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Show The Sail Lake Tribune, Friday, September $, 1ST! S.L. Writer, Photographer, Westminster Freshmen Sirs. Claire ISoall. 79, Dies College students weie urged Thursday to participate in the activities offered by their school. r Speaking to students new to the college and their parents, Dr. Manford A. Shaw, Westminster's president, said par- - Law Agency Outlines Key Topics Several projects received priority Thursday by the Re12 I .aw Enforcement gion Planning Agency fur 1972 at their 7:30 a.m. bieakfast meeting a! tl.e Ambassador Aihlenc Club, East. H5-5t- h The three most important projects ate narcotics, an improved records program for law enforcement and additional dispositional alternatives io .courts Mrs. Claire Augusta VVcox said 900 y n, ' Mr. Weilenmann had pointed out the chapel, at A Street between Second and Third was built in 1881 on land given by Joseph Don Carlos Young to the then bishop of the 18th Ward, Orson F. Whitney, in the form of a an is The trust said the land was to be used for a meeting house" and th.it it could never be used for any other purpose." Mr. Weilenmann had said he was informed the LDS Church planned to build a new chapel next door, then use the for original chapel site rounds and as a parking lot. The chapel is on the Utah State register as an historic site. The constitution of the state would appear to give the attorney general responsibility to protect charitable trusts, Mr. Weilenmann said. . charitable trust. Replied Mr. Romney ThursThe only proper day, parties, in our opinion, to enforce this charitable trust are those having a special greater than that of the public generally, i. e.. the members of the 18th Ward. Hot Old Times of hospital. Iy N'oall a well-know- n r d Si AV V v i .... X) pol- Officers Arrest 4 Youths, Recover 82.500 in Loot juveniles pushing Murder Suspect Found Guiltv 0 A jurv of seven men and five orr.en, after deliberating for almost six hours, Thursday night returned a guilty veidiet of second degree murder against Earl Henry Robison. 27, 868 McClelland (1040 East). was charged with the May 7 shooting death of Roland Biiggs. 22, 73 E. 4th South in the trial before Thiid District Judge Joseph G. Jenpson. Sentencing will be Sept. 10 at 2 p.m. He Mrs.Noall y Sheriffs Deputy Ronald Wall and Murray Special to The Tribune A Murray poMURRAY lice officer apprehended two a motorcycle Thursday morning which led to the arrest of two others and the recovery of $2,500 worth of puns and tools taken in burglaries throughout Salt Lake County. The two youths were observed at 6400 South and 700 East by Officer Linden Roberts. who stopped to investigate. He found out via radio was that the motoTyde stolen. Subsequent investigation by Murray Police and Salt Lake County deputy sheriffs led to the clearing of several burglaries in which $1,000 worth of tools and $1,500 in guns vveie taken from homes and automobiles. All we:e recovered from various areas surrounding Murray. major also contributed to the Relief of the Society Magazine Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints, the Utah State Historical Quarterly, Western Folklore Quarterly, The Improvement Era, Ensign, and Western Humanities Review, The four aged 14 to 16 to Second District Juvenile Court on burglary and grand larceny charges, Detective Paul Forbes said. referred vveie Academy of Arts She was a member of the Utah Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences; Utah Historical Society: Utah Folkore Society; League of Utah Waters; Utah State Poetry Society; National League of American Penwomen; a charter member of Chi Omega Sorority; and a member of