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Show SHTBYC CIRCLE PATTERNS Pinned in Auto, Old Man Waits 14 Days for Death Motorist's Diary Tells of Last Tragic Days of Lost Hope. Kathleen Norris Says: SSaBMSaaaasasjJJaa The Case 0 Two Wives Released bf Western Newspaper Union. Gets Shock ai She Opens Refrigerator NORTH TONAWANDA. N. Y.-When Y.-When it came time to prepare dinner, Mn. R. P. Reagan went to the refrigerator to get pheasant pheas-ant for which the whole family was waiting with anticipation. A Simple, Efficient Home Frock Appliqued Jumper-Jacket tor lots aoosstwipi When she opened the door the bird flew out into her face. The pheasant had been revived by the I cold air. Cake Is a Welcome Treat for Returning Servicemen! (See Kecipe eiowj Welcome Home Parties 3f raa favorite serviceman is Ll home, either on furlough 1 1 discharge, U jou'lf want welcome rum L with plenty mouth-water-cakes and ikies. These, gnoif other Eft odi they've Keg dreaming lout. 10 plan to ive them in ham quantity. Slat about the shortage 01 sugarr sere's no need to worry about that long u you can get syrups which istitute so nicely. If you iouow nciDH exactly as they're giv- fhe torture and taste will be per- You won't even miss the sug- Keepilmplicity In mind for these Welcome Home" parties. Cake or IrJriM furhans memo rpadv a made Edwich tilings in the refrigera-ffniit refrigera-ffniit anil tiAvprnfrpa arft fill Vflu p need. There should be no fuss I bother, just plenty of good food, witA amwtMncrlv r -re- av Jin following cake is made by e newer, shorter metnod, ana can I done either by hand or with an fettle mixer, if you are lucky tan to have one. Use the clock count accurately when beating Delicate White Cake Fruit dftil mIta flAtia - --r- hvw uviu $ teaspoons double-acting baking pawner Iteupmsalt sugar I fft whites I vegetable shortening I euyaailk t teasnoon vanilla M Hour once, measure into sifter mtimg powder, salt and I cup I sugar. Pat egg whites until foamy. Add nf cup sugar gradually, mi only until the mixture will M up la 10ft peaks. Set aside, wt ihortening at room temper- tLa5x m itir 5ust to soften. flti ingredients; add milk and r era mix until all the flour -ram. men beat 2 minutes. VftU Whit ;.. j u. , I . v UUALUie MI 111 IICH L 1 longer. (Count only actual LYNN 6 ATS: To Make Soup: Place soup meat and bones in cold water and allow to come slowly to the boiling boil-ing point Soups should be simmered sim-mered slowly to bring out their full flavor. A eood proportion to use is 1 quart of water to every pound of bone and meat Souo stock will keep several days in the refrigerator if stored in freshly scalded jars or pitch ers. The cake of fat which forms on top should not be removed until un-til all stock has been used. Then it can be rendered and used for frying or for the fat salvage. A good batch of soup stock can be used for several days. The first part can be cooked with vegetables; veg-etables; the second batch with noodles or rice; and the third time herbs or dumplings may be added. To make clear soup, the white of 1 eett mav be mixed with 1 teasrjoon of cold water and boiled In tha sniin for 2 minutes. The crushed egg shell may also be used before boiling, and removed hv straining through a cheese cloth. GOLD BEACH, ORE.-A diary, wnten in close detail, telling of days of suffering, hope and final res-, lgnation to approaching death, is . all that remained to tell of a 78- i jo;ir-old motorist's last tragic days , on earth, says the United Press. j Written on the back of a worn ! highway map while he was hopeless- j ly pinned behind the wheel of his partly demolished car, the diary related re-lated how Earl Stilson, Gold Beach, had yearned for rescue, but later calmly awaited death only 100 feet from the busy Oregon - California coast highway. Mrs. Earl Stilson, his wife, released re-leased the contents of Stilson' s diary, written while he was suffering suffer-ing from a fractured pelvis, broken leg and internal injuries. State police said they had stopped lnnkins for Stilson a few davs before only a mile and a half south of where the aged man's wrecked automobile was found. Tells of Accident. Apparently falling asleep at the wheel while driving northward from Eureka, Calif., Stilson wrote of the accident in which his car left the road a few miles south of Crescent i City. Writine in Dencil Stilson said: "Am suffering for food and drink. Why can I not be found? Not far off the road. I fell asleep. Not a bit of warning. ..." Next day. Stilson wrote: "All sunshine, Satan's mockery. But He (God) will not leave me here." On Sunday evening, in shaky . hand, he scrawled: j "Will write this tonight as may I not be able to go through another, j Can hear cars go by but seem to 1 be hidden from them. Have used up my battery signaling with lights and i horn. Cannot understand why I cannot be found. ... I need water most of aU. With it (rain) falling most of time, I can get little by any device. I can hardly move without with-out agony." Gives Up Hope. Despairing of the continued rain, he wrote on the following evening: "It is beginning to rain again. Why?" Finally weakened by the cold and suffering from exposure, Stilson recorded re-corded his last day alive with a plea for life, but a final resignation to the will of God. "Still alive. Ought to be dead. I am near today to go into His rest ii it is His will. "Water!" He was found four days later with the diary on the car's floorboards PI 58 Elk Hunters Caught in Gale Fight Blizzard 10 Days in Wilderness. -- v - L U? 150 m strokes per min' Wi mm im beater often.) oeen greased, lined on tne bottoms with waxed paper pa-per and greased again. Bake in a moderate (375-degree) (375-degree) oven .Clnr aoout 25 minutes. Spread prepared iw.u butterscotch or . filling in between layers nkle top with powdered sug-?? sug-?? m Substitution: Use H ' wWl vnm ,hi . I J!"'!- Measure V4 eun sue- K"auscupugar frWvannr1"6 8yrup Cnaiiin- rr: "im e case to ottij, " wam resuve furlough farlongh Frosting. ttwbitei eapooB salt corn syrup 'esjBwniilgJ tiTttki. " '''AMBERS' MEND "rt Party ra. Cheese and Salad Sandwiches rj! Salad w " Ho Coffee Ccate White Cake TtWr- .... .. Utt Beat egg whites with salt until stiff enough to hold up in peaks but not dry. Pour syrup in a fine stream over the egg whites, beating constantly about 10 to is minutes, or until of the right consistency to spread. Add vanilla. Honey Frosting: Use aoove recipe rec-ipe substituting I cup honey for syrup. Omit vanilla. When making cookies for the returning re-turning serviceman, be wise and select se-lect recipes that use inexpensive Ingredients but make plenty of good cookies. Try these, for example: Mincemeat Refrigerator Cookies. (Makes 7 dozen cookies.) cap shortening 1 cap sugar teaspoon lemon extract 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 egg, beaten 2H cups flour M teaspoon salt teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon cop mincemeat H cap chopped nuts Cream together shortening and suear until light ana nuny. mm lemon extract and lemon rind. Add beaten egg and mix welL Sift to gether flour, salt, soda and cinna mon. Fold gradu ally into the creamed mixture AltarnntAlv with the mincemeat. Add nuts. Mix imo a stiff dough. Form into rolls and wrap in waxed paper. Store in refrigerator re-frigerator until ready to use. Slice inch thick and bake on ungreased cookie sheets in a moderate 3j0-degree) 3j0-degree) oven about 15 minutes. Spicy Pumpkin Cookies. (Makes 2 dozen cookies.) Y enp fat H cop sugar 1 egg, beaten H cap cooked, prepared pumpwt 1 cup floor t teaspoons baking powder M teaspoon salt IK teaspoons cinnamon M teaspoon ginger 4 teaspoon nutmeg H cap raisins H cop chopped nuts Cream fat add sugar gradually. Cream until light and fluffy Add egg and pumpkin; mix well Sift flour once; measure. Sift flour, baking bak-ing powder, salt and spices together. togeth-er. Add dry ingredients and mix until weD blended together. Ada raisins and nuts. Drop by spoonfuls spoon-fuls on a greased cookie sheet. Bane in moderate (375-degree) oven for approximately IS minutes. fteteased to Western Newspaper Inion Two Boys Brave Niagara To Save Dog From Death NIAGARA FALLS. ONT. - Two young boys who lowered themselves 100 feet into the Niagara river gorge to rescue a pet dog suffered only minor injuries. The pair. Monty Catherwood. 12. and Roy Healey Jr., 10. had used a worn clothesline to descend the sheer face of the gorge after Monty's dog had plunged over the edge while chasing a pheasant. The two boys and the dog were pulled to the top by rope several hours later when rivermen, police officers and firemen answered an alarm given giv-en by Monty's younger brother Garry. Monty told his rescuers: i wasn't going to let my aog a. down there. I had to do something to save him, so Roy agreed to go with me down a rope to try to save my dog I'm sure glad he wasn't too badly hurt." Fame as Forecaster Brings Cripple 'Legs' BUFFALO. N Y. Charles Valvo. 