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Show Millard County Chronicle CROWD GHEETS- Contlnu.d from front page) nocessarv because of national de tense of Hawaii, "For our own self-Interest, self-Interest, we'd better keep the Communists from complete control of Asia,"he quoted. Richard Lee of Salt Lake spoke in behalf of Galen Ross, Democratic Demo-cratic U.S. Congressional candidate Mr. Lee said that Mr. Ross .s against the war in Vietnam and that he urges a complete bomblns halt of North Vietnam. He spoke out against crime and said that over 50 of the crimes committed today In Utah Is by persons who are awaiting trial for other offen ces. Ills answer to crime reduction Is to assure speedy jury trials. Mr. Lee said that Mr. Ross stands for aid to education and Job training. State Representative Richard M. Brough(R) listed several issues that he considers important state issues. Topping the list is what he termed as a federal takeover of states. "I stand for States Rights, the U. S. Constitution and limited government," he asserted. He answered an-swered many questions later on federal aid to education and on his statement that he proposed an amendment to give gas tax refunds to farmers. Homer U. Petersen, Democratic hopeful for the post now held by Mr. Brough, said that he feld that the fear of a federal takeover cf the states was a ghost. He listed many areas, in the county, outside education, that receives assistance from the federal government. "I've worked closely with a lot of these programs and I've always found that once a program has begun the federal government steps aside and turns the project over to the local agency," he said. He said that he felt Juab-Millard Counties need a representative who will work with urban representatives in solving rural and urban problems in Utah. Elwin Brunson, Democratic candidate can-didate for Four-Year Commissioner stated that he knows the problems of farmers of Millard and of small business. He said that he felt the commission should do more to , make the county more attractive to the touring public. He listed several spots that he felt had been neglected in recreational develop FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH DELTA INVITES YOU TO ATTEND SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 TRAINING HOUR 7:00 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 p.m. MIDWEEK SERVICES Wednesday 7:00 p.m. 616 W. 100 N. (Lyman Row) Telephone 864-3224 Rev. Robert Fields Pastor Mr. Brough supposedly represents Millard County, also. Legislative District 62 comprises BOTH Juab and Millard Counties! (The ad below appeared in the Times-News, Nephi, Utah, Oct, 10, 1968) I t I t $ I I (Paid Political Advertisement by Millard County Democratic Committee, N. S. Bassett, Chairman) Thursday, October 10, 1968 ment. Arch Christensen, Four-Year Commissioner Com-missioner (R) spoke on the tax assessment as-sessment of the county and how Millard's assessment compares with other counties in the state. Walter Eklns (R) Two-Year Commissioner Com-missioner said that while he has been in the commission, commls-sincrs commls-sincrs had worked for the best good of the most people. He said that he felt that the tax dollar had been economically and wisely spent Howard Roundy, Democratic candidate can-didate for the Two-Year commission commis-sion post said that if elected he would work for a more united county, new industry, new water and a cut in taxes by a more em-cient em-cient use of the tax dollar. Boy Scouts of Troop 140 with Scutmaster Richard Snow conduc ted the flag ceremony. The national anthem was sung by the audience led by Joe Moody and accompanied by Lonore McCall. Prin. Jack Fowles offered invocation. The evening was under the sponsorship of the American Legion Auxiliary, Delta Lady Lions, Hne Arts Guild, Jay Cee Wives, Com munity