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Show j; r And you thought your gas bill was high!!! CAC84 111 EXP. Commission's unhappy The Juab County Commission has a difference of opinion with the Juab Rural Development Agency over how much the county agreed to pay on the natural-ga- s line now serving customers in the East Juab County area. ect Golden Mangelson, gas-prdirector, and Commissioner Jay Morris (Ike) Lunt disagreed at Mondays commission over the terms of the project. Mangelson brought raft of paper to the meeting indicating that the county commission should have known how much they were being asked to pay when the documents were being signed. All we ever agreed to was $600,000 plus the interest, said Lunt. The commissioner saidihe county would not have agreed to more. The commission only was interested in making certain the project was a success and did not expect to make money on the deal, but neither did they expect to pay oj ; The county now is being asked to pay substantially more than the agreed price, said Lunt. The county has been told they are to pay $140,000 a year for seven years, or a total of $980,000. Needless to say, the county commissioners are not happy. Mangelson said the partici- 1199 UTAH 467 gas-syste- night-huntin- g Architects now at work building on public-servic- e state 15 interchange. The present county jail has outlived its usefulness, said Carter. There isnt enough room on the site for the kind of expansion required to meet current needs, he said. m 10-ye- ar se be-.hi- Serving East Juab County - A Nice Place To Live! Decembers), 1992 Lunt said the county would not have agreed to support the gas line had they known the final outcome. The people of this county didnt agree to that, he said. In the public hearing, said Lunt, the people were told they would pay $600,000 plus interest. Lunt said hehad had the county attorney research the documents. He said commissioners had payback so agreed to a to free could be pay for other they pressing county needs after that. One clause, said Lunt, which the county might consider taking advantage is the default clause. It reads: In the event the county agrees not to budget on an annual basis sufficient monies to make the yearly payment, andor fails to make said payments, any Sgt. Gary Lofgran of the Juab County Sheriffs Department shows off the new 911 emergency and all revenues which would telephone system equipment. flow to the county pursuant to this agreement shall belong to Nephi and shall not be credited to the county. Further, if, within 24 months the county has not paid the bill, thenNephi will become the owner of the countys share of the system. The commission agreed that it did not seem to be a bad trade. for example, could tell the sheriff The 911 emergency telephone its services. The equipment includes a com- about them, and even if the persystem is now operational in most of Juab County. puter terminal hooked to the son calling 911 was not able to Technicians from U.S. West, phone companys central comput- speak, the computer would list brought the system on line ers, an uninterruptible power the information about the heart Monday, Dec. 7, says Leon Win- supply which draws electricity problems, so that the dispatcher ter of the Juab County Sheriffs from large batteries to keep the could alert ambulance crews. The 911 system also allows disDepartment. equipment operating during Juab County now has the states short-livepower outages, a large patchers to bring other people ruses from George Fredrick only enhanced 911 system south generator to keep the devices into conversations on the line. Handels work. The Juab High of Utah County. It will cost working during prolonged power For example, a psychologist could School Chorus also will be fea- $160,000, and will take emerbe dialed up and brought on the problems, and a computer-aide- d tured. Nephi,-Mona- , calls from line with someone threatening to phone gency dispatch program designed In addition to the choruses, Levan, Eureka, and Mam- help police officers and ambu- suicide, or the dispatcher could soloists from throughout the area moth all of which are served by lance personnel respond to emer- call the poison control center who will perform, including Eula U.S. West. could then talk to the caller about gencies. Howard, Kelley Paystrup, Blaine The West Desert communities When someone calls the 911 how to counteract accidental poiJones, Gary Taylor, Ray Crook, of Partoun, Callao, Trout Creek, emergency number, the computer sonings. While it initially was thought Lucy Jones, Holly Roth, Karen and others are served by a system flashes the address of the Mellor, Debra Call, Melody J ack-so- smaller, independent phone com- phone being used to call, and the that the system would require and Amy Sutorius. pany, and presently are not name of the person to whom the extensive testing, such has not Piano accompaniment will be hooked up