Show LOCAL lout AND OTHER FROM DAILY AUG aud from CITY bishop alvin nicho la bas baa beed been in town since yesterday mb morning ining he reports everything flourish ing in his diocese To Toker kerville Tille utah aug 7 the election returns are delegate to congress for george Q cannon votes A number of precincts are not heard beard from home M SLACK clerk wert SErt SERIOUS lous ious ILLNESS OF DELANO we very to learn as we did by the dispatches that secretary delano was seriously if not dangerously ill we trust thit tint he be will speedily recover his wonted health and strength sensational an individual bought a quantity of venetian red at a store in town abe the athe other day and on being asked what he purposed doing with it said he know but he would di solve dissolve it and put it into the east temple street water sect and make a first class item for the loyal liberal sensation mongers bongers mon gers would do to send over the wires streets running ag with blood that is raddle 11 more MOKE repudiation it appears that an n honorable territorial secretary has engaged in the repudiation business denying de nyi ld g all knowledge now ledge of personal im w with tb certain ambitious mining enterprises verily repudiation threatens to become epidemic when U 8 officials get the malady there is no telling now how far it will reach HOMEMADE HOME leome MADE disinfectant A rood good od homemade home made disinfectant to is produced by dissolving a bushel of salt sait in a barrel water and with the salt water slack a barrel of lime which should be wet enough to forma form a kind of paste forthe for eor the purpose ofa ota of a disinfectant this homemade home made chloride lime is nearly as good as that purchased at the shops and drug stores use it freely about sinks cellars gutter sand band out bouses and in this way pre prevent pro vent sickness bickness sick bick ness suffering s and expense 11 3 CITY aug fth 1872 whito deseret evening news dear dean dearbin bir sir on the 3rd ard and ath insa the people eople of box elder county were assembled tied bled at brigham pim sim city in the bowery when two days meetings were held and much valuable instruction was imparted to 10 the and rece reco received ived by them joyfully the day before yesterday two boys aged a bout about fifteen years respectively were brought from the railroad depot bick sick and in a pitiable condition but through the cate eato of the selectmen of the county and bbb the medical edical m aid of dr ormsby junr the they V ere are reviving fast and one of them has disappeared again without giving notice they were cousins and had come with the railroad from memphis tennessee bound for california where the one had a father living who had left his mother in tennessee long ago and she had died since th the parents of the other seemed to haye shared a similar fate the boys nad had run short mone moue money yand and suffered hunk bunk bunger hunger erand and end coid cold lately they had slept two nights on a pile of ralli raili ralls ralis in ogden dietr names as stated are william franklin crook and james hawkins both seem to have uncles and other relatives in california whom the selectmen have advised jabout about their condit condition loa ioa bj letters A rich harvest is being gathered here respectfully A 0 to BE bil TAKEN DOWN under this heading the territorial enterprise has a paragraph to the effect that the we western aern union telegraph Cm company pany wab waa about to begin the work of taking do down don n the overland ov erlind telegraph running from virginia city east by way of fort churchill rhe the rho object as stated is to build a brauch line from some point on the central pacific to dalin in 0 opposition position to the present mormon line af pf it is likely that this old oid line is being taken down as reported by the enterprise but we can sc ardey argey believe that it is fr f r the purpose of building a line to for ir if we are correctly informed such a proceeding would be a virtual breach of faith on the part of the western union it was with a distinct understanding that the western union would not build a line to pioche that the deseret telegraph corn com pany the mormon line asit asil is styled by the Bh enterprise terpe was waa induced to connect conned with pioche the people of that place were 1 anxious to be placed in telegraphic communication with the east and west they ther therefore eore petitioned titio ned the western union company to t build a line aline from hamilton to pioche and expressed considerable anxiety to have the connection but their petitions were of no avail whether that company thought the camp was not likely to be a permanent one or there waft walt some other reason for refusing the request we know not but the line was not built after petitioning repeatedly peat edly and waiting for some time on the W UT U T co the people of pioche petitioned the deseret telegraph company to connect neet with their piam pian with a clear understanding that the western union would not erect a line the deseret company took the necessary steps to gratify the wishes of the petitioners petition ers it did this at consider able expense and since the connection was made we belive the line has worked well and given as great satisfaction as can be had bad on