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Show Millard County Chronicle -Thursday, October 17, 1968 Votrtt Planned Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Beebe of, Arahelm, California announce the. or.gr gement of their daughter, Kayt to Reese Johnson, son of the late: Ray Johnscn and Mrs. Elaine John-j Hinckley - - son or i.eamingion, man. ine c iuple met while attending B.Y.U. , , J last spring. ELAINE HARDY Mr, r.il Mis. 0. II. SLout of I.T-i Y'e.;as were recent visitors with sis'er, Mrs. Ev Greener. Mr. rnd M.s. Cluff Talbot and M:-s. A'ci1 hl'.is mid the Roger l:l ss fai i'ly vvor.- in Salt Lake last WVCK 11 see WIJTIT n.l uy imuui.- . . . ,,,,..- n, Delta whore In- will attend ' .... , n .'.. i Chicnj'.o. Ill sehool fur thirteen weeks. Mrs. Natalie IV'miett went to V, . : tv, t, ,lu., where Gale has bo:il f r tl'iee wet ks "t the Denver Race Ti.-i vv.th Ho;ner Petersen's hirs's. !'.!ie went with Mr. and Mrs. Petersen. att-'i le i the annual Quartet rest val in S-'lt Like. Uuth and Chitf h".ve attended the festival for n .!iui.ib"r nf years. i Visit in? with Mr. and Mrs. L. R. ' S'Vf nnen Inst week were Mr. and Mrs. Hob Iosik of Oklahoma City, nkln (In Wednesdnv of last week. ' U:ryl C.r )--:rr nT I m; Ve-ps s.h it. T,r nnf) Mrs swenS(.n accompanied !. v.tc!:(!'1 with his parents, Mr. tho!r viH:tors to the Mantl LDS pv. M:s. Hun Cropper. They ail Tomilo to receive their endowment endow-ment out west while he was hero. ,1u,.1ts Bob wns recently discharged Sheldr.n Western and Ralph from tho service. They will live In Crafts made a trip to Calif, last p-nn. v.e"k. Sheldon went, back Monday Richard Warnlck has returned fin business and Lowell Petersen home from South Dakota where he went with him. has been attending school for his Verdell Bishop attended the UEA job. . , (invention last weekend. Abut twenty Hinckley boys and P.la'.nc Rpendlove of Kaysville tHs went to the Mantl Temple veiled with friends and relatives Saturday. this week in Hinckley. I Karl rid Arvillf Workman at- Mr. and Mrs. Gnrv Morris and tended the wedding of a nephew, little girl, Melnnie, Salt Lake, were r.ovd Jncnbsen, in Provo on the 'eekf ;id v'sitors with their parents v""Vend. ?Ir. Mrs. Weslev Morris and Walter and Bonnie Manis wel-Mr. wel-Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baker. corned their sixth son Mandnv Oe. Mrs. Evelyn Morris reports that 7. Ho was bo-.n on the birthday of. tier sister, Lottie Bishop of Salt his only sis'er, HoMie. The newi I n'-o has be".-! hospitalized again. younT man is the 15th grandchild Sharon Western and Clara Stew- fir Mr. and Mrs. P?ul Whicker of ait were in Provo Thursday. Sharon nden rrnd the 22nd grandchild for an 1 children staved overnight in Mr. and Mrs. Jim Manis. Surlngvillo with her sister, Ardis Mr. Willard Steohenson of Delta Brady. Clara stayed at Spanish gave a lecture and showed slides Kork with her daughter, Mrs. Vance on the life of a bee to the Bee Hive Abbott. I erirls and their mothers last Tues- Mrs. LaFay Corev has returned day evening. Teachers of this group from a visit in Las Vegas, Nev. with ,1s Mrs. Sharon Western. hrr daughter, Margo, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Parry Taylor went Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manis of She returned with her son, Ralph elk hunting the past two weekends i Hinckley announce tho engago- Gronning, who had attended a Tee.nne's mother, Mrs. Marjorie mo.it of . , ' W J 1 ". -1 ' :.2Miiir I ,i MISS HOLLIE MANIS iiiHjtujvment Is Announced rvnip't convention. Ralph lives In.Ekker, two of her sisters and their Salvia. I husbands. Mr. and Mrs. Ron AJlo- I. itri-ary Club wrs entertained by . way and Mr. and Mrs. Bernell Mrs. C'aa Stewart Wednesday eve-. Thomas went with them. Her