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Show Millard County Chronicle Lyman Reunion at San Bernardino Slated April 1 The annual Lyman Family reunion re-union will be held Saturday, April 1, in San Bernadino, Calif., where descendants of Amasa Lyman will meet for the first time. As a Mormon Apostle, Amasa Lyman led about 500 people to California and established San Bernardino Ber-nardino in 1851. The reunions have been held at various places, usually in Utah, drawing family members together from all the western states. The reuunion April 1 will be held at the L.D.S. Church recreation hall, 38th St. and Waterman Ave., San Bernadino, at 12 noon. Luncheon will be served at 1 p.m. followed by a program and business meeting. meet-ing. The mayor of San Bernadino, Raymond H. Gregor, will give the welcome address. Dr. Melvin A. Lyman Ly-man of Delta, the family historian, will give a talk on the Lyman Family Fa-mily in California. There will also be other special numbers on the program. Named IJisIiop Gale E. Searle was sustained bishop of Kearns Third Ward, North Kearns Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, at the ward meeting Sunday night. Mr. Searle and his wife, the former LuDean Twitchell, are former Del-tans, Del-tans, and moved to Kearns several years ago. Mrs. Searle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Twitchell, of Delta, visited the family Sunday and attended the Third Ward meeting meet-ing when Mr. Searle was named bishop. Are Entertained At HUP Meeting The Helen Mar McCullough Camp of the DUP met at the home of Ella Black. Twenty-one regular members and three visitors were in attendance. Captain Hannah Larson conducted. conduct-ed. Ila Forster led us in singing, Love At Home nd Shamos O'Brian. Prayer was by chaplain Blanch Works. Secretary Beryl Bennion read the minutes of last meeting. Captain Larson read a card of thanks from one of our former members, Callie Morley, whose sis-tor sis-tor hnrl rmccori nurnv QVia alert on. couraged us to get and keep the' history of our ancestors and of ourselves. our-selves. Nell Watson finished reading the history of her father, Henry J. McCullough Mc-Cullough who had the first Post Office in Delta. The mail was kept in a trunk until the office was finished. Reva Bliss) gave the lesson, Mormons Mor-mons in San Bernardino. West Millard Co-Captain, Ella Black, asked us to try and get new members to join us. She reminded us of the hardships our ancestors had endured and yet remained faithful. Refreshments were served by hostesses, Ella Black, Angle Cahoon and LaVern Theobald. 7.500 Bead It In The CHRONICLE Jf it 10-13 Lilac, Clad eh xlSlt V-liUBn add. 1 VV $ ? v J- ? :A IZKlU V,V Sizes Thursday, March 23, 1961 Sugarville Group Organizes for A previously chosen committee of four couples called a meeting on Wednesday, March 15, for everyone in the Sugarville area to discuss plans for an all-out campaign to clean up, fix up and paint up in the community. Plans are underway to clean up all the trash and junk being dumped on vacant ground and trenches will be dug for future disposable dis-posable trash. Everything burnable such as papers, pa-pers, boxes, old furniture, tree limbs and branches should be burned by the individual dumping. AH old sheds and corrals will be torn down and fence lines cleaned up, taken out, or repaired. Trucks and other equipment will be made available for anyone needing need-ing them. Contact the committee, Cecil Shurtz, Eugene Losee, Alden Shurtz andi Roy Losee. It is hoped everyone will support this project and give Sugarville a new look between now and the first of April. Mrs. Emma Hunsakor is making a visit of several weeks in Malad, Idaho, with her three sisters there. She will return to American Fork where she has been during the winter with her daughter, Ranae, who is completing a course as a beautician. Larry and LaVonda Eddington Wright, Salt Lake . City, are proud parents of a daughter, 5. lbs. 9 oz., born March 16 at the Holy Cross Hospital. The little girl is a new grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Jan Wright, of Delta. Miss Carol Bishop, studying at USU, Logan, spent the week's vacation va-cation between quarters In Delta with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Bishop. Miss Judy Armstrong, of Monti. and a student at Snow College, visited vis-ited in Delta during the week with Miss Marilyn Giles and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Giles. Miss Eilene Workman, on vacation vaca-tion from Utah State University at Logan visited in Delta during the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Workman. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hardy and two-months old son, Greg, visited in Delta for the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Soren-sen. Soren-sen. They returned Sunday to Cedar City where1 Mr. Hardy attends CSU. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crawford and young son, Michael, of Ely, Nev., were in Delta for the weekend to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Crawford. Verl and Lois Kimber, of Seams, Utah, visited in Delta Monday with their grandmother, Mrs. Zephyr Steele, and aunt, Mrs. Roy Twitchell. Twit-chell. With them were their two youngest children, Cindy and Kelly (their only son). Their three older daughters were at home and school. Jolly Stitchers will meet Friday, March 24, 2:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Hilda Oliver. Mrs. Geniel Jensen will be co-hostess. SEE OUR HEY SPRIHG STOCKS MideaI for the early WlSv rnornlng coffee j A charming Arnel and cotton imp-around hirred ' ! 3 ?.-'. i'-'-vx au graceiui note ot leminuto ' N enchantment. Jehovah Witnesses To Attend April 28-30 Convention The Watchtower Society's head-guarters head-guarters staff of Brooklyn, New York, announced plans for a coming com-ing circuit convention for Utah Circuit No. 1 of Jehovah's Witnesses. Witness-es. Facilities of the Central Junior High School in Provo, Utah, 60 South 3rd West, have been obtained for this spring Bible refresher cour se. Over 700 delegates will attend at-tend this three-day seminar, April 28 to 30, 1961. Mr. Donald Kozina, presiding minister of the Delta congregation, stressed that assembling together regularly for Bible instructions is a scriptural requirement, especially In these last days and therefore, Jehovah's Witnesses meet together three times a year in different cities. This convention is definitely not a revival but the program has been planned for advance-Bible instructions instruc-tions so that each Christian minister min-ister can improve his ministerial qualifications. Morning, afternoon and evening sessions are devoted to Bible talks, discussions and prac tical demonstrations, There will al-. so be a baptism of new ministers I'll ,jaLv4iua,y piLyiMvwi, Mr. Kozina pointed out that since February 1 boundaries of Utah Circuit Cir-cuit No, 1 were made smaller which means that fewer congregations will be in attendance at this Provo Pro-vo gathering than at previous conventions. con-ventions. Congregations from Clearfield Clear-field to Richfield in Utah, Ely and Elko, Nevada and Evanston and Rock Spiings, Wyoming, now make up this circuit for a total of 17 congregations. On Sunday, April 30, a public Bible discourse hy a special travel-ing travel-ing representative will climax this assembly of ministers. The subject will be "The Twentieth Century In Bible Prophecy." Piano Recital The following piano and accordion accor-dion students of ElDonna C. Anderson Ander-son will be presented in recital Saturday, March 25, at Delta 1st Ward Relief Society room at 5:00 p. m. Laura Lee Lowell, Joan Ashby, Sonya Ashby, Doris Ann Moody, Suzanne Shields, Barbara Lovell, Peggy Lovell, Kathy Callister, Gol-da Gol-da Jane Black, Judy Nielson, Carolyn Caro-lyn Lyman; Mary Nickle, Janice Richnrt Shnrnn Ivio Jackip Evans and Maralee Evans. 