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Show .4 cil has received some very positive responses to the new garbage- ' FromWhere Q SR i sir Yes, I know I'm a little late in announcing the 5th Annual From Where I Sit Christmas Lighting Contest. Since last week Ive had at least 3 and not less than 15 people giving me the what for for not announcing it earlier. All I can say is that Fve been busy. This year Tm going to do it a little bit different. You dont have to enter, you just have to dress up the place. I'm not going to have any formal judges, Im going to let you judge for the ones you like best. The other rules are quite simple. You have to have your lights on each night between 6 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. starting Friday, December 1 1th, so the good folk can see your handy work. You can live in Nephi, Mona, Levan or in Juab County proper, and last but not least you must allow a picture of your handiwork to be run in the paper of December 23rd. I will have three places for residential and two places for commercial (including government.) Now the fun begins, all of us are judges, please cut the coupon below and fill out your preferences. Only official ballots from the newspaper will be counted. Each subscriber will receive two ballots, one this week, one next. No copies will be allowed, (cuts down on the before 5 fudging), and only ballots received here at The Times-New- s each counted. be will Winners will 18th December p.m. Friday, receive a certificate and a years subscription to The Times-News. Things to come. . . Only 9 days left to vote for your favorite lighting person. Only 10 days until the Senior Ball on December 19th Only 16 days until Christmas, Only 22 days left in 1992 and last but not least, Only 25 days left until Berts Birthday, January 3rd is the big day. He hasnt yelled yet, probably too old to read. Times-New- s from Where I Sit Christmas Lighting Contest frlL out your favorites below and deliver to $6 South Main, Nephi or mail to c The Times-New- s 8464.8-007- 7 Residential: 1st: Name Address 2nd: .City 3rd: Learned that the new truck their recent meeting, the director ofeconomic development, have not started using gas in at budgeted for the water departto review a preliminary design least one appliance. Nephi City Council: ment can be ordered at any time. Received a $5,000 credit from for the rail spur to be constructed Sold a business license to Authorized Mayor Bob Steele the John Deere C orporation to be at the industrial park. Charles F. Homier, Jr., doing to execute the sales agreement used for local recreation and the Greenhalgh said a full packet has .business as Homier Distributing with Pipeline for the Questar golf course. The credit was won been submitted to Union Pacific Company, for a tool auction to be of purchase looks and the held at the Juab County Court- and authorized Steele to pipea project by Leonard Robinson and mem- Railroad, sign as far as the time schedule, house community center. bers of a team from the city golf service agreement retaining Mentioned that as ofthe first course at a golf course Met with Tom Sperry, who Denile Smuin as gas-we- ll superintendents tournament. oftheyear,a$7.50minimumgas asked if any progress had been gas-gatheri- gd The credit must be redeemed by The group was thanked and congratulated by Mayor Bob Steele, Met with John Phillipsen to discuss hi s request for a coal yard onhis Main Street property. Such a use is not allowed by current zoning regulations. Mayor Steele recommended that the zoning on Main Street remain as is. No further action was taken. Sold a business license to John Phillipsen, doing business as Phillipsens Construction, subject to the restrictions written on the application. Met with Glenn Greenhalgh, To the Editor: ' bill will be charged to utility tomers who signed up for gas service, had a gas line run to theirjiomes or businesses, but County never owned canyon To the Editor: I enjoy your paper. It gives a good insight of the happenings and changes in East JuabCounty. ' Slder Clint By the way, at the cattle guard of Wayne Hoaldridge, son and Annette Hoaldridge of Riverdale, formerly of Nephi, will serve an LDS mission in Melbourne, Australia. His farewell will be at 2:50 pjn. Sunday, Dec. 13 at the Riverdale 2nd LDS Ward church. The 2 & Times-New- s Nephi, Utah December 9, 1992 Car Wash .City Name. Address .City Commercial (including government) 1st: watwMO' Name Address 2nd: City FREE DRAWING TICKET Name. Address arg 4-- D with a 8 gal minimum purchase of that great Sinclair Gasoline .City - GREAT CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WILL BE GIVEN ON DEC. 22ND PLUMBING & BUILDERS' SUPPLY 66 SOUTH MAIN, NEPHI, UTAH CALL 6231199 FOR SERVICE Heating Service 1 Licensed Contractor We Service What We Sell! Plumbing Service Electrical Trained parsonneS made in holding down the noise generated by the Jones Well. He was advised that sound measurements havent been taken. Mayor Steele said