Show THE EUROPEAN MISSION millennial star september 3rd ard i arrivals alder andrew jenson arrived in liverpool on september 1 1896 he fie in ie engaged on a special mission visiting all parts parta of the world abere latter day saint balm missions have been tor for the purpose of collecting historical dala dais connected with the missionary work elder jenson left home way my 11 1895 since which time he be has baa visited the missions in hawaii tongs tonga samos samoa do 80 clety islands lelan dB australasian alasia and turkey including palestine he reached england july 31 1896 here he be will remain lor for some ome time later he be ex pacts to visit the various missions un fin the ibe continent the following named elders from utah arrived in liverpool today per american line steamer Belgen land pur gor the british mif mireion ision william A bate riverton william H pitt ISSIS dwle city william mcmillan herer city for the swiss and german mir selon william Z adolpn adolph hated santa clara appointments elder Wil william lisin A bateham bale hab teen ceen appointed to labor aa traveling eider in tue irish confer ence elder william H pitt has hai bein been ap or pointed to isdor as aa Wa raveling haveling elder in the norwich conference elder william mcmillan has baa been appointed to labor as aa traveling travel log elder eider in the scottish confer conference enre |