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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648, Thursday, December 25, 1969 Single Copy 10c Special TV Series to Aid New Books at Women in Dress Design Nephi Library Dressing by Design a television short course, is a series of five programs demonstrating how to combine shapes, lines, textures and colors to express our Individuality. This course will be broadcast over Channel 7 each Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. beginning January 14. It will be broadcast over Channel 2 Sunday at 7:30 am. According to Gloria Ludlow, Juab Home Agent, the materials are very worthwhile and help you determine what your own silhouette is and how to use lines In clothing, to enhance The materyour appearance. ials on color are especially interesting and help you find your own best colors. Mrs. Ludlow stated that those Interested In taking this short WHAT IS CONSIDERED by many to be a record of one type or another has occurred In Levan. Little Jason Jerry Mangelson, shown above comfortably in the arm of his father, Jerry Mangelson, Is Ithe fifth generation Mangelson residing In Levan. If he follows the record of his great-gregrandfather fie will still be alive on Christmas eve in the year 2066! The five generation group were together recently for this photo: Left, standing Is Lorenzo Mangelson, 97; center, Reuben Mangelson, and right, Golden R. Mangelson, the babys grandfather. Jerry Mangelson, seated holds the month-or-s- o old new member of the group, Jason Times-New- s Photo Jerry Mangelson. course and having workships, are invited to contact her immediately at the USU Extension Office In the Post Office building. The course will cost $5.00, which covers the cost of program reference material The deadline for enrollment is January 9. Additional Information, including the enrollment card, is available from the Extension Service office. Lions Entertain Kids Children of the Levan school had their annual treat on Tuesday afternoon, when members of the Levan Lions Club presented sacks of candy and nuts at the annual program. at non-ficti- Family Gathering is Event The family of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilkey enjoyed a party at the Senior Citizens Center on Friday, December 19. Dinner was served after which a program was enjoyed with each family taking Santa also visited the part. kiddies during the evening. Enjoying, the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bird and children Sharon, Eileen, Joan, Merrill and girl friend, and a grandson, Shane Maughn of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Logan; (Marjorie) Warren and sons Jim, Joe, Tom and a friend Robert Bryant, all of Payson; e Mr. and Mrs. Camell (Alta), son Alan and daughter Patricia, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. David Bird, daughter Valery and sons Michael and Mark of Chester; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilkey, sons Chris and Andy, and daughters Janet and Allison, Benjamin; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nay, and daughter Margo of Spanish Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Rothe and son Terry and Kenneth of Payson; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Warren of Sandy, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilkey. as As the popular song of the season says, it the kids will be Christmas Day in the morning will have the oldsters up at an hour earlier than around the normal rising time . . . and the phones the towns will again be Jangling, and greetings followed by a lengthy will be doll walkie-talkexplanation in detail of the new or you oughta see my or the new radio set new game board and a thousand and one other branches of the things from under the spreading Christmas tree. .. t? ie ... reg Christmas will be another thing . . the visits and a big to homes of friends and relatives Christmas dinner that calls for a long nap durbe ing the afternoon (which most often just cant accomplished despite heavy eyelids from an early rising). Christmas Is a time for reminiscing of happy family affairs for the "oldsters and a time or making those happy occasions for the youngsters . . for taking pictures . . . and for remembering . . . ... reg Many, many long years ago I remember with fondness one particular Christmas . . the yard at the south of the family home was free from snow, just about like this past week has been . . and my Christmas gift was a tricycle! And then another time I received a pocket watch . . . what prized possessions they were! And then there was the Christmas time when (as it has happened in many homes) the Christmas tree was tipped over with broken ornaments and spilled icecycles and an embarassed youngster . . which of my kids, I cant remember . . . but It happened at Christmas! reg And then the fond Christmases when the at Christmas time grandchildren were wide-eye- d . . . and