Show OBITUARY NOTES OSCAR 0 STODDARD mod died in wet went porterville Sept september embee 9 1896 at p 3 m oscar oacar 0 stoddard born in the state of new york december he joined the church in an early day and filled several mis aion siona crossing the plains a number of times timea he was wag captain of the last hand cart company his death i was caused by general debility and old age he leaves a wife and six grown ch children illren he lived a faithful lat erday er day saint funeral at the family aenid residence 0 n 00 friday noon moon september IL 11 LYDIIA LYDIA AMELIE COLONIA JUAREZ mex aug 19 1896 died at colonia juarez mexico august 10 1896 sister lydia amelie kartchner Kart she was born in provo city january 20 1806 1856 and married to 10 john kartchner Kart may 11 1874 in panguitch in the fall all of 1877 she moved with her husband to snowflake arizona in 1886 moved with her husband to mexico in order to evade the unpleasantness ot of the administration of the edmunds law deceased was the mother of eight children two of whom are now married one is dead and five remaining at home to mourn the loss ofa of a kind and an affectionate mother deceased was a faithful latter day saint she passed through many harde hardships hips tor for the gospels los sake and died in full hope dope of a glorious resurrection elder george W seve spoke at the funeral services eer vices according to her own request he paid her a high tribute for her many good qualities A large cortege followed her body to its last resting place J C PETERSON BARR BABBETT Err elder henry barrett died at his bis home in farmington davis county on sunday september 6 1896 at the of 85 years lacking 10 days the direct cause of death was neuralgia of the stomach from which he had been ailing for some time his wife still survives sur viven him although she has been an invalid for many years elder gardner was at one time in the service of the english government a as a shipbuilder ship builder and upon arriving in this country he superintended super intended the building of the first steamboat that sailed on the columbia river he has haa lived at farmington for a good number of yean was a faithful latter day saint and at the time of his demise held the office of a high priest at his hi funeral which was hold held in the te farmington meeting house on monday september ath many tributes tribute were did to the memory of the departed andi and the belief firmly firmin expressed tout he would rise with glory on the morning of the first resurrection millennial star please copy SUSANNAH M X DAVEY DA VET the many friends friend and acquaintances of mrs mr susannah M davey will be pained to learn of her death which occurred at am sunday cornin morning september 12 1896 at the bamily taff residence 19 west first north street she had bad been ailing for the he pai two month her physician and family felt that thai she was improving when she ax expired she was the daughter of john and catherine maddox she was born in london england on the day of June 1833 embraced the gospel january 22 1851 was married to charles the same year left her native land for this country april 22 1859 and arrived in this ibis city from now new york Septem september bw where she has resided since that time she was the mother of ten children seven of whom mourn her death she was a kind and loving mother aua aur faithful friend with no DO thought but bui aw do good and lend a helping hand band to thos in distress she died a faithful latter day saint communicated ELIZA IVIE millard county utah august died at scipio millard county utah august fth 1896 eliza alvi widow of james K R ivie slater sister ivie was born in tennessee july 1807 with her husband she was baptized a member ot of the church of jesue christ ot of latter day saints in 1831 was associated with the saints in the missouri persecutions of clay and caldwell counties her husband james R ivie being a member ot of zions ziona camp afterwards was with the saints at nauvoo though their home was across the river joining the driven people she crossed to winter quarters in 1846 and then to utah in 1848 after siding aiding to build up several of the frontier settlements with her family she came to scipio in 1863 where she resided up to the time of her death her husband was killed by indians indiana in 1866 she was the nimber or of thirteen children her des dea now number over five hundred and are scattered throughout utah and neighboring states she was always true and faithful mother ivie died in full fellowship and faith in the gospel of christ T ELIZABETH MA DIA RYAN HYAN GARD NER VIRGEN CITY aug 25 1896 sister laister elizabeth die dia rvan kvan wife of george B 41 ardner Sard ner departed this life august letb she bhe was born in boston mass in 1814 and received the gospel in the early days of the church in this dispensation went with her husband to nauvoo lust i usa after it was first settled and suffered with the saints in all their trials and tribulations brother gardner was a and was detained deia ined fitting up wagons for the rest of the saints but osme came to the valleys in the your year 1850 sister gardner gard nor trials after coming coining to 10 these mountains she was a great friend to all that were in need and was willing and did give the best to those that were in want when the call was wag made for this dixie country 0 B gardner and wife were among the first to come here she suffered ered the trials and hardships without a murmur she took an active part in the belief society for sn a number umber of years after being here eighteen years her husband was called to arizona to help settle that country and I 1 she he also went and remained there about two and a half year years but being ing hard bard times and the family ot brother gardner large she returned to ao virgen city among her 01 old fr and acquaintance and use