the Ciec-fu- .i Club. She received her education in Salt Lake schools, and the University of Utah, where she received a B.A. degree and work toward a completed master's degree in cieative w riting. Born in S.L. Model Cities Agrees to Mrs. N'oall was born Aug. 16, 1892, in Salt Lake City, a daughter of Dr. Charles F. and Elizabeth Stevenson WilShe married Dr. Matthew F. N'oall, former Salt Lake City public school administrator, August 18, 1917, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. She is survived by her husband; fot children, Mrs. Elizabeth N. Thomas, Mrs. Elliott Lee (Ruth) Pratt, both cox. Fund Center The Advisory Model Cities Council voted Coordinating to make Thursday night $22,000 available to the Central City Community Center but only as a last leort. should the center be unable to find other support. The measure first was when the city was threatening to cut off the center's funds as an economy measure. But by Thursday-nigh- t it appeared more likely thut the city would continue to support the center. pio-pos- The money will come fnin unexpended funds in the multipurpose center coordinating budget money saved on salaries during the first two months of the fiscal year and money saved by not hiring a coordinator for all the centers. The measure was approved at the regular Thursday night meeting of the council, at the Northwest Multipurpose Center, 2nd Nouli and 13th West. Sad Lake Weather Data: prtciptia. lien tor period eoaed Thur3sy ter 5 pm. a none, Prenpiaticn S.Pttmb. , none, Accumulative deft October U. since Precipitation oencA iq Accumulative exce'S, 4 64, 7 57 6 56 Sunns MOT. Sunset tr fir .v 1 23 34 i j Salt Lake Cty, Onen and Prove . with Par" ciuucy ard c.u.er c nance v. i..owers naroy mcuv tvr Fnaay n.gh? and tanj m 9ns pen davs Jn in nd ?us. lows Friday n gm 43 to 50. Preca-- b tv o ram 2C percent measurable Fncay and near zero Friday night. U an Pariiy cloudy north Fncdy with a tew mountain showers and most-ttar sou n Generally ta-Frtoay n ght and Saturoey. Cooter north Friday spreaamg to scuheat Friday eve-- n 70 to ng Highs Friday and Saturday 60 excesi in the 60s southeast Fr.oav. Lews Friday in the 40s and tow 5c s Locay windy south and east Friday Nevada - Generally fair a Ccoer Friday Fr.cay and Saturday and Froay night Highs beth days mostly m the 70s. Lows Friday night 15 to 45. Partly ctoodv Fnoav Wyoming Scattfea showers and thunderstorms ever tne stae Friday Chance ct sr w htqh mouma ns Friday Frday n gn d Cc.aer ,4 t Decrea r.g c cudmess Fncay n.gnt ad Sauriav w !h shwct fe.v n'rnta.rs oy Friday H gh Frcav 60s aro wes ic K ea.tem to'ce-- . Lew Friday ngnt 30s mounta rs 40s tower elevations H9h Saturday rs and few tew 70s tower elevations 55 to 65 mountains. Fr Scuthwest Idana cloud northern few shewers mouma rs Friday Fair Friday mant w in Coder Saturday nights cnance test higher valleys Lews 3Cs to tow 4CK cr oay mqh Hi9hs 65 to 75 and mostly 70s Saturday. reu?heast Idaho Partiv c'oudv w th chance U showers mountain Fr.oav. Fd'- - Fnoay niont and Saturday. Cooler with fros higher valleys Friday night. Lows Pr dv n gnt 3Cs. Highs 60s to lower 70s both days. Wm ad intended Forecasts Sunday through Tuesday Utah Far and rt'ahveiv ccc! w tb a varm rnd Tyoev, H i 'b 70 0 8u at f r becoming 75 to R5 Tusay L i mestty a0 to 36 n Fa.r wear Nevada a e wa'mmg 75 ?y Tuesoav. H 0 81 at t "Sf nsng into fCs Tuef-1- . Lews m the 3C anc lo.ver ats season tr-'Vycm r - C ipq trnd noTh pcr'tcn early next wee Part, Aidei ettvoy sco'erpd yhcwprs nijiriy n mount ns. Hrjhft 70s early next week at the lower e rva- 6vs rrCu'M rj m Th c.v 30s mounta rs, iy a icwen Southern Idana w h nchv far - Eern 1'. jFridajs. weather