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Show . B.HLS. MoDe leenl ajj the Week . . . iyiililiJl wwM) PAULA BLACK DALE JENSEN Dale Jensen, son of Homer and Ray Jensen, is a very capable leader lead-er and knows how to get things organized and done. He was Freshman Fresh-man Class President and Junior Class President; he is also Letter-man Letter-man Club President this year. Last year he was chosen, as a Boys State Representative. In school, Dole enjoys Athletics, Physics, and Seminary. Outside of school he likes all outdoor sports, especially hunting nd skiing. Dale has accomplished well in sports, lettering in Basketball, Foot ball, and Track in his Sophomore and Junior year. Last year he placed second in region in the discus throw and third in the 440. He was also on the first-place mile-relay team in this region. This year Dale plays quarterback in football and hopes to play forward in basketball. Dale loves to have fun and does have fun wherever he goes. He al ways has a joke to tell that keeps things lively. He appreciates the merits of hard work and study, and STAFF Susan Mork Editor Pnm Bringard Teens Pamela Calllster Brent Farnsworth Sports Mareia Huff News Knthryn McCall lsdiX dousia iniu.iv leading. As a hobby she enjoys sowing, a.nd writes bits of humorous humor-ous poetry. Her plans after graduation are not definite, but she will attend either Utah State or Trade Tech. She wants to specialize in Business or become an X-Ray Technician. From the Halls of D.H.S.- Principal F owlet While attending the U. E. A. con be instructed by Senator Moss and Governor Rampton. He will also take part in a legislative session. This will be " high honor. The winner will be announced. TEEN CONTEST: , Delta High rn.s been asked submit the names of throe students in a National "Outstanding Teenagers Teen-agers of America" cantest, I Sponsored by the nonpiofit Ou'-; standing Americans Foundation,' this annual prgram recognizes and , encourages outstanding young people. A state Teen is chosen to repre Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October 17, 1968 I 4..JV i , L i in m In Qnlt 1 siln CUv InQt unptf I .I..I...U ... i . . . , ,., , i I had the opportunity of visiting ' " m:ni winven- with " man who formerly held an Von- Tw0 outstanding tcenors of h administrative position in Millard America are chosen from state win- t County. During the course of our ' ,' ", l,l'i""i conseivation he made a statement 0 $1,000 scholarship. that impressed me very much. He' ai?7 said that he had been in several , ""VLtT B?,LU , . ouiurnuy, ivovemucr a, me ru.t and FFA are sponsoring their Delta Hops to Top h Region Play Inst Wednesday the Delta Rab- hl1 trnvnlort In MillArrt for the pamo thnt mnv hnvo well deter-' .onh.rc in - no miltnivlitif n It taken a lead In the mined the first nlace team of the'is in Millard Countv. this year. They wish region and walked away with a ' This statment contains a great 32 to 14 victory over their old rivals deal of truth and I see the effects the Eagles. I of It every day. Extra time and districts and had over 20 years experience but had never been in a district wni're tiiu ijuuiny uii liclriot U'hnro th, nunlilu nf annual HOI Vfbl OUII. i III- unvs nuv IT decorations it to be an i oia-iasnioned barn dance with a hay loft and other trimmings. Not I all details are definite, yet; sucli The eame started with Millard effort are snont bv teachers trvinz ns wnere 10 De nelc1' sl"mg time, kicking off to Delta. After a series to provide better programs for stu- Of exact decorations. of drives Delta was stopped and dents. A great deal of concern is 1 .Sover!1 l7zes wil1 be K'von forced to punt, but again received shown over individual problems First prize Is a stereo tape reeonl- the ball after stopping Millard, and personal development. I Se cnd a wrist watch; and After a series of downs Jim Walker To me it is no coincidence that tnd transistor radio. re.n over from the Millard 5-yard we have excellence in many de-1 October. 1". Sophomore, Junior line for Delta-s first TD. The PAT partments, enthusiastic participa- f"d. Senlor 4cI"",es w''.' choose was run over by Rick Davis. ition i.n extra-curricular activities, tneir Harvest Ball candidates t. Millard was forced to punt and and outstanding students gaining 1U1 mmi noyauy, v' A 'A 1 BACK KOW: Jane Stanworth, Ileadstart Inslructor; Albert Win-sor, Win-sor, Firotruck Capla'.i; Loleand Roper, Firo Chiel; Kathrya B'.shcp. mothor: Juna locos, Teacher Aid; Theo Siuart, mother. VMilS tew: G.ft Dut i, Da.