Church Ladies Circle. Light refreshments were served. The sponsoring organizations wish to extend sincere thanks to Deseret Stake MIA for changing its calendar to avoid conflict with the evening. Thanks also go to Supt. Taylor and Prin, Fowles for use of the building and to the voters and candidates who appear ed. It is hoped that the evening will prove to be a new beginning in the area with civic organizations joining their efforts in a common goal. GOVERNOR VISITS- (Continued from front page) to locate in Utah thereby creating more new jobs. "The forecast is made that the mark of new jobs for the year will hit 15,000," said the governor. To discount the opposition's publicised pub-licised statements that actually the figure of new jobs is not nearly as high as claimed by the governor, Governor Rampton named firm after firm that had located in Utah during the last four years. 150 new manufacturing and distribution firms have located plants in Utah. Among these is the Cal-Uta Factory in eastern Millard County. Ia addition, addi-tion, the governor listed The Brush Beryllium Company's ten million dollar mill now under construction in the western part of Millard County. "Such an investment by Brush benefits the whole state, not just Millard County," he pointed out. "Now you hear a lot about the number of bankruptcies of Utah business during my administration. Let me give you the correct record. These aren't my figures but the figures of Dr. Roy T. Shaw of the University of Utah's College of Business. In 1962 there were 154 bankruptcies. There were 205 in 1963 and 216 in 1964. The figure jumped to 280 in '65. That dropped KEEP A JUAB COUNTY MAN IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE! RE-ELECT REP. RICHARD M. BROUGH Paid Political Advertisement by Juab County Republican Committee, Bob Thomas, Chairman BBOiMOBILE SCHEDULE OCTOBER 21 ' Garrison 9:00-10:00 a.m. Store Garrison 10:0r-ll:00 a.m. Elementary School OCTOBER 22 Oak City 1:00-3:30 p.m. Elementary School Leamington 4:00-5:00 p.m. Chapel Oak City 5:30-6:30 p.m. OCTOBER 23 Hinckley . Chapel 1:00-3:30 p.m Elementary School Deseret 4:00-5:30 p.m. Chapel Oasis 5:45-6:54 p.m. Store OCTOBER 24 Sugarville 1:00-2:00 p.m. Chapel Sutherland 2:30-4:00 p.m. Chapel Abraham 4:15-5:00 p.m. Fullmer Home Sylvia I. Broderick has Just returned re-turned from a five-day trip to Hawaii where she met her husband EON3 Dennis Broderick on his Rest and Recreation leave from Vietnam duty. Enroute to her home In Oak City, Sylvia spent three days in San Jose, Calif, with Dennis' brother broth-er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Broderick. Dennis returned to Viet Nam where he will be until Jan. 1969. to 238 in '66 and continued to drop to 119 in 1967. For fiscal 1968 the in 119 in 1967. For fiscal 1968 the figure is 59. This is well below the national average of 4.4 per 1000 and the 7.4 for Idaho." You Are Always Welcome at the DELTA COMMUNITY CHURCH WORSHIP SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL EVERY SUNDAY Telephone 834-2255 or 86b-3475 New Stock . . . ZENITH, SYLVANIA and EMERSON Color TV's Portable and Console from $329.00 QUALITY MARKET Furniture Department LEGAL NOTICE CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OH RESPECTIVE PARTIES FOR FURTHER DETAILS ORDINANCE An Ordinance amending Chape'r VI, Section 2, and Chapter X, Section Sec-tion 12, of the Revised Ordinances of Delta, Utah, 1956, regulating the hours of business for Pool Halls, Bowling Alleys, and Club Rooms; and the hours when beer may be sold and consumed on licensed premises within the City of Delta. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of Delta, Utah: That Chapter VI, Section 2, of the Revised Ordinances of Delta, Utah, 1956, be amended to read as follows: "It shall be unlawful for any Pool Hall, Bowling Alley, or Club Room, where Pool or Bowling Bowl-ing is plcyed within the City ot Delta, Utah, to remain open fo, or conduct business, during any hours except the following: starting on the mornings of Monday through Friday of each week, from 7:30 a.m. until 1 a. m. of the next day; and on Sat- urday of each week from 7:30 a.m. until midnight of the same day." That Chapter X, Section 12, of the Revised Ordinances of Delta, Utah, 1956, be amended to read as follows: "It shall be unlawful to permit beer to be consumed on any licensed premises during any hours except the following: starting on the mornings of Monday through Friday of each week, from 7:30 a.m. until 1 a. m. of the next day; and on Sat- urday of each week from 7:30 a.m. until midnight of the same day." BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT, notwithstanding any provision pro-vision to the contrary in Chapter I, Section 4, of the Revised Ordinances Or-dinances of Delta, Utah, 1956, the time applying in this specific ordinance shall be that legally in effect whether it be Standard Time or Daylight Saving Time. The provisions of this Ordinance have been aproved by the Delta City Council meeting in regular session on October 14, 1968, and following publication on October 17, 1968, and October 24, 1968, this Ordinance shall become effective on November 1, 1968. Richard S. Morrison, Mayor Attested: Nelle Callister, Delta City Clerk Date of First Publication, October 17, 1968. Date of Second Publication, October 24, 1968. ORDINANCE An Ordinance amending Chapter XXIV, Section 24, of. the Revised Ordinances of Delta, Utah, 1956, entitled "Established Zones" and particularly to amend the Zone Map of Delta City, Utah, which map is made part of the said Or dinance, by amending the Map to include within the 1-1 Industrial Zone certain parcels of land In Delta Townsite, Plat "A", and to make them subject to the require ments of the said 1-1 Zone. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of Delta, Utah: That the Zone Map of Delta City, which is part of the said Ordinance Ordin-ance on Planning and Zoning, be hereby amended to include the following property in the 1-1 Zone: Lot 3, Block 11; Lots 2 and ?, Block 12; Lots 2 and 3, Block 33; Lots 2 end 3, Block 34; Lots ?, 3, 4, 5, G, Block rr The provision of this Ordinance has been recommended by the Delta City Council and approved by the Delta City Planning Commision and the same was set for Public Hearing on the 18th day of October, 1968, at 7:30 PM at the Delta City Building, and this Ordinance, upon publication, shall become effective immediately upon publication, authorized au-thorized by the Delta City Council following Public Hearing. Richard S. Morrison, Mayor Attested: Nelle Callister, Clerk of Delta City First Publication: October 3, 1968 Second Publication, October 10, 1968 Third Publication, October 17, 1968 Effective date and final Publication, October 31, 1968. FOR1 SALE: One Coleman oil heater; heat-er; one Universal coal heater. Both in A-l condition. Cleve Mitchell, 460 West 3rd North, Delta. 10117-24 TESTED and approved by millions of homemakers. Blue Lustre carpet cleaner is tops. Quality Market Furniture Dept. n sunmt isooK distillery co, Cincinnati, ouio. The ( V V SM 1 ft yy.:- dim CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED RATES: 3c per word, minimum ad 50c. Ads over 5 Unas 15c a line thereafter. Display ads, S1.00 column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ods. Use of box No. 53c extra per insertion. FOR BEST RESULTS, USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE WEEKLY. For Sale THE DELMART for your Deer Hunting Hunt-ing Foot Wear. Our Stock is complete. com-plete. FOR WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS shop at D. Stevens Co., Furniture Dept. Excellent stocks. FOR SALE: 1950 Willys Station Wagon. 