Show TIlE DISFIUXCUISElIEXT mLLS I As ntiiatter of current and historical his-torical Interest wo publish herewith the full text of the antlMormon JlsfranchJscment bill the product of TUX Baskias narrowguage mind Introduced into the IIcuso Representatives Repre-sentatives liy Congressman Struble A IIIIJth 1690 1690A A JILL To amend limo art of Congress of March thinl eighteen hundred and eightyseven entitled mAn cello amend an act entitled An act to amend fraction fiftythree hundred and flflytwo of the He vised Statutes of the United am In reference to bigamy and for other purpose approved March twentysecond eighteen hundred and elshtytwo Ba it enacted by tIme Sonata and JIou oof 1 teprescntathen of tho United Unit-ed Stales cf America In Congress a semblcdThat no CAon who is living liv-ing in what is known as patriarchal plural cr celestial marriage or In violation of any law of tho United States forbidding any xudi crime or who In apybunner teaches advises counsels aid OT encourages any person per-son to enter Into bigamy polygamy or such patriarchalplural or celestial mirrage or to liraiivvlolatlon of any snch law or to commit any such crime or who Is a member of or contributes con-tributes to lbs support aid or encouragement encour-agement of any order organization assodationorsoclcty which hoad vies counsel encounige9oraUsany person to enter into blgimyprtyga my or such patriarchal or plural co Icitial marriage or w Ich teaches Sr I advises that any such law aforcrald Is not supreme or that any alleged revelation on tho subject of Mich marriage mar-riage is paramount to any inch law or any of tho doctrines tenet teachings or instructions wMcbor any alleged ret clLtion 10 which require encourage encour-age advise aithorize or Instruct any person under any circumstance to enter iaro or practice tho relations of bigamy polygamy or plural pain archalor celestial morrlageor bleb tbo colernnlzatlon or ceremonies of bigamtmi polygamous plural patriarchal patri-archal or celestial marriage Is authorized author-ized performed provided for or in which any penoa in any way is assist ed aided or abetted In solemnization solemniza-tion ceremonies of any such marriage mar-riage or In which any party participating partici-pating in tho solemnization or ceremonies cere-monies of any marriage Is bound to secrecy regarding limo same under any oitU obligation covenant penalty pen-alty or promise shall either vote I serve a juror or be elected to or hold zny civil office in the Territory of Utah Utah8cc Sec 2 That Instead of the oath prescribed lu such cases by the act of which this is amendatory the follow Ingoath shall bo taken and subscribed to will ibeingdulyawornoraf firmed depose and say that I am over twentyone years of age that I have ro sieIcl in the Territory of Utah for six months last past and III this precinct I foroncuionth preceding tho data hereof here-of that I am a ebomornatnrat loss as limo cato may be citizen of tho United Sat j that my full name Is j tbatIIU YelfS of age that my place of business is j Hat am a married or single man that the name of my lawful law-ful wife II that I will support sup-port the Constitution of the United States and will faithfully oby the la nn thereof that I will especially obey I the sew of Congress prohibiting polygamy polyg-amy biirimy unlawful cohabitation incest adultery and fornication that I will not hereafter at any time within any Territory of the United States while said acts of Congress remain force In obedience of any alleged revelation or to any counsel advice ad-vice or command from any persons or source whatever or under any circumstances enter Into plural or poi gamous marriage or have or take I more wives than one or cohabit with inora than ono woman that 1 will not at any time hereafter in violation of I Mid nets of Congress directly or indi rectly aid 1 or abet counsel or advise any person to take orhavo more wives I than one or to cohabit with more than one woman or to commit Incest adultery fornication that I am not a blpnmikt or polygamist that I do i iot cohabit poy2artton y with persons of the other sex end that I have not beta cavicted of any of tbo offenses above mentioned that I am not a member of and do not contribute to thosupport aid or encouragement of any order organization association or society which Imcbef advises counsels encourages or aids any person per-son to enter into bigamy polygamy or said i pattlarehil or plural Iaaal man Inge or which teaches or advises that any such Jaw as aforesaid I not supreme or that any alleged revcti on the subject of such marriage Ito I paramount to any lueh Jawor any ot I the doctrines teneU teachings or instructions in-structions of which or any alleged cLuloiis to which require encourage encour-age nitrIte t autLorbo or instruct any person under any circumstance to i j enter Into or practice tho relations of bigamy polygamy or plural patriarchal patriar-chal or celestial marriage or in whIch tjio solemnization er ceremonies of bigamous polygamous plural patriarchal patri-archal orcelcAtlal marriage authorized author-ized perf med or provided for or In which any parson in any way is auMcd aided or abetted in the solemnization sol-emnization of ceremonies any such marriage or in which any party > ar titi ruling in the Kilemnlculonor ceremonies cere-monies of any marriage Is bound to secrecy regarding same under oath obligation covenant penalty or promiMS See 3 That Ibis act shall tako effect and be inform I from and after tho date of its approvaL TIme Committee on Territories to which the bill was referred have had the measure under consideration considera-tion aud have attached an amendment amend-ment making the enactment applicable appli-cable to all tho Territories The bill introduced on April 10th I by Senator Culloni Is similar in every particular to that published above consMjucntly it U unnecessary I unneces-sary to glee It space here |