Show gee del TUNER AND aud lle ILE repairer or PIANOS ORGANS abl ts all orders addressed to vm arn neil bell salt lakel dakel city will receive prompt attention aw swim am r dic ric MI GENERAL niel MEETING NO OF rhe ME THE stockholders of the kane county sheep co will be held in the meeting house at atha Ka narra naura june A D 1880 isso at 10 am ton tor the purpose of haldny into consideration the dimo dissolution lution odthe of the W K C co sheep co all persons interested are requested to attend W S S denry DERRY president wit std J W brown Secie iary lary mry Ury THE I 1 if A family scale for 30 30 gothing equal to it midor less than 18 to 12 2 FROM 14 1 4 UZ TOPICS 91 4 0 P 11 dev 9 gam gal madr MADE BY chicago SCALE co over soo different varieties manufactured equal to the ther vory very best and anil sold at 1 less s than hair half usual prices 2 to ton con wason scales 0 iton alton luon guon go 60 6 ton 90 delivered on cats cars in ch cha baij mn VS FW 1611 fui pui PA anca 28 lirt lit li t sent reca reeo 0 aono aone address ohle ig dos gol neale teale co or jno IV hneil snell salt lake lahe city dood wiam slaw ly NOTICE T T HAVE IN MT my possession JL one red and white yearling yea branded W L on left hip hips imd erbit slit in lu ienn left point of left horn off I 1 r one red yearling branded I 1 on left hip half under crop la left ear upp iipp erbit lurig in night right bt which it bof clammed by liay slay 24 1880 imo wall will bogold at 2 pm at the gunnison Gunn lson lgon pound IT HANSEN D strict round keeper deeper Gunn gunnason Gun naon son bon may 11 LI liso 81 STRAYED FROM RANGE WEST S cf of jordan near theY the tha abounds one darc dark maro brand wine cup 0 hight right r lit up hi pi I 1 ta one oue sorrel combined 0 right hip i 14 1 one sor eor sorrel rel rei marf matir white strip in mcca faco branded T J on right shoulder one me light gray gvay aay ray MARI marl with dark strip on bac back ar branded DI on left shoulder eh r any pema person giving information that wil lead to the recovery ery cry of said animals will rill be rewarded reward edby by wini WINT P dsa at amov morris evans ivalie STRAYED ibrom WARD WARB OF 12 i salt lake city thursday evening hilay lilay 13 13 1880 a medium sized grey MARP marf branded P oa on the right hip any auy person renson returning or giving information that will lead ito toller toiler cef recovery will be regarded revar ded b by daw 1 F M warners safe pills ARE AN IMMEDIATE AND ACTIVE STIMULUS FOR A TORPID LIVER AND cune CUKE costiveness DYSPEPSIA biliousness BILIOUS DIARRHOEA MALARIA FEVER anbi andi AGUE aid aba should be used whenever the bowels dowels do not operate freely and regularly their action Is gentler than that of oi other pills puia and at the tho samo same time more effective NO OTHER PILLS REQUIRE SMALL DOSES FOR THOROUGH WORK they have been used with great success in the english army where malaria prevails and are the nest BEST ANTIDOTE FOR ALL abl KINDS OF MALARIAL POISON people who live or work in unhealthy places and those of sedentary habits should use them taken at bed bedtime et av time ther they promote pro mote rest and bring on natural evacuations e t ons the next forenoon they do not act directly on the bowels but indirectly through the liver by causing it to secrete the necessary bile and should always be preferred to pills which operate ar a violent cathartic causing nausea and weakness af any person can prove that there is a better remedy of its aind thaia than wames Warner ls safe auls he wirl will be pala paid 1000 1009 by II 11 JT 11 famer wamer X co price 25 cents a box boxi warners safe QUICKLY GIVES REST mese AND sleep TO THE SUFFERING CURES HEAD acne ACHE and stud NEUR NEURALGIA alara ALGrA PREVENTS i EPILEPTIC FITS AND RELIEVES NERVOUS prostration brought on by EXCESSIVE DRINK brinn OVERWORK oven OVER WORK worm 1 MENTAL SHOCKS AND otner OTHER CAUSES powerful as it la Is to stop pain and soothe e disturbed s nerves it neven NEVER INJURES tue TUB SYSTEM whether taken in small smail or large doses it often arrests tle the tie progress of serious dis epes emes ases by the recuperative rest which it produce produces 4 and Is beneficial in all painful diseases WARNERS hape SAFE N anti ae Is the IMPROVED DISCOVERY OF ONE OP wile THE MOST EMINENT physicians OF THE WORLD worlds and an inestimable bles bies sing slag to all who suffer i if any aiu person can prove that there is a better remedy of its kill aind kind 1 I than that warners safe nerv inc ine ines be wirl will be paid 1000 by ff JET JT warner 4 e co bottles of two sizes prices boats 50 acts and bim aim wats WAyS savu SAPE KIDNEY ana and liven LIVEK CURE and warnella wannella WAR wan nella NEIla SAFE SAVE ns are also superior emedies remedies each thu thy best of its class the safe rome dies are sold cold by leading druggists and dealers in hied mod alcines everywhere send for pamphlet Pamp ramp hiat hlat yf and testimonials adds U aco rochester KY nya Q |