Show lilto In trntral Illliiol IhoMt who nMi t < > ral I rood crop of potatoes year bud letter gut tilde K nudj lo plant IhU fall I Insist two MlMinn und In faiti every M MHI trnchro that Hip Jj the wed In I put Into tile > niiiiiil tli 1 lee will lw the crop I There nviff 1010 uf IMIDM i plantiil fill thlii last Mrlnir hilt lot two plenty I In larch after which llirKnniin witlmtnii work boll dill unl Hlun Iho other lute vro lout In kultlwlnk lint lha prat plantliiK tine crap of BJX ilwl tubers other loUncru labor amldccrr u quality wlllt the Iat < iuM uf IDA ID-A forcible Illutrut lull let the lire of early planting woo found In t law iranlen tin owner plant I 1 lot early In March the 17tli late I inn 11 I iiu ji fruou b oIi ItOlKIIIKT tirrn 1 Thu many friends of Joseph Morton will U pleated lu learn thai its It again 1 Able lu l a out alter n long quell of typhul lever Mix 51 hiu Hoiton liMKonntoOiklv 10 cll I k fur u effort tlnm In time store of her uncle Dlljali llurlon Milo Slesuthrldge Is s1111 ur > III II file lypliolil tutfir Mind M ryilllwnl I Is able lo bo out once mate Sties hat I been quite III I with typhoid fever for onto time James Ward11 and Ilnl1y ha motet lo liar WAMIIII The young ladles gave a bow party la Young Social Hall on Friday Talk Int IIr K Btromaei hai inovod out from Salt Lake City tie hat started up a wagon and carriage rapalring shop H 11 Gardner will run a paint shop In connection with It V U Illnon will rafU off a saddle on Christmas day al A Bates tore The people of lull town have been highly blooded of Ute In not haying much ilckneii Theodore Ramuun hi moved back from Provo City The firm lit was working for bas aimed Ho Lad a years i etnslrxt with I them lot they having tailed line lliiown hint bolo JohfoMht prewnl Cliarlo JudJ In much Improved Inn the attack ol rtcknete he had wine Iwo ttevkawgo IV F JlIIIIII isms the mend Ho b I able lu Le u run ld last not ante In I work > et etA A meeting of t the elllteni of thin plant boas called Tluirelay evening December toile fur tilt punted I of eontlilerliu K 1 I Ihero rdinnldl ant thing gotten up I fur the Isselidays The meetlug load not very well atteadeil Il was rmgfnted ililtulnd that the Saturday Scholl and 1100 Y M I M 1 I A olllifn take the 1I1tr up and prepaie a program fw Ihoiedayi Mr A J Krarler who I mottil Into emit fob City a few weeks jo 1 lu hip health tiled fait wk and wne harlot i there Mrs Frutlrr line relented and will I mike her home hem fur the I pietcnt II I IIIIYTMIII K Mr Jainr Stew an reluineil home on batunliy I from lllko Net where lie lest been working all mummer Mr Ihrinn Wlnlr shut cupola up In H pica warm snap > and treated him lo what wit < lefl Thankijltlng tlllkiji and tu tnltwo of our feet laying fowl the lIon Inborn llyiuni uy11 occurred II follow Un Sunday night it 10 o < lock ho I cloud the Ida dear loan for the night Mr 1 Winter left for coal Iwforu dawn 1 the next morning Illi wife had Ofcailan tags lo the coup quite early and iawai the 1 thought one uf the turkeyii I tug In it dark corner the ceop Hho mad n quick tail for thinking It might IAN I ailing I but tile quirk Jump and prowl 11 hat came from tree nocturnal thief larded list and she barked out rcrcamlng Title aroused her lulshlwri Mr and Mrs Uoburl Mc Michael who could not distinctly underHand under-Hand what wai up or down either j but Robert tame arunl with l gun and lot med Mr 1 Coyote who had mad life OOCOI by the door being left parity ajar sIOllhul won tired but the I wolf had nil he could carry without U < Ing burdened with lead Hlrango lay ho bad slaughtered allot the cblckeni twentytwo lnunumber an < l left the I turkeys fornextTkapkiglvliig i Tho attention of the Iloylivllle people I again called lo the fact that thy irun thorlik of losing valuable letters ijor causing their delay by trusting nuall children deposit and 1 bring Ihilr malt Inilmmn of this kind ae vccuiflng in pentrtlly and failure art brought back lo tile office thai Into been picked up from the ground and which have been dropped from papers and then the tier I i plua neryiinl Iho ueliiuiler gels Hall Culnmbla hr loot and delayed letters Mr CT Smile ami wife left her for lnlerprlH In attend the funeral of M Ir Mill1 I lin > ilitriii law I who dl yr l from tile flltHli uf n unihot I oil I Inllli led i Il Mil Mri J r I Itromle ban been quite III but In non on the lmpro Kthn haiurganlitd u ilriiiu Wool I II lllyfuniieilr UII oltllhllo resident oll Echo and n brakvmun un the mainline main-line got file hand badly cru hed while coupllngcari The first skate 01 the season was had Monday flight When W U Turpla announced the Ice I eight Inches thick on the mill pond there wag a rub and skating kept up till long letter midnight Manager Johu Hopkln tell Monday morning limber City Ina NmllI Julio a numbor of our good people were lurprlnfd on Saturday In hear of tin mldil of IMi Illblxrl of KiHr 1 prlte wits WO well kntu11 and highly reef clHl John 1akl B IWnnl and bit Sari mid other friends ult ndoil the instill on hninliir IVhntnr line at last arrlnl tnd Noun n 0 boll hells thu merry jingle of the sleigh bull Mr and lire John Shell were vliltlng frirndi In Morgan during Urn kIt k-It li I to be hoped that the random at 1 THETIUKU Hill lully appreciate the en larg mintof Iho paper by I > paying up artawre and giving to Ie piper I linen couragement It desertion Menri I Bert and 1M lllbby ol Morgan county were visitors lo Ilinefer during the week Mill Maggie Glen wile quite lick this week but li letter at date 1 of writing tatter Wllllo O Klchlnio 1ocaullo who hat been ylilllng hero li I now visiting In Boieldor county Hcuefer was fairly represented al the masquerade at Coalvllle Thanksgiving Thanks-giving The Handler Ditch Company bold their annual meeting on Monday Jut Arthur IllclilniTbouiai 1I8levonl and Stephen Board were elected trustee for two yeiri and William thrower secretary Kh1 Immity 1 An soopponent uI 7110 ire I at re wo IrUnl tar ISO A liver tteuehr L1Lr PitMlnc through llHirfir title after nwin I nolliwl a largH lot of iiwldin 1 pile I In front uf It A Jim a mill A numlvrnf mr aiiiia mill wad mil file I In the run j im alto tunic It IIi liouihl hy a tiHHMiiy but when Uiled lirke1 nilllclfiit vifiler µ iwrr li vise I amoved moved mi lo u still In town mid imMtu all U piottxl a Mlnre Nnw title one lea meant mill and 111 will U K erases ami a great Iwnttnl til tin patties need liU lumber hriraboiiK James Itonlon rmne upfruin Kamllle yedrnliy He it the Kayivllle Seminary U I paying for milk Too Ir kunltrd bounds At another Hum I will tell ymi more aluMil creamery hud n 00 Cull |