the girls like Joy Paxman, Donna Snyder, Marie Wilkey, Gail Pace and others joining with our daughter Shirley In playing every roll in the house on the player piano . . . and having a big time; Yes, Christmas Is a time for remembering those precious family memories which occur In almost every household. reg To our friends who are starting, out in life with their new families, make this a time when your years are many that you will be able to look back upon with fondness! To the kids, have the most enjoyable time possible . . and to the oldsters, we hope that you, too, have beautiful memories of Christmas. reg The time of gifts and of love for family and fellow man should be the most pleasant time! We hope that this will be so for each of you at Christmas. reg One writer stated: "Some of our Christmas packages are wrapped with such artistic skill that we are loath to disturb the beautiful coverings. That Is what has happened to Christmas Itself. Its wrappings are so lovely that many just never get to the inside. They become so Intrigued or busied with the exteriors they never get to the heart of Christmas. American Legion Meets The annual Christmas party of the American Legion Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Roy McPherson on December 10. Each member presented a Christmas thought or Christmas carols quotation. were sung by the group and were Delicexchanged. gifts ious refreshments were served to the following members: Mrs. James H. Ockey, Mrs. Chester Foote, Mrs. Vernon Butler, Mrs. Sam Sperry, Mrs. Vem Davis, Mrs. Maylon Bowers, Mrs. Donald L. Bailey, Mrs. Merle H. White, Mrs. Lee Anderson, Mrs. Albert Haney, Mrs. Fred Chapman and Mrs. Rex Hill. The November meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Chester Foote. Mrs. Fred L. Gadd was In charge of the program and she Introduced Sheri D. Ferre who gave an interesting and enjoyable talk on patriotism. Peter Pan to be Fea hire Christmas Night Capturing the bringht landscape of fantasy and the atmosphere of imperishable youth, Walt Disneys all - animation treatment of Peter Pan returns to the Venice for this week end, to delight moviegoers of all ages. In color, he famed story of the boy who would not grow includes such famous up characters as the imaginative Wendy; Nana, the patient canine nursemaid; Mr. and Mrs. Darling,; the terrible tempered Hook; the ticking Captain Crocodile with his constant desire for another bite of the captain . . and many others. "Peter Pan will be shown at the Venice Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. As has been the recent-year- s custom, the Theatre will be closed on evenln Christmas Wednesday eve! Senior Ball Royalty: King, Jimmy Stephensen; Queen, LaRee Stephensen; Prince, Martell Menlo ve; Princess, Emily Nebeker Annual Ball Held From the JHS CLARION Four seniors eker and Patti Andreaaon, and represented their class as royalty at the the decorations by Burt Bellis-toSenior Ball held last Friday. Howard Newton, Randy They are LaRee Stephensen, Carter, Debbie Russell and Debwho was elected queen; Jimmy bie Gardner. Stephensen, king; Emilee NebPrograms were arranged for e, eker, princess and Martell by Phyllis Haycock, Colleen prince. The theme Blue Lerwellyn. The advertising, was was chosen by a done by Marjorie Painter and Christmas committee consisting of David Lynnette Smith. Bird, Sharia Tolley and MarThe senior class assembly was under the direction of ilyn Vickers. The orchestra was Burt k Martell Menlove, Ranae Worand was arranged for by thington, Craig Kendall, LaRee Glenda Sparks. The floor show Stephensen and Celia Mangelwas arranged by Emilee Neb son. n, Men-lov- Mer-doc- New Year's Eve Lions Hear Need for Continuing Anti-Litt- er Campaign antl-Uteri- at a recent meeting held at Mlckelsons Cafe. Presenting a special altering film prepared by the r United rStates Brewing Foun- 1 1 anti-lit-- Don MoGivney, field representative pointed out the waste of time and effort in beautification ruined by the littering public. Jack Llewellyn and Marcus Olpin were received Into the club as new members. Russ Jackson was in charge of the program, and a musical selection was presented by Mark Winn. aation, lo, tfje angel of the Lord came upon them, and 'the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. St. Luk 2:8-1- 4 We rejoice with you In this message taken from the writings of St Luke . . . and pray that the true meaning of Christmas anil abide in the homes of Juab Stake on this wonderful day. We deeply appreciate your activities In the work of our Father in Heaven, and ask His blessings to be with each of you throughout this season and In the year soon to dawn. JUAB STAKE PRESIDENCY R. Roscoe Garrett Roy El Gibson J. Barren Jenkins Juab Stake over 14 years of age are invited to the New Years Eve party to be held at the Stake House beginning at 10 pjn. December 31. fine orchestra has been arranged for. and there will be door prizes, a