Show ALT LAKE AND STATE NEW FROM correspondents AND state EXCHANGES LOST MONEY ON FITZ salt lake dec 21 As a of the big fight in san francisco last night between philadelphia jack obreen and bob ono man in this city was bumped tor about the man who is clifford W grant manager and owner of the london gaiety girls playing at the lyric he was or old man fitz up to 0 he drifted into the falstaff saloon on state street and offered to bet nay part of 1000 on tho sorrel topped warrior of the prize ring four hundred dollars of his money wa sc in short order the fight br rounds came in one round at a time and it looked like altz would get away with the big end of the puree grant beff some more then came the flash that obrien had uon in the thirteenth round but ac j cording to the complaint made by grant to mr walley assistant city attorney this morning the hash was i withheld from grant by billy fiuman j of the falstaff thinking that fitzi was a sure winner grant plunges two hundred more and 0 course kjosen tb harvender har tender said grant who held the money refused to permit the the adrical man to fco bunched bun coed saying it haq too raw when grant learned that the flash had been withheld he made a holler and now wants arrested j the matter will probably be adjust od mr walley says that unless the money is paid back to grant there will be something doing in judge dechla court grant says he cares nothing for the as be lost that on the square but he does not propose to lose the other NAMPA SECURES THE FIRST FACTORY salt lake dec 21 the announce ment Is made at the office of the west arn idaho sugar company in this city that it has been decided to build only one sugar factory during 1906 instead of two as had been originally contemplated the first plant will be built at bompa the contract for its erection has already been let to the dyers of cleveland and the first payment made it has been decided hat one factory can work up all the beets that the two will grow the first year A meeting of the commercial club was held in JP ayette on tuesday evening at which the matter was fully discussed and satisfactory arrangements entered into tor the extension the payette people agree to raise at least tons ot beets next year for the campa factory in consideration of which the ugar sugar s company gives a bond of tor the erection of a factory at payette in the following year A private railroad line will run from payette to new plymouth opening up another big beet district As the nampa district has already guaranteed to plant nearly acres of beets next spring the belief is confidently held that that factory will be submerged with beets the first season so hat aba payette plant will bo a ne in the year following the above statement was confirmed by general manager T IL cutler the second call on the stockholders for 6 per cent of their subscription has been sent out the date of payment being january 10 the decision to defer the payette plant will necessitate the calling in of only halt the companas comp anys capital instead of 2000 during next year OFFICE WILL REMAIN salt lake dec 21 the hubbub that has been created toy the knockers daout the prospective removal from salt utah or the office of collector la entirely a wall and hope from of tho and malign ws who loudly profess sorrow one day at the thought of its going and whis per a desire for the remaining six that it will be taken away in order that they may exclaim we told yon so but the office Is not to be removed to montana or elsewhere according to the information that comes from washington that news IB to the effect that it s to stay in salt lake where it was brought some years ago there was a good reason for bringing it here at that time and the reason still remains besides it has been officially settled that it Is to stay and that oal lister Is to continue to hold the position of chief the revenue collector is not re appointed ilka a postmaster or states marshal if ho discharges the duties of Ms office in a manner to receive administrative approval he Is of en permitted to remain undisturbed foe years according to the present outlook there be a good deal more knocking done before the offlie can be removed from salt lake STOCKTON MINES CLOSE DOWN salt lake dec 21 the coal famine has hl the mining camps in fact the question of getting a winters supply of fuel has been a serious matter with the inhabitants of the mining regions for several weeks just as it has been right here in salt lake R M edmonds a well known business man of stockton who Is in the city today brings in the information that in the thoele tooele county camp the coal situation Is really bad and several of the mines have been forced to close thia has been the case with the new stockton gold mining company whore a complete shutdown has occurred this company has ben out of fuel tor several days and both the alno and mill are out of commission the only work going on there now Is the installation stal lation 0 the new compressor and hoisting plants in bingham the situation la threatening and bome of the mines are running low in their supply of coal yd there are no downs reported and alie mine managers are hopeful that the rio grande will see to it that they are kept supplied with the business it gets from bineham bine ham it la hardly likely that the management of that road will permit the mining companies to suffer any undue anxiety WANT MORE FOR SUGAR BEETS provo dec 21 A largo number of beet growers of provo district attended the meeting called for last evening in the court house to decide upon some united action to secure an advance n the arico of beets H T vincent called the meeting to order stating the object walter scott was elected chairman and F C johnson secretary li T vincent addressed the meeting stating that when the farmers began tor alse beets the sugar company paid a ton farm land was then worth loss ihan it is today labor was chraper and taxes were lower now the sugar company only pays a ton and land labor taxes and everything else including sugar is higher this condition he thought demanded the consideration of tho farmers remarks were made by silas allred herman knudsen and T H vincent favoring steps being taken to secure better prices and expressing the belica that th sugar company would comply with a request tor an advance T H vincent moved that a committee of three be appointed to draft and present a communication to the sugar company asking an advance of 25 to 50 cents a ton william carter was iii favor of asking for a 25 cent raise on the different prices and based on the percentage of saccharine in the andrew N holdaway spoke of