4-wheel drive. Free wheeling. wheel-ing. Front hubs and extra 6 cylinder motor. Lucian Keller, Hinckley 1024pdtf FOR SALE: The Lula Cropper two-bedroom two-bedroom home in Hinckley. Contact Con-tact Mrs. George Ekins. 1017-24 FOR SALE: 3-bedroom home. Car- Deted. Central heat. Located 1 mile . north of Delta. Priced reasonably. 864-2604 718tf FOR SALE: The Ben Bunker house in Delta. Two bedrooms. Located near hospital. See Mrs. Walter Peterson at Oak City. 822tf FOR SALE: 3-bedroom home in Delta. Partly furnished. Phone 864-2260. 864-2260. 829tf MOBILE HOMES for sale and rent. Rex Day. Phone 864-2212 . 74tf FOR SALE: 1963 mobile home. 12 ft. by 57.Fully furnished, stove, re- frigerator, automatic washer, table, furnace and drapes are just like new, as is most of the other furniture. furni-ture. The trailer is in excellent condition. con-dition. Located at Chad Spor's, Delta. 7jlltf STEWING HENS FOR each. Phone 864-3304. SALE: 25c 10.17-24pd FOR SALE: One baby carseat. Excellent Ex-cellent condition. Phone 864-2664. 1017np THE DELMART is the place to shop for fabric. Now is a eood time o choose your FABRICS for Christmas. We have a .new shipment of bond ed knits. Also quilted nylon sheer and quilted cottons. What would you do if y you lost your keysjO CIT EXTRA KEYS TODAY! Guaranteed to fit or your money back. ROBSON & SON'S LUMBER YARD FOR SALE: 1968 half -ton Ford Ranger. Power steering; air-conditioning; automatic 360 V-8. New six-ply tires. 1948 Jeep. V-8. New rubber. Excellent condition. Can be Petarson's Trailer Court. Ph. 3U-2120. lOllOtf FOR SALE: 3-yearold Arabian gelding; geld-ing; 1967 Honda Scrambler 300, 9x13 umbrella tent with floor. Ph. 864-3203. 103tf FOR SALE: Three bedroom home located just out of city limits. Call 864-3237. 103tf FOR SALE: MASSEY HARRIS 92 Combine with roster Chopper Blow-; er, Hydraulic wagon, Ford Tractor with front end loader, G.M.C. Cab-over Cab-over Truck, scraper, and many other pieces of farm machinery.1 See at Floyd Tolbert Farm in Abraham. Call 864-3685. 1017np : 1 SHEEP FOR SALE. Will lamb in January. Wesley Morris. Hinckley. Ph. 864-3306. 1010-17np ALPINE SEED BARLEY for saleJ Contact Dean Anderson in Oak City 1010-17np FOR SALE: George Jensen home in Deseret. Partial basement, oil furnace, fur-nace, patio, garage. Washer-dryer, stove included. Call 864-3170 for i further information. bknoid whiskey 66 moor. 66 cmik neutral spirits. light-hearted whiskey tOH SALE: 2 bedroom home inTHE DELMART for your Deer Hunt-Delta. Hunt-Delta. Call or write Garth Tolbert, ing Foot Wear. Our Stock is com- 3005 So. 2nd East, Salt Lake City, plete. for further information ) 9!26-1017np LOT AVAILABLE for House Trailer. L 1 .Call 864-2213. 103-17np FOR SALE: Two-bedroom home. Newly remodeled and painted. Full basement. Can be seen bv con- tacting Mrs. Elizabeth Stephensen in Delta. Ralph LTeed, Ml -asi 16th South, Orem, Utah. Phone 255- 1852 1219pd ! ! USED RANGES and Refrigerators East available offer. Ph. at Delta Electric. Make 864-2338 or 864-2150. I FOR SALE: 40 acre farm; home; 50 share Delta water. Write Ma.-y Bunker, 72 S. 6th E., Salt Lake City I or ph. (801) 355-9480. 1010-31ptf, SOUP'S on, the rug that is, clean; with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Quality Market Furniture Dept. FOR SALE: An exceptional deer hunter's bargain, four-wheel drive Scout. Don Morris. Phone 864-3660 TOTE-GOTE FOR SALE: $125.00. Excellent condition. Call 864-2202 after 9:00 p.m. 1017tf FOR SALE: Seven year old gelding, very gentle. Black in color, papered. Contact W. D. Iverson or L. J. Roper. Rop-er. 1017np For Rent 3-BEDROOM HOME for rent at Leamington. Newly remodeled. Hot water gas heat. 10 miles to Brush Beryllium plant. Contact Grant Nielson, Leamington, ph. 857-2527 or Violet Nielson, ph. 364-6383, Salt Lake City. 912tf FOR RENT: 2-bedroom farm house. Unfurnished. Located about seven miles northwest of Delta. Call 864- 2263 or 864-2430. 