map showf partly cloudy skies with a chance Cf a few Jincjfn N c J . of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Richard J. (Mary Louise) Strom-nesBountiful; and Dr. MatW. thew N'oall. Houston, Texas. Survivors also include a sriter, Nil s. Joseph J. (Ramona) Cannon, Salt Lake City; a brother. Dr. C. Fred Wilcox, Los Angeies, Calif.; Deputy Jails Doctor on Drug Count A showers in the mountain. Highs in the 70s and 80s lows in the 40s. eieairs wrm trw f a'Kl nc cr rg M ?C H m s 0S 70s moer4turaj trci-cSynrBy r..d Wi Morot,y mc?ti to Tuetoa,. Lews mostly 46s. 69 Bountiful physician arrested late Wednesday by Salt Lake County sheriff's narcotics agent armed with some 100 arrest warrants for drug abuse, brought the total to 19 persons 10 adults and nine juveniles apprehended since tl.e massive narcotics drive began Monday night. Dr. Joseph David Jenkins, 60. 1087 Arlington Way, Bountiful. is being held in Salt Lake County Jail on charges of unlawfully prescribing a prescription drug. Set enty five individuals are named in the 100 warrants some for more than one offense, said Lt. Xiik Morgan. The warrants have been accumulated over die past three months as undercover agents have infiltrated the illesal drug scene making buys" of LSD, mari'uana, heroin, bar es and stimulant drugs. The juveniles arrested hate all been referred to juvenile court. The other nine adults apprehended as well as the drug they are charged with selling are: bit-rat- Named In Charges Danny Roger Cluff, 19, 1275 F. 4145 South, hallucinogenic drug: Richard D. Grimstad, ri-28. 821 Roberta East), am! narcotic hallucinogenic drugs (one count each); Herman Wade Welch. 20. 10433 Crocus, Sandy, hallucinogenic drug: Michael Arthur Poor, 19. 1144t3 E. 8th Soutlt, narcotic and stimulant drugs (one count each); Betty Patricia Watrous, 29. 940 Laird Ave. (1200 South), narcotic drug: Vivian M. Cummings, (140 East), 18, 958 Edison stimulant drug: George Mel-cMartinez. 23. 753 E. 9th South, stimulant and narcotic ding; Jay Blaine Pierce. 25, no address listed, stimulant drug: Harold Vincent Robinson. 20, 120 S. 6th .West, stimulant drug, possession of narcotics paraphernalia. All of the suspects except Pierce, Welch and Watrous, who haie posted bail, are being held in the county jail m l;eu of bond. .Mote anests ate expected. Itt West Ih :a&e tr, Ut Ave, asn , piave-- iwc reccro, V.est, food s Y, 3 n rv:c.ereo, American Oil Cited in Bias Action sis:er. Theft 47 1137 S. 6 4 5 3rd last January. Wouldnt Alter Score The plaintiff claimed she was fired became she refund to fah-ifthe employment test scores of Mrs. June Scales, a Negro, in October, 19C6. The defendant maintained that Mrs. Tidwell wa discharged simply because of inability to get along with emplo es under her jurisdiction and with her supervisor and department heads. Judge Ritter wrote in his decision, The issue is whether plaintiff has shown by a fair preponderance of the evidence that her refusal to engage in an unlawful employment practice was the principal reason for her discharge. It need not be the sole reason since such matters are almost always complicated and based on several reasons. The court concludes that plaintiff has met this burden. Judge Ritter noted that at is the defendant nicking a bona fide attempt at hiring minorities. retirement plaS. reasonable attorney's fee and costs and orrection of the termination slip on file with the Utah State Employment Security Office. Ae Si94. irecftir.Scernc rao oatrery c, m $m $75 Dr aodirg two cur seats, (car prowl). , tade. tS Ea.f bicycle, $60 Center St, two blankets, 876 E 8tn Sojth, Nc a I7i4'S:5 m Soun ST3e R 3Q Rvnrer :3c E 7m Soutn, Impaia 1970 