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Show oiiim hews There' win be a parade of Utah manufacturers man-ufacturers In Salt Lake the afternoon of August ; 12, immediately preceuing the" trip to the annual outing which will be held at Lagoon. ; Mrs. May Sullivan, 30 years of age, who took antiseptic . tablets at the White House hotel last week after her husband, Frank Sullivan ' Is said to save deserted her, died at the Salt Lake county hospital Saturday. - John a Seely, of Salt Lake City, owner of the largest herds of Ram-bouillet Ram-bouillet sheep in the world, and also one of the largest herds ef registered shorthorns, died Saturday while on an outing at Fish lake. Scenes of Salt Lake, Bryce canyon, Zion canyon and other Utah scenic sections, together with views of Utah Irrigation projects in operation and some of the farms which they have caused to grow out of the desert, will be exhibited next fall and winter in the public schools" of Chicago. Elaborate preparations are being made here for the entertainment of the Indian war veterans of the state, who will hold their , annual encampment encamp-ment and campflre in this city August 24 to 27.' This will probably be the last state campflre of the association, and efforts are being made to make it a memorable celebration. July was the banner month in the history of the Salt Lake army recruiting recruit-ing station. During the month a total of 1C1 men were enlisted In the varloiu departments Of the army. The month end&d with the highest peak attained, at-tained, when fourteen men pledged themselves to Uncle Sam's service. In the week ending August 31 fifty-one men were enlisted. ' The honey crop of the Uintah basin this year is especially good, according to Harold H. Hagan, state crops and pests Inspector, who has returned-to Logan from a a trip to Duchesne and Vernal. Accompanied by B. L. Richards, Rich-ards, plant pathologist; M. C. Merrill, horticulturist, and Frank R. Arnold, Instructor in modern languages at the Utah Agricultural college. Culmination of several weeks of investigation in-vestigation and of conferences with county commissioners and other taxing tax-ing officials came when the state board of equalization Issued orders which will mean the addition of $10,-500,000 $10,-500,000 In round numbers to the assessed as-sessed vuluatlon of the slate, by means of "blanket" raises in various classes of property. As it now stands the state's total valuation for the present tax year is $714,781,597. Last year the state paid taxes on approximately $092,400,000. " ' ' Organization of a new bank to take the place of the Rqosevslt Banking company of Roosevelt, J , . which last week suspended payment at the request of the State bank commissioner, commis-sioner, N. T. Porter, will be effected within a few, days, according to an announcement made by a prominent Salt Lake banker. - - Honor was paid the pioneers of Utah in story and song at the Pioneer day celebration held in the Tabernacle at Salt Lake. Several thousand persons, including hundreds of Sunday school pupils from the fifteen wards of the Pioneer stake of the L. D. S. church, filled the main floor of the historic building, as well as the choir loft. The High Line Canal company of Vernal recently filed articles of incorporation incor-poration with the secretary of state, showing an authorized capital stock of $300,000 in $20 shares. M. M. Batty Bat-ty is president; J. B. Eaton, vice president, pres-ident, and George A. Slaugh, additional addi-tional director. The Vernal Irrigation company is represented as owning 10,-000 10,-000 of the shares of the new company. The county board of equalization of Carbon county will be reconvened by the state board of equalization and among other things will be invited to reconsider its assessment of farm lands. There may be nothing in the formal order reconvening the county board to indicate it, but it is the tacit agreement that the county board is to find a way to reduce the assessment on farm lands. Salt Lake county's endeavor to economize econ-omize in cost of road construction through use of its own equipment and force as far as might be, was shown by a comparison of figures to be re suiting in a considerable saving. The purpose of the plan, which was approved ap-proved by the advisory committee on road building, was to make the available avail-able funds reach as far on the county highways as possible. ' ' John S. Earley, executive secretary of the Utah Manufacturers' association, associa-tion, has been advised by the management manage-ment of Lagoon that the manufacturers manufac-turers are invited to make a display of their products for the week prior to their annual outing. The management manage-ment of the resort has agreed to furnish fur-nish space and caretaker free of charge. : Enthusiastic support was manifested manifest-ed at a mass meeting held at Bountiful Bounti-ful of the proposal to issue $600,000-in $600,000-in bonds on the Bonneville irrigation district for the purpose of installing an irrigation system which would place water on 4861 acres embraced in the district. Sixty-five Boy Scouts and sixteen adult executives left Ogden for a trip through Yellowstone National park, where they will take a two weeks' like. The party will be in charge of -'cout . Executive G. A. Goates and Scoutmasters D. B. Foulger and G. A. crgstrom. , , |