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Show f HE RELIABLE I Hare specialists in the treatment of pyorrhea I ' CROWN Jj! SARE SPECIALISTS IN CROWN AND BRIOGE WORK II PAINLESS "ne Speclallet In Plate or Faloe Teeth Work. If you have plates you cannot wear, see ua. ! DENTISTS II Pa largest office In Oden. Our alxth year without a change m management, which makes our BU"rrtee good. ,whlnflton Avenue, East Side Phone 649 Jhen planning your home specify ogden brick ti i If a substantial home, one that will stand for ters-that's the kind you build with brick it's BsW fa " m maintenance cost and upkeep, a constantly jjT vestment. The initial cost is relatively low. "rick in the various shades and qualities offer 1 ide range for your selection of material. fen Pressed Brick & Tile Co. t Hwnsvme Office, 3420 Hudson Avenue 319 Phone 111 'C' Wage Earners I V ?J WAGE EARNERS and moderate salary folks, until lately, have been I e. 4 denied the money-making advantages of investment. But this has all jfe -n been changed. There is a new order of things. Now everybody, no VjBF H a ) matter how small his or her salary or wages, can invest and receive WW r'J casn dividends from their savings. The plan has been worked out j Jt gives you all th privileges, advantage The Utah Power & Light Compan is not a ' s and benefits of sound investment. Our plan. one-man concern -nor is it owned .inrl con- "St Jfl while new to man3 folks, is not untried ami fc & few individuaLj Thp dStrihu. untested Bv moans nf it hundreds of people, some of them living right here in your town, t,ou lts covers a wide area, with the H have become partners in this business, They average individual investor owning $2270 bought shares in the company by J'AYI'; worth of stock. This stock is hld in 45 state -A LITTLE AT A TIME nut of their earnings. of the Union and in three foreign countries. Lots of people had nothing coming in at Of a total of approximately 3750 stockhollieti. the end of the week but their wnges Now - . . iZ - . , ., is- more than 1.3W are residents of tn- terntors with the income from the money they VESTED, they are able to provide many com- served by the company, who are holding more forts and luxuries for their families and lhan $2,119,000 worth of the company's pre- themselvs, which they could not have af- ferred stock. Their average holdings are IS forded otherwise. shares each. Why don't you become an Investor? Come in and talk the matter on or with us Or, lf you say bo, a representative of j the company will call on you and talk over the matter with I ou We will welcome your subscription for stock, even if you feel that you can afford to take only one share Clip out and mall the coupon loday. It will put you on the road ( to financial independence If you want It to. Name . . Iddreaa . Some ' mea pall toietker - in loppoSi tc . r f-K i rs r I- i -i r C, oney disputes are the cause of much pulling in different directions Because such disputes aro sometimes long drawn out I and hard to settle. I i. . You can put yourself in a I position to automatically receipt re-ceipt every bill you owe if you i PAY BY CHECK This shows where the money wmt and what it was Bpenl I for and the cancelled check is a legal receipt There nre no money disputes when you pay bij check. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OGDEN ur -asasr -aenr - errer -t n m.im i Jt pays to buy your glarses Mg 'saef pa uVi c at Wright's pays in more jT Jft&IitfS ways than one You .j-Sjlssj frjjT consistent with cood mer j JHbVbsibb1bv ' need optometrists (pTBy'V Va iJaesa 1 f : GLASSES ! I READING GLASSES BIFOCAL GLASSES I Glasses for reading or closo Glasses for BOTH reading and jj 5 work, in spherical lenie, fcood distance. In one pair; gold- a strong framed, including exarul- filled frame, fine case. Including I nation and carrying case Mon complete exapilnatlon Monday, r day, Tuesday and fan nrv Tuesdav. Wednesday, tp n 9 Wednesday, special . PJvU special aJD.UU j Wrist's j I A oodVlae .TO TRAD i I Optical Department on Balcony Consultation It free Charge cuitomeri may nave glasses charged. Droken lenes quickly duplicated We tave you time and money. o iiiK-i)Bna.iimi!)ii'iiKiii)K'iiaMiniii4 For the People of Ogden ASBESTOLATE Why suffer with the hoat when It isn't necessary? We make j your home cool and comfortable. In the winter our product will keep your heat in the home, where It belongs, saving you one-third one-third of your coal bill. Installment at a low cost. It pays for itself. Come down and make us prove it. WESTERN INSULATION COMPANY , ' I Phone 1803-W 407 First National Bank Bldg. II ' |