1 Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Workman were in Salt Lake City during the week for a meeting of officers of the Workman family organization, for work in genealogy. Miss Phyllis Iverson, employed in Salt Lake City in office work, visited in Delta over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Iverson, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Barben, on vacation from USU at Logan, visited visit-ed in Delta during the week with Their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Barben. SHOPPERS WISE ECONOMIZE THEY SHOP WITH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE f 01 LID S " 08T,TH(iT STOCt r ' coat with self- adjustable waistline. The fully three - tiered tlurt, a hie large collar and cap sleeve or Farls Pick 10-18. S6.95 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED BATES: 2c per word, minimum ad 50c. Ads over 5 lines 15c a line thereafter. Display ads, 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 5uc extra pe r insertion. FOR RESULTS. USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH WEEK. For Sale COME IN and look over our Bargain Bar-gain Square, where prices are slashed for sure clearance. Men's sweaters, shirts, coats, etc., The DELMART, FOR SALE: 3-bedroom, modern home, 164 East 300 South, Delta. Phone 3471. 3130 FOR SALE: Modern 2 -bedroom home at 336 So. 3rd West, Delta. Garage and other outbuildings. See N, C. Spor, Delta, Utah. 330 FOR SALE: 120 Bass Accordion. Contact Lynn Talbot. Excellent condition. Real bargain. HOME FOR SALE: 3-bedroom, at 1st W, 70 So. Small down payment, easy terms. See Sam Bringard, Delta. 216tf GENTLEMENT shop now for New Spring Suits, Sport Coats, Shirts, Ties, Sox, Oxfords at D. Stevens Co., Delta's Dept. Store. FOR SALE: 1955 Cher, convertible. New top, good condition. Contact Wally Wright or call 3291. 323 LADIES shop now for New Easter Dresses, Millinary, Purses, Gloves, Hosiery at D. Stevens Co., Ladies' Dept. FOR SALE: About 20 ton of good bright chaff; has been chopped and threshed. $13. per ton; to be moved by April 1. Contact Harold Mein-hardt, Mein-hardt, Delta. 323 OUR NEW meat processing plant was opened and in operation the 13th of March. We will be serving you from the back of Marion's and Dean's A G. Market. We have installed in-stalled a new walk-in quick freeze and many other new facilities to make your meat processing the best possible. We will also be selling sell-ing wholesale deep freeze orders of beef, pork and lamb. TALBOT PACKING CO. MARION'S AND DEAN'S A. G. MARKET FOR SALE: Vacant lot. 123 x 247 W with hole dug for basement. See Kennard Riding, 242 South 4th W., Delta, Utah. - l5!61tf BUY new shoes for Easter. New Spring Shoes now on display at D. Stevens Co., Shoe Dept. IS ft. USED Frozen Food Chest. This sale only $175.00. Come in and see at Workman's Home Furnishings. Furnish-ings. COME IN and look over our Bargain Bar-gain Square, where prices are slashed for sure clearance. Men's, women's, girls', and boys' shoes. The DELMART. RECLINERS, $39.95 and up at Workman's Home Furnishings. GATES TIRE SALE: year-end. all commercial tires beginning with 600x16. Buy 1 pair or more to qualify qual-ify for Vi savings. (Unconditional road hazard guarantee on all tires) LOVELL & ROPER SERVICE. tf SEE our new spring lines of Girls' Dresses, Bonnets, Purses, Blouses, Pedal Pushers, Shorts, Slim Jims, all new for Easter selling" Buy now at D. Stevens Co., Ladies' Dept NOW AVAILABLE Purebred Land-race Land-race breeding stock. Weaner age. $35.00 each. Contact Karl M. Workman, Work-man, Hinckley, Utah. 3,30 BEAUTIFUL Foam Rubber Freize 2-piece Living Room Set. Reg. $229. This week, $179. Workman's Home Furnishings. LEGAL NOTICE REGISTRATION OF BEES REQUIRED This is to call attention to all beekeepers whether they own but one colony or many, that registration registra-tion is required by law. Registration should be done by April 1st of each year. The name and address of the owner or caretaker care-taker of any number of colonies, should be sent to the State Department Depart-ment of Agriculture, State Capitol Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Registration fee is $1.00. Purpose of the registration is that the location' of all bees will be known for inspection service. First publication March 23, 196L Final publication March 30, 196L "These days a voice crying In the wilderness is usually a reftl-t-slate developer advertising adver-tising a new tr iWofe for (joul i - WE WILL AUCTION HOGS every other Tuesday, March 14, 28, etc. DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION. tf Chrome Kitchen Chairs. Sets of 4. Mother of Pearl, $39.95. While they last. Workman's Home Furnishings. COME IN and look over our Bargain Bar-gain Square, where prices are slashed for sure clearance. Ladies' dresses, sweaters, capri sets, etc., The DELMART. catteries for Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Full Laher line including Mustang, Exeter, Nonstop. Priced from J10.75. Guaranteed 2, 3 and 4 years. All adjustments made by us. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY, Delta, tl LADIES get your Prom and Easter Shoes at the DELMART while our stocks are complete. White, Bone, Black and Black patent. Lifestride and Velvet Step. 5-PIECE KITCHEN Chrome Set. Reg. $98.00. Now only $79.00. Workman's Work-man's Home Furnishings. FOR SALE: Econo-Mat Coal Heater. Heat-er. Real bargain. Call Duane Galli, 6921. . - 3123-4,6 LADIES get your Prom and Easter Shoes at the DELMART while our stocks are complete. White, Bone, Black and Black patent. Lifestride and Velvet Step. Use our efficient Carpet Shampoo- er FREE with purchase of Blue Lustre shampoo. Workman's Home Furnishings. GATES TIRE SALE: year end, all commercial tires beginning with 600x16. Buy 1 pair or more to qualify qual-ify for M savings. (Unconditional road hazard guarantee on all tires) LOVELL & ROPER SERVICE. tf FOR SALE: 19S5 CMC 34 ton truck. Good condition. Stake bed. See or call Arnold Pete Leaur Shields, ph. 5122, Delta. 323 BATTERIES All sizes on hand Group 1, exchange, from $9.95. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KELLY KEL-LY SERVICE, Phone 3791, Delta, Utah. 323tf PIANO One blond One dark finish fin-ish spinet built by Baldwin Located Lo-cated near here will sacrifice rather rath-er than return to Salt Lake store Write Adjuster P.O. Box 2033 Salt Lake City 10, Utah. 3j23-30 Wanted WANT TO BUY CHAFF. See Joe Morris, Hinckley, or phone 695J2 2,9-23 Lost and Found LOST: West from Oasis, 1 sack Certified Ranger Alfalfa Seed. Person Per-son who picked it up call 458J1. Reward. Tloiv is the Time to lye 7kinkincj o Ijoui tytincj Pbintincj lleebi Commercial Printing: LOST. IN THE DELTA AREA Saturday, Sat-urday, a lady's Timex gold wrist watch, on black cord wrist hand. If found, please notify Jessie Gillette, ph. 465J1, Delta. For Rent FOR BENT: 2-bedroom deluxe a- partment; heat; air conditioning; automatic washer and dryer. Ph. 3671 or 4251. 319 tf FOR RENT: Modern apt- three large rooms and utility room, furnished furn-ished at 124 So. 1st West, Delta. See H. O. Wilcox, ph. 593JL, or Mrs. Lionel Taylor, ph. 2311. 46 HOUSE FOR RENT: Modern 2-bed- rooms, unfurnished. Close to high schools. See E. D. Harris, Jr., Delta, Del-ta, ph. 2741. v l19tf APT. FOR; RENT: at 183 North 3rd West, Delta. Furnished or unfurnished. unfurn-ished. Heat, hot water, automatic washer furnished. See Rex Harris, ph. 3871. 316tf Miscellaneous ALL SHOES LEFT over 30 days at Bill's Shoe Repair Shop, Delta, will be sold for the repair bUl, effective March 16, 1961. 330 COME AND GET IT FREE BOOT BEER with food orders, all day, April 1st. Our gala Spring opening. Other specials including Root Beer, gaL 55c, with your jug. We thank you for past patronage and welcome wel-come you again this season. Under Un-der new management. A&W Drive Inn, 3rd East and Main, Delta. JUST ARRIVED Linoleum Bugs 9x12. Beautiful colors, only $7.49. Workman's Home Furnishings. LADIES get your Prom and Easter Shoes at the DELMART while our stocks are complete. White, Bone, Black and Black patent. Lifestride and Velvet Step. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. representative will be here once each week at Killpack Motor Lodge in Delta. Sewing Machines, Vacuum Vac-uum Cleaners. Repairs, Rentals, Fashion Aids, Notions. Information, call 4401, or leave name at desk. 323tf ANYONE DOING SPRING house-cleaning house-cleaning and wanting to get rid, of old clothing, especially used clothing cloth-ing for children, please get in contact con-tact with Delta Third Ward Relief Society or Harriet Eliason and Alice Gardner. LADIES shop now for New Spring lines of Slim Jims, Pedal Pushers, Jamaica Shorts, Blouses. Buy now at D. Stevens Co., Ladies' Dept. ALL OCCASION Fiberglass Chairs. Assorted colors. Reg. $16.95. Now, $12.95. See them at Workman's Home Furnishings. Phone 4432. LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES POST CARDS IMPRINTED WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS (Large stock to choose from best quality) MOST ALL TYPES BUSINESS FORMS HANDBILLS DODGERS FAREWELL TESTIMONIALS TICKETS PERSONAL CARDS PRESCRIPTION BLANKS RECEIPT BOOKS STATEMENTS LODE LOCATION BOOKS BOUND (20 originals, 20 duplicates, 2 carbons) PLACER CLAIMS LEGAL PAPERS Prices Taken from Nationally Used FRANKLIN PRINTING CATALOG. PUBLISHERS OF THE MILLARD COUNTY CHR011ICLE WE WILL DO CORSAGES for the Junior Prom. Please place your orders or-ders early for your choice of flowers. flow-ers. We give you more value at reasonable prices. Call 2271 or come to the Deltan Motel. Mrs. Cowers, ADC Flower Shop. 3 j 16-23 IF YOU NEED AN ELECTRICIAN Contact June Ivie at Hugh Ivie residence. res-idence. 219-23 NEEDING COAL? Contact Calvin or Howard Dutson, Oak City. Browning or Spring City. 3J9-30 CARS POLISHED & WAXED. $10.00 to $13.00. KELLY'S SERVICE. 22tf MOBIL STATION FOR LEASE An outstanding business opportunity opportun-ity with an established company. Good location in the center of Delta with an attractive building and excellent facilities. We will train you. Financing available with prior approval. For information write or call collect: MOBIL OIL CO 733 W. 8th So. Salt Lake City, Utah 1 CENT RECORD SALE 1 12-IN. STEREO LONG PLAY FOR $2.98 2 FOR $2.99 Also 12-inch long play records 98 CENTS 45 RPM Children's Records 49 CENTS See MORRIS SUPPLY Hinckley, Utah STANDING AT STUD: Texas Cody, No. P-66999; sire, Bill Cody out of Wilson's Lady. One of the top breed studs, booked full last year. Standing in 1961 at private treaty. Now in training at Marlow Cropper ranch, Deseret. Drop in and see him. For sale: one Palomino 3-year old gelding; one unregistered granddaughter of High Step, 8 yrs. old, will foal this spring. Contact Don L. Anderson, Jr., Oak City, Utah. 22tf Complete Miscellaneous stock of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Sockets, plugs, switches, fuses, receptlcals, transformers, extension cords, etc. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS SALES NOW anyone can buy DIRECT from U.S. Government SURPLUS DEPOTS, by mall for yourself or for resale. Cameras, binoculars, binocu-lars, cars, jeeps, trucks, boats, hardware, office machines and equipment, tents, tools and tens-of-thousands of other items at a fraction of their original cost. Many items brand new. For list of hundreds of U.S. Government Surplus Depots, located in every State and overseas with pamphlet pamph-let "How Government Can Ship Direct To You," plus procedures, HOW TO BUY and how to get FREE SURPLUS, mall $2.00 to SURPLUS SALES INFORMATION SERVICES, P. O. Box No. 1818, Washington 5, D.C. |