Chevrolet 9o8 Plymouth 1965 Chevrolet Elder Dec. C boots, Chang. Thefts r 'th, tire and wheel, S orew (ruck S $- - 420 West, stereo, tachometer, qrar shift kn:b stereo tapes, (car tme, wneel. spot hqht, $395 4320 pru7l'S clubs, oolf Cl. Vinecrest 53 bad, duni nortdfas' rij s. 3c:o sooin. cf Lark, 196 D.ckup ms vdks- - City Criminal Court Sentencing a Vi o a o.vrr 1354 Stratford; doa at large, one day In tailrt jail suspended on pay-rreAme. Cnstine Comors, 184i Nebula Wyt ner of a ooq at large, $5 tme. R I.. MeUen, 790 N. Reowood Rd.; owner of a dog at large, one day in ia and $5 fm, jail suspended 6n of fine. Don Venae. 1331 W 13th South? Owner of a deg at large, one day in ial and $5 fme, tail susoended on tfament of fine. Stay to Sept. 14, Or 1971 Vrs Alton Stephens, 747 Kensington Ave ; owner of a deq at arge, one day in tail and $5 fme, tail suspend'd on pavment of fine. 1049 M,s. Mack E. Williams, owner of a dog at large, $10 fme Lloyd David Johnson, 47, Sandy; dr nk. 0 davs in tail-41 540 W 2nd Theodors ;pez, Soulh; dischargmo a firearm in the city limits, four davs in tail and $20 fme, tail suspended on payment of f ne; and drunk stricken (case may be prosecuted later). tran46, Charles Elvis .Vrighf. sient, drunk, 90 davs in iRil, court regains (unsdicticn Dismissals Round Over to Third District Court Edaar T'demann, 24, 338 D S r grand larceny. John Wniard Draper, 25, 7612 W. Go den Rod Dr.; Magna, grand larceny. Third District Court Sentncings Douglas LeRcy Coles. 27, no address, fraudulent use cf a credit card unaer $100. Six months proba- tion Utah Traffic Deaths 1971 1970 Total to Data: Total te Oat: Total to Date: 214 217 209 Salt Lake County A. Nielsen, V, Mucna; Kay Wuker, 26. Salt La. James Maurice Haivorsen, 24, iacocm. Wash ; Mary Bemadine McCimcy, 21, Las Vegas. Michael Paul Glodowski, 22. Sait S? Marv Mnntoya. Dexter Bradford Hood, Helen iV'dvae it, Kearns, 25. One-Tim- Both commissioners emphasized that next year's budget, proposed without a property tax hike in the wake of legislative defeat of boosted sales tax authority, appears bale reveanced only b nue sources that could be ear and gone in the next make the sales tax boost more critical. commissioners Die appeared at a press conference at the State Capitol arranued by KBYU, Brigham Young Universitys educational television station. - one-tim- Local Option Sales Tax Commissioner Gam said a boost in the local option sales tax, if granted, would probably be only a temporary solution. Com mi.vuorer !lutiion, fialso referring to the 1971-7nances as a budget, said financial difficulties lying ahead made him more optimistic about the legisla-tur- ? eventually providing sales tax relief, if not at the bpdget ses.'ion. certamlv at the next session." Bmth. rete'od hcfcria s ounno enqed at 9 0 m v .nc - og uoe. j Mr. and Mrs. Alien Pearson, "97 7055 South, west Jorgan, ceuah-t- e Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Wilson. ajQ 'xuricn a ze cr. and Mrs. Elias J. Archibegua S3 5 Wet, cn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Farbush, lfrs Wms ov. Axe sen Mr. and Mrs Craig V. Wentz, A jnive t ' Vi i?ae, sen. Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. McDonald, i Tess Axe , dauciMer Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen B. Chapman, Vf'nev Wa sen Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Clark, 4623 W 353 Souh so1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Mendenhall, 4 Ave or Qer and Mrs. Wavn Q. Budge, ?8a S. West, Bountriji, ceuonter Mr. and Mrs. Glen W. McCiaml 350 El -rto Dr. cauante-M- r. and Mrs. Henry L. Colby, 1744 oauoi'ter. Mr. and Mrs. Drv S. Ross, 1 H Fat sen Mr$ Ger,d - Bateman, 10' E CYJ South Mr. and Mrs. Steohen P Bend-- r, S Pmecrest D.. Woods Cress V. t r son and Mrs Charle Pv'oet, ;g 30 As 5 M. "u? Mr and Mrs. Davd Sorensen. 