Show RAILROAD LABOR rxIrnsUrly Trriklnl Fp n by Coin nllroar or labor 1Trlc < it WASIILSOTON April ISCom mUiloner of labor Yright in his annual report deals solely with railroad bbor the subject being ttratcd at great length At the end of the last Ilocal year the numbers of railroad corporations in the United States were approximately 1J1S mileage 153400 number of em ployes 659912 ior the purpose of r clJ investigation the railroad are divided di-vided Into seven geographical groups Sixty were selected representing repre-senting all part of th 3 country and all conditions of railroad labor and employing 241910 perrons On the sutject of relations ot em ployes and corporations as to the six hundred roads by which the real railroad business the country Is performed it was fouud that nineteen nine-teen maintain beueCclary institutions institu-tions and a few pay hospital expenses ex-penses fur men lojuitd In service very few pay taxes for the support of State antI county institutions I Three or four contribute lauds and several furnish clubhouse forcer fain elixscs of employes Six companies com-panies assert that they pension their SVrtRANNeATKD UIILOVES and all those nnauently disabled A few give the superannuated employs em-ploys light work or allow them halftime jay while a number make settliments upon thu permanently disabled J Two hundred and sixty companies retain in their service those permanently disabled for eer vice the number of such on the mils at the close I of the I year 1SS5 being 3121 A very large number of the roads provide come ybkm of technical tech-nical education fur the men In their shojis A few have technical school lor the emploj and in some cases for lauilliti CommIssioner Wright discusses at length what he calls the absurdity uf the common law now prevailing which prohibits an injured employ em-ploy i from recojpringdamagcs from His employ er > nrhen the Injury is the result of negligence or UMitntM of a coemploy THE WAGES SID of Uie railroad laborers is treated very fully In tabulated ttitemcutf ho Ingthe number of men employed em-ployed by the day or mouth by the mile trip piece under contractor on commission Also what proportion propor-tion cf the j ear the men are employed em-ployed etc As to wage it is found thatover 73 per cent are paid at rates tang ingfrumtto2 ir day Tho average av-erage dally rate of all employee paid i specific time on sixty roads I 8 f 164 yet nearly 61 per cent of the whole number received less than the average rate of all while only about 8 per cent rvcelved ale the average for all Ith also shown that of the whole number of employ 101905 earn less than IO MT ror 33621 earn from f IO to 200 perjearand21 517 earn from 200 p 1 3 er year Theavcrageeoriilngsoii all the sixty roods jr year is J 13although less Ulan h per cent earn less than this averages TUB IlklulIT EIIOCl the at erg dally rate of pay In I each ot the Krouj of seente occupa little Ibe copoet furtherahown that u4 57oll d I fu 224570 individual men were emI em-I I i ed on au average of 147 days oath a year Slid they received I S243 the average acual earning for the j ear employ These 224570 men were employed to nil 105607 positions posi-tions j in other words ifa > S07 men had been employed on full time they tTOUJ have accomplished the same result The commissioner however states that I should not l > e voneluded that these 115763 men are out of employment although It is a fact that tills feature of the pr lem oilers a field for ducn lou and investigation A 1r Fiend Wuk VIEVXA April IA conflagration conflagra-tion at Xeinandeo dirtroyed 101 houses The fire originated in the Jew Ith quarter slId 1 believed to have beeu incendiary 11101 ookln I n > nv YoKir April IS Bernard Martin deputy commitsloner cf public works got out another warrant war-rant today for the arrest cf Editor Oodkin of time l > tt on another charge of libel growing out of the recent corruption stories Godkin gave loll The 1lnlppl Mtnntlon NEW ORLKAJS April 18 Dispatches Dis-patches from various points in Mississippi p1 rPII and ouisiana report the river situation t fr unchanged un-changed From Arkansas iwlnta come IT port that the river Is tailing quite rapidly and the outlook is much more encouraging Joilr Traro orThvruhf llo iu Apnl ISCuble to Xew York Jftratk After four yean steady work a Roman architect has Just Ilul < hed plans for tire most extraordinary traordinary theatre ever projected Itisaork and opera house combined com-bined so tbat horses and carriages may reach the door of every private box or 0 driven among fountains or stately gardens on the roof When the Duke of Torlonia was in Rome he urged the creator of the wonderful scheme to continue his later and suggested that the great liuildlng might h erected In this city us a crowning of architectural development Home is now bank nlt al llrrelouo hn r p seeing the building built in Italy The architect liropoMi to lay his designs before the officials having I chargeof the worlds Fair In America Ame-rica Hub backed by the leading l men Home Tho wholn work can be carried out In Italy at a cost of 12000000 mno but the difference In the price of labor and material on the estern Continent will swell this aggregate enormously This vast edifies would contain 50000 people and comfortably I scat 30000 Tbtrearr ISO dreeing rooms for performers The stage i 105 feet wile by 2b2 dep I i hr cw YOKK April 15The general gen-eral term of tIme Supreme Court has affirmed the decision of the special term felting aside certain confessed Judgment and the assignment of Sehwab i Son lice msrchnnta Judge Barretts opinion is very severe In criticism of the Shenfls ofllcu methods He cays The Sheriffs sale was rhain The preferred erred creditors pretended to purchase pur-chase the bulk of time goods bat never paid a penny or received a pennys worth of goods The pretended j On tended partnership between the brothers bro-thers was a transparent as the sale and all that preceded ItT it-T bun rmnrlro Hlock r SAX FBASCISOO April 10The Union Stock Yards Company of San Francisco was Incorporated with a capital of S50QOuO to establish stockyards for collecting stock oral or-al kinds for rale A number of rocking homes are to be established in various coast cities I Two of these costing J400000 each will be erected erect-ed at the stock yards b hbim t at Point Pinole The head of the company is D J Hegev pce idenlof the stock yards at Sioux City Iowa I 1 also stated that packing houses will b established at L Angeles Bin Die Port land Seattle and Tacoma |