to the system. The phone is listed even ifthe num- proved to be the case, says Winprovided by Iris Ferre, Emalie county will bring those commu- ber is called and allowed to ring ter. The sheriffs department has Jones, and Laurel Roth. The pro- nities on line too, but at a later only once. It is that capability gram is under the direction of date when the details can be that sets the enhanced system tested the phones at about 90 worked out, said Winter. Lorraine Wallace. percent of the businesses in the apart from other 911 systems. Most of the expense of the sysThe public is invited to attend Because of the above capabil- area, and all the pay phones. this free evening of music cel- tem will be paid for by county ity, the sheriffs department urges Phones at residences have been ebrating the birth, life, and death taxpayers, although the county pranksters to watch out. There checked at random. There apis working to get a grant to pay are penalties for using the 911 pear to be very few problems with of Christ for half the cost. Some of the system for other than emergen- the system, and most involve expense will be paid for by a cies, similar to turning in false addresses for residences and businesses outside municipal boundsurcharge placed fire alarms. on each phone bill in the county. By law, even if the phone is aries, says Winter. Of that 50 cents, however, Juab hung up after 911 is called, the County gets just 25 cents. That sheriffs department must disis amounts to $525 a month, given patch an officer to the phones The listed address. All members of the Nephi 4th 2,100 phones in the county. to U.S. for West remainder goes If anyone is playing with the LDS Ward are invited to a Christsystem, well know right away mas party, to be held Saturday, who it is, said Winter. celDec. 12 at the ward church. The dinner will begin at 6 p.m. , The 91T system is for use in and entertainment will follow the dispatching ambulance, fire, and meal. Those attending should police departments, and for other emergencies. Regular, bring their own dishes. calls should be directed to Following the dinner, Santa Members of the Nephi 6th LDS the proper departments through Claus will visit with the children. Ward will celebrate the holiday their regular phone numbers While the911 system presently season with several parties in is working, yet to be installed is upcoming days. The annual ward Christmas the computer-aidedispatch sysparty will be held Friday, Dec. 11 tem. The computer can keep a at the ward church. The festivi- data base on known hazards at a lAOolWVf ICA 1 WCvIVt ties will begin at 7 p.m. with a particular site, information about There will be no trash pickup roast-bee- f dinner. Those attend- previous 911 calls from that parin Nephi next Tuesday, Dec. 15. ing should bring their own dishes. ticular phone, and even The city recently switched to Following the dinner, there will information on medical and other problems. an automated garbage collection be a program. The wards Primary organizaPeople with medical or other Sister Marla Everitt, daughsystem, but has not received its own collection truck. It has been tion will host a party for the problems can alert the sheriff s ter of LaMar and Darlene using a demonstrator truck pro- youngsters Tuesday, Dec. 15. It department about them, and Everitt ofNephi, has returned vided by the company, and that will begin at 7 p.m. and will be when a call is received from that home from LDS mission sertruck will be unavailable Tues- held at the church. household, the computer will vice in Harrisburg, Penn. She day. Finally, the wards elders quo- bring up any information that will speak to members of the For next week only, trash from rum has set at dinner party Sat- has been given to the sheriffs Nephi 4th LDS Ward Sunday, Dec. 13. The meeting will beMain Street east to 2nd East will urday, Dec. 19 at 6:30 p.m. Japa- department. Someone with heart problems, gin at 2:20 p.m. be picked up on Friday, Dec. 18. nese cuisine will be featured. bond-repayme- six-ye- nt ar County's 911 phone system's now Community chorale to present The Messiah' TheNephi Community Chorale will present The Messiah at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13 at the Juab High School auditorium. More than 40 voices from the communities ofMona, Nephi, and Levan will present several cho- - d n, Escaped prisoner is back behind bars in Idaho, though . 