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Show PBGMflY OF B0ISSS001TE0 Mei-ks Help Advancerrent in School. Edward J. Tobin, Cook county (Illinois) (Illi-nois) superintendent of schools, has announced that the proficiency of members of the schoolboys' patrol will be graded and that that mark will bt considered In their advancement from grade to grade as mu h as their standing in arithmetic and other .studies. Patrol Fostsrsd by Club. Mr. Tobin made the statement after a conference with representatives of the accident prevention department of the Chicago Motor club, which for nine years has fosten d the patrol as a means of preventing trullie accidents among school children. "Education should comprise "prartl cai' instruction, as well us knowledge from books," explained .Mr. Tobin ''Members of the seliool boys' patrol j are selected because of their qualities of character, manliness and leader ship. They stand at corners lu the vicinity of schools before find uft'-r the classes, and assist their class mates and younger pupils across the streets during lulls in trullie. They must be on duty for at lenst a total of an hour a day, outside of their scheJil hours. Their work us a member mem-ber of a patrol Is bound to give them a broader knowledge of taking cure of themselves find others, and I believe be-lieve they should be given tunetihle credit for efficient performance of this task." Part of Achievement Cou--co. Under the new plans, the patrol be coni'-s a part of Hie iichlevemenr course of the' county schools. This course comprises H- projects, such as the study of music, agriculture, live stock and similar subjects. Iv.e-b pu pil must enroll for one or more sub Jeets. lioys who aspire to member ship on a patrol must be nominated and approved by the other mnuliors of his particular nehleveniejit course, the teacher and the director of cdu cation. I'utrol members must serve ;'U weeks In order bo obtain n mark, which will be determined by the teach er. Ihe director of education and the accident prevention department of Ihe Chicago Motor club. Mr. Tobin recently asked the Motor club to assist him In pluolng a patrol in every selmol under Ills Jurisdiction The members of these patroLs are sup plied with while Ham lirowne bells and budges by the club without charge. |