44jt S tr t ' V. a"d Mrs Wit'iam 3rd son Mr. and Me$. Walter Luddingten, 97 Lcrre1''- - A na,,-h- tr Mr. and Mrs, GUn Nelon, w. 28 Hi Souh riiichr Mr and Mr Donald Cmvim, 2775 S. POCO West, Men-- deuoher. I7osr;fl Graduate Fat Sii-llt- Mr. and ?8'1 hauhte Mrs. Wt. $. 3095 P Joe Harward, Granoer, dev..oh-t- and Mrs Loren 8 Frost, 4664 5? . Mu rav dormer d Mrs. Dale L. Bair, IM F. .i 27t 1 5cuh Mr. and Bonneview Mr and nuariter M- Mrs. pJtM'. E 3nd3hM Jri-.- , H. Mordue i8o5 Botinfful risuohr Calvin D. Pa.no, Boyd D- -. Rr- Green Ri'er - ye i "& WW mm II. On die OGDEN ba. C. Call -diedOrville be. Charles Call, I. 2 m an Oocieq hospital of natural causes. Born Nov. 20, 1885. Willard, Box Elder Courtly, to Homer Charles and Mary fcve'yn Taylor Call. iVarned Inez Christens-en- . D?c. 20, 1922, Logan; solemnized Owner and Loqan LDS Temple. business. Salt operarer, grocery Lal-City. Attended Oneida Stax Idaho. Served Preston, Academy, m sf cn, Li Northern 1907-0Former employe. Naval Supply Depot; Hill Air Force Base, re, tired 1959. Survivor: widow; son, Oreille Dean, dauQhter, Seatue; daughter, Mrs Reid (Stringy) Gatd net Salt Lake Cny, 7 aranccml-dren- ; a bre her, Mrs Alva sisters, Dr Howard L Abe (Edru ) Grey, Ooden; Mrs Mrs. A1 (Rebai Preslcn; Larsen, 30 Caturoav icrns, Lcc-- n. Fun-vaom., Chaoe! of Flowei-- Mortuary, on wher friends call Saturday, hour prior to services. Burial Wii lard Citv Cemetery. V.. Cgd-- Gerwiu ihhi John TOOELE Gerwln Alvin John, Tooele, died at his home Sept 2 natural causes. Born Aug 73, 1925, Portaq?, Box Eloer County, to William James and Annie M. Kent John. Married Luetta Barnes, March 9, 1951. T remonton, Bex Elder County; solemnized Salt Lake LDS Tem- Toce e Army pie. Retired employe Survivors. D;do sons, widow; dauohter, Danny, Ronald, Diane, all Tooele; brothers, sisters, Velford, American Gler.ns Fork; Samuel, Ferry, Idaho, Asael, Wendell, Idaho, Kenneth, James, Ear!, Mrs. Mel (Verna Jarvis. Mrs. Les (Cera) Spilis-bv, Mrs. HHca Sullivan, all Selt 11 Lake City. Funeral Saturday a m., Tooele LDS Ward Chapel. Fner.ds call Tate Mortuary, Friday pm., Saturday one hour prior to services. Graveside services 330 pm, Portage, Box Saturday Elder County, Cemetery. 46, of . Franklin C. Simmons POCATELLO, IDAHO Franxlm " Clayson S'mmons, 65 Pcca.eilo, aed Aug Jl aftjr an Illness in a Poca!-lncjrpual. Born Jan. 29, 190i, Spanish Fci k, Utah, to Benjamin Sutan Manna Sirnmon3. Clayton Married E.nma Areida Coupon. Andrcn 20, 1528, Frovo, Utah; she ded Jan. 24, 938. Mamed Etta Dumeis Crow, Dec. 27, 1939, Idaho Fans. Farmer, Lake Shore, Utah. Resident of Idaho since 1934. Former employe Pacific Fruit Express Co, Pocaielio. Memo er LDS Church Sur- vivors: sons, widow; daughte s, Lvnn, Pocatello; Frank. Laton Utan; Clifford E., Mrs. Ed Emmai Fuller, Mrs. Mack (Flora) Grover, M.rs. Liovd (Alreda) Clark. Mrs. Laura Scott, all Idaho Falls; Mrs. Ernest Lewiston, (Nona) Harrell, Mont.; Mrs. Jack (Eva) Bisnop. Mrs. Herman Wash.; Spokane, (Mary) Schluter, Ririe; 18 grandchildren; brothers, sisters. Deli, Spanish Fork; Lee, Bountiful, Utan, Mrs. Louis (J?nnie) Richards, Bncq-eMr Covet! (Verfla) Mont.; Boyle Pain Alto. Calif ; Mrs. Floyd Calif , (Leora) Barney, Pomona, Mrs. Rex (Mae) Johnson, Wendell. Funeral Saturday 1 p m., Pocatello 10h LDS Ward Chapel Friends call Acnnmg Funeral Chapel, Pocatei'o, 9 Ff.day pm. Burial Rose Hll Ceirc.ery, Idano Fails. Frederic Wlll'am Basch. 