Show Bom lot ten Mm lilt twenty nod Bowjey fllljf yatin hav na0id Itwu MW 118 hCnler pll r MM tlwn Iran fttn quickly MM ierBftn < mtly anted by mtnr DnWlifn ytttir llMrl I Wy John UoydtoA II 1000 00 Who will get it l Scinings Best tea is not only pure but it is ° because it is freshroasted What is the missing vord Get Schillingt lleil ten nt your grocers lake out the Ytlhw Titktt there Is I one In every package stud it with your guess to address below before August Jut One word allowed for every yellow ticket If only one I non finds the word lie Jet one thoutiml dollars K several finIIt I the money will be divided I cqtully Among them Every one tending a yellow ticket will Jet a set of cardboard creeping baliie at the end of the contest Those sending three or more In one envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar no advertisement on it Ucaidcs this thousand dollars we will pay 150 each to the two persons who send in the largest number of > cllow tickets in one envelope between June IS and the end of the contest August jtst Cut this out You wont sec it again for two weeks D2 Address SCHILLINGS BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO mu Tlierot no 1110 talking Ui Wit W-it llroada ell druggest la Cygne Kan Cliauiborlalni Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy does Ihe work Alter taking medlcliiei of my own preparation prepara-tion nnd thim > ot oilier I took a doe olChamlwrlalni and It helped tuon usmudiuu cureil mv Candidly nut conileiK loii ly I can recommend It lit the teat thing on the market Thu I Y6 cud 50 ceut battle inr lalll by John lloden V Son The Itelv liilllulv IrolW > Arnoll enema OStol bet llvK Kel t Iniitm I luruwlvlmi flatUiriiiE iiiui ir 1 all cluiMu ou the au < lul iilltll i I twine given under Im rh Ute jttonluri I kvelxt Institute tent h P11 I i n NO ARGUMENT NEEDED to convince nil those who get their WIIISKIKS WlNUS ItKANUIliS llltim and also CirAusnt J II HALLS RHSORT at Coal villc that lie sells only the BusT He keeps only firstclass goods In stock Polite attention assured Remember The RESORT When at Coalvilla A shipment of AI Alcohol just received DR WVISIOIK r I RESIDENT DENTIST Coalvllle Utah 30AlYlUK IUW1K iO 1001 Meets every Thurtday evening at 730 at I 00 F Hall Sojourning brethren cordially Invited K M 1IXNEO NO IHbMAUOK ANYDElt Secy 81II1lu hnviuit Attorney at Law Notary Public Land business attended to CVOIllce two doors north of Stake Home CoilvllU Utah JAMBS E HOSMEU M DI Ihjilclt unit Surgeon OFFIOK AT UKSIDKNOi Coalvllln Office hour from 11 a m to 2 p m anil7 pm nil I tthocaiithouldobiortolheiiobturi r 1 p ernes ioa Ion 1 I-on r A mv PHYSICIAN AND SUKGHON Olllco at the rrnhlcnitt of Alexander Wright Couth Ille Utah illicit OSCAR F LYONS Notary Public and Conveyancer Collection Promptly mail nn CuiiiiiilMlon 0 ileuee h the ICIClIIICn IUIIIIMM llllIl Summit Couiil Utuli A Coal vI lIe COOp Dont say you are too HIGH Call and see if we are not as y LOV in prices as anyone else Coalville Coop l51E A StD SLIPPERS AND LOW SHOES in all the fashionable styles and colors Call and examine them 1 will nnranlee My Prices are Lowest in the City Ladies awl Children Urj fo will also he sold at titucs11c1tS prices to nit the times I IctUb I have a full line of READY MADE WRAPPERS SKIRTS AND SIIIRT WAISTS MAGGIE SALMON Theres Pleasure and satisfaction Bald a lady to another idy I friend II In trading at WRIGHTS If 11 Itf a place where JlAUTY Is not lacrlllitd l for rllre OIIEAINlSS Then can llnd hero just ouch you Ihlngf It eem to I me you ai you ore wanting 11 Ilul you Bhlrt alet li In lures > Mini Ladles Wrauper Spring will Cnpei In Spring and Summer Dreu tloodi here you wont llnd everything that Is I new neat and iletirahle at the Careful u LOWEST IlllCKS If ones forenlylit Will only a > new how dlllvrently Ml would good an oiiui hlmlilglit no count art A cuitoruer Ha liidticnl to iiurchaio I n null Kld pretty Ij nlnl to be a Iltr Vanm kcr A llrownt After Iti tho months usage It l fell to tilrcei The good na trot < and r IJI i i = r = an clam tlioddy I The gentleman Imvtlvil in n Want < linker Drawn nilt cost stylish My boil advrrtlitni I that my patrons repeal their you order Our titling Ie l perfect It I any doubt tile aiki goods Wannmaticr llroun will Kuplo and 1iinry irocerlci Cfl until 1 Ciooii Iloklei I you Jamil Jellle mid Drle1 Fruit THY OUR fcllVKIl buy IHUNKS All torti or tahlcdellcaeln fresh fruit andl wilj vegetable at I buy at V J V 11ig11t s MRS M E RHOADES THE MILLINER COALVILLE UTAH Hits Just rcctltfil beautiful Hue or Midsummer Dress Hats and for one week a special sale of 50 dress hats at 5oc 75c and 1 well worth 2 each See them Globe Barber SMp s I Alunjn to lilt front i Shaving Tickets 110 for fioo Finest line of Cigar and To bacce in the city Two looroutb of Pilrmit JOHN SPBKMAF riJeri I 1 1 US i fIt rra M lrVJ eat Luvn sr a IL 1 Mitt a ttl J Ou 03 i IN Orntc s ola Uj t 11JO Ihvl a + uu Vtowltbd IpJ j ten 0 lt Sec i u r + at ae not lrea ef r I Iholiit 11 etaeaured A t 1Iw InU n > m 1itrau with j f teat o mhtLt and Irelgnouuntruet i CMSNOWCOJ L Jli Vr XJ c t IKaMNOTON ° 0 J i |