84111 or-dinan-ce When the Night hunters from out of the percounty are causing problems for mits were first issued under and area officers, ordinance written nine years ago, the county commission learned said Carter, only 30 to 40 permits at its recent meeting. issued per year, and most were As a consequence, Don Eyre issued to local people. Now we issue 400 to 500 perJr., county attorney, will write a new ordinance regulating night mits a year, said Carter, and hunting for commission consid- - most of them are for people from eration following the recommen- - Utah and Salt Lake counties dations of Dave Carter, county Many of them get lost in the sheriff. darkness, and the sheriffhas had Carter told the commission that to conduct 30 to 40 searches rehis department had considered cently. asking the commission to close Many times the hunters do not the county to night hunting. Please turn to page 4 The prisoner who escaped from the Juab County Jail Nov. 18 is now being held in Caldwell, Idaho. Juab County Sheriff Dave Carter said Brent Dean Barron, 30, of Hayden Lake, Idaho, was .picked up following his jail break in Nephi. We contacted various law enforcement departments around his home area, said Carter. A national bulletin was also sent, said Carter. Barron, a known felon, originally was picked up on the free-wa- y near Nephi for possession of 'a firearm and for drug possession. In addition, he now has been charged with escape from jail, I auto theft, and damaging county property. Barron, who served a prison sentence in Idaho, has re- -' rased to waive extradition. The 'sheriff has now applied for a governors warrant to extradite Barron against his will. Barron escaped from the county system. jail through a pipe-chaHe then stole a 1992 Dodge Spirit from Painter Motor to make his escape from Nephi. Barron left his girlfriend at the Juab County Jail when he made his break, said Carter. UT which, he said, should indicate for night hunting - CITY, that the county County will write new go-ahe- ad LAKE Nephi, pants in the project Levan, Mona and Juab County of that amount of bonding seall had agreed to pay a per- cured by Nephi for the countys centage of the total amount. He interest. Principal and payments read from several documents are due on Dec. 31. The bylaws and participation breakdown of the Juab Rural commissioners knew what they were agreeing to Development Agency also makes before they signed the documents. it clear that Juab County would Planning, engineering and owe more than $600,000, said construction will be paid for by Mangelson. The breakdown of costs, he said, each member by the following percentages: Nephi City, 54 per- indicated Juab County would cent; Juab County, 28 percent; participate by contributing 28 Mona Town, 9 percent; and Le- percent of the costs of the main van Town, 9 percent, read line for $61 1,535 and 6 percent of Mangelson from the governing other costs for an additional agreement. The costs ofl Op- $58,419 for a total of $669,954. eration and maintenance of the It was agreed, said Mangelson, more. be shall shared the that by Nephi City would finance system ' Lunt told Mangelson that Don members prorated on thebasis of the countys share and the county Eyre, county attorney, told him gas transported, with policy in- would repay Nephi according to that the $600,000 was all the put from the board, the docu- the terms of the agreement. The note, said Mangelson, ment continued. county owed. agreed the county would pay its share of the other costs on its Architects for the new Juab County Public Safety Building to have been given the begin the designs for the structure. The Gillies, Stransky, Brems, and Smith architectural firm of Salt Lake City will work on the design for the jail portion of the building. The proposed administration , portion of the building is still being analyzed, said JoeBemini, president of the Juab County Municipal Building Authority. It is estimated the design phase will take six months, he continued. Stansbury- Design Group of Tooele is still involved analyzing the needs of the administrative portion of the building. It will take the six months, Bernini said, for the architects to develop the plans and specifications needed to allow bids to be let for construction. facilities The new county-ja- il will be built on 20 acres of property south ofNephi on State Road 28 (old US 91) near the Inter- - SALT The operating agreement, said Mangelson, is further proof the commission should have known what the costs would be. The agreement said the money would be paid in equal payments over a period of six years with interest in an amount that will repay bondNephis 1991 of and cost issuance interest ing ASSOCIATION PRESS EAST 300 SOUTH 4th LDS Ward Y Christmas party Dec 12 Matt Harper Matt Harper gets Eagle Scout badge son of Ron and Matt Harper, Noreen Harper of Levan, received his Eagle Scout badge at a recent court of honor. Harper, 16, is a junior at Juab High School, where he is a mem-- . ber of the FFA and the rodeo club. He likes hunting and horses. He is a member of Levan LDS Ward, where he is a member of the priests quorum. He also is a counselor in the Explorer post. For his Eagle Scout public-servic-e project, he landscaped the grounds of the Levan Town Hall. His grandparents are Ross and Floy Harper of Levan and Melvin and Mildred Robbins ofMona. 6th Ward's ebrating the holidays Garbage day Tuesday? Not d n0y4 patron-supplie- d |