has lived here br eyer ever since sister gardner we wa in her year was a faithful latter day saint always a friend to the poor and needy was never heard to complain oom plain and as aks was said at her funeral services there tover fiver was waa heard an un unpleasant plesant abot word ca as coil cape 1 her up lips she passed away very quietly aber an illness of three w beka services were held at br brother other is jame stratums Stra Strat tums tous residence the bishop and ana others spoke many good words in regard lard to sitter sister gardeners gardners Gard ners hers life also con soling 0 fox words worda to those who were called to lo mourn she died as she had lived an honest faithful latter day saint worthy to come forth in the maruin of the first firm resurrection there were a great number of friends followed her remains to their bat resting place and when her body was laid away and the dedicatory p rayer prayer offered all returned home feeling that a wend friend had left us JAMES JAMBS A STRATTON RASMUS MADS mada emery county august 25 Ra emust mads made englestad departed this thi life the day of august 1806 at emery county utah he was born bom i september 19 1812 a at s L rig daht Lisi jere iudici judicial al district sands stift norway consequently he was 84 yearn 11 months aud and 3 days day old when he passed parsed peaceably away tn in 1850 he took passage on the steamer north america for san francisco cal where he remained and occupied his time in digging gold farming he went from san francisco to sacramento in the latter part of december 1856 where he heard the gospel preached by aby elder george Q cannon for the first time on the ath day of february 1857 he was baptized by elder george Q cannon in april of the same year he went to carson valley nevada argil and remained there till the first companies of saints started to salt lake city where he arrived august 17 1867 1857 he commenced to work on the salt lake temple on the day of his arrival was ordained an elder by doctor samuel sprague oo oa the of september was ordained a seventy in the fourteenth quorum by president millen atwood on the day of december 1857 married annie margrette olsen hanson a widow on the of march 1858 was in the move irom from salt lake city to san in 1860 moved to fairview san pete county stayed there lour four years in 1864 moved to the muddy st joseph moved to mt carmel carme long valley kane county in 1871 at the aforesaid place he had a nice home and a good farm and orchard but bat in later years the floods came and took his fruit and shade trees and all his improvements and two thirds third 8 of his city lot he has been a sube subscriber driber to the DESERET news for thirty six he took the weekly paper when he had to pay six dollars a year he was branch clerk lor for a number of years was wa 8 counselor to bishop bryant jolly tor for about eighteen years his wife preceded him about seven months ago Is he came to this place to spend his last days with his bis daughter anne anna engelstad keel he haid had been here about a month he died as he be had lived a faithful latter day saint he leaves a daughter and a number of grandchildren to mourn his loss ALFRED SMITH ELIZA ANN sister eliza ann thornton Thorn torb wile wife of levi lev thornton departed this life on the of july 1896 at I 1 a m she died as she be had lived a firm believer in the gospel as revealed through joseph smith she was born on the ath day of june 1820 at quincy franklin county pennsylvania anbe wab united in marriage to levi thornton bornton I july dih 1837 about live five years after their marriage they heard beard the gospel preached by elder foutz fouts in their home and both received the glad message with joy and were baptized into the church bidding farewell to home and friends they moved to nauvoo where they shared in all the persecutions of the bain sam a sitter sister Thorn thornton toA was a member of the relief society organized by the prophet joseph in nauvoo emigrated with her husband and six email children to 0 o utah in 1852 arriving to in september of that year they settled in farmington davis county where they resided until may 1874 when they with their bonn aona and daughters moved to west went portage box elder county where she resided until her death having survived her husband seven years she was a woman ot of dignity of character and by nature fitted to adorn and elevate society she loved her friends sincerely but her children and her home were ever her bar first consideration era tion she was very sympathetic in her nature and kind to all those that she was associated with during daring her illness which was of a very distressing na ure she was patient and filled with inspiration calling her family around her sue she repeal edly bore testimony to the divinity of the gospel imploring her child children renand and friends friend sto to stand firm to if principles relating to them the many testimonies she had received during her lifetime and to te ling them her work was finished she was waa ready to 10 go and take up her work behind the vail she WAN wa the mother of ten children forty two twi grandchildren and eighteen great grand children who deeply mourn her loss the funeral services were held anth inthe portage meeting house where stake president 0 C harkins harking and counsellors Coun J M mccrary and wm H gi gibbs abos made consoling and instructive remark show ing the many excellent qua qualities qualities litie of the departed one the remains were fol lowed to the cemetery by st d large concourse of relatives and friends tri ends where she re ts in peace to await the resurrection of th thejuan ejust the juat why should our tears in sorrow borrow now flow god has recai I 1 led ed his own then let our hearts in every woo woe abtil I 1 say thy will be done ELIZA EI A HALL WIEST WEST PORTAGE box elder eider co utah |