Show STRIKE IN THE SANTA ROSA herald bishop calif the sensation of the week in mining of southern inyo was the phenomenal silver strike at the santa rosa mine in tunnel no 5 at a distance of 30 feet from the portal last saturday cutting a cross vein the richest silver gold copper ore that has come to keeler since the boom days of the cerro gordo superintendent butler assayed the ore and it runs fabulously high in silver some specimens going as high as 2000 ounces several tons of the rich ore were brought to keeler by elder bros and stored and locked up in the railroad depot two men can take out from two to five tons per day and an exceptionally rich shipment will be made shafts no 2 4 and 12 all are in shipping ore more than sacks being sacked daily the property looks better than ever a string of teams are unloading ore daily at the station platform and keeler looks more like early tonopah than any camp we have had in nevada for years A crowd of leading chinese merchants rushed to the scene of the strike with intentions tent ions to secure leases sunday fireworks were fired off in chinatown and a general celebration marked the find of this rich ore men who have been at lucky boy declare that the former camp Is not even a marker for the new bonanza |