Show Sunday Program Honors Servicemen Sunday night the Delta second ward held a program honoring the themen themen themen men who had left that ward for forthe forthe the service Pictures were displayed display display- ed of all the bo boyc boYf who had left during the program The program theme was America Ameri Amen ca A Christian Nation The opening opening opening open open- ing number was America sung bythe by bythe bythe the congregation Invocation Bi Bishop Bishop Bishop Bi- Bi shop Warren Henderson An Instrumental instrumental instrumental mental trio composed of Ora Mae Bishop xylophone Carol Hansen flute and Dorothy Henderson piano piano pia pia- no pla played ed patriotic airs Forward by Ruby Bishop Talk The AmerIcan American American Amer Amer- ican Way of Life Is the Christian Way of Life by Albert Payne Musical Musical Mu Mu- reading Recessional b by R Ruth Rut u t ii h Stephenson T Tal Talk a 1 k Our Church Stands Ever Ready to Defend Defend De De- V fend the Cause of Freedom by Vera Tera Hilton Reading Credo b Fred G. G Richards Singing America Ameri Amen ca the Beautiful the Singing V Mothers Talk Our Boys as Missionary Missionary Missionary Mis Mis- Soldiers by Mar Mary Bassett Tribute to the flag by Scout Paul Cahoon The congregation sang V The Star Spangled Banner A large crowd was in attendance and the parents of the boys in the service were special guests at the program |