FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS || pee cies | ON HAND. TERMS CAN BE _ARRANGED. ee ee AC =Op Furniture soe: SE 31 to BA! 2 Main St. Co' Y> Ta NER KERR, obtained became too great resist, and the | wonderful results in the face of very brother took up the old trick of pass- | keen competition. All the Salt Lak: ing them off at the race tracks. Taypapers, with the possible exception aE lor and Bredell went te prison So | the Telegram, have a good, heaSthy did Ingam and Newitt James M. | ¢j)culation while the loeal papers the: Zeck, now of New York, being the are not overlooking opportunitics to official at the time. inerease their revenue. The Republi| prosecuting Since the conclusion of the famous | 43) has hope of reaching the 1,000 case no counterfeits so perfect as the ehicc ulation mark in Ogden _ before possibly unsolved. however, sight followed them on a a., Where they had the in a history TD -y up this new series o 5 was in the Work in the North. beginning merely to up. a plate | On the solicitors' northern trip the Which they might turn over to the se- | sidents of the towns visited showed cret service men in consideration for | their aporeclation by swelling the suba commutation of sentence, but when seription list to large proportions In the bill itself turned out so well the | Ggden W. D. Bratz. solicitor in charge : With the Taylor-Bredell experience The Inter-Mountain Republican's be. All but the red sea in mind it is difficult to get a secret | circulation in the largest towns of the dark enough. ‘rvice man to admit that much safe- | state, printed herewith, is proof exty _lies in the uso of the geometric | planatory 1A: circulation in Utah: outTraved to Turf Follower. What is generally urged as iiside of Salt Lake of over 3.000 is So they Started up in P hfladelphia | lathe. rreater protection is some elaborate |shown, a total which will compare the most notable counterfeiting Ltda form of printing such as tho Russian | most favorably and exceed in of the century. and when a warning m: ins sovernment employs in its currency. |jnstances the alleged circulation had been sent to all banks and Sthen | of Five interlacing colors are used bY |some of cur competitors n some large handlers of money anc ut Ie | the Russian authorities, and while |of the larrer towns of subtreasuries throughout the country | state our these are not Impossible of duplica- |, irculation exceeds the combined cirvarious other "Monroe $190 bills tion to employ them woe require aj culation of all our competitors. Adverturned up with the Nght red seal in very much more extensive establish| (Gsers should watch the corner, Several of them were The Inter-Mounment than most entetieleacs can |tain Republican grow. traced to a well-known race track and | dr In six months Eee ; | the management hopes to have equaled finally @ man named Taylor, who gen- | ater marks have been urged ithe combined circulation erally made and paid his debts by of any two wate be yaa ee gainst the old|other Salt Lake hundreds, came under suspicion, Yet | Ofer dailies. Its circulaocess employed b aylor ¢ - | th the principals in the case could not i dell they one ea loake Eciea ike oad chelator pag peels be penned down and it was evident | legitimate adv " a | asmuch as the halves of two split bills that this Taylor who passed the money purchase publicity and get results at ai be reversed when they are Was simply a subordinate in the gzi- j| must honest price. | together, the washed | Bantic swindle, so the government Is HENRY F. CASSIDY, out, but men who | men bided the ir time, Circulation Manager. [e can wash both the black and green t they took Arthur Taytor, | ini from a bill the water mark avails brother of the race track spender ean Some years ago, up in Connecticut, nothing and the device of color printhis associate, Baldwin S. Bredell, una long, lean Yankee dropped into the the only safeguard der surveillance. Months passed, the | Ing remains about mene ent or an establishnewspapers which had taken up the | ae oo alufacturing securities ; rae i i oe j Ssgatowere in ir case at first dropped it and so far as} have. Si coe can lithe bar-room sitting around the fire, any one knew the mystery the \smoking, drinking and chatting. £0 KI SESS RE undertaking Yet Arthur Taylor and Bredell, expert engravers ists of no mean ability, E.G >a ts godovensecvosensesoossessscovcovens le T LZ HA ee ae LIne eighty-one contracts , Is ; at ae these. three towns fe é é 4, 1 testify as Jf Sa they = S EER SEER x jai to 7, "Slr an SCL IES, & phia them DE LIE EEE Frorn| aaaied 7-7: Viade ing ae also that oy NN LLT FS ROU IL ALI LSE SD = % GONE ORES (CARED " Ni, citiiemesinssninianian GEES *! SET. 1) a SOMONE DHSS 551 9 MAIN SS OO My a " a om ee go sie com- x ™" Ca SD CR GOODS. ABR; WE WHOLESALE Do 7%pm G mt A iL DRY | ANDv RETAIL TUL SALE oie ip nr, to ioe forty-seven subseriptions. aes oe MBUNtRin Grcen: NY OD GEA EON Cae? CAINE aN ‘ a ones - AS @ Opening. Spring New Our in ons ‘ * Swath SS re PNEE t vestitivatoe of on the banking ucti Proc De an ‘ do it now. and can Money ‘ pein x <i x Cr: ae HE shipped off Pesci conve A 3 Pak aye order; they could mn ie tl to :% <3e > an but Pi re "5 @ ex to Dock off OF these Latest RA You 4 Saved a : "Ss o ‘ Have We Line. 9S SD DEDEDEDDD Ip DUEPEDEEDELEEES SB Sam Ss greenYork Times. To ee: UNIVERSITY .f£UTAH VIEw REAR UNIVERSITY SALT... The Head of the The School of Arts The The of School of Art and subjects leading to The School of Mines ing, Civil, a Mechanieal, clencs and liberal ear and t