Show nCQUIUITIONU F Fa Thmniunn ant Menriii llrllrfrril to Wjo 1 nilna AullorlUl 1 JI Clicycnne Wyo June JS HcquUl h J s than have tecli Utueil by Governor 1 Illchardt upon tho governor of Itali hi I e tor DUlt Thompnim and IM Hleen 1i I now In custody nl Vernal Llah c barged with eoniplloUy In Iho holdup oMlulldnatore at hurt llrldger Ihl state on June IS Tho accused v 111 be hu brought tu rvnnston for trial lo thu htolllht II f state court for burglary and will also i IH tried In the United tilatia court for Wyoming on the charge of robbing n a postolllco at |