fath ning. Guests were Dorothy Spencer and Oleta Swensen. Erma Cropper gave a prelude of the book and Broadway hit "Fiddler on the Roof" She will review the book at the next club meeting. er, Richard Ekker, visited with them during the week. Mrs. Sharon Western visited in Fillmore with her stepmother, Mrs. Alta Shumway, her sister, Mrs. Revoe Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. DEMOCRAT Homer their daughter, Hollie, to Mr. Vaughn Price. Mr. Price is the sen of Mr. and Mrs. William Price of Lehi. Miss Manis is a graduate of Delta High School and has attended attend-ed Utah Technical College at Provo. She is presently employed in Salt Lake City. The couple plans a March 21, 19G3 wedding in the Manti LDS Temple. Burton MeKee at Holden. The MIA Halloween party is set for October 29 in the school's little ! gym. Everyone of Mutual age in the ward is invited t come. Meet at the church first. Mr. and Mrs. Max Johnson and their daughter, RhoArme, gave the program in church Sunday evening. Charlie Churchhouse has a total of $35.37. Help keep his pockets full. Science degree in Business Technology Tech-nology last spring and will receive a Bachelor's degree in Child Devel-opm Devel-opm .it in May, 10C9. Rieso served a mission for the LDS Church in the Cumorah mis-sion.He mis-sion.He is currently a senior, majoring ma-joring In Industrial Education. A Christmas wedding is planned on December 21, 19C8 in the Los Angeles Temple. was accompanied to Salt Lake by his daughter, Julia. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Western and children of Smithfield visited over the weekend with Grant's parents, Mr. and Ms. F. M. Western. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Dutson were In Salt Lake where Mrs. Dutson attended at-tended teacher's institute. Darrel Allred and children of Salt Lake visited a couple of days with - his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. A'lred. They enjoyed a day of I hunting plnenuts. i Mrs. Ines Damron is visiting iti i Dillr.n, Montana with her son, Ray- mond Curtis and his family. Mrs. Evi Robison spent several j days in Salt Lake at the homes of her daughters, RoeElla and Eva1 A'!e?. Mrs. Fay Davis was in Salt Lake over the weekend visiting with Mr. ird Mrs. Richard Workman and family. M?ri'.vn Mace of Ogden and Joe Mace of St. George were at home over the weekend with their parents par-ents Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Mace and their brother, Jim. U. S. Army Sp5 John G. Western son of Mr. p.nd Mrs. Faun Western, is home on a 20 day furlough. He has just returned from Vietnam. We are always glad to have our servicemen come home.. Mrs. Lucile Hales attended teacher's teach-er's institute in Salt Lake and also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i&s:si;ui;t ARPKILLA SCOW "Get Well" wishes are extended , Mric Gu,bble,r. i . W..i . Mr ; 111!; v - ml I y I -. y j ,T ' ' t i 1 1 v ; i ? II - I ! - ' 1 & f W 1 MR. AND MRS. FRANCIS CROPPER Reception Honors Uridal Pair . . to James Sampson who is in the1. "V- Y"".1"? "'" Veteran's Hospital in Salt Lake. ' 18 ,V1S1 th's Jeell,with Par' We hope his condition improves, entvr- a"d Mrs. Faun Western, real fast so he can return home.! an h brothers and sisters. His wife, Lucile and daughters, Mr: Ferral Hall and two sons of Shelia and Lorie Kay visited with Hurricane visited Saturday at the him over the weekend. lhome of ,Milde" STc0f , . I Mr. a.nd Mrs. O. L. Dutson visited The Daughters of Pioneers of the catnrriav t tionn with thaw enn Fanny Cropper Camp held their an(j nis wife Giij an(j Maragree' luster satin. Lace and seed pearls monthly meeting on Friday after- Dutson. ' I dotted the 'bodice and enchanced noon, Oct. 11 at the home of Louise an(j jrs Vivian Dearden of tha fron