24 walked for the first time in nis life because, he says, the accuracy of his prediction that Japan would quit August 14 gave him "new hope and confidence." Valvo was crippled in infancy by infantile paralysis and had been bedridden until recently Last June ht forecast the date of the Jap capu ulatmn. . Newspaper articles, visits of friends and neighbors and mes-s-ige congratulating him on the correct cor-rect forecast gave him a general lift, he said One dav. he reported, he simply rose from bed and walked across the room. Later he took an outdoor Stroll Girl, 10, Gets Free Ride New York to St. Louis ST LOUIS - A 10-year-old girt completed a train trip from New York to St. Louis on the strengtn of a penny, a stick of bubble (rum and an ingratiating personality Patricia Barton of Flushing. Queens turned up at the Union sta Un and said she "never could rlease her teacher" and decided io g, SPP her grandmother at Higbee 1 got or, the train at Grand Cen tral station. " she told police, "and walked behind the conductor He didn't ask for a ticket so I just sal down by a nice old lady who gave me a sandwich A WAC turned nei over to U i Travelers' Aid society -ArchU md I leenl on a trip as to flopped, ml mm were quteuy ' " By KATHLEEN NORRIS IN ALL your long experience experi-ence of answering problems prob-lems " writes Hilma Johnson,-of Salt Lake City, "I don't know that youve ever had quite this one before. I've done something wrong, somewhere along the line, but I don't know just where. "I was married seven years ago to a man named Archie; we were both 23. Ours was a true love match, and it was a 1 H9t orief to us both that.no children were born to us. We were, I believe, unusuauy coneenial and happy. "When the war came, Arcme was nf th first to bo. with the en gineers. I did not see him for three years. About a year after he left he . nemt letter, telling me WIUW - . , that he and a young Belgian girl, nurse, had been lovers, and that she vMina child. He begged was "-e . ' me for a divorce, and for the child s ; sake I agreed to it. I pretenaeo a w..t . tn F.iko. Nev.. and 1 miiPtiv obtained it there. t dosed the apartment, stored our furniture, and went back to live with my parents. I had gotten . ink nH hd told no one, not even my mother, of the changed re lationship between Arcme ana iu cplf. Seven months ago Archie came back, a broken man.. He looked years older, his hearing has been permanently out bus""j 4,,-. ami to reinstate himself in nis old job seemed to him more than be could do. Resume Old Life. "He turned to me, and as nobody .er,..to what had occurred, it was quite natural that he should be taken back into my life on the old terms; be had never been taken out of my ,.rt Fvprvone reioiced with me, ! j etisnected the exist- ! ence of the Belgian wife and baby. a mnnthi a go my happy sus- ' picions that I was to have a child ; confirm pH hv our doctor, and I thought the secret of the divorce and marriage could be kept forever. AroMe and I went on a trip, as so many people did when gas rationing ctonDed. and we were quietly re married in a distant town. ! "Now Marie, the Belgian wife, writes that she is going to come to America immediately after Christmas, Christ-mas, that their divorce has never been valid in her eyes, and that she wishes once more to be his wife. Archie, for the sake of the boy, has been sending her money regu larly, but when she left mm it was with the statement that their marriage mar-riage was not a real marriage, because be-cause of his divorce, and that before be-fore she returned' to Belgium she would change even her name, i "This predicament finds us completely com-pletely dazed, and we don't know what to do. My employers want me to continue with them as long as possible, and to return as soon after the baby comes as I can. Archie is already making himself valu-Wp- we cannot tear up roots here. especially as my father has had a stroke, and I am needed to keep up my mother's spirits, wnat can we do?" ' My dear Hilma, a divorce lawyer here tells me that Archie's Belgian-born Belgian-born wife has no claim on him ex-cept ex-cept for support of the child, anJ ! I can tell you that when she mar- monv neoDle did when gat rationing in distant town." STAND YOVR GROUND A wife who apparently did the right thing all along finds herself in an unfortunate mess. Her husband, Archie, met a Belgian woman while he was umifiif abroad in the army. Eventually he wrote to Hilma, telline her that the Belgian woman was going to bear him n rJalA. and that he wanted to mnrrv her to protect her and the baby. He asked Hilma to obtain a divorce With much miseivings, Hil ma did eat a divorce, so quiet ly that none of her friends knew about