the advantage that had resulted from cooperation of cotton growers tobacco growers and wheat growers in compelling an advance of prices for their products and advocated that utah beet growers and farmers should unite to secure the aaroe results the agricultural papers said air holdaway would not advocate any plan tor farmers lo 10 obtain an advance price tor their product and would not publish any article advocating steps being taken io this end they only published articles which showed the farmers how to raise bigger and cheaper crops he quoted figures showing profits made by the sugar company which would justify an advance in the price of beets X J W goddard amended the motion by fixing the advance to be asked tor at 25 cents a ton chairman scot favored the communication muni cation beang circulated and signed by all alo beet growers inspector and others spoke in favor of obtaining the signatures 0 all beet growers in the district this wea was adopted and the motion unanimously carried the following committee was appointed to draft aie communication andrew N holdaway herman knudsen and F C johnason John and two ibert growers from each ward were appointed to obtain signatures VICTIMS OF TYPHOID bountiful dec 21 masl mary lee eggert wife of thomas eggett whom she married about civo weeks ago died yesterday at her homo in woods croaa of typhoid bever after an illness of three weeks this is the second death in the same family 1 n two months john lee a brother having passed away about six weeks ago from the same cause another brother robert Is lust recovering from the disease ho having been stricken at the time of hia deceased sisters marriage the lees came here from chociey Cho england where their parents reside about two years ago and have lived lyre ever since they were faithful members of the church and their many friends here are greatly fl with the affliction that has befallen them the cunera 0 mrs eggett will bo held from the south bountiful meeting house sunday at 12 noon friends are invited ever which haa been quite had in that section tor some time past is attributed to impure water BUILDING FOR STATE STREET salt lake dec 22 the herald says the granting of an order by judge ratchie to the trustees of the alllen atwood estate permitting them to lease the property at the northeast corner of state and second south streets to gus holmes for a period of fifty years and the drawing up of papers for the lease mark tho last of a long list of deals the past year which have affected every available piece of realty on state street between brigham street and the city and county building in other words real estate men say not a piece of property in the above prescribed limits has boen offered to the investing world in vain A strong effort is being made by the new owners of the properties to develop stata street in much the same way that broadway haa gone ahead in los angeles and mak it overshadow main street just afi broadway haa overshadowed spring street mr holmes states that be will follow suite of other investors ve or take the lead it they will follow suite in making state street a thoroughfare 0 fine buildings and on other hands Is headd tho same promise the evolution of state street has been going on largely during the year 1904 last spring and during tho summer a large amount of los ango tes coin was invested in state street property across from the corner which mr holmes has leased Is the galena block owned by henry the millionaire on tho same side of state street opposite the orpheum is locate property purchased by henry haack last spring tor in the block south of the corner in question Is located property of R A rowan an extensive realty operator of los angeles regarding tha corner which ho haa leased and which is now occupied by two story of wood and brick mr holmes saya that he will not build a three or a tour story building which will be outgrown in five or six years but will erect a block which including rentals improvements etc will involve n expenditure of he made it clear yesterday afternoon that be Is making no rash promises 0 work to begin on such a building in thirty or sixty days he did state however that a year from date will sec work commenced if only he and parties backing him can be assur ed that their course will be justified by iho action or contemplated action of other state street property holders hp pointed out for instance that the erection of up to date office buildings on the site of the galena block would mean the building of an equally good structure on the corner leased by him the property which the atwood estate trustees have leased ha a frontage fron tago of ica feet on state street rune back 12 1 2 feet on second south and hab an L running back of the grand theatre to a ton foot right of vay association FOOTBALL sail dec 22 between eureka and salt lake to play the final socker football game have been completed and the game will be played on cummings field on christmas day lovera 0 this kind of football expect a great contest as the records 0 the two teams in games played so far this season compare favorably eureka having a little the better of the gamo in goal average A meeting of the league officials will be held in a few days to arrange rules and regulations tor the spring games which will take place in march at this time it Is expected ten or twelve teams will take part A meeting 0 the salt lako club has been called for tomorrow afternoon for practice at the tower ground at 4 p m A business meeting of the same club will be held saturday night OFFICER CAUGHT IN OLD MEXICO salt lake dec 22 first lieutenant arthur freshwater of the twenty ninth infantry the headquarters of which regiment is at fort douglas salt lake has been located as a fugitive from justice at mexico about five or six weeds ago he fled from fort bliss tex chero he was stationed and after his flight it was discovered that he was short in bis post exchange accounts financial reverses have evidently overtaken the army officer for sure because he is working as freight brakeman on the mexican central railroad under the assumed name of the news of his discovery came last night in a special dispatch to the herald from el paso tex FORTUNE FAVORS DICK COLBURN salt lake dec 22 richard S colburn formerly of salt lake city is one of the happiest of the many heavy capitalists in goldfield today his ship has come in after a long voyage at sea dick admits himself that the vessel was lost tor BO long that he knew it would be useless to aak tho underwrite ra for insurance now red top has gone to and there is nothing for it the popular man hag made another fortune |