1017-24-31np FOR RENT: two bedroom home in Deseret. See O. L. Dutson or call 8G4-3158 after 5:00 p.m. 1010-17n FOR RENT: 3-bedroom trailer, furnished. fur-nished. Cal 676-2619, Panguitch or write W. J. Nay, Box 599, Panguitch, Pang-uitch, Utah 1017-24-31ll-7np FOR RENT OR SALE: 2 bedroom home in Delta. Furnished. Gas heated. Large garage. Ph. 864-2354 103tf FOR RENT: two bedroom opt. Completely furnished. Call 864-2132. 864-2132. 912tf FOR RENT OR SALE: 3-bedroom home in Delta. Phone 864-3489 or 864-3469. 815tf SPLENDID RAWLEIGH BUSINESS available in Millard Co. and Delta. Excellent opportunity for industri-our industri-our person. Wiite Rawleigh's, 1415 23rd Street, Denver, Colo. 80205. -103&17pd BUY DEER HUNTING SHOES and Boots now. 8" tops, $9.88, $11.98, $12.98 to $19.98 a pair. Pull-on Boots, $13.98, $15.98, $19.98 to $20.98 a pair. 6" tops, $7.50, $9.50, $9.98 to $15.98 a pair. Buy shoes for all the family. Rubber footwear for everyone at D. Stevens & Co., Shoe Dept. Dr. PHIL L. AIKEN Chiropractic Physician 15 South 3rd West DELTA Phone 864-2403 TUESDAY 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. DR AIKEN'S OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED Saturday, October 19 WHILE HE ATTENDS AN EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR LBl7(D(Dlk soeasytotake ' ' LOCAL and Long Djstance Truck mg. i-au oci-oooi, Cope Skeem. 1017-24pd Day or night. r. Reduce with REDOOSEl Follow directions-safe, guaranteed results. i Only $.98. Service Drugs. 822-1021 TRACTOR TIRE REPAIR IN THE FIELD. We're now equipped with a mobile tractor tire repair and filling ""it to save yo time and money with all your tractor tire problems. Just call us and we're ready to go. "66" Service Center, Delta, Utah. 4,lltf ROLLER SKATING! FRIDAY & SATURDAY 8:00 p.m. Adm. 25c to watch 50c with your own skates 75c if you rent skates Candy Soda Pop I BATTERIES 6-volt (group one) $7.95, exchange; 12-vole (group 24) $12.95, exchange. KELL'YS SERVICE Phone 864-2404, Delta 5jl2tf ELECTROLUX Authorized Sales & Service. Lowell Edwards. Ph. 864-3137 42tf GUITAR and ACCORDIAN lessons. Have used accordians for sale. Elaine Hardy, Hinckley. Ph. 864-3129. 864-3129. 1010-31np Dr. Duaoe G. Lund Optometrist IS IN DELTA EACH TUESDAY 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Eye Examination if Glasses Fitted fa Contact Lenses SAHARA THEATRE BLDG. 291 W. Main, Delta 864-2163 CARL'S RADIATOR SHOP. Complete radiator service, rodding, boil out. reDairs. New radiator and heater coes. Used and new radiators. 228tl THE DELMART is the place to shop for fabric. Now is a good time to choose your FABRICS for Christmas. We have a ,new shipment of bonded bond-ed knits. Also quilted nylon sheer and quilted cottons. HAPPY DAY CATERING. Complete wedding decorations and catering. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Brunson, Fillmore, Fill-more, Utah. Ph. 743-5429. 919tf FURNITURE NEED REUPHOLSTERING? Have that living room set or favorite rocker re-upholstered and redesigned by Twitchell Upholstery. Upholst-ery. Twitchell's have served the Delta area for over 15 years. Their reputation for guaranteed service and quality workmanship is unsurpassed. For free consultation in your home, drop a card today. Mr. Twitchell, with ever 20 years of decorating experience will call with samples of all the latest furniture coverings and help you choose the color and fabric for your sofa or chair. Save one-half over New Furniture Furni-ture prices. TWITCHELL UPHOLSTERY 150 N. Main Cedar City NEW T.V. REPAIR SERVICE DEPT. Color, Black & White Radio, Phono (all makes) Our New Full Time Technician . . . Mr. Dan Sutton is the factory representative representa-tive for the Millard area on Zenith, Sylvania, Emerson & DuMont Call . . . Quality Market 864-2781 mm iTTniiMM |