Wid ! education u in Chemical afford practical Study See EEE CITY. System exceptional work mining all in In a plendidly School of Mines The State ce Phe of It Min- FEngin- i these equipped, | various | melter of or thorough advantages ule ly he yg ESE MESSE | Se Se SE Hee re the State. nal normal ere nual b re feature liberal: Catalogue ef fee University and free road Manual the of offers teh dollars excellent practical upon vert School. d for is the excellen United Stat training nd aloo Training Normal tuition No low. registration dg, OUI €d tol Kindergarten cour are pe [ox Normal cading normal and ide The j country. tate it ‘ and courses mining of INCLUDES | are laboratories and shops The and the surrounding miucs and BUILDINGS. Sciences, Secinin. kinds UTAH School UNIVERSITY State offer bread and give four Electrical LAKE Public ‘VE OF _- signature x ELECTRIC SUPPLY Cy. eo oe > the|News has thirty, and the Telegram) was|twenty. Our solicitor obtained seventhe|ty subscriptions there besidas con-| This is our Strong ' ic. ~ . 7 R a world for an expert engraver to touch |tracts for daily street sales of thirtyup the plate wherever that might be |ywo. | neces and with a supply of the Citizens of Nephi ordered thirty-| for th ae everything was ready | nine Republicans, The Tribune h: ‘°° prinuing ten, the Herald nine, the News twentyand Bredell were convicted, | te the] fo Dee i bietit re Uncle New LAKE Goods $25.00. I the an exact reproduction of negative. When this was the easiest thing In SALT at Reasonable Spring at Se the | fac e in the | original stock | done it three and Herald while the from S, ard 5 ie, cz New c ee News oe ble conside worth 1 this ‘inspeetior bears work Our and Tailoring Ices. choo he ttc ait ate oie ae ae abe ae ae ay ly ten right ; and Domest Schoo charged, is but an an- required. advantages education. for 4 BE SEE ER oe ; price na and toon eer ~ to . GOODS Isleetri« of best the is e SAVED. " Bee need in h Class _ SLO, now stock SUIT - L at of eputable banknote concern and| Newitt,BCT who f stock: : remained you oS DEPARTMENT Se. a certificate Are Oo Nehives of Seine? a _ MEN * imitates have 4 knw £, in| uine arene en : ; ificates and the comment that it attracted among people who are} amiliar with the ways of the * srfelters-the skillful of all counterfeiters-the | pc s to : Lhd years a littl amused evice employed in the case \. 1 and "Western forged says reported : e multitudinous/ only for the counterfelter to put the) Telegr: : : a vg » ais ee in a bath and allow the acid In ureka the Tribune counterfeiting are dis to eat its wey into the copper sur-|Jead with seventy cach, ee who is 3 Z their Tribune subscription list of twelve in Springville-with the Herald second, with a eo > z= government spent | qyje () Stree et. x o have thelr Plate. & : ain { who the became of Le He WE vice in doing total of ten. The Deseret News leads When this had been exposed to the sunlight for a sufficient time that por-|the Telegram, with a ule cription list }tion of the plat which did not fall | of eight subscribers, the latter five. At beneath the lines of the engraving be- | Spanish Fork, the strength of the opcame hardened, while the ink on the} position could not be learned, but it bill left a myriad of lines exactly fol-|is rumored to be small. _ | lowing those which the government At Payson, we obtained thirty-four Se€r-| 7. metric lathe had made in the gen-| subscribers, as against nine Tribunes, Race Tracks. Oldtimers were protection Hardening i r ‘s at a they eatest question . , bi "Passed" as thing 7 The. q Be Ce be In Manu- Currency Fork subscribed for of the new daily. » ame {J a pated to $20 of it intended to} yijile and Spanish against the very | fty-three copies ~ > - Use Paper facture of Bogus the woof safeguard B TD c JO yoke Split $1 Bills and in ee > ax = hairs ELILL i,SEDO EEE eee BAFFLED CUTLE aKR yy 3 ARE RR IED Yj © vA -6O Se OFFICIALS Bars. Sa Behind Y >>< ing Continue Their Work SSRSESS AS CEREAL. Men rj 36 40 a ls Arrested for Counterfeit- 4 ELE cae theory | rt As one Sone see Ane one re th Lnic ted in 1c | = é i Sah, SOIR ASH ‘of Ts ie and Bredell, | (Continued from Page 1.) oe discovered that the men --_-- - -_-_---- & eparation which would re-| pvevotre een ink front the reverse | promise of another hundred after rf new bill. This explained how | this fssue of the paper appears. Not ey zot the paper on which their}a discouraging showing, is it? pannieereite were made, for, having In Democratic Heber, thirty-three ashed out the backs of two bills of the citizens signed subscription conit was possible to split them and put | tre 1cts, while Charleston and Midway the two clean halve together so as|in the same county came in with nine lo escape any ordinary attempt at de-|and seven respectively. Not pad tection. ‘The counterfeiters were then | eomparison with a circulation of sixsupplied with the government's OWN |teen for the Tribune and Herald comoo on which to work and the pres-| bined! ne of the red and blue and green} The presperous farmers of Spring- oD \ a YA wp investigation IRE SERIE SUCCESS saw his WONDERFUL eee of REPUBLICAN SOLICITORS 34> 90> $0 36-30 $0 $0 result ONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1906. SALT LAKE CITY, ms a REPUBLICAN, $e MAKE BAD BILLS WHILE IN JAIL | ce INTER-MOUNTAIN TEREESE THE reproduction of markably accurate the engraving could a oe *n brought is, an exabout. Finally A 2x| Fr | port in photo-c Soe winie whe had | worked with the government men be-/} fore, was called into the case and as te EES |