Show SUMMONS I IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MILLARD STATE OF UTAH J. J CLIFFORD PETERSON Plaintiff vs WOODS CROSS STOCK COMPANY a corporation MILLARD COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT N NUMBER U M B E R THREE a body corporate and poll- poll tic GEORGE S. S INGRAHAM EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD ED ED- WARD P. P McKENNA and ELMER RICHARDSON as the Committee of Bondholders of Millard C County o 0 u n t y Drainage District Number Three Thre e. e CATHERINE J. J BUDION a single woman GEORGE S. S INGRAHAM a single man EDWARD P. P McKENNA McKEN McKEN- NA and MRS EDWARD P. P Mch McKENNA McKEN McKEN- NNA N- N NA his wife wiCe whose true and correct correct correct cor cor- cor- cor name is otherwise unknown CHARLES E. E HO HOGAN CAN and MRS CHARLES E. E HOGAN his wife whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown ADA F. F HOGAN HOGAN HOGAN HO HO- GAN FRANCES M. M TOLBERT the surviving widow of Sherman Tolbert Tolbert Tolbert Tol- Tol bert sometimes known as Sherman Talbert late of Abraham Utah deceased deceased deceased de de- de- de ceased and arid the following known heirs of Sherman Tolbert sometimes sometimes sometimes some some- times known as Sherman Talbert late of Abraham Utah deceased CLINTON TOLBERT a and n d MRS CLINTON TOLBERT his w wi wife i f fe e whose true a and n d correct name is otherwise un unknown k now n WILLIAM LYNN TOLBERT and IRETTA TOLBERT TOLBERT TOLBERT TOL TOL- BERT his wife wICe HELEN TOLBERT and JOHN HES- HES her husband WILMA TOLBERT STEWART and HAROLD STEWART her husband FLOYD TOLBERT and CLEON TOLBERT his wife LLOY TOLBERT and HILDRED HILDRED HILDRED HIL- HIL DRED TOLBERT his wife SHER SHER- SHERMAN SHERMAN MAN TOLBERT and GLADYS TOLBERT TOLBERT TOLBERT TOL TOL- BERT his wife wiCe and ERMA TOLBERT TOLBERT TOLBERT TOL TOL- BERT PETERSON the unknown heirs Creditors and personal representatives representatives representatives rep rep- of Sherman Tolbert late of Abraham Utah deceased The Heirs Creditors Devisees Legi Legi- tees and personal representatives of any of the personal defendants above named who might be deceased deceased deceased de de- de- de ceased and the stockholders Creditors Creditors Creditors Cred Cred- Assigns and successors in interest interest in in- in- in t terest rest of any of the above named corporate defendants that might have ceased to exist and all other persons unknown claiming any right title estate therein or interest interest interest inter inter- est in the real property described In the Complaint adverse to Plaintiffs Plaintiff's Plaintiffs Plaintiff's Plain Plain- tiffs tiff's s ownership or any cloud upon Plaintiffs Plaintiff's title thereto Defendants THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS You are her hereby by summoned to appear appear appear ap ap- pear within twenty days after alter the service of this summons upon you If served within the County in hi which this action is brought otherwise otherwise otherwise other other- wise within thirty days after service service service ice and defend the above entitled action and in case of your failure so to do Judgment will be rendered render render- ed against you according to the demand of the Complaint which has been lIed flied with the Clerk of said Court This action is brought to quiet title on the following land in Millard Millard Millard Mil Mil- lard County Utah The North one-half one N of the Southeast quarter of or Section 22 Township 16 South Range 8 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian in inthe inthe inthe the County of or Millard State of Utah And the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 22 Township 16 South Range 8 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian In Inthe Inthe inthe the County of or Millard State of Utah DUDLEY CRAFTS Attorney for Plaintiff P. P 0 O. O Address Delta Utah First Publication 43 3 Final Publication 43 4 |