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Show r 5 mrrrrTfTTyr 1 rrrri i i Boxes and Trays to Decorate the Home A MEAT tin or a tomato can may be turned! Into a gay tea caddy with a wooden lid and a Dutch design on the. front. - An easy-to-follow pattern "with actual, size painting patterns for 12 dif terent designs shows you how. Every step from lid making la news; A! Rx Paih Mat liri- , 4V N iV ' v ; V i -J s rT V t ll r0TAt ECLIPSE ....TheBrst total . , tky, X ? :yf 44l' L' rfli J I i JjecUpMthemooBvtelbta generally t lo T I Af f-r'tt f ?Ti ' Yf i ,iT,Vj' &)A i1 lte the more than 1 ' U s 'V U I ' 1 I f44fJ VI , V l-sv J ae yean was observed by a Q " ' : ; 44A, . - ' . i fk f J I? r V & S t I Photographer b New Ifork City. Oe- M. I I I, I I II I DEEAMBOAT CEEW HOLDS REUNION. . . The crew and four observers of the Dreamboat. which shattered tU transcontinental speed records, pose ii front of their army B-29 at Lr.rm im vt V..,. (hrragh the skies at speeds better lhan 509 miles per hour, the trip was completed In 5 hours, 87 minutes ,CE HAMPEKS FIEE-FIGHTEKS ... In subzero cold which brought and 30 seconds. At left (cigar In moutt) Is Col. Clarence 8. Irvine, pilot, shaking bands with Lt CoL G B. 1 ,rostblte nd exposure to scores of fire-fighters, fire in Akron, Ohio, down-Stanley, down-Stanley, co-pilot In center, rear, la Ctpt. Euth Saltzman, only woman on the flight ' I town business area burned with loss officially estimated at $500,000. I The above photograph shows' part of the ice-encrusted buildines In the fire-gutted block. It was Akron's biggest fire In 25 years In which the business section was endangered due to freezing temperatures. i. nm - u.m-41 .t . n-m..,...-. v-. , , ... ; -,-m,m t W - , , 1 THE BREEZE WAS COLD BUT TIE WELCOME WARM . . . Arriving In New York In time to be discharged for Christinas, these overseas vetews receive a mighty welcome at the dock. Left to right: Pfc. Steve Saioga, Morgantown, W. Va.; Cpl. Grald Thee, Dover, Minn.; Pfc. Joe J. Krupar, Cleveland; Pfc. Forrest Broad, Reading, Pa.; Sgt. William IcAnliffe, Scranton, Pa.; Pvt. Frank Del Brocco, Baltimore, Md.; SSgt Steve Wilbanks, Corinth, Miss., an Sgt. M. D. Spradiind, Miami, Okla. , . i mm , lf m,mmm,v ! " (!i . Iff f ...airiiiiiiiiiHiiioMilioi-iiiiioiiKfiifitiiiil it MBMiTirilii f :i iiii imiii nn mull Bun Juim inni mnini-rriiiniiiiiiiiiMmiimWI REVIVAL OF NICE CARNIVAL ... The preiChrlstmas famed carnival of Nice, France, held In abeyance for the duration of the war, burst forth In full color and glory for the first time during December, 1945. Thousands Thou-sands participated In the merrymaking In honor of Nicols and the mammoth mam-moth figures, with a few new ones added, once more were paraded through the streets to form this welcome preceding Christmas. WNK AiDS p0Li0 fiqhx . . .ospitals now have use of one of sci-R sci-R m. most modern devices for Uting victims of Infantile paralysis a ouobard ,ank- The tank Is a hUfT-shaped affair as shown in this pic- Be" It Is fitted nith il tiaiJ-aci nliii,!, noa.mSa h. notSoflt re,axe nd receive Bscle re-education treatment. Filled win warm water, it encouragesinscular relaxation. T4 Leo SchUt-tea, SchUt-tea, Engadine, Mich., la tank at nghan hospital, Maywood, BL See. Byrnes SLATES OF 28 REFORMS . . . Looking as benevolent as Kris Krln-gle Krln-gle Is Barry Orchard, 80, lifer la Idaho state penitentiary, as be reads Ms Bible. Forty years ago he was convicted of murdering Idaho's governor and 25 others. . 'I j I I , : f t " '' '"' - V 1 if ! SPAAT2 HONORED ... Gen. Carl A. Spaatz, commander of the U. S. itrategio sir forces In Europe during dur-ing 1914, has been awarded the Robert Rob-ert I. Collier trophy for outstanding contribution to aviation during 1941. ' '' ' - ' i W- v's0.'' U 1 t ' ' 1 .j i ML , , I , " 1 : 1 li 'bJi JOURNEY'S END! . . . Tonya HIGHEST PRICED BULL . . . Thirty-five thousand dollars Is not hay, al- Jones, Honolulu poetess, attempted though lt would purchase many tons for the Franchester farms, Cleve- to cross the Pacific alone In a 30- land, Ohio, former home of Curtiss Franchester Levity Ave. This Guern- foot ketch. Four hundred miles out sey bull recently sold to Charles G. Lang of Langvalley farms, Glen- from Honolulu a storm