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Show GOT NASTY WALLOP BY SEMI-LUNATIC COMPOUND FRACTURE ; OF JAW IS RESULT A fractured jaw which will necessi-tate necessi-tate wearing a cast for a f"v weeks is what Louis Allen received l::st week when a demented man took a dislike to him. . Allen, who was attacked by a person per-son who had a hallucination that he was being talken about, went, n few-days few-days later to see Dr. Koliler, and to have one of his loosened tee'.h extracted. ex-tracted. To. Dr. Kohlcr's sui-p -isc, when it was attempted to lift o-it the tooth, the whole side of Allni's jaw moved. Dr. Kohler wired Allen'.-, teeth together and had the jaw-bone X-rayed. The picture showed a compound com-pound fracture, split clear through the middle. The force of the blow which struck Mr. Allen was such that the opposite side of his jaw is the one that broke. Fasting will be the order of things for Mr. Allen for several weeks while he ponders on the vagaries of man. |