Show JjEXT TO I IDIIOUSK AS ALITOED SAXE VOUAX COM JJITTHI Los Anzeli 1 April 14 Some time ago Mary I rowntrnos examined ex-amined upon a charge of In < < anit3 preferreU by her brcther Harry C Towntr auJ Mrs Cora Jmman both of Sinta Monica and upon the testimony of Tow ner and Mrs Fretman the woman was rent to btcckton for treatment Eensitiona revtlatious are now mado with re fer lIce to the l commltmt which bid fair to make trouble f it the witnesf who swore o poiUvtly to the inanity tf MIts Townir Vesterday Mrs Vf IX Ton uer tlsterIn of the unforturmto woman wo-man name In to investigate the case She blM In an intervlm with a reporter that her hu > band nasa coullrmed Invalid and unable In visit the city but that they were greatly disturbed over the matter and she had come to Icarrr n hat In lluences were brought to bear to secure se-cure the commitment of hi r hus Lands sister To the district attorney Mrs Towner said Ve did not know that any action was contemplated 1 t I7 htlL fII until we heard that Mary had Ucu sent on Stockton Why do 3 ou know Uiat girl is no nuro insane thin I am In rariouic to Inquiries In-quiries Mrs Towner saM Uiat her Mterln 1 law was intellectual anti had betn empigetl 1 Iu teaching school for years In ICansan being locaUd for TI long tlnis at Clay Ciliter In that late frrm uliiih place she came tobauta Moulea Ity an examination of tho tesU rnonJt was funnl that Mrs Freeman Free-man and tlie unfortunate womans brother swore upon examination that Mi 3 Towuer had only a lot Iu Santa Monla wortli about ST Jbit It is now kuann that tho had a house there worth much mar In well < w acre > pmperty uliicli i > he dee < Ied to her brother I The following It a letter from H D TOil ne nutthcr brother of MU Towner who fa a gmln and 11 ur merchant at Hays City Kac a > o II Yt iTirr Ka mo April 3190 Ctcrk of Supreme Court IMS Axget u Cat ORARbm Will yon kindly orwanl to me a copy of the propcod ni In the case where ilarv K Tow ner was adjudged Insane and MM any other Infoiuiation yon have In rfganl 10 the inatler I am her brother and lave nover heard a word of this The last letter 1 received mt from her Utc1 Santa Monica Cat and cori jiined no hint of anv troubfo I hare Int learned today tiiat a be WM con tilled in the Stale yium at Stockton cJ I an have no idnt of Ibis trou blo at all If yon will comply with requost at onco I will remit you iuY nclJL cheerfully your cliarges Would do so now bat tInt know who to send to or If this letter will reach Its tle4tln tion lCespecttuJJr Don II D Toi SEII It Is understood that Immediate action will be taken to secure the releas of MI Towner and that iroceedlngs will be Intituted to an lulttiedced conveying to her broiler bro-iler thc property S f Cftronkle I |