55, 1472 M'chigan Ave., oied Sent 2 of nau ral causes in a Salt Lrke hospital Born 16, Oct. 1915, Ctertoch, Ammem, Crmanv, to Os. aid and He ena Orn,em Basch Maried le- - , bet'e Yarus. Nov. 6, tij2, Hanford, Calif. Veteran WW II, U.S. Army . A'r Foce, Former cnqu.eer, . Spery-Univac- . w cow, Survivors: son, daughters, Loren, Ncalle, Margo all Salt Lake Cit,; Sie.s, 'rs. Anita Cahn, Lisa, Doth N5vV Yorx, N Y. Memorial Services Fr day 7 X) United Cnurch of pm. Holiday CnriM. 2631 E. 48h South rsmation to to O'.. Clinton B. Tanner C. Johnstone, son , Valley We.t Ilonpital Mr a vt Mrs. Donald O. Lythgoe, 1C4 01-03- ' Dr , son, Corn 0:T 17, 1915 Loa to S las F. ed ang Lyc a Hatch Tanrer. B acxourr Re fa March 16, i4', " d'M I9d8 Farmer. rrm- L. ber, LDS Church, Boy Scout ieacerj V cvri- xsc1 er Ccuitv commissioner; Co master, Freemont of past Wayne County Democratic Committee Survivors: sen dayg'.ter Rav Lee. Loa. Vrs. Ronald (Judv S:rv, R cmano vss ; three orandcr ,0- ren proper, sster, Crianoo. Las Veaas. Nev ; Mrs Mark (Lena) Lvman, Sait Lake Cty. - iaurdav u n e r a 2 0 m Lea V.a'd cnaoei, where frienos call t.o hou'-oefc-- e Bur a', services. Freemont Cemeery. Paul Albert Desfosses 1 , ' Fune'al IDAHO POCATELIO, will ce Friday, 2 pm., Manning Fufor Paul , reai Chapel, Pocatetio, A Pert Dc3ioses. 64, Pocatei 0. w'd, d eg A.q. 21 cf a heart ailment in a Pocnteiin Born Juiv I. I'7' . Bue Mont . to Albert d and Mane Leoma Bechdrd Desfosses. hasxet, Feo 13, 1950. Rexcurg Atrenoed Reklna Coileoe. cnewan, Canaoa Former emp ove Cenadan National Railway. Former piumfcer, Pocatello. Owner and oner , aror, Paul's Heatlna and Piumorng , Co, Poca'edo. Builder, Temoie Ve Survivors: Anartmerts Pocatello vrd rv, , sens, dauohterv Paul Jame', a Denny Ra, Dane, nil Pcxraieic crmccht'd. sisers. Mrs. Arnold S'at-c'van- . 8echrd, ' Phiiho Mrs (M Bu af Ore Pcrt'and Mcunanview Cemetery Pccetei o S L h Grare Sauer r Al IF hay.ard U'r Havvaid, tormei Gra 63 I , , reciem, oed Sent 2 o' . ni'monl at a Hayward hco fa Bom O'l 6. I9C7. American FxrK to ? t Au'hv N. and Ada Chadwick Bakery Verruca Paul R. Sauer, American1 Fn- e'errr LDS Church PN ore ident, PTA Sat Lake Member Dauohters of Ufa P'e' Pst Relief Society cieut. Harvard LDS Ward S tit Criv Survivors: husband; Mrs . dauohter. Max R , Havward; Jeanette Gevarkian Fremont. ? oranochiidren: brothers. Lvnh J i Baker, Sherman Baker, both Sari Lake Criv Fgnr Saturday 1 P nt . Screnf.i Brothers Mortuary. Hav word Burial mkaiH , Funerals Iloh-- Crors Mr H Former memoir BriQiam City Peaches ball team. ,V ember Oaknoae Coun-tr- y Club. Survivors vioow, sens, dauahlers, Jav Pese, Salt Lake City; Kevin L.. Bruce A , Tanya, all Liy-toMother, Briqnam City, sister, brothers, Mrs Darrell (June) Scch-ern- , Box Elder County; Tremonon A Glen Brigham Criv; J. Ario, Funeral Sstur. Roy, V.'ber Courty dav pm, Layton 5th LDS Word ChaoeL Friends cait Llndqust Kavs-vin- e 9 Friday, pm Acrtuary, 11 a m. untit p m. Buna! Brigham City C'rr.tery. - e r. and Mrs. Larry M. Haxe. 373 Ax - aid Mrs s'!David K. Wright, V, Bex q h Elder Veteran School ponet Mr. and Mrs. Lerey C ftuhnoii, 7931 S 3400 West, West Jordan, dauohter Mr. and Mrs Val D. Crawford 7 E Me'tourne Ave daughter Mr. end Mrs. John L. Hardy, 340? S ''XO West Grarrfr duohlt- Mr. and Mrs. Cril L. Harrison, 2 one-sh- EmplO Force Bnse trcn,cs technician rl St. Marks Hospital M Co;tof,r"rtxd -- - June rejs e pe- LDS Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Rter Mountson. 