Show OGDEN aug 8 1872 editor deseret mews news I 1 send you for publication in the NEWS the particulars of a fearful crime committed at Hoop hooperville erville weber co on the gib gub dinst A young young soung girl between fifteen and sixteen years of age named jeanette lowe I 1 went out on horseback to hunt a cow cowand and aad cal eal belonging to her parents having hunted for some time she came to a slough on the other side bide of which she observed two young men named thomas purdy and niels peterson Pete raon she enquired of them if they bad seen been the cow and stid calf and they replied in the affirmative at the same rame time requesting her to cross the slough she answered she did not know the ford when neils nells peterson Pete raon waded out in tr tre e water to meet ber her and took hold hoid of the rein when she had crossed over peterson and purdy deliberately pulled her off the horse when a 96 desperate scuffle ensued the villains having overpowered her purdy held her down whilst peterson violated her person then peterson did the same for purdy after having accomplished their infer nal purpose they allowed her to sit down when she began to cry telling them that she would tell her p parents a ren t 4 purdy proposed to peterson to give her a good whipping peterson answered let us drown ber her they then deliberately libera tely dragged her to the banks ot of tbt tho slough where they waded out and pushed her in at the same time throwing water in ner face and as that tabt as she came to the bank of the slough which was wab some bome eight feet high they would push her back having gone under the water twice she implored them to help her out when she went down again for the last time the brother of miss lowe feeling uneasy at his sisters absence went iu in search bearch of her and met purdy pardy arid arld in answer to hla hib inquiries stated that they had not seen hla hib sister but finding the horse his hla sister rode out on he exclaimed good god where la ia my sister he saw a dog which had bad followed mibs mies lowe sitting bitting on the bank of the slough looking directly into it and he be had difficulty in lri enticing him away mr L returned home and gave the alarm when a posse of men went in search and having searched ilvain in vain until night the they Y returned home the next day a large concourse of people engaged in dragging the slough several young men dived dive d for the girl three of them until they became completely exhausted and had to be wrapped in blankets in the afternoon the mother of the girl came to the blough biou flou gli when a tie rie ahng blyue too place Obi observing serving purdy on th the bank she went up to him and nud accused him of knowing where her daughter was waa and asked him who put the chocks over the pummel of the saddle he stated he did when asked where she was he said he did dil not know but that she fell into the slough mrs lowe could not contain her feelings any longer and said she knew know what they had done with her purdy was then arrested and there was great indignation expressed by all present and the th of officers flears had to take purdy away after having partly confessed his guilt peterson paterson Peter Pater son aon was immediately arrested the search was resumed friday when purdy fully confessed confes sed aed and pointed out where his victim was waa drowned peterson Pe terson tereon has manifested throughout a moat most stubborn indifference mr nan dan lan ian ross was the first arat to observe the corpse as it came up out of the water which was immediately conveyed to the hooperville Hoop erville schoolhouse school house awaiting the coroners inquest a messenger having been dispatched for him and a doctor the feeling here Is ia that it is one of the moat foul and cold blooded murders ever known and that justice to the murderers should be swift and sure bure threats of lynch law are freely ex pressed and it is feared such will by be the case purdys age is 16 1 17 petersons Peter bona sona near the same yours respectfully F A KINO ICING fearful crime CHIME AT odgry the following was received by deseret telegraph line on saturday afternoon too late for tor publication ogden aug loth jeanette lowe about 15 years yeara of age daughter of aames james lowe residing at hooper weber county went out on the range last tuesday to hunt a cow she was met by too herd boys thomas purdy and niels peter nielson aged 14 and 13 who p pulled her off the horse and after a log long iong struggle violated her she threatened to tell her mother when they pushed her into a deep slough she got into deep water and was waa drowned the body was not found till yesterday morn ing tog suspicion attached to the boys and being questioned apart purdy confessed th tb crime coroner fife went to hooper and held heid an inquest when nielson also madea clean breast of it they declared they did not mean to drown her but only to scare her ber dr L P anderson anderson made a post mortem examination which demonstrated the rape the boys are now la im the custody of sheriff W brown and are confined in the city jail the whole community is horrified at the unparalleled crime 0 W PENROSE benrose ogden junction |