it. Then Arcnie hark, tired and deafened. - m He dipped back into the old relationship with Hilma. A lit tle Utter he got a divorce from hi Releian wife, and remar- tied HUma, very quietly. No one knows about the complica tions and all would be well, ex- cepting for the Belgian w6m-an. w6m-an. She threatens to come to America, and wants Archie to become her husband again She is receiving support money from Archie for hersel) ana the baby. Miss Norris advises Hilma to stand her around. The Belgian woman can probably not get any satisfaction in American POMEROY, WASH. Fifty-eight elk hunters, marooned lor iu aays tin h annurhound wilderness of the Blue mountains, were brought to afetv by rescue parties wnicn m i limes naa to ngm uieir waj i6u a 70 mile an hour gale and snow torm that reduced visibility to fpw fppt. Hero of the ordeal was Lester Bilpv Snake river cattle ranch own er who made his way back to civ ilization on horseback to bring neip to tha eroun which was isolated by a sudden storm that buried the hunters' automobiles and their supplies. After struggling tnxougn snowdrifts snow-drifts which sometimes were as much 40 feet deeo. Riley finally reached Pomerory almost dead from exhaustion. It took a bulldozer uiree days to break a path back to the marooned hunters. There were four casualties. Mrs. Minnie Boganne of Anatone, Wash., suffered a heart attacK and was ren at riaarwater ranger station. One man contracted pneumonia, another . J aUI.J suffered a broken leg, ana a uuru a ruptured kidney. Five pack mules fpii nvpr a cliff and were killed. urh.n thp hlizzard closed in on the mountaintop where several groups of the hunters were camp ing, they banded togetner ana hrmi a noni of their supplies. After the bulldozer arrived, mo worked all day with shovels, digging out the cars. Food was run ning dangerously low ano nao w o rotinnpri. Thev finally assembled the cars in a caravan and started back toward Pomeroy with the bulldozer olparinff oath. That day the party maae uiree miles. They slept that night huddled in the cars for warmth. Meanwhile, Governor Wallgren and Virgil Ben nington, state game commissioner, bad arranged with the waua wau air base for three army rotary snowplows, which had started irom Pomeroy. attempung to wear road. Late the following day tne caravan had traveled three more miles and met the snowplows ano the army rescue party. I msmu - - KM I 1 1420 14-46 Gay noose Dress t rVttC bright and cav ftt the L breakfast table ln this simple house dress with clever side but-tonin?. but-tonin?. over-shoulder ruffles and Aoitnrino lfhna. Make it In at cret flnrni nrint checks or bold polka-dots. Easily and quickly made, it's perfect for your .aay long activities. n una Mm, In afopa 11. II . a .a .n j, ..j ut ri ia mouirea IO. VII w. " "-- 7. . . iy yards af 39 er 39-lncn material; yira extra lor ruining. Tot't Jumper and Jacket HERB is an adorable LUle wide, anntilrlereil lirmner for that wnnnffsto nf voura. She'll feel so grown-up with the .pert matenmg jacxet. im e little material-use scraps for tha cherry applique. ie ner wear with blouses or ber favorite sweat ers. .. . fiM ia primaA lot alseS rattUH m-mv mm " . - S, t, 4, I and t years. Blza S, Jumper. 1 yara or at-inca i""1". ..' or ttt yards of 19 or 38-lnch tabrte for tha ensemble. ., Due to an unusually Urge aemsna ana current eondltione, slightly more time -to required ln filling orders tot a tew tt the most popular patten numbers, Send your order tat Navy Bureau Finds New Cure for Athlete's Foot WASHINGTON. A new treat- in, "sthipte'i foot and otner lllltl. . - . onnnimrpd re- unj oiAvuj i.."- ...... fungus iruewuuuo ' courts, if she should come. It cently by the research division of is probable that all she wants me navy is to be rid oj the responswu- - -undecylenic powder. ity of the child. I e new preparation has as its active ingredients undecylenic acid flera. Kilty Mrs Oh. John. I'm so nervous, I can Just feel there Is a mouse linear tha had. Mr. Feel there Is a cat there, too. my love, and go to sieep. Foul Deed 'uvhn'wm von looking iorf asked tha -L i .Urn mgmfimrt. "A guy name scnuoenr repuem w village conjtaofe. "Somebody phoned me he tent being murdered here. Still Dlzzv rrhnn at dance Yes. I love dancing. Guess it's in my blood. Hostess Then you mus nave bad circulation. It hasn't gotten to your feet yet. , .u i (2 Der cent), a fatty acid found in ried a divorced man she knew that P . linc m. she was doing something that in ner whlch re own mind was illegal, however, te;" actual law stands. It seems o me - Qf new