Show t 10J ray we eleLrsl iii erele any day more deer than anothf r to the heart ul every patrtollo l rlllliL this beautiful land 01 ours It 1I1fttpendlllce IaIoilltb 01 July the day we celebrate III oomnmor alUII one 01 the asset heroIc and prale worthy etrugglestgn lllettrlu thbll tury of the world Alter yeara 01 dlKOllraCttncnt and defeat rn when hope > seemed dead I and when the undertaking 01 the band J fill 01 brave men appeared hl Bury way loin niuh for IhlI1 the IIghl como the clouds broke awey and the eon upJn their I I shine uC uceeseatreatnal la noisiest broken sod dismembered blllrte sod Cortlln With literally nothing left to begin with with ferthloK sacrificed IIIn the altAr of their tolIIlrwllh the foe formidable rich reapeeid on laud nod sent mud known amt tried III all mn tpe outlook for the I Colonists 0005 dark atitl fiabeartening I almost beyond 1 pro rednl lint then their albums count liCe never laltI their dolnulnatlon knew no yielding their Ioue were high sod thlr amliitloni Ihnllleoe Sturdily cheerily and blllI they went 10 work to reconstruct and to hnbllltate out of the wreck lit the dla Integrated remains ul n lIIonlrchlal out host an Intlepenlenl republica home for the luonueleee and n laml and a country Ihat should bo 01 the people sod for the people Who haH tell 01 tho bard work the dark days the weary houra time nigh InK heads and tired hands that this lay this redIUtr day the day 01 all the dny 01 all the years of the history 01 this great nAtion reprelenll Who shall tell 01 the aallotl the appro henslons the lffllr hours 01 dark ntes and the alert hours 01 daylight 1IIIIIIIGh which thl1 unrquatotl l band 01 patrlols Plued during the first moathl abler the declaration vI Independence when liter threw nit at once and tor ever the IIrlllh yokedenleut and do nrll the mother country flung away their swaddling cloth and sprang Into the arena to DGhtapln if nrOtI be 10 utter tu toll to strive to develop and to bring Into n Glorlou Iruillon thus wonderlllll beautiful Idea 01 American Indrlnllcncol One day ono object ono aplrll one hope ono glory nail to maim the moat 01 this day to nil II brimful 01 life light Roml cheer an1 1 0 good limo ceo cra11Y should lie 1 the IlIIrllOIo 01 every responsible American clllien who call this lenutllIl country huh homo And It Is I a 1 lay for powder and cannon can-non bonfire clocker and torpedoes and moll bora and games amid uproar 10111 fun II day for long trolls throuKh quiet mondow and along shamly ilns 0 day for soldiery and n day for aenllment anti In III honor It III burn powder anti blow horn and molt thin very clouds nitrate with the reflex netlon 01 our Ialrlollo cnlbu almNew York lcilger |