-jl Niclson, Stacy Etuait, Cind B;iili-o, B;iili-o, Tonia King, r."ar:;Iici Lcsse. Front row: Kelly Nck'.e, Janit lirason, Myrtlo Lcvoil, f'cott Thome?, Steven Bj.-ilicn, Noal Riding, Tracy Fislur. Vivacious Paula Black is the daughter of J. Dee and Eunice Black of Deseret. A Varsity Cheerleader Cheer-leader this year, Paula is also ft three-year Tri-Del member and hase been a JV Cheerleader and 1st Attendant in Harvest Ball Royalty. She has a fun-loving, friendly personality which is essential essen-tial in being a good cheerleader and she has proved herself a good cheerleader. When asked what she feels her responsibility is as cheerleader, she replied: "As cheerleaders it is our job to support our teams and thej school, but that's not hard when you have the great teams and the school we have." She also had several dance parts in the opera "Oklahoma," her Junior year. Her classes this year are English, Sewing Shorthand, Psychology, Drafting, Family Living, and Cheer-has Cheer-has always done well in school. Dale plans are not definite as to what college he will attend after graduation. Delta again started on a drive national recognition which was completed when Scott achievement. i KiiuiiMi tan 10 jraiua tut itriLaai second TD. The PAT was not suc-j cessful. Delta kicked off and Millard's hopes came alive when Ron Wilson : Miss Jeri Jensen: ran tne ban all the way back for a 97-yard TD. This PAT was successful. suc-cessful. After a series of ball changes, Millard again started a drive and scored an a 37-yard run by Wilson. The PAT was successful so the score stood 14 to 13 for Millard. Delta, not be be outdone, recovered recover-ed a Millard fumble and on the in academic Definite plans will be announced later for both dance and assemb'v. NAMED TO SUMMER QUARTER HONOR ROLL AT U. OF U. Ronald W. Mortensen, formerly of Delta, was named to the summer Miss Jeri Jensen, our new economics teacner neneves u.eie Letters and Science college. There is more to homemaking than cook- lere m stUdents named to the ing ana sewing, miss Jensen, wnusc nonor rou parents are Mr. and Mrs. Miles H. Jensen of Gunnison, is teaching for her first vear and really enjoys Hew Teacher . . . quarter honor roll of the University mf of Utah. Ronald is a senior in the Elwin Brunson Democratic Candidate for 4-Year County Commissioner STANDS FOR- -County Unity B -More Industry Promotion of Tourism (Paid Political Adv. by Elwin Brunson) being on the Delta High faculty. She is staying at Mrs. Louise Allen's home in Delta and enjoys sewing and reading. Hoving attended attend-ed CSU and BYU, Miss Jensen has a composite major in Home Economics Eco-nomics which consists of Child Development, Homemaking, Home Management, Foods and Nutrition, Clothing and Textiles. If she returns to college for her master's degree, she wants to specialize in Clothing and Textiles. Miss Jensen believes that cooking cook-ing and sewing are only part of homemakin, that learning to budget, bud-get, be a wise consumer, know the best kitchen equipment, and be a good wife and mother are very important skills to learn. She is teaching her classes an this theory, using both book and practical ap- Garrison Hews by DONNA RICHARDSON Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wheeler and Aleeda Dearden were in Delta Monday. Mrs. Frona Huntington accompanied accom-panied Mrs. Pat Gonder to Delta Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Smith have moved to Tucson, Ariz. They would like to have their friends write to them. Their address is 2735 No. Castro Ave., Tucson, Ariz. 85705. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Davies moved the Smith's beloneincs down for 1 lllt:ill. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Delbert Young took Mrs. Ada Grant (Mrs. Young's mother) to Holden, Utah to spend I i - V ";; i 'il Jr 1 J I lj BACK ROW (1. to r.): Flora Vccd, Keadstart Instructor: Albert Al-bert Winsor, Firetruck Captain; Lelcnd Roper, Fire Chief; Emma Lou Harris, mother; Beverly Elia-so.i. Elia-so.i. Teacher Aid. - Middle Row: Kim Draper, Eileen Wricjht, Sheri Lynn Win'cle, Shannon Shan-non Fullmer, Tommy Ashby, Preston Pres-ton Eliason, Donna Lee Harris, Phyllis Christcnsen, Virginia Chris-tensen. Chris-tensen. Sitting: Vanda Dalton, Ruben Lazaro, Shelly Shields. first Dlav. Jim Walker ran 69 vards si i up xui aiiuuici t.u Luai w run in by Rick Davis from the 21-yard 21-yard line. The PAT failed and the half ended with Delta 19, Millard 14. In the second half Delta recovered recover-ed a Millard fumble on their own 35 and Delta scored after a 28-yard 28-yard run by Dale Jensen and the final run by Jim Walker. The PAT was run over by Rick Davis. In the last quarter Dennis Church ran over from the 2-yard line for Delta's last TD after a 52-yard dirve by Delta. In the last two minutes Millard started a long passing drive which finally Vinkoi nn urban flal- braith Keith intercepted a pass on p'heation Her Family LiXg and' the winter with her' other daughter,! Heodstlton fircs were quickly inched, tho no to k when tha oim cminri u. .. , , , ' , ? v w ti i WnnA Delta uro ueparimeni. un nana to ..,.. nlla jjeveiopment classes arei The game ended with a roar studying hw they might become Chester Wheeler anl Carl Dear-and Dear-and Delta was ahead 32 to 14. I woll-ronnded nersons .not onlv aen were in Fillmore Thursday on knowing homemaking but becom-. uu:,uleb!' ing educated and intelligent worn-pn. den residence over the weekend. Headstart Visits Delta Fire Dept. . . . On Tuesday morning Oct. 8th, fireengines and mr.ny imaginary This Thursday Delta will play North Sanpete on the Delta home field. Game time: 2:00 p.m. Jin uclj' rr ngiiL unu laiiuij yjx Salt Lake visited at the Lee Denr- DHS Hews Items DELTA-MILLARD: In preparation for the game with Millard, Delta High and Junior High held a joint pep assembly. The cheerleaders headed the traditional tra-ditional snake dance down 1st West. The team rode through the crowd in a large truck. The pep assembly was very inspiring and crowded to over-fiowing. A team member's father .Roger Walker, gave a talk. Other speakers were Stephen Sperry, Mike Crowley, Tony Stanworth, Coach Myers, and Coach Porter. The cheerleaders put on another of their original, humorous, humor-ous, and sometimes enlightening skits. Immediately following the assembly, as-sembly, the Junior team members carried the huge .napkin-stuffed Eagle out to the parking lot west of the gym. The Senior members were given torches with which lo ignite the bird. While the burning was going on, Coach Rock gave a short talk. r After the burning of the Eag'e the school students ate, boarded buses and cars, and traveled to The FHA under Miss Jensen's leadership is working toward individual in-dividual growth with many well-prepared well-prepared demonstrations and meet ings, we welcome her to the Uiib staff and wish her year. Millard for the game. PEP CLUBS: Last week the Del-Teens and Tri-Dels filled the halls with many-colored many-colored posters which hung from the ceiling. One had the feeling of walking through an atmosphere Bonita Rusby was a house guest at the Bud Richardsons over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Chub Richardson a successful were in Nephi Wednesday. , Mr. and Mrs. Bud Richardson visited in Pleasant Valley with Mr. said, "I hope the and Mrs. Fred Newbold. Saturday, start." Some toes conduct the tour and answer any qusetions were Fire Chief Leland Roper, Drill Captain Reed Wood, and Firemen Wayne Sorensen, Albert Al-bert Winsor and Bryce Ashby. F.ach child climbed on the truck, U.oktd at the big engine, held the hose and pulled the nozzle and put out a make-believe fire. The children chil-dren took turns stnnding at the rear of thte truck and holding the bar like real firemen. One child engine docn.n't were left dan- LEGAL H0T1C CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OR RESPECTIVE PARTIES FOR FURTHER DETAILS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sugarville VENICE DAVIS Mrs. Harold Done is home from closed-in color. The inspiring theme tne Cottonwood Hospital after an and that V. ' 1 T at a l75nnor T orl tho A7ar ' 1 urnc . . i . . , tir rr n r w ! Mro r gling so ho was probably right. Mrs. Wood modeled the fireproof asbestos suit thai the firemen wear, j They heard the clanging of the fire( boll. The children learned that Delta City and Millard County paid . a lot of money for the fire truck lie firemen take very followed bv fi.'l te coaches' " was operation she had a week ago. We Sd care of it. ' a"i Vpe she will continue improving' Chief Roper demonstrated how In the Matter or the Estate of Etta E. Roper, Deceased, Creditors will present clinis with vouchers to the undersigned, on or before the 1st day of February, 10G9. Gle.n E. Roper Administrator Leamington, Utah Eldon A. Eliason Attorney Delta, Utah First Publication: October 10, 1968 Final Publication: October 31, 1968 NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF TIME FOR PAYMENT OF TAXES In accordance with provisions of a boys' names on individual po:;U'.s. an(j wjii be out and around again fireman, uses the resusita.tor and I soon. I talked about what it is used for. School will not be held Monday, jyr ancj MrS- Lorin Oliver made He cautioned the children to be October 21, 1968. This day is open a trip to Provo and Salt Lake over very careful not to ctart fires and i for the deer hunt. jthe weekend for a visit with their, not to go swimming without an children, Kritsen Oliver and Mr. 'adult. But he hastened to say that the Statutes of the State of Utah SENATE YOUTH: 'and Mrs. Ron Oliver in Salt Lake. I tne firemen were their friends and and based upon a petition submit- A Senate youth is being sponsor- Mrs. j0sh Robison of Fillmore1 would be on hand if ever they were ted by more than one hundred ed by the state school superinten- visited and did some quilting with needed. (100) taxpayers of the county filed dent and board. her daughters Ireta and Yvonne1 Back at school once again the with the County Commission re- Every high school in the state ghurtz and families. (children were very busy on tricycle questing an extension of time for will give competitive exams to find The Relief Society held their' payment of taxes before delinuen- the most outstanding student on opening Oct. 1st with sixteen mem-, family came home over the week- cy: American government. hers nresent Each class leadpr end t It is ordered that the date of de- Olds INfinety-Eight: Strong, silent and in the classic tradition. Take the wheel. The student chosen will spend a eave a Dreview of the comine les- day at the state capitol. He will SOns of the year. Light refresh- : ments were served. Sunday the program was given Get carried away in a whole new world of luxury-car pleasures. The look is contemporary elegance. The ride is luxurious on a new, longer wheelbase New interiors, new GM ' trr kJ irV GM MAAft Of IRCIUINCC safety features, new advances in power-assisted driving pam per you at every turn. So drive one of our six elegant Ninety-Eights today. Luxury was never so exciting! by High Councilman Reece Finlin-, Bob Thomas to Snow and Dick Jen- son and Gale Nielson, recitations sen to Trade Tech. were given by Sonya and Myra I Maurine McCoy and children of Finlinson and a piano selection by .Orem visited the weekend with he." Maria Finlinson. Mrs. Reece Finlin-! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jen-son Jen-son and family visited with us. I sen and family, then John came Verla Jensen was released as down later and they went home chorister of the Relief Society and . together. Sharon Clark was made chorister, j Mr. a nd Mrs. Art Hill made a also Sharon was released as Spiri-. trip to Salt Lake during the school tual Leader and Evelyn Shields was vacation. made Spiritual Leader. We all en- Don't forget the Primary "Bake joyed the meeting and Lnvite them Sale" Oct. 18th at the Quality to come again. ! Market. Come and stock up for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jensen and deer season. All our young folks are gone to Imquency for payment of taxes in college, Keith Shurtz to Trade Tech Millard County is extended from in Salt Lake, Linda Losee, student November 30, 1968 to 12:00 o'clock teaching, Roger Shurtz to Logan, ! noon, December 20, 1968. tsy order or tine Board ot Loun'y Commissioners. Guy L. Robins. Clerk Published in The Millard Countv Chronicle October 10 and 17, 1908. USA!R FORCE THE AEROSPACE TEAM 5n yoor local Air Foira Rocrufrm A Vote for Howard Roundy is a VOTE for more efficient operation of County Government nlw0ird s JfBA ' Escape from the ordinary at your Oidsmobile dealer's. Oldi Ninety-Eight Holiday Coup. DEMOCRAT for 2-YEAR MILLARD COUNTY COMMISSIONS! (Paid Political Adv. by Howard Roundy) Mn-M MMi tis jc&Jf'' : r-wl |