38 Market son. 18 7- Wayne County - Clinton 8. Tanner, 55. Loa d.ea Aug. 31. l7!. a Provo hopt al of a lingering Set Laxe m te Turs-a- - solrnmzeo LoganLDS Temple, LOA, Births Two pro'pective opponents for Salt Lake City mayor Thursday termed the city's 1971-7budget a patchwork affair" and said they would continue to pursue authority from the Utah Legislature to increase the local option sales tax. Speaking were City Commissioner E. J. (Jake) Gam, a candidate for mayor in this fall's election, and Commissioner Conrad B. Harrison, who is expected to formally announce his candidacy for mayor soon. e Revenue Box County, Frederick W. Basch Marriage Licensea Edward Merlynn W. 1947 4, n rt Elder jp, Coun-t- al V.chael Riley, ?4, 2846 Dr, Granger; wilful battery of a poinsuff;otnt lice officer, dismissed, evicence. Cily Budget 0 r iS fme, of fire d Yates States Recovered Stolen Vehicles Sard Marsna C.rqy Carol, Mitzi Karen, aH Sari Lavg oorthers s City; 5 aranochildren ters, Dorsey Nei South, Mruc-g- j Thomas South, Georgia; , 's Wilt e Eulalia Rartooion, .McBrice, Pauline Atacama; Euph-Riley, Cushing, Cma. ?rs Evelvn Simco, Arizona, 7Wrs. team Roosevelt. Funeral Saiu-caOisen, 11 am., 26 E. 7th South, v.re-8 frienos cell Friday, p n.., day prior to services. Burial El i an Burial Gardens. to James A and Leona Rose Yates. Marnec Harper Audrene S C647u6 W. 5175 r "y f State 1971 Ford truck 3 49 Greenntll Dr., wneel cover, $M tear pro a!) 790 S yrn East thcycie o cvcie, $74. BWd 24 c Holiocav 7365-East, 71 East, tricycle, S2f. $110. 0 East, biCvd Silver Forn, Big Cottom. eod Can-c- n four bow, Qui.er, hunnrq $60 bow cover, (truck arrows, prcAl) 2 20 Pheasant Way, aooles 175 7 ticrek Vav $310 cash. two S 4242 West, stereo, 655 taoa. $50 (car 3tci S 27th West, wallet containingli- creot cards, $38 cash, drivers 8'37 H Ji'i.ery ' 7V r s Robe (D'corah) Wallis. Jav Alvin Yates, so, Layton, died 5ept. v 2 cf cancer in an Ooaen hospital I F&D Borit 25,, 1921, Snowville, Burglaries Souh, Keith H , Clarence , Jr A. Compiaints registered with the Salt Hi Lc.x? sheriff during County period ended at 9 am. Tnursoav ir.cnae: 33rd O Survi motner, Ck'd , daughters LAYTON Sheriffs Docket 2995 E g $10. Recovered Stolen Vehicles Aspirants Criticize e, typervrlrer, $200 , Ya e Ave 7 22 343 1969 2 2tSoufn, thCVC s a.. $140 $70 East pre-'ent- Rules Back Pay The iuling gave Mrs. Tidwell back pay with 6 percent interest from the date of termination to the date of trial, the contributions the defendant would have made to a group life insurance plan and the company savings and Pivo-- S', bryci, Aest oiivc Camenre 8 1967 East, 2nd S Fury 45 A memorandum decision issued Thursday by Chief Judge Viillis W. Ritter, U.S. District Conn for Utah, holds the American Oil Co. liable for damages by a former employe who claimed she w as fired because she refused to discriminate on the basis of race against an applicant for in Salt Lake employment Ciry. M.s. Juanita Tidwell, who moved from Salt Lake City to in Ariz.. 1969. Phoenix, brought .he Civil Rights Act suit against the firm in 196S and a nonjury tria! was conducted before Judge Ritter snorts; r,toseo to juenwe c e d. tos snoes gvm a Sail La S P'T Borr Ju . 21, 1928, Sia tenvihe, rrK., it Dorsey Ned anc V. L a n c e South. Marriei Taylor Hjones 9 4 7 0 vcrced ma'r ed A I f r ec 19i8 TdnOr d( Cucru Shopliftings E. South Temple, Friday p.m.. and Saturevening day, at rhe ward chapel, prior to the services. Burial will be in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Ruth S. Taj lor Soutn Tayior, 0 ed Sect naiu'ai coue. of in v 0 r v 0 r $5. items, Ae c Temp, Souri S2i: 6 Inti- novels: mate Disciple, a biographical novel of Willard Richards; Guardians of the Hearth, a story of Mormon midwives: Lore of Faith and Folly, and Surely the Night, a novel soon to be published by the University of Utah Press. Mrs. Noali li -- 05 59 great-grand-- grandchildren: hildren. 