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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, March 23, 1961 The Millard County Chronicle Published Erery Thursday at Delta, Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY B. H. (Bob) BIDING OWNER-PUBLISHER INEZ BIDING ASSOCIATE EDITOR BOB BIDING. JR APPRENTICE Entered as Second Class matter at the Postotfice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Bate: $4.00 a year In advance; Six months, $2.25 Advertising Bates on Request NATIONAL EDITORIAL s)C0T'tN AS! DESERET MBS. EDNA CHRISTENSEN Congratulations today to Kent and Sandra Dewsnup on the birth of their baby son, March 19, at the Logan LDS Hospital. Congratulations Congratula-tions to Arprilla and Melden and to great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dewsnup. This is their third great grandchild, but it is still a thrill. We are happy for all of these folks. Our Relief Society annual birthday birth-day party was a real success. We had a nice big crowd out to enjoy the really delicious hot supper and fine program. The success of the supper is due to Bertrice Erickson, Myrtle Western and Eunice Black, who planned and prepared it. Jean Allred and Dorothy Croft set and decorated the tables. We are truly grateful to these ladies. Lucile Sampson had the program in her charge and did it in her usual efficient ef-ficient manner. It was a splendid program. Lucile read a tribute to the Relief Society, naming all the women who have been president in our ward. Songs were sung by Dorothy Dor-othy Croft, acc. by Jackie Black; a vocal duet hy Martha Mace and Ines Damron, acc. by Jackie Black; vocal duet by Delores Ogden and Norma Moody, acc. by Norma, and a solo by Carol Cropper, acc. by Jackie Black. They were all beautiful. beau-tiful. Alice Webb and Mabel Black gave outstanding readings. A short play was presented. Taking part were LaAna Jensen, Dean Black, Lucile and Jim Sampson. It wa9 a fine program. Lucile is to be complimented. comp-limented. We were happy to have as a stake visitor, representing the Stake Relief Society, Clark Bishop, priesthood advisor for the R.S. He was accompanied by his wife. He gave some interesting remarks. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Davis, over the weekend, week-end, were their daughter and family fam-ily from Salt Lake City. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black were Mary's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Larson, of Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. Verdon Davis left Thursday morning for Shoshone, Idaho, to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Jensen and see their new granddaughter. They returned to their home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bennett returned home, Thursday, after visiting vis-iting in Richfield with their son, LaMont and family. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Cropper returned re-turned home Wednesday from their trip to California. 'v -.-;H::;- ' f 1 . Hewitt tor&Mttec v ..jmW ... . yvow. nr m gr X X i 'war , Wherever you go . . . the bourbon to beat if you can! Also Available lOTTLIO IN BOND Waterfill-Fiiazier FINE KENTUCKY BOURBON FOR OVER 150 YEARS 86 PROOF . . . DISTIUU "5 tOTIUt IT KATUf IU MD HUM USTlUtH (OMf JtY, WBSIOWK, UNTUCK! , AIIIIOUHCIIIG . . . ANNUAL rxn IF YOU HAVE FEEDER OR STOCKER CATTLE FOR SALE Don't Miss Our Special Spring Sale April 4, 1961-10 a.m. THIS IS A REPUTATION SPRING SALE AND BUYERS FROM SEVERAL WESTERN STATES WILL BE HERE TO ASSURE YOU OF TOP PRICES THROUGH COMPETITIVE BIDDING DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION Located on Main Lines of Union Pacific Railroad BONDED and NATIONALLY CERTIFIED ELWIN PACE, Delta, Utah Phone: Office 2361 Phone: Res. 2291 Hinckley CLARA STEWART Monday evening just returned from a week up north visiting with my children, Norma, Mary, Don and Duane and families and all going go-ing to the basketball tournament together; and what a thrilling week it was. Friday's games were the best. Our ball club played so Telia Fisher had her niece, Shirley Shir-ley Thayer, visit here on Monday. Congratulations to Myrtle Western West-ern on her 'birthday Tuesday. D.U.P. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Mae Schoenberger, Wednesday afternoon. Beverly Eli-ason Eli-ason assisted her as hostess. The lesson was given by Mollie Dewsnup, Dew-snup, after which a nice lunch was served by the hostesses. Eight regular reg-ular members and one visitor were present. Mr. and Mrs. Faun Bennett and family, from Fillmore, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bennett recently. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schoenberger left for Calif., Thursday morning. They expect to be gone at least two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Garold Moody went to Calif., Tuesday. They picked up Elaine's folks in, St. George to go with them. They returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner went to Fillmore, Thursday, for the funeral fun-eral of Cecil's cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Palmer and daughter, Sharee went to Salt Lake City Wednesday afternoon- returning return-ing home on Friday. They brought Mrs. Nettie Palmer home with them. She had been in the LDS Hospital, but her health has improved. im-proved. She is at present staying in Hinckley with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leo-nard Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Bennett returned re-turned home Thursday after spending spend-ing the winter In Las Vegas, Nev. and Fullerton, Calif., with their children. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Mace and family went to Roosevelt on Saturday Sat-urday to attend a wedding reception recep-tion for Martha's niece. They returned re-turned home Sunday. Paul Peterson from CSU spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Petersen. Phil Christensen spent from Wednesday Wed-nesday till Sunday in Salt Lake visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Christensen. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Western this week are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Western from Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Western visited their parents over the weekend week-end returning to Logan on Sunday. June Dutson is visiting in Deseret. Mr. and Mrs. Milden Scow and son, Darrel visited with Milden's father in Parowan on Sunday. Eva Alice Robison spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Robison. Ormus Dutson and son, Gill and Darrel Scow attended the basket ball tournament in Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jensen and family went to Provo to the ball games on Friday, then in to Salt Lake City to visit an Saturday and back to Provo for the ball games Saturday night. They returned home dissappointed Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ehason and family visited in Spanish Fork Sat urday night returning home after the game. We are sorry to report that Millie Dewsnup isn't at all well and hope she is soon better. Evah Conk has spent the past week visiting relatives in Salt Lake City and Kearns. We want to express our sympathy sympa-thy to the family of Jim Bennett on the loss of their father. The family fa-mily lived here many years ago and although they have all moved away, there are several relatives still living here. He will be buried in the Deseret Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Torrens Jr. and baby son visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Torrens Sr. We had a beautiful snowstorm Wednesday night and are really grateful for the four inches of precipitation pre-cipitation we received. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Erickson and family came down from Logan Saturday Sat-urday night to visit with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Erickson and other relatives until Wednesday. On their return they will move out to a farm in Smithfield. Ralph will continue to go to school in Logan until he receives his master's degree. magnificiently, we were sure they would win over Cedar, but they just didn't get off on the right foot for some reason, and altho they played good ball, we were still proud of them. They placed 8th in the tourney. We had good reserved seats but we never used them. It was more fun to sit down in the cheering section every' day, and when all the 10,000 began to cheer, the bands played and they began to throw confetti. Some games we were literally snowed under. So many of our old Hinckley friends were there cheering with us: Joy and Elden Hurst, Ross and Valeda Hilton, Garnee and Ron Faulkner, Evan Theobald, Ianthus and Alice Wright, Kay Gardner, Karolyn and Waldo Warnick. Parnell Petersen, Don and Melba Mcintosh and, oh, so many more. It seemed like half of Hinckley was there. Those whom I saw were George, Bine, Gene and Margaret Ekins; Verdell, Dana and Ray Bishop; Dana and Angie Pratt; Jim and Patsy Ann McCormick; Ruth and Cluff Talbot; Belva and Harold Morris; Anna Lee and Harold Har-old Hepworth; Lyla Rae and Larry Morris; Mavis and Howard Hardy; Dean and Kelly Talbot; Cherie and Don Morriss; Katherine and Keith Black; Dale and Marlene Bliss; Daryl and Ann Cropper; Thora and Jim Petersen; Ted Speiraiove; Donald Don-ald Petersen; Garn and Manee Moody; and Hon, Erma, Connie and Mary Ellen Cropp"er, If you like Viaatothall ta fha mnot fiiM vrsvii ' l ever have to watch the tour- JEWELRY SPECIAL AURORA BOREALIS CRYSTAL IIECKLACES 1 to 5 STRAND from $4.00 8 up BRACELETS EAR RINGS NEW SPRING JEWELRY PROM EASTER Service Drug Co. nament. Those boys In the teams give all they have and the cheer- J leaueis uie ail so cuie. ine lasi night we sat there six hours and loved every minute of it except when we were getting beaten. Gaylen and Kathie Cropper and Steve and Linda Lue Searle went to the game Saturday night, then up to the "Grand ol' Opera" at the Terrace Ballroom in Salt Lake. Students home over the spring vacation were Mary Warnick and Mike Damron, from U. of U. Beth Hepworth and Mary Judd of Cedar. Hugh Judd has gone to Las Vegas, Veg-as, where he has employment. Mr. and Mrs. DeLyle Bennett of Logan are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morris and Mrs. Margaret Roper spent Sunday in Provo. Mrs. Beryl Hardy had her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wood, of Hol-den, Hol-den, and sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Sherwood, of Salt Lake, here to spend Sunday with her family. Gene Ekins has gone back to Cedar City to school, after his sick spell. FAMILY DINNER Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Cluff Talbot Tal-bot and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Morris Mor-ris went to Salt Lake for a dinner party at their daughter, Shirline's home. They were celebrating Ruth and Lyla Rae's and Shirline's birthdays which all fall in March. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morris drove to Provo and spent Saturday and Sunday with their daughter, Karolyn Karo-lyn and husband Waldo. Mrs. lone Christensen entertained In honor of her son, Rickie's third birthday, Monday. Jeanie and Parry Taylor went to the Grand Old Opera at the Terrace Ballroom in Salt Lake, Saturday night, where they met Jeanie's sis ter, Ann and her husband, Ron Alloway who is home from the service ser-vice (stationed in Maryland), and another sister and hu'sband, Mr. and Mrs. Bernell Thomas and also sister, sis-ter, Patsy Ekker. They all danced and enjoyed the program. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Hurst were home Saturday, from Salt Lake, to spend the day. Mrs. Lucky Theobald and children child-ren are home from Ely, Nevada. Mrs. Evon Greener spent the weekend in Salt Lake City. Tuesday evening the drama department de-partment in the MIA presented a very excellent 3-act play, "Two Dates for Tonight." The people who did such a fine job were: Margaret Ekins, John Wright," Linda Talbot, Ralph Crafts, Berneice Palmer, Sharon Western, Goldwin Cluff, Marlene Bliss, Patty Kernell, Dale Bliss, Thora Petersen, David Stevens, Stev-ens, Donna Warnick, and Ray Bish op. Directors were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webb. Prompters, LaVori Morris and Ema Lea Taylor. Mrs. Violet Robinson spent Thurs. through Sunday in Salt Lake visiting visit-ing her children and her brothers. Miss Jerri Hale spent the weekend week-end out to Trout Creek then her parents brought her back Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morris received re-ceived two calls last week from their son, Ronald, who is on a mission mis-sion in New York. He has been made senior elder and he needed a ear for his work. Bob and Sharon Meinhardt were home from Cedar City to spend the weekend with Sharon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hardy. SHOPPERS WISE ECONOMIZE THEY SHOP WITH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE CIRCLE A RANCH FRIED 3 12 pkgs 1.00 JELLO ALL FLAVORS CAKE MIX 4 pkgs 1.00 SWANSDOWN, ASSORTED FLAVORS TOILET TISSUE 12 rolls U SILK BRAND TUNA FLAKES CLEARWATER GRAPEFRUIT PINTO 10 CENTS A POUND BLUE CHEER GIANT SIZE 7 CENTS OFF 6 for 1.00 case 2.29 .75 I , 1 I - II II--- --........i .. - J IT S CIRCLE A RANCH FRIED CHICKEN . . . WITH THE DEEP-DOWN WESTERN FLAVOR ... TENDER 'N DELICIOUS . . . WITH CRISP FRENCH FRIES... SPECIAL CIRCLE A SAUCE . . . HOT ROLL AND HONEY. YOU'VE JUST NEVER TASTED CHICKEN TILL YOU VE HAD CIRCLE A RANCH FRIED CHICKEN. ag&z Ml CIRCLE A DINNER JUMBO ORDER (loli more chicken) BARREL OXHICKEN (five full orders of everything tucked into a barrel) 79' $1.20 $3.50 Take Out Service . . . phone your order ond it'll be r?ody when you come. -SEPECIALS, SUNDAY, MARCH 26-Free 26-Free treats for all, Friday, March 24 ARCTIC CIRCLE -PHOIIE 523J1 N Model for model... there are lilChevrolets loiter K priced than any other iidl-sized ear! Leave it to these Jet-smooth Chevies to go easy one of them has a road-gentling Jet-smooth ride, on your family budget! All told there are 18 Body by Fisher refinements and dozens of engi- J- Chevrolet V8's and 6's-priced lower than com- neering details you'd expect only in the most ex- 15 parable competitive models. Sumptuous Impalas, pensive makes. Look them over at your Chevrolet sprightly Bel Airs, bottom -priced Biscaynes and a dealer's one-stop shopping center and see how w CHEVROLET i whole stable of wonderful new wagons. And every easy it is to drive out in just the one you want! Based on comparison of manufacturers' suggested retail prices (including Federal tax) for models with 1 18-inch wheelbase or above. IMPALAS Impala V8 Convertible Impala V8 Sport Sedan Impala V8 Sport Coupe Mi ft Impala V8 2 Door Sedan IISCAYXES ?4 -1 t --OTl Bi5cayne Vd 4-Door Sedan Biscavne V8 2-Door Sedan BEL AIRS 3 .a Bel Air V8 2-Door Sedan WAGONS n Nomad Six 4-Dr. 9-Pass. Station Wagon !3n Nomad V8 4-Dr. 6-Pass. Station Wagon -a Parkwood Six 4-Dr. 6-Pass. Station Wagon Parkwood Six 4-Dr. 9-Pass. Station Wagon Brookwood Six 4 Dr. 6-Pass. Station Wagon Bel Air V8 4-Door Sedan ?fl mi. nMi-r - V$ ftMMW'" " V Nomad V8 4-Dr. 9-Pass. Station Wagon 2 Nomad Six 4-Pr. 6-Pass. Station Wagon -i ' Parfcwood V8 4-Dr. 9-Pass. Station Wagon Parkwood V8 4 Dr. 6 Pass. Station Wagon M Brookwood V8 4 Dr. 6 Pass. Station Wagon V $ th t kmlrt tart, (r t rrmlr mmi Ik mrm rrrrtl ml fmr Ural aatharifd f kerakl dralrr'a PACE MOTOR COMPANY 324 West Main Delta, Utah I |