a single lir lin line lice e the charges for mes siges bikes have been reasonable and there it is nog not a single cante caute enu e ko far as aa we can larn aarn it arn for tae the erection by byrbe athe western union company tf f such auch A a jine aind as the paragraph in the territorial enterprise foresh foreshadows nore norh shadows for these reasons we do not nok lend credence to the statement that such a licals Js tabe to be built ai at present 5 5 s FROM FRIDAYS DAILY AUG 9 RETURNS abstract returns of morgan county election held aug ath 1872 votes for delegates to congress geo goo Q cannon geo B R maxwell 4 commissioners to locate university lano land john van cott lewis S hill john representatives for morgan and davis countis Count ns willard G smith william R selectman willard G smith charles S peterson Pe terson tereon 2 treasurer richard riehard fay sheriff david J ross roas 0 0 stoddard 5 surveyor jens hansen hanson this certifies that the above is a true and correct return of the election held in morgan county on the ath day of august A D 1 1872 so far as re potted Cry croydon don and at mountain 0 buntain green precincts not yet reported SAMUEL FRANCIS morgan aug ath 1873 1872 county clerk DAVIS navis COUNTY VOTES AT AUGUST ELECTION 1872 for delegate to congress geo goo QC Q cannon annon 1181 george B R maxwell 3 commissioners to ir acate cate university lands john 1184 lews news S hills hill 1184 ahn john 1184 representatives to legislative assembly for davis and morgan counties william R smith 1181 willard G smith 1184 selectman william Brown 1171 wallace H willey 5 isaac turnbaugh 4 other county and precinct officers unanimously elected ARTHUR STAYNER dep county clerk davis davia county THE NES SILICON STEEL before us is a 12 page pamphlet devoted to the properties and advantages of silicon steel the silicon ore mines lie on the line of the northern central railroad york county pil pin P and it is asserted that by the addition of 3 tu to 8 per cent of silicon ore impure iron can be purified perfectly by eliminating all the impurities making a perfectly pure fine tough fibrous iron equal to the best norway or swedes iron and having more than twice the tensile strength of american iron and atno at no greater cost common scrap or pig iron treated with from 12 to 20 per cent of the silicon areis converted into a very fine silicon steel more malleable having greater tensile strength and hardness ou on tempering than any other steel the silicon steel also sustains su a higher degree of beat can be heated a thousand times or more without injury and can be welded to itself or steel without a flux such are some of the advantages claimed for silicon steel dorseys PATENTED SELF RAKING AND MOWER combined manufactured by A prita frita fc sons dayton ohio and for which mr J W lowell L well weli is the agent for this territory is doing sur our pris ing work this season as a reaper we saw one of these machines which we purchased last season heason at work this morning in a field of heavy wheat which was badly beaten beat down and which those who saw it before the machine was tried at it sup posed would have to be cut with a scy scythe the aud auld it did clid most excellent clean and satisfactory work A good many bave have witnessed its performances and the general expression has been that they did not believe such vrain grain rain could be cut by a machine in ohio where the machine is made the grain is not so heavy as it is here arid avid the armson arms of the rake which serve a good purpose there are scarcely burong eno gh for grain here these arins arms should be made of the toughest hickory tiia tila does not involve much expense and then we should imagine the machine to be almost perfect as a reaper and self raker the machine runs much lighter than one would imagine it would irom from its campli bated appearance DEPARTED THIS LIFE the many friends of elder george W grant would be surprised to learn of his decease last monday in the prime of life at his fathers farm near bountiful davis county although his bis sickness consumption com extended over a period of two years probably bi y no one thought that his bis earthly career was so near a close as it appeared to bo be for being a young man of cheerful disposition and indomitable will he be never was during that thit whole period confined to his bed for one day last winter he visited california for the benefit of his health and on his bis return appeared to be much improved but since last may he be kept gradually slinking sinking had be survived till the of decem ber he would have rea reached 0 bed the age of 43 years he i was born io in caldwell cald well weli county mo and a arrived in this valley in the fall of 1848 one yean vean atter after the pioneers in accordance with a call of the general conference of the tho church in april 1861 lie lle e went on a mi mission arsion to jo england starting ug from this city june jane 3rd ard 1861 he gremald ed on his mission tour four years returning la in the thi e nail gall of 1865 IM his ministerial rial labors in england were principally in the cheltenham and manchester conferences and he was much mulch respected by his bis brother missionaries and bind the people among whom his lot was there cast because of his integrity and