6-- I'nderco'er Agents Butte Brxeman A 15 2b0 wrote four National Weather Service Data Partly cloudy and cooler with a cnam. of a showers in rne moon-n- s Hghs m d 70s, lows 45 50. Propa-b-M0 ram JO percent dropping to near zero Friday night. temperature chart cue Putn t tn 'r pr. - in a Salt Lake She Beginning to Fade Into Memory 71 reg sered tv oo ce qwr.rc tr TnuiM-iDcea 9 a $. writer the Inter-- R mountain area. ice officer Paul Forbes view aecovered guns. Romney Lists Procedures To Protect Chapel Trust Members of the 18th Ward. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints, and not the state's attorney general, are the proper parties to bring suit to protect a charitable trust alleged to be endangered by plans for new chapel construction, Atty. Gen. Vernon B. Romney said Thursday. He made the statement in a letter to Milton L. Weilen-nianstate development services director, who, as chief executive over the states program of historical sites preservation, had asked Mr. Romney to step in. Built in 1881 on p 9 photo-jo'imalis- t. in Buildings Planned officials Ave., Salt and ' Mrs. four-mont- College d writer was h Outlining the college's building plans, Dr. Shaw said only two more buildings, a science and nursing building and a fine arts and auditorium building are contemplated for the college. Noting an eventual maximum enrollment of 1,400 to 1,500 students is expected, Dr. Shaw said, Westminster College is too large when that last student can not identify himself with everyone on the campus including the president. 3o5-3r- 01 Tnursday natural causes "four-one-fo- enrollment of nearly expected this year. Cozv La?oa C died Amphitheater The student convocation, which was the first college activity to be held in the amphitheater, opened a senes of and registration orientation programs that will proceed the classes of beginning Wednesday. Dr. Shaw explained that the college will be launching its new program this year, a progro.n ir which the college's curriculum is sebuilt around a interim mester, a term in January, and a second semester. four-mont- h Areas receiving priority in . Controlling crime include legal defense for misdemeanants, legal defence for juveniles, Salt Lake law enfoi cement advisers and legal upgrading communications. if Cost of these programs, would be in Implemented, excess of $1,718, 014, with the estimated amount of $1,804,500 to be provided, mostly through federal funds, for the 1972 projects. Robert Springmeyer, director of the planning agency, which serves both Salt Lake and Tooele counties, said that tf all projects were implemented it would cost $4.5 million dollars. Lake Di. Shaw spoke to the 350 new students in the college's new amphitheater in a ravine adjacent to a flowing s'ream on the south side of Westminster's campus. in 79. N'oall, ticipation in such activities as the college newspajier, student government or the student standing committee of the c o 1 i e g e's board of trustees, could be an important part of the student's education. First S.L. Pci.rr Dockel Burglaries Urged to Join Aelivities Westrmi.Mf-- Obituaries of Record A eirs BAOLBY Funeral services to Al.et M Bagiev w ll ue he. d Satur0 m at umn 3rd Wa'd. 7 day S uh vih Eas.. mav c Friends Frcav t to j did a 550 Siuh t 6 and $3 urdav hjsu' d to lervicn tie criurch Fam u sts centrbe'ns to Utah . Iner-cnRji ch M'mor.al Gar- , dens tf the VriiL-hun-r- .i duec-tors J.Jmorlai Mo'fuar'4 BALLST4EDT Funeral service for A. an G, Ball risat, wH be red Sauda I nm in the Pcpu Itjr Grove Ward 140! West 7thS m rih mev rail at hf koiD ook Funeral Chapel Souh 325! Ea-- t Fnoav evening 7 1c 9 ?'0 P m aid Ssluraav at the v.ord ChaC ' me hour pnor te services. Imer ment in the Sait Lake Criv iVneral d.rcