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Show FINANCIAL REPORT, CITY OF DELTA, COUNTY OF MILLARD CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1960 The following statement has been published in accordance with the new uniform accounting system enacted by the State oi Utah beginning be-ginning 1959. The new system is set up on a budgetary basis and reflects the Receipts and Disbursements for the City of Delta, .Utah. CASH BALANCE. JANUARY 1. 1960: GENERAL FUND , 5 884 23 WATER FUND . . 7 765 41 CLASS "C" ROADS 21237.91 GENERAL FUND REVENUES Property Taxes $23,408.73 Business Licenses 3,781.24 Building Permits ' 52.OO Dog Licenses 259.50 Court Fines ' 639.00 Airport Rental 900.00 Equipment Rental , 2,106!50 State Liquor Fund 2,472.18 Gasoline Tax Refund 153.25 Street Lights " 686.62 County Fire 1,200.00 Curb and Gutter 1,443.34 Drainage Taxes 195.84 Library Fines 82.00 Swimming Pool .....ZZ! 2,06896 Airport Gas Tax 15587 Sundry Revenue 7!...."!.?." 2,748.72 Special Improvement District 5i985!98 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: (Including Special Improvement District $ 48,339.73 GENERAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS Regular Employees $ 2,340.00 Temporary Employees 9. 00 Subscription Memberships 216.74 Municipal League 717.50 Office Expense : 1,012.34 Professional Services 1,716.63 Insurance and Bonds 2,065.38 Payroll Taxes 812.62 Justice Fees 133.00 City Bulding 511.51 Sundry Disbursements 457.78 Advance to Special Improvement District . 10,200.51 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 5 20,193.01 POLICE DEPARTMENT DISBURSEMENTS Regular Employees $ 9,110.00 Temporary Employees 287.50 Travel 137.00 Car Operation 1,187.25 Supplies 246.45 Sundry Disbursements 366.73 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT $ 11,334.93 FIRE DEPARTMENT DISBURSEMENTS Association Dues .$ 80.00 Convention Expense 180.00 Operation Truck 229.38 Supplies 322.06 Insurance 132.07 New Equipment 137.85 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT DISBURSEMENTS ..$ 1,081.36 STREETS DEPARTMENT DISBURSEMENTS Regular Employees $ 4,882.50 Temporary Employees . - 16.85 Mileage Allowance 357.50 Operation Equipment 2,996.51 Supplies and Materials 822.88 Improvements 1,986.30 New Equipment 2,100.00 Street Lights 1,028.05 Sundry Disbursements 939.22 TOTAL STREETS FUND DISBURSEMENTS S 15,129.81 SEWER FUND DISBURSEMENTS Regular Employees $ 1,260.00 Mileage Allowance 516.00 Operation Equipment 304.92 Supplies and Materials 152.54 Sundry Disbursements 12.95 TOTAL SEWER DISBURSEMENTS - .S 2.248.41 AIRPORT DISBURSEMENTS Regular Employees 4 120.00 Operation Equipment 243.18 Insurance 23.76 Sundry Disbursements 83.25 TOTAL AIRPORT DISBURSEMENTS 5 WEED CONTROL DISBURSEMENTS Operation Equipment $ 144.86 Supplies and Materials 124.71 470.19 TOTAL WEED CONTROL DISBURSEMENTS - S 269.57 CLEANUP DISBURSEMENTS Regular Employees $ 720.00 TOTAL CLEANUP DISBURSEMENTS - $ 720.00 PUBLIC LIBRARY DISBURSEMENTS Regular Employees ? 600.00 Temporary Employees 45.00 Building Maintenance - - 68.00 Books and Magazines 214.55 TOTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY - RECREATION DEPARTMENT DISBURSEMENTS Regular Employees - 5 o2Hf Operation 26- Supplies Tnsn Sundry Disbursements 105.00 TOTAL RECREATION DISBURSEMENTS $ 927.55 1.544.92 PARES FUND DISBURSEMENTS Regular Employees -$ Temporary Employees Operation Equipment Supplies Sundry Disbursements 900.00 24.00 167.36 230.42 416.69 TOTAL PARES FUND DISBURSEMENTS ... ..$ 1,738.47 WATER DEPARTMENT Culinary Water Revenues Irrigation Revenues Sundry Revenues ..$15,076.79 1,045.00 ... 148.35 TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT REVENUES WATER DEPARTMENT DISBURSEMENTS CULINARY: Regular Employees' $ 16.270.14 Mileaee Allowance Office Expense Operation Equipment Supplies and Materials Bonds and Interest Sundry Disbursements IRRIGATION WATER: Regular Employees Mileage Allowance Operation Equipment Supplies and Materials . Sundry Disbursements .$ 4,740.00 . 516.00 . 247.99 . 3,103.04 . 558.59 . 3,280.00 . 446.29 1,502.50 302.50 81.97 736.91 196.18 LAURA BRADFIELD Miss Margaret Gardner returned 1 Millard County Chronicle to Delta this week from a visit of two months in Berkeley, Calif., with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Gardner. Thursday, March 23, 1961 ABRAHAM MRS. AFTON FULLMER Mr. and Mrs. Burton Badger, of also. Holden, visited relatives in Learn- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Abeeslen ington last Tuesday. They also vis- spent Thursday in Manti. They vis- uea ai me nome 01 Lawrence orau- ,te(i jirs. ADeggien S parents, Mr. field and family. and Mr. J. Alma Banck. Mrs. Hildred Tolbert reports her Afton Nielson, (brother of Bish- Mr an(J Mrs Ray yiUdns and mlssi0nary son" t-lark is at Present op neea iMieison ana irving nieisuiw 1 fmm su ,k. En,. and Warren McKeller of Magna fi irfl and La from Richfieldi visited friends and relatives last. f t. .oclvnH t h hnm nf trading out in the country. He says it seems natural to him. Clark haa been out a year now and en Wte r, . o-. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell 'Joys it very much. He is laboring J : . 1 i !.k I J...AU 1 spenuing uie ween wiui ner uaugn- ter, Mrs. Curt (Lucille) Johnson and family. Mrs. Louis Overson is in Murray with her son, Eugene and family. A new baby girl was born March 11 to Eugene and wife. The new baby will be welcomed home by two sisters and one brother. Mrs. Clyde Overson and daughter, daugh-ter, Ilia Mae, spent the spring va cation in Salt Lake with relatives. Many students and parents went to Provo to the basketball tourney last week. It was very exciting and the Delta Rabbits did some outstanding out-standing playing. We are proud of our team. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bradfield and son, Thayne, left Sunday for Logan, Lo-gan, where Jay will finish his schooling in June. We are happy to have Brother and Sister Hogan back from their trip to California. Little Leona Potts came from the Nephi hospital, yesterday, after spending two weeks in there with pneumonia. Hope she can soon be well and strong enough to go back to school with her classmates. There has been so much flu and other sickness this past week, it seems like the flu bug really hit hard all at once. Hope everyone will soon be well and can enjoy this 'beautiful spring weather we are having. Mrs. Dan Roberts (Shirley Sher-riff) Sher-riff) from Callao, spent the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sheriff. Mrs. LaWrence Bradfield went to Nephi, Friday, for medical care. She took Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lovell and I rri t 1 j -r 1 1 i a r.. s IvTrc HAu..rH Niolcrm rotnrnort ine UOya iOIDWlS TOOK Mr. IHO from Arizona and California, where 1)Irs-Jl0Jl(? Gree"er ,UP ut0 Salt Lake she has been with her mother, whotor, Fl0 s medlcal ch":uP, Sat; has been ill for the past two weeks. "r??y-e thureec sons of Ud and Glad to see Betty back, and hear ""u'c"' "'t that her mother is improving. Mrs. Margaret Bradfield and Mrs. Charles Jensen. Dail Abbott visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elnathan Abbott. He is stationed at Chula Vista, Calif. Mr. Bert Jensen was in Salt Lake on business, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arland Ogden and children visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ericksen and Mrs. Delilah Ogden. Janeal Owens is spending spring vacation home from the USU with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Owens; also Mr. Elwin Wright. El-win El-win is doing his student teaching at Bear River High School this next quarter. Mrs. Zelda Ogden went to Provo, Wednesday to attend the performance perform-ance of "Kiss Me Kate." She joined join-ed Mrs. David Sampson at Nephi, whose son, Pawl, was one of the performers. Karen Roberts is spending her spring vacation home with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Brose Roberts. Karen attends USU at Logan. The Jones house is rapidly being be-ing repaired and rebuilt. They will soon De a Die to move in. Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Henrie spent Thursday in Salt Lake City. I guess just about everyone attended at-tended the basketball tournament at Provo last week. Jane Williams, of Leamington, vis- spent the week in Salt Lake with their sister, Dixie Lynn Anderson. Ray Tolbert's wife and new baby TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT DISBURSEMENTS .JL15.711.97 it ht, t th uvvrpi, Rmd- brought him home again this week field home I end iTOm nis employment in Salt . .. ... , , Lake. His wife, Linda Hegman Tol- Mr and Mrs. kieth Nielson and bert and bab are &t the Hen. fanuly went to Fountain Green and ni Hegmans in Delta, since com-visited com-visited friends and relatives, over , out o th hospUaL , . , . . , , ,. I The D.U.P. had a large meeting The Relief Society birthday din- at the EUa Black home Friday. ner and program was a huge sue- Reva Bliss and j attended from cess. A good crowd was present, here Tne meeting was very inter. and a delicious dinner was served. ' esti and nice tQ meet j social The Program was very interesting. with the ladies Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ekins, from The tournament has been the big Hinckley were present Mrs. Ekins news thig week The kids haye was the Relief Society stake visitor. been home from school Xhursday Talks were given by Mr. and Mrs. and and would have had a Ekins. The outstanding part on the nice u feut u.$ be(m cold wet program was a musical recording and miserable The farmers are made m 1945 by Brother Irvm ha at the moisture that has Whatcott (who has passed away) f u thi k The d , uu TAl.nM T ntiin lI'nHKnin iTVtn 1(7 0 c.uuiei ,u .TUUU.,, very wet this Sunday morning- living ill vdiiivyi iiiu, uiiu mviiici Herbert Abegglen. It brought back pleasant memories to all. Many of our ward members went to Delta to conference, Saturday evening and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oakland Dutson and their son, George Eddy, were In Delta Friday after returning from a vacation. They went by plane from Los Angeles to Oklahoma City to see George, who has been attending at-tending school there for the past . ! U TUa., . U . LUVA- lut. aim luia. eii i-irvcii aim i liucc iiiuiiLUD. i iixry vvcricr uicic iui Mrs. Maragret Bradfield, from his graduation at the Federal Aero- Leamington, up for a medical check nautical School. CLASS "C" ROADS DEPARTMENT CLASS "C" REVENUES: Balance on Hand, 1960 $ 2,237.91 Allotment from State . 4,121.03 Transfer from General Fund 1,899.83 TOTAL REVENUE $ 8,258.77 CLASS "C" DISBURSEMENTS: (Paid to Contractors) ...$ 8,258.77 CASH BALANCE ALL FUNDS. DECEMBER 31. 1960 S 1.677.98 I, Caroline C. Bennett, City Recorder of Delta, Millard County, Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the financial condition of the City of Delta, Millard County, Utah, for the year ending December 31, 1960. In wisness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Delta, Utah, this 13th day of March, 1961. (SEAL) CAROLINE C. BENNETT, Delta City Recorder Won't it be nice if it keeps rain ing this month and next? Mr. and Mrs. Clifferd Petersen and Sharlene and Paula went to Wells, Nev., over the weekend to visit their son, Harold and family there. Sherman and Gladys Tolbert drove the bus up to the tournament tourna-ment in Provo. Vera and Fred went with them. Jill Johnson, Helen Marie Stone-king Stone-king and Geniel Fullmer had a theatre party on Friday night in Delta. Wanda Lee Tolbert has been 111 during the short school vacation. Hope she is soon well again. Sutherland ZELDA OGDEN Mr. and Mrs. Reed Johns and 3 children, of Salt Lake, visited parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Abbott. Ab-bott. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Porter, Elizabeth Eliz-abeth and Douglas Fowles, and Carl and Lou Ann Lyman, visited in Vernal last week with the Rodney Porters. Mrs. Helen Corry Is visiting in Idaho with her sisters. Mr. Amond Ogden, of Salt Lake visited his family for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ogden and daughter, Joan, spent Sunday vis iting Mr. Albert Ogden and family Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Coates, of Kingston, visited Mr. and Mrs. D o Rambler News is good! March Sales are running at an all-time record rate. That's right! More people bought Ramblers In the first third of March than in any similar period in Rambler history! Yes Rambler leads the economic upswing as more car buyers disco?er that Rambler Excellence gives a bonus on every car dollar they Invest. Now Is A Good Time To Cuy! Rambler means business! Right now, Rambler dealers are out after even more sales with the kind of fair-and-square liberal deals that car buyers can't afford to pass by. Used car prices have firmed. That means your present car Is worth more in trade now on a new Rambler. Why Is Rambler Breaking Sales Records? Compact cars are capturing an ever-growing share of the new car market. Why does Rambler continue to hit new sales heights? Because Rambler is better than the big cars and best of the compacts. Here are the reasons: ONLY rambler offers 3 distinct sizes of compact cars rambler is voted most trouble free by owners rambler OFFERS America's lowest low-est prices ALL RAMBLERS HAVE such exclusive exclu-sive quality features as Deep-Dip rustproofing way up to the roof... rattle-free Single-Unit construc tion . . . Ceramic-Armored muffler and tailpipe designed to far outlast out-last ordinary mufflers RAMBLER'S RECORD ECONOMY proved by 11 years and 35 billion owner-driven miles ONLY RAMBLER has car for six 6-footers a compact rambler has top resale value proved by official Used Car Guides Ask Your Neighbor About His Rambler He'll tell you why Rambler dealers sell twice as many compact cars per dealer as most other dealer groups. And your Rambler dealer can give you a better deal on the best of the compacts. Drive Rambler world standard of compact car excellence! RAMBLER DEALERS ARE DEALING! COME IN TO DAY I SPOR BROS. MOTOR CO., IHC. 16 South 4th West L X m Mm t 3 . "ZCl Tlie Great Bourbon of tlie Old West richer-tasting 90 proof OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KY., DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CO.. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. 90 PROOF fir with purchase of one gal. of Fuller Interior Latex Paint or Semi-Gloss Enamel I Now at your Paint now to get your bonus! Get this regularly $2.19 professional quality Pro-Kage 7-inch roller for less than cheap rollers you've seen advertised. Only 99c! Buy Fuller Interior Latex Paint and Fuller Semi-Gloss Enamel. EBEE! $54.95 floor polisher at every store Win the electric floor polisher you've always al-ways wanted ! A brand new Houseboy polisher pol-isher complete with two polishing brushes and pad will be given free at each store listed below. Nothing to buy! Come in todayand sign up for the drawing! Drawing March 27, 1961 5-quart metal paint bucket Reg. 80c Special 41c 9 x 12-ft. plastic drop cloth Reg. $1.10 Special 51c FULLER PAINT DEALER LOANS AVAILABLE small monthly payments |