tne skirt. Her veil Cropper. The lesson, was given by Garrison spent Saturday at the1 of fusion, was caught to a pill Vilate Maxfield. There were sixteen homo nf Mr Vom Ws b;x head piece -which was seeded present. Refreshments were served Mrs Lin(1a fnnnor and son TlaviH w"th lace and pearls. She carried by Mollie Dewsnup and Louise SDent tne Dast week at Roospvplt' Francis L. Cropper claimed Brsnda Johnson as his bride in ceremony performed in the Holden Hol-den LDS Ward Saturday evening, August 24th. The newlyweds were feted at a reception the same evening. Assisting with greeting guests were the parents of the bridal pair, Mr. and Mrs. Clee Johnson, Holden, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. Cropper, Delta. The bride was radiatn in a floor lenth gown of white de- Cropper. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coluse of Calif, visited several 'days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Palmer. Mr. Lincoln Eliason spent Thurs CANDIDATE FOR UTAH STATE REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTING JUAB-MILLARD COUNTIES EXPERIENCED IN I r ALL PHASES OF AGRICULTURE: Farm Owner and Operator Purebred Beef Cattle Feed Lot Operator Feeds and Feeding Breeding and Racing of Reg. Quarter Horses r BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: President and General Mgr. Delta Milling Co. r TAX ACCOUNTING: Public Accountant r REAL ESTATE & WATER RIGHTS: Former Real Estate Broker and Salesman Land and Water Appaiser, U. S. Government Land Appraiser for Insurance Companies Director and Sec'y Abraham Irr. Co., 27 years V-Pres. and Director Sevier River Water Board r COMMUNITY SERVICE: Former Millard County Democratic Chairman Former President Delta Lions Club Former Member Delta First Ward Bishopric Member Delta-West Millard Kiwanis Club Member West Millard Hospital Board Chairman West Millard Hospital Trust Fund Ability to work with and get help from Urban Legislators in solving Rural and Urban problems. Man Needed By Juab and Millard Counties To Represent them! (Paid Pol. Ad by Homer U. Petersen) Dnn Trlch hn rotnrnorl nftor fiflvintr been in Calif, for the past while. aim " oun uuie wneic Mrs. Kathleen Faris of Tooele he attended teacher's meetings. He visited the weekend with Jerold and Mary Skeem. Jerold's little for he will need to be., boy came with her and stayed for The farmers are irrigating furious a longer visit. ly in order to be through for the Holiie Manis of Salt Lake was deer hunt this next weekend, home over the weekend from Salt The Benny Schena and Neno Lake getting acquainted with her Schena families have been to Colo, new babv brother. on a short vacation. Linda Jo Diehl was home with Mr. "nd Mrs. J. D. Cash of Kearns her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken arid their 14 year old daughter Damron. visited with Erma and Clifferd Mavis Hardy attended the UEA Petersen over the weekend. They convention. were special friends of Erma's son Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Bishop of Donald, who was killed in World Logan visited with his father, Don War II. A. Bishop last week and other Ted and Edith Dennison also relatives. visited the Petersens and told of Last week visitors at the home tneir recent trip to Fairbanks, of Mr. and Mrs. Heber Bishop were Alaska. Jay Bishop, his daughter, Linda and Bishop Anderson of Fontana, Calif. They were in Utah to attend LDS conference. Jay was recently released re-leased from the Fontana bishopric and made high councilman of his stake. I visiting her mother, Mrs. Lunberg. Cuman Jay went over to Roosevelt for the weekend to visit and to bring his wife and son home. The program in Sacrament meeting meet-ing Sunday even'.ng was put on by High Councilman Lyle Bunker. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brower and , three sons, Kevin, Kenneth andj ivuiy spem uie weeKena ai me home of Mr. and Mrs. Cuman Cropper. Crop-per. Mrs. Mary Black and Mrs. Mable Black had their niece, Lola and husband of San Diego, Calif, visit with them Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Bennett had their granddaughter of Richfield Rich-field visiting with them for a few days while her parents, Supt. and Mrs. LaMont Bennett were in Salt Lake to UEA. a cascade bouquet fashioned of a white orchid encircled by white carnations. Attending the bride was Miss Caroline Stevens, Maid of Honor, and Bridsemaids Miss Janice Bennett. Miss Susan Anderson, Miss VerLee Pickering, Miss Patti Kimball, Miss Rhonda Cropper. They were attired in floor length frocks of black and white, complemented com-plemented by Opera length white gloves and carrying bouquets of pink gladiolas. Performing duties of best man was Brent Cropper, 'brother of the bridegroom. Alvin Johnson, Bud Bailey, Thayne Henrie, Rex War-nick War-nick asted as ushers. Alvin Johnson, John-son, brother of the bride, acted as master of ceremonies. The bride and groom have each completed a year college at CSU. In December they will make their new home in Ogden where they will continue their schooling at Weber State. GOT A HOME TO RENT? List it in the Chronicle. A fifty cent ad can bring good renters. EXTEND WBM Constitutional Amendment Paid by Help Utah Grow Committee, S. C Johnson, Chairman MRS. AFTON FULLMEP The kids have been out of school for the instiute since Thursday. i Verl Tolbert and family jf Garrison Garri-son have been here while Verl attended at-tended institute and also had his truck repaired. Mrrs. Cleone Tolbert and June Reid were in Salt Lake for the meetings. Sherman Tolbert is clearing some land out here in preparation for building a new house. How nice. Mr. and Mrs. Tom (Wanda Lee Tolbert) Anderson and baby of St. George were visiting the Sherman Tolberts over the weekend. Lloyd Tolbert was here over the weekend visiting relatives. He lives in Salt Lake now. I received a nice letter from Mrs. Shirley Sheriff Roberts. She and her husband, Dan and little girl, seven vears, live in Stockton, Ut. and Dan teaches school there. Shirley lived with us and also the Alva Youngs a number of years ago. Was happy to find Delta beat the game Wednesday with Fillmoe 32 14 was the score. Keep it up kids. Last Saturday was Elladene Fullmer Full-mer Corbett's birthday. Many more . such occasions like that, Elladene.' Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Faye Full-jmer) Full-jmer) Tennant are announcing the I marriage of their daughter, Joyce, .Oct. 14, 1968 to Mr. William Rapp, I who has recently returned from I Vietnam. The Tennants live In I Tooele. The reception will be Sat-I Sat-I urday, Oct. 19th, competing with , the opening of the deer season. 1 I Tracy and Sandra Fullmer brot their kiddies to Luena to tend i while she goes to Seattle to see her brother, Gary Pace, who was i badly injured in an automobile accident some months ago. Sandy's t other orotner, Konaia ana wne are living and working in Seattle now. I Not much time left to worry ' about whose to be our next presi- ripnt Pmm nnw rin thpr( will be P quite a bit of excitement. "May the ! J best man win" and also the wisest Graduate to a flameless Electric Dryer tyiove UP To Tomorrow Permanent press is in today. It will be in even tomorrow. A flameless electric dryer is tomorrow's way with permanent press settings and other automatic controls for pampering pam-pering permanents. ? An electric dryer costs less to buy, less to maintain too because it's simpler. Pop in at your electric dealer's now. His new models are terrific! Because it's electric, it's better Utah Power & Light Co. |