he thought some kind of baffle could be built in front of the pump to help cancel the noise. Sperry also asked about putting toxic substances in the new trash cans. He was told that such substances are not allowed in the containers, because when the garbageis compacted in the truck, the containers break. Sperry himself can dispose of such substances at the landfill, however. Approved an extension of time for EksAyn Anderson to make improvements on his Main Street property. The original deadline was Dec. 1, but was extended by the city to June 30, 1993. Rescheduled the Dec. 15 coun- Sinclair Service Name. Address Learned that Councilman Jens Mickelson has looked over the area near the Jones Well and he thinks it has a good potential for a park. Nephi City Council news notes between Ockeys and Jenkins Flat in the mouth of Salt Creek Canyon over a half a century ago, there was a sign saying Entering Uinta National Forest. I do not believe Salt Creek Canyon ever belonged to Juab County. I always read and thoroughly eqjoy From Where I Sit. Glen C. Nelson Grants Pass, Oreg. rP.O. Box 77 Nephi, Utah system. -collection At By Allan R. Gibson Uhe $5,000 grant, coal yard, business licenses, railroad spur cil meeting for 3 p.m. so the council may attend the legislative dinner of the Utah Municipal Power Association, set that day at the Excelsior Hotel in Provo. Received an invitation to attend an economic development board meeting Dec. 17. Authorized Mayor Bob Steele to look over and approve the Central Utah Water Conservancy Districts 1993 budget, subject to the city receiving a recommendation from the local water conser- vancy district. Mentioned that the city coun- - NaUtjlUS Club Delphic Club meets Kathy Riggs, Utah State University Extension home economist for Juab County, met with members of the Delphic Literary Club at their recent meeting to ; demonstrate microwave cooking techniques. The meeting was held at the home of Edna Mae Ludlow. Riggs told club members that it is easy to use microwave ovens for things other than defrosting items or warming leftovers. She gave helpful hints ranging from melting chocolate without scorching it to baking cakes evenly without overcooking the corners. Club members then were invited to sample the various treats that were prepared in the demonstration. Riggs invited the group to call the Extension office when they need help with holiday cooking methods or for holiday ideas. Services held for Vern L. Hanson, 74 Vern L. Hanson, 74, died Dec. 3 at his home in Fountain Green. holds Christmas party at Harmon home He was born Sept. 29, 1918 in Fountain Green to Joseph Emil and Elizabeth Ann Anderson Hanson. He married Dorothy Johansen Hansen May 15, 1959 in Fountain Green. She died Feb. Members of the Nautilus Club celebrated the holiday season at a Christmas party held at the home of Sue Harmon Dec. 3. A musical program was presented by Sound Celebration, a childrens singing group under the direction of Melody Jack-so- n. Club members also had dinner and exchanged presents. 25, 1985. He served in many positions in the LDS Church. He was a veteran of World War II and a charter member of the Fountain Green Lions Club. Survivors are his children, Mary Jarrett of Salt Lake City, and Dean F. Hansen, Robert D. Hansen, Kenneth N. Hansen, Eddie V. Hanson, and Ellen Jensen, all ofFountain Green;21 grandchildren; one four brothers, Glenn and Fay Hanson, both of Murray , and Neldon and LeVon Hanson, both of Nephi; and a sister, Ruby Rickenbacher of Oregon. Funeral services were held Saturday in Fountain Green. Burial was at the Fountain Green great-grandchil- reduce your risk of heart disease follow these American Heart Association dietary guidelines: keep saturated fat to less than 10 percent of calories, total fat to less than 30 percent of calories, cholesterol to less than 300 mg per day, and sodium to less than 3,000 mg per day. Tb pumper. d; to our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners Central Utah J3alLt Presents 385 South Main, Nephi, Utah SATURDAY, DEC. 12, 2 p.m.& 7 p.m. MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 7p.m. North Sanpete High School TICKET INFORMATION Seats Reserved $7.50 & $5.00 All Let us help you make your wedding easy and save you money in the process. We can help you to send out your announcements in an easy and inexpensive manner. In a fraction of the time that it will take you to hand address your invitations, you can make your selections from our list. The cost is 190 for each one you select from our list and only 230 for ones that you hand address. We mail anywhere in the United States. Come in today and see Allan and find out how you can take the hard work out of your wedding and save money too! up-to-da- Mt. Pleasant City Hall 462-245- icketsailableatJhDoorNoSeati eeerndw 49, 4992 te UQ$U at Opiate (floral C3&4S33 few 'ijour Wit and &$outcmnwye6 96 South Main, Nephi, Utah 5 Call today 623-052- 6 (Sy qIouv (Sfeeclal)cUe 0 , t. . 4 . . - a ? e I I I f 1 1,1 |