Show VISITS TOOELE SM SMELTER ELTER president of the international makes an inspection of utah plant john D ryan president of the internal dional smelting smelling Sm elting refining company was in salt lake on the dinst and in company with general manager E P mathewson made a trip of inspection to the tooele thoele smelter one of the companas comp anys holdings in an interview with the salt lake tribune mr ryan is quoted as saying we feel that it is well to encourage the production of lead ores said mr ryan when told that the western lead ore producers appreciate the favorable terms that the company is giving them for smelting smelling sm elting their tonnages ton nages if by decreasing the rates of smelting smelling sm elting we can increase the production of lead and silver ores we will be doing a good work and the smelting smelling sm elting companies in the end will make as much as if the higher smelting smelling sm elting rates were retained and a limited tonnage supplied by the mine owner when asked what he had to add to his recent report as president of the amalgamated copper company regarding the copper situation he pointed out that this report was submitted only two weeks ago and he had no reason now to alter his mind at this early period if a man is a good guesser said mr ryan smiling lie he certainly should not have much trouble to guess ahead two weeks but if anything the copper situation is easier today than it was at the time the report was issued copper still is very much roo foo low the producer should get more for his metal than lie he is getting for it must be taken into consideration that some day the investment must be written off producing copper is not like a manufacturing fac turing proposition you know when asked regarding the shipment of ores from the giroux consolidated property to the international plant at tooele thoele mr ryan stated that eliat lie he could give no enlightenment on this subject as the giroux was under the eye of mr cole the tooele thoele smelter however can call handle this giroux or any other copper tonnage procurable for while four out of the five furnaces are operating none of the four is operating at its maximum capacity this reserve capacity therefore would have to be utilized before the international company would proceed to supply any greater copper smelting smelling sm elting capacity |