faithfulness he leaves one child a little girl five years old in giving birth to whom his bis wife died the funeral Fier ster services vices of deceased took place on wednesday at it 11 am at the thirteenth ward assembly rooms where a large largo number of friends asem assembled bled bied on the occasion decision and mul mui suitable table tabie addresses were delivered by elders geo Q cannon and B young jun jan and bishop rhomas taylor FROM fron SATURDAYS DAILY AUG 10 MORE WH whoppers OPPEns salt lake aug 3 the gentile meeting was fin tin illy broken up by the mormons Mor mons police who were the principal actors the gentiles sire are ready for a fight new york meram of the libel concerning the police there is no necessity to say anything the gentiles of that class like paddy are always spoiling or a fight let them E poll MARSHALS SALE the property of the hawkeye mining and smelting smelling Sm elting company including the smelting smelling sm elting works and the richmond mine situated in big cottonwood mining district was sold by marshal mcallister McAlli on the ard 3rd fust lost by virtue of several executions against the company issued by the third district court the property was sold for fur and mr thomas Taylor was the purchaser THE TEAM NUISANCE A man was b rought brought I 1 before justice clinton this morning n g for having his bis team and wagon standing n g on the street it was the first offense bense of in n consideration of which and orthe of the mans pleading ignorance of his infringing any law the D c or discharged him under a promise that be would not offend in like manner again and that be would tell all his bis neighbors that there was an ordinance against teams being allowed to stand on certain public streets beaven beaver IO 10 the returns of beaver co election are as follows geo Q cannon votes maxwell maxwell receiving of his votes in star in the latter place there are ont oni only y a few tax payers J R murdock murdoch representative to legislature received votes hia his opponent smyth by name resides at star received ZO votes all tha the county omm off meers officers were elected by the same majority RO as the delegate to congress the election passed off quietly PROGRESS op OF UTAH SOUTHERN R R A party of if ladies and aud gentlemen composed of president young president or of the utah southern railroad vice president sharp superintendent F little and the directors of the road with a number of invited guests left tho the city at yesterday afternoon for the purpose of visiting the end of the thit track and examining the work to be done at the point of the mountain before the rails can be laid through it into utah valley the train was a special one and made excellent time in going and return ing the distance from sandy station to the depot being run in tweety three minutes including a delay caused by cattle being un on the track freight and passengers are now taken to the end of cf the track which is at or nearly at af the summit ot of the point of the M mountain oun thin tain this toia saves the stages acid teams which have passengers and loading to carry the time and toll toil ora ofa of long along drag up the tho mountain in going houth bouth from dry creek the road bears bearg ond oft close to the bast base 1 it I the east mountains and follows the beuch deuch passing through the upper part ot of draper ville thir tuia is necessary to obtain the prop or er grade 60 feet to the mile to ret get through abe the point of gho ghe mountain la in looking down into the valley of the jordan from abe the point a person unacquainted with the ground might think that lne the track have ben b en laid much easier by fol foi following lowina it than by climbing the point as it now does dopa but formidable as the engineering difficulties are in filling and cutting through the present route a careful turvey ot of the obstacles to be eu countered encountered in following the vally valloy vall vali y of the jordan demonstrate that they are even grester krester I 1 at the point an enormous eno nili jill bas hrs had bad to be made varying in depth from to feet and about feel teet in length tiie tile contractors are carlisle carlish brothers and H H boley bro carlisle has bad three shifts of men working at their job job lob without cess ceab atlon since tho the ll 11 h b tf if february the they thoy y have a down grade track on which loaded cars run out of the out oud to the abe fill where the dirt is dumped off these cars run with great celerity but in such a fill a car load lond of dirt when thrown off is scarcely noticed it was the intent intention lou iou of superintendent lin in little to put a number of carts to work today to day at abe the other end of the cut and it is hoped that in ten or twelve days the till nill and cut will be completed and the cars will be running into nto 1 utah county this fill is sald said id to be longer than my iny pa on any road east of this and equal to shy sly any on 02 ube uhe central railroad the contractors havo hayo arranged the time for vor forthe the men to domn domm monce mence and bud quit work at 8 in the morning 4 in the afternoon and at mid night the party ie turned returned to the city at p m much pleased with the trip and impressed with the magnitude of the work accomplished on the utah |