disabled the arm, Md., for that sum. It is believed to be the highest ever paid for a craft and she was picked up 30 days Guernsey bull. His dam, Green Meadow Levity, sold for $25,500. later. Relcaicd by Western Newspaper Union. ADAMANT ATTITUDE WILL GIVE US MORE POWER WASHINGTON. Sec. of State Byrnes goes to Moscowl He says the Iranian government will make the trek also. So both Mohammed and the mountain go to Moscow. The senate, at all knowing individuals individ-uals here, is worried. Realizing .this, before his depart ure, the state secretary sec-retary took both the senators and the press into his confidence In oft-the-record meetings. The attitude of tiie worried senators sena-tors and individuals individ-uals is this: The Truman-Byrnes Truman-Byrnes foreign policy has been working well, by comparison with the appeasement policy of the Roosevelt administration, designed to goad the Russians to ever great er war against the Nazis. We have not established much except our position In Chins. We have lost In Iran. The Russians are In the process of conquer tag that country. But at least we have not lost abjectly. We have won and lost, by defending our position, the Roosevelt Atlantic charter, against make-believe freedom. We ceased our losing because we had an adamant attitude, tor what we believed was right. Does Mr. Byrnes' trip to Moscow mean ws have abandoned that attitude? ATOMIO BOMB MAY BE USED A3 APPEASEMENT Frankly, the senators think H may. They think generally appeasement appease-ment of Britain (with money) is to be followed by appeasement of Rus sia (with atom bombs, concessions, eye-blinking regarding Iranr China and similar pretensions that conquest of Europe and Asit by Russia U unthinkable). The mere, (act that' Mr. Bymei goea to Moscow with atom bomb In hand reminds them of Chamberlain at Munich. That also meant "peaci In our time." Remember? Their understanding Is reinforced re-inforced by two facts which I think have been unpublished, certainly have not been men tloned prominently! (1) Mr. Byrnes dropped his adviser Jimmy Dunn for the Moscow trip (Dunn had been charged by Moscow enthusiasts as being Fascist, Catbolio and otherwise nnsympathetio with Moscow causes), and (2) Mr. Byrnea Is taking In Dunn's place Freeman Mathews, a butterfly diplomat who has skipped around the world In his assign ments, yet never got the reputation repu-tation of being against Russian Interests. Mr. Byrnes Is also taking John Carter Vincent, head of the tar eastern division, which Pat Hurley said was sabotaging American for eign policy (the Democrats sure i stopped Hurley, didn't they. Senator In answer and apology to this line 'JJj I of thought. Mr. Byrnes' people ex plain a crisis of the United Natloni 'ft"v i i MxY-intoatinn la nntn aft hnnri An I to Russian lack of co-operation. D '4 ! ITNn ( to be saved. Mr. Bvrnet must save it at Moscow, they say. Unless Molotov shows up at thi January 7 meeting of the assembly In London, it will mean Russia hat turned thumbs down on the Roose velt formula for world peace. REGULAR MEETINGS OF FOREIGN MINISTERS The meeting has been advertised as a routine assemblage of the for eign ministers, as promised bj Stalin to Roosevelt and Churchill at Yalta. My inside information li that Mr. Byrnes went to his offic 1 3PAINTIN5 TSESIONS-COWSR GulM AV HA8.?0. -jkM antique finish is clearly described. Designs may be adapted for trays and boxes of different sizes. There is painting guide that any ama teur may use and simple recipes for mixing such subtle colors as ashes oi roses, moss green and old gold. , mm A few of the hand-decorated articles mado with this pattern art shown here. Tits cigarette bos at the. lower left is mads from the smallest size fruit can: the trinket bos at the right from a salmon can. Th Ivy design fit a flat clgaretts box, Th strawberry is for the top of a mayonnaise jar. There U also Swedish design for a button box and another style of tray for the bird design. NOTE -Pattern 290. described hero, la 150 postpaid. Send request direct to! If s t. -. It tVJ SUUh MRS. RUTH WTETB SPEARS Bedford Will , ' New York sCrawef I tenclo 15 cents for Pattern No. 890, . ,hr , Hams ii.npinii.iiiiiiiimiii i i iiiriwin in mi Address- Japanese Pay Tribute To Fujiyama .Volcano The Japanese people worship & mountain peak 12,395 feet high, called Fujiyama, 70 miles from Tokyo. Each citizen of Nippon . considers It his duty to climb the steaming volcanic peak once in bis life. The last eruption from the ctater occurred early in the Eighteenth - century. ililW Older people I If yon haven't the stamina yon ehould because 'Il jrour diet lacks the natural A&D XaTT Vitamin, and energy-building, natural oils yon need you'll And good-tatting Scott's Emulaion helps bmld tUtminth tnitrtri and ' f-estttonce to eoias. 