Show I Notice of Hearing Petition In the District Court of the Filth Fifth Judicial District in and for the County of Millard State of Utah IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION DISSOLUTION DISSO DISSO- LUTION OF THE RUDY PATRICK SEED COMPANY COMPANY COM COM- PANY a corporation NOTICE is hereby given that the Rudy Patrick Seed Company a Utah Utah Utah U- U tah Corporation has filed with the Clerk of the Court its petition for dissolution of ot the ing lag for tor the voluntary dissolution V of the corporation and the ending of its corporate existence V That the hearing of the peti has been set down for hearing V Monday the day of ot April V D. D 1943 at 2 o'clock P. P Is M. M of said day at the Court House in Fillmore City Millard County State Stat nf or r. r I where any person interested may appear and show cause why the Petition should not be granted It H is ordered that a copy of this Notice be published in the Millard County Chronicle a newspaper having general circulation lation in the County of Millard State of ot Utah for not less than five live times once each week for five consecutive weeks That last publication to be beat beat e eat V at least ten tori days daj S before the time set for hearing V Dated the day of February 1943 Arthur C. C Brown Clerk of ot District Court Dudley Crafts Atto Attorney ney for lor Petitioner First pub Feb 25 1943 Final pub Mar 25 1943 |