prep. that safety lor you ana r , -- re MVere c8ges in facing the music and not being i arauj on u undecylenic acid afraid of the consequences. Tryhig ; 2eSii. in to hide and pretend are the real . and , w P things to far. - . . triethanolamine. TpII Her to sUv in Europe. i ., nrpnaration was tested by Have Archie write her. of course. Comdr. C. Shaw, medical corps ... i . .tnrfv involvine more tnan o.ouu that ne entirely aisappiuvca u - p. Ver0 coming to America, and that there navy men at Fort Pierce. i, no possibility of tne restora on -jr. r developed in 28 trt'him tS her' percent of the trainee used that if she remains where sne is. no prCvC..Uv... . f her aUowance will continue, but that ing with the new powder cut infec if she comes to Salt Lake City she tions to 4 P" cent will have to fight through the courts unaer me " fo her claims and may - and cent developed 'f,1;" probably will, lose her suit and re- powder containing Ti' mind her of the conditions undcf acids, long a standard preparat.on. which Archie and she asked you for a divorce. Refused Job, Boy Wrecks If this falls and she comes, have T Damaee Is $35,000 no fear of publicizing this affair 1 "J Ua J Only concealment will make it in- KANSAS CITY. BO. i J teresting to the newspapers: to ad- old schoolboy. William Warren mit that it all occurred and is to be States has tTsanl Fe handled openly and honestly, will be moved ra,n, ,7 to loe all value as news. It is trams near Turner. Kans., acrt""8 possible that it U the child who is to Dw.ght Brantley, special FBI complicating matters: If her pur- agent her K(jngag pose is to get rid of that respon,,- He is i bein nei bility. then it might be a magnificent City, Kans jail n ae gesture onyour part to offer U, take b , . JJ. JJut thi lime naii-orotner vi yuur un -- child, telling anyone interested that road for employment and waa re- you have adopted a Belgian oaDy jecicu. Tha Kurviver "What's a convalescent, Pop? "A patient who is still alive." SEWING CIRCtS PATTERN DEPT. 10t Mission St, Sia rraaeiaea, Calif. Enclose etats In coins lor taco pattern desired. Patten He. Name Address- rtt vr-an muscle v-" i e due ro fatigue, eapo. on, t4$ ererworlt. f g GoatataiaietoriMiicTiank effective paia-cclieviol Momv-Back Guarantss MittellcKtitNSibbM aiSslsk(sHiarugfist rsj Jjtliii'-'-- eo$ywaytojCORK y Um aaaas ttm mutm aaai aak am mm SBk. gSk SBSSaT SalSBfe SB SB afafat A. STUFFY EIDSTRILS Whe aoitrils are clogged, and your nose feels raw, membranes swollen, reach for eoolin J, tooihr ing Mentholatum. Spread it inside nostrils . . . and snuff well back. Instantly it Starts to 1) Help thin out thick mucus; 2) Sooths Irritated membranes; S) Help reduce swelling; ) Stimulate Stimu-late local blood supply to "sick" area. Every breath brings quick, welcome relief. To open stuffy nostrils, get effective Mentholatum today, the Medicated nasai-unguent. an, r r-" ; mil refugee. Say little, but avoid all the difficultiea that secrecy engenders, and you'll find the thing will pres ently blow over and be forgotten. has estimated dam- age at approximately $35,000. House Shortage Debunks Ancient Ghost Stories JACKSON. TENN. One thing accomplished ac-complished by the housing shortage is the debunking of ancient gnosi Bright Clothes for Children Grown-ups sometimes wear draft colors, but children like gaiety Also there's a safety factor ,0 con- - - - -sider - a child's bright clothes mav stories bdoui many g.ve the first slow signal to a motor ed houM ist. or, in rural sections, to a hunt , , " c,,.n0e talpa were e, So. when the main part of an T.lTJLoS - w . mr . tr. .. iri a. For Safety invest in lour vwn vovmry Rnv Unltprl Srktes Savmsrs Bonds! 7f0Wl& FOR BETTER BAKING Bring your fovorite recipes right up o date by comparing thorn with basic recipes contained m TODAY'S BAKING WAYS Your noma and addre$t on a post tord will bring you th'n new baking guide plus O copy of The Clabber Girl Baking Book, both free. ADDRESS HULMAN & COMPANY Terra Haute, bidiane told about it. of the woman who was having the bouse built disappearing before it was completed. Now the house has been compiw Adopt This Belgian Baby, nuifit must be of a dull, unintert-st ing fabric, try adding bright trii' or accessories. Dress up a littl girl's black or gray coat w.tn a rea dispersed and a col ar or a plaid ascot tie. Or com- ed. tne c" rhp haven't plete the picture with a red cap or fami , la j Hvmf in It They haven. ..(on, neara ,nItten chains, and haven't seen any ghost lir XjzSjZi Good Housekeinr J XzzXlioZ.r?',tSS Deal. W l73la?l:ld:Mcll.:tL |