8ee thto wonderful difference boy Scott's at your druggist's today I HS0 '. 3 MSB' ROSE QUEEN . . . Patricia Auman, 17, Pasadena, Calif., who is serving; serv-ing; as queen of the Pasadena Tour nament of Roses. A student of on a recent Sunday and began read- Pasadena Junior college, she is ma- j ig the Yalta agreements. They saj loring In dramatics. J-tE BABI RECOVERING . .ichael Schirmer, five, who used to be . that he couldn't walk, r tell ef play. Here he poses with bis Mr- Jessie Schirmer, Me photograph of Ms daddy, CWO JP K. Schirmer, who serve" the Pacific Little Michael was the ktsn't i bby t1 ,af Bla,ock operation at Johns Hopkins Dr iif; Ba,timore. Host fe operations have proven successful ' Rioc fau reported 89pecnt cores. mijwjfMifiwm-- ; 1 yr'mt,fJWV!K9 gwnmmivtmm wmmWPm' "mumrummmmm ' - J y -t v ; JsL 0''' iJ ' miMMiiiiiim.if nm - ihwi iiftiuinnntffmfliil WHEN CONSTIPATION makes you feel punk as the dickens, brings ea stomach upset, sour taste, gassy discomfort, take Dr. Caldwell's famous medicine to quickly pull the trigger on lazy 'to turds" and help sou feel bright and chipper again. DR. CALDWELL'S is tilt wonderful sea na laxative contained in good old Syntf Pepsin to make it so easy to take. MANY DOCTORS turn pepsin preparations prepara-tions in prescriptions to make the medicine medi-cine more palatable and agreeable to take. So be sure your laxative is contained con-tained in Syrup Pepsin. INSIST ON OR. CALDWELL'S the fa. Torite of millions for 50 years, and feel that wholesome relief from constipation. constipa-tion. Even finicky children love it CAUTION! Use onh as directed. E. (MILL'S SENNA IAXATIYE CONTAIMtO IN SYRUP PIPSU USE 666 COMMUNICATES BY MORSE CODE . . . Jimmy Sarchet, 15, Detroit, HOUSING EXPEDITER . victim of Spinal Injury from which he will never recover, is shown taking son F. Wyatt, former mayor of ia message by Morse code from his mother, Mrs. Fred Sarchet. He Is Louisville, Ky., who has been HE ENJOYS PIPE ... This two unable to talk or bear so must rely on the code instrument for communica- pointed by Pres. Harry Truman year-old child, member of a family , tion. Doctors have given up all hope of restoring bis voice or bearing and to be boosing expediter In the Office or gypsies from Fomerania, enjoys state that he will never again be able to walk of sit up. His mother of War Mobilization and Beoonver- pipera. xne pipe Belongs to nu taps out her messages to bim. slon. mother. I be found the agreements calling foi meetings of the foreign ministeri every three months. (They als called for independence of Iran.) These meetings had not been held The publicity men may claim that the San Francisco conference confer-ence came in April (against Yalta's January) and Potsdam came In July, and London In September but these were not meetings of the foreign ministers as prescribed. The only one which was what was prescribed was the London gathering In September, and it broke up In complete failure, due to Russian opposition. Mr. Byrnes thought, my depart mental informants tell me: How about another foreign minis ters' meeting? He got Russian con ' sent first (he needed It after th straight Moscow rebuff of his Iran . . .1 . n . ian nu ic requesting; early nussiai fggSgBBgSfggtSSBtBKmSKBEBm withdrawal of troops from Iran). j X n : ' J! 4 In the face of the President, Mr X Must DZ QOOD N Bvrnes asserted the White Hoimi o . I O an- had confused the distinction hetnrsnv IS v V 8 ian colossal Big Threes (Truman, Alt j ConSIStentlyAJvertiSiJ S Dee I lee and Stalin) and ordinary Bit S 1 1 ' Q u Btiv a rrBTicrrvr:ririnc w COLD PREPARATIOKS LIQUID, TABLETS, SALVE. NOSE DROPS CAUTION USE ONLY AS DIRECTED MERCHANDISE Threes Byrnes). (Molotov, Bevin ant. |