Show 1 t ea c mental vigor in old aze age OF a celebrated writer whose age is sixty seven it is sa said bald ad he now ai lives ilves ves given up nil nii labors literary and otherwise how often is 14 this record made of men whose powers are unimpaired and whose labor sif continued might bless the world to the end of time it is related of arnauld the that he hd wished his friend nicole to assist himl himi in a new work nicole replied we are now old isit is it not time to rest rest exis exclaimed aimed almed arnauld have we not all eternity to rest in 1014 dr samuel miller says sass there is no doubt that the premature dotage or of many distinguished men has arisen from their ceasing gin gln in advanced life to exert their faculties under the impression impress lon ion that they werd were too old to engage in any new enterprise 12 when john adams was 90 years of agthe age he was asked hoir how he ti kept ept the vigor of his faculties up to that gren grea great t age he re replied p lied by constantly employing th them ein eln the ihei mind of an old man is like an old horse if you would get any work out of it you must work it all the time we have many remarkable instances of earnest a rn estand and successful workers after they had passed into the period known as old age ecclesiastical history tells the tho story of Casslo cassio dorus who at the age ago or of 70 10 1 retired to a monastery and devoted the remaining twenty years of his life to literature and religion and of who became bee amean an author au ana and d wrote several large works before his death between the age of 58 and 67 baxter wrote forty works after the age of 66 some of his most valuable works were written when an old man baxter was brought before the notorious judge jeffries on a charge of sedition during the trial baxter bakter ventured to pui put pu in a word for himself Rl chard richard richard ki chard roared the Judg judge polson dost thou think we will hear thee polson poison the court richard thou art an old fellow an old knave knavel thou hast written books enough to load a cart every ong one as full of sedition I 1 might say treason as an egg is full of meat ha haast dst ast thou been will wili i aped out of the writing trade forty years ago it had been happy p the only remarkable thing says hannah rinnah IN foore which belonged to me as an authoress was that I 1 had written eleven books after the age of sixty S says lord brougham at the conclusion of his autobiography it if any statements have been feebly and some inaccurately rendered let it be remembered that thab I 1 began this attempt after I 1 wah wag was eighty three years of age with enfeebled health failing memory and but slight materials by me to assist it plato died dt at the age of eighty one it is said with pen in hand and an account is gj given gien en of another who wrote a history of hi at the age of one hundred and fifteen I 1 |