Show ALL IT the f recorder americus ga GM says cc clerks senators representatives tati ta tives ves doctors lawyers It awyers citizens in public and private life are testifying by the thousands and over their own signatures that a remedy has been found for brights disease cf the kidneys and for diabetes ghesu are respectively known as warners safe kidney and liver cure and warners safe sare diabetes cure we wo have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh diphtheria canker mouth and headachy He adach in CATARRH REMEDY an A nasal asal asai injector j ector free with each bottle use it if you sou desire health and sweet breath price 50 acts sold by Z C M I 1 drug department wholesale and retail salt lake iao city utah 1 daw jair jait 0 wms hven LIVER PILLS cure sick headache head ache and prevent summer sickness and chills 31 the enmons famous seltzer spring of ora orn geri cia many in every american homol homel mm SELTZER based D 1 ad upon a scientific clenti flo fio analysis anal anai ysis of this cete ecle b braced m fed fod german spring Is its concentrated cent rated duplicate with thirty to forty floriy sparkling doses dons in n cach each bottle sold by druggists th the tho e over |