floor show, and refreshments. A Members of the Nephi Lions Club heard a plea for aid in a national campaign Frink Brough Named World War 1 Veterans Commander for 70 Frank Brough was elected Commander of the Nephi Barracks, and Mrs. LaVell Svedln was elected president of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans of World War I at a meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brough last week. The affair was the annual Christmas party of the two organizations. Mr. Brough succeeds H. C. Crane, and Mrs. Svedln succeeds Mrs. Leone Howarth. Other officers are: first vice commander, George V. Jones; second vice commander, Lester Briggs; quartermaster, Perry C. Hall and chaplain, H. C. Crane. Auxiliary officers include Lorene Kirgan and Delta Wilkey as vice presidents: Alberta Jones, secretary-treasureElnora Foote, chaplain; Leeta Blackett, conductress and Coquella McPherson, guard. A delicious dinner was served to 36 members. Special guests were Norma Sherwood and Diane Brough who gave musical selections, and Olive Broadhead who gave a reading. Services Held Dance Panned All members of Bett-ridg- Mliarv A large number of new books now are on the rental shelves at the Nephi City Public Library, according to Librarian Maida Foote. The general public Is invited to visit the Library in the City Hall and avail themselves of the opportunity of reading these latest addiltons as well as the vast supply available. New fiction books include; Girl on a High Wire by Rae Foley; The Great Adventure by Janice Holt Giles; Harpoon in Eden by R. Van Wyck Mason; Surgeons Choice by Frank L. Slaughter; For Love of a Doctor by Elizabeth Eeifert; The Spy Who Spoke Porpoise by Philip Wylie; Camavarons Castle by Jean Francis Webb; Case of the Fabulous Fake by Erie Stanley Gardner. Recent additions to the library are: A Man Called Peter by Catherine Marshall; Great Adventures of the Old West, American Heritage; The Longhorns by J. Frank Dobie; The Man Who Rediscovered America, a Biography of John Wesley Powell by John Upton Terrell; The Last of the Mountain Men, by Harold PetOn Desert Trails by erson; Randall Henderson; The Kingdom and the Power by Gaye Talese; Jenie, the Life of Lady Randolph Churchill, by Ralph G. Martin. Volume 60, Number 52 The Juab Stake Youth Council Is directing the .party plans. YVVMIA of- fleers are serving as advisors to the young people. Snow College Gains Schoarship Fund From FSB foundation Snow College has received a scholarship grant of $200.00 from the First Security Foundation as part of its annual distribution to 17 Utah and Idaho colleges and universities as well as and Future Farmer Clubs. Mark D. Bowen of the Spanish Fork office of First Security Bank of Utah, represented the First Security Foundation in Lee making the presentation. R. Thompson, acting president, accepted the check on behalf of Snow College. The grant to Snow was a portion of the overall year-en- d distribution of $13,300 made by the Foundation to schools and 4--H Monday for Ex Nephi Man Funeral services were held Monday at the Anderson Funeral Home In Nephi for Richard Marion Salisbury Jr., 38, who died at his residence in Salt Lake City December 19 of natural causes. Bishop Ralph E. Chase of the Nephi Fourth Ward Conducted the services. Mr. Salisbury wa3 bom at Nephi May 20, 1931, a son of Richard and Zelda King Salisbury. He received his education in the Nephi elementary school and Juab High School. In May of 1948 he joined the United States Navy and was a veteran of the Korean war. He married Ruth Dunlop on September 4, 1954 at Prest-wicScotland, and they were later divorced. Survivors include a son and daughter, Ricky and Judy May of Prestwich, Scotland; his mother, Mrs. Byron Johnson of Nephi; a brother and two sisters: Tony Salisbury, Mrs. Betty Boswell, both of Nephi, and Mrs. Robert (Connie) Wells of Sandy. Also surviving, Is his grandmother, Mrs. Nettie King of Salt Lake City. Military rites at the Vine Bluff Cemetery were under the direction of the American Legion, Nephi Post No. 1. clubs. In accepting the award to Snow, Mr. Thompson said it would be placed in the general scholarship fund from which grants are made each year to numerous students who are selected by a faculty committee. r; I iIIihIHI1 ')iT Patients at the Juab County Hospital at Nephi as of 10 a m. Tuesday Include the following: Neville Angell, Nephi Irene Bryson, Eureka Maria Johnson, Leamington Burnell M. Lunt, Nephi Ella Newton, Mona Luella B. Ostler, Nephi Elmo Tunbridge, Levan New Babeis . . Mr. and Mrs. Melvin LaMar Johnson are parents of a daughter bom December 19, 1969, at the Juab County Hospital. Grandmother Is Mrs. Gean Sperry, .Nephi. SNOW COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP fund will be bolstered by a donation from First Security Foundation. Check Is received by acting Snow President Lee R. Thompson from Mark D. Bowen, rep recent! ng the banking firms foundation. h, |