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Show OLD GAMBLERS INITIATE At a noisy session of the Fifty-Fifty club held at the home of Ever-sharp Ever-sharp Campbell on the evening of Feb. 21, Mr. Hercules Lucifer Liver-god Liver-god and Mrs. Helen Hiwater Liver-good Liver-good were initiated into the mysteries mys-teries of the gang. With feet buried in buckets of cracked ice and hot water bottles on their heads, the candidates can-didates took the terrible oath of the Bacchanalic degree. Owing to the vagaries of Volstead, the pledge was drunk in Mercurochrome, and signed with the juice of a blood-orange. Bridge was played something awful. Mr. Livergood made the nigh score in points for gentlemen and received an elegant leather bill fold, to keep his United Cigar coupons in. The! high score in honors, for gentlemen was made by Rocky Mountain 'Cope-land, 'Cope-land, the prize being a pair of clean socks. High scores for ladies were: Honors, Mrs. Copeland: prize, a dainty dain-ty Kalsomine puff. Points, Mrs. Fernlty, the prise being a flapper doll, including a Luck Strike v' everything, ev-erything, except a cuspidor. Mrs. Livergood received for lady's consolation con-solation a dinky shell, or celluloid fan, and for gent's consolation Mr. Fernley received an emblem of truthfulness truth-fulness a "Georgie de Wash" hatchet. hat-chet. Refreshments were served, and so far ns is reported, no complaints were made. Those merely present were Mr. and ; Mrs. Cochrane and Mr. and Mrs. Moore. |