Show NEWS NOTES FROM LEHI LEHI sept 21 mr wm 8 evan while handling some part of the borne boree power of a threshing machine got his band caught in between the cog wheels and bad one of his fingers taken off seme time ago he be got two of ble big 11 fingers agora agers taken from bib other baud while feeding a molasses molas aea mill little orin lowles lewie son eon of henry lewis lewie fell irom from a barn and broke his bie arm it was wae set bet and the little fellow is if doing aping as ae well as can be expected three smart boys of american pork fork gave our town a call and got too much liquor within themselves the consequence was wan a roa marshal rebal a judge and our city treasury 7 60 50 the better off last laet week mr john clinton lost his hie and miss thomas lost her heir beautiful gold watch also the lady was wae fortunate fortuna tein in recovering here a poor tramp discovering the same near the U P depot the sunday schools of lehi held their thirtieth anniversary on sunday two sessions were held beld and a very fi fine de program was rendered we were blessed with the presence of the fol lowing brethren of the sunday school union board george goddard geurge george reynolds and J C cutler auiler Ju iler also elders rollins and booth of the stake In as an well as visitors irom from alpine and other places besides bishop J B R and counselors of the ward those these brethren all gave good advice the report given showed an improvement in our sunday school work the following named persons persone were present who took part in the tue first t anniversary thirty years suo aeo james J kirkham N A brown J W goatee lucy fox william Wl lliamS 8 uth buthwick wick M A webb M anderson T B R cutler cuter Will william isna batee yatee A A peterson Peter sun rebecca evans william gurney J E rose boss james gough elizabeth dark clark james broadbent laura J W fox it is considered by the citizens here a pleasing sight eight to see ee team loa daiter dafter team load of beets going to the sugar factory day after day depositing their Lrea reaf cures kures of sweet into the mammoth beet sheds it means sugar for the company and money noona y for the people on saturday sept 12 the utah sugar company run through the fao tory tons ra ii beets in twenty four hours this Is in considered to be one ol of the best beet runs ever made by this corn com pany in we the start of the season supt bupt granger informs us that everything at the works is lunning very smoothly and on account ol of the fine weather beets are very high in quality and are turning out a flue fine lot jot of suar beets beete are coal coming L g i ID n from ai all I 1 the tow towns no in the county and the tonnage to Is the largest this year of any past seasons |