Show theria MARY EZ daughter of hyrum S and emily workman aged 2 years and 2 months IA the ward salt lake Cit vMay lith am JOSEPH ALMA aon eon ot jos henry heary and elizabeth arnold aged 4 years I 1 month and 18 days day funeral yuli Futi eral will beheld at reald residence onoe once at I 1 am on the lathin salt lake city may lith 1880 IM of 0 diphtheria WILLIAM wllliam son of william wiiliam and zillah birkinshaw aged 13 years I 1 month mouth and 17 da days ys lie he was a member bembe r rot fot the abang young mens mutual improvement association and highly respected by all au who know knew him utah papers and Makrin gal fal star start please copy constables SALE OTI CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I 1 NOTICE have a horse in my possession left by ben hen while in c custody and who escaped nom hom beaud me and aud left said baid horse unclaimed I 1 will sell said horse to nay pay cost and expenses description one bay horse about 8 years old branded 72 on left shoulder two illegible brands on left thigh bilack mane and tail to be sold the loth day of may A a 1883 to the highest responsible bidder at my corral at 10 a m kanab kane co U T WILFORD H HALLADAY constable ri stable kanab dauab may 1880 daw 1 ban tar fild crt trw az V ay y y 41 4 I 1 P 3 K 0 CW 4 ra ag ta eoltan ml 4 J S r U 9 aj COTTON FOR wor SALE AT B C 0 X MJ MS SA S IFS 61 A X xa sa BY 0 0 C I 1 d w am CHAMPION REAPERS a MOWERS hys awl tiger sulky hay rakes bakes self dumpers carml farmers ers now looking around them to see seo where they can get the beat best goods and for the least mone moue we invite them to look la in at 4 T F ON ana and y sou son will wiil find the above ek celebrated I 1 aj I 1 ne which are lire so well know and known to be bc the most durable in in uc I 1 abo ako keel keeli a full tume lute of oiiver oliver chilled plows and ensig idoll sie lie e plant 1 on triumph lignin drill aua aud seeders sebile Se eire eile aj 1 reed feed cutters cultivators scaler I 1 ge v dours I 1 rumors ana and ani sash WA wacon WAGON AON MATERIAL and HARDWOOD LUMBER 0 rdo IDO ilat ilet irton WE ging XING best and cheapest roofing material awa address A HOWARD SEBREE salt lake city t K r 15 if ayou you are thinking of bui bai iiii a 10 knitting hilling machine better get iasom so as to be ready heady for me fhe fall trade 0 waxing having enst completed with the by which werf kerf now ble to ocer uhe the celebrated arrn da na on the instalment installment or IA lea lew ase pan for por further particulars call at the it na atti q face ony OKY na no 1 1231 sire SiRi TRE ian ija a few doors west est eat of corner or addres I 1 CEO A LUKE CO dew sant SALT LAKE CIT cn tort tott crowt croat va w FISH WAGONS BUGGIES P phi PHA PHAETONS ET ONS mccormick McCorm lck machines Machi nes aes s new yew iro yron iron f vort voyt wrong front cut mower mower new yew iron reame frame combined Ite rea kea peri aper i and sew new iron iranie ironie combined dropper and mower harvester and Automatic binder the challenge V if end and lor diore tor e uns hay stakes the who J X eabe cabe hilled rown lows noyel berin benin plows and r N i harrows Ilar rows rown A avers avery very gangi sulky and plows KELLY STEEL lbs barb BABB RB F P N C E WIRE 1 1 both painted and galvanized 1 I 1 72 keep KERP none na BUT FIEST GLASS CLASS GOODS 1 4 GUARANTEE ALL fell VELL I 1 SELL ZO 5 send ifor leor price list to EA a W LOWELL ti lim jum W LOWELL I 1 salt LAKE CITY 1 TERMINUS uan RS WOODS MACHINES 1 1 i 0 call and examine the new PATENT ENCLOSED GEAR OEAR mow MOWER ne wr and any fa parmer farmer that examines it wili will take tako no other I 1 wot VOT BE UNDERSOLD I 1 employ no traveling men meli to sell MY isly MACHINES dont forget it call and J examine F xam mike mine this NEW tl ira irk mowen MOWER nua and WE abelt abell of fraiter f f M 0 i 1 I shall shail have a stock of the celebrated RUSSEL THRESHING MACHINES M conj A NES all in m good goad season call at it the WAGON YARD KM ang EXAMINE THE SAME rami L lr B MATTISON 5 W T B US r fc ALWAYS asu ASK FOR i KD OSWEGO I 1 I 1 L tei tet at 12 1 2 SILVER GLOSS GLOSS CORN STARCH an Q i C L L X i T CHAMPION MONITOR W th molt most me am perfect COOKING STOVE mih mate OBIE umie E met EST U A 1 BEST lest ega aaa M it aen with WITH OR WITHOUT reservoir AND CLOSET THOUSANDS IN DAILY USE USEIN IN m T IM FOR SALE BY Z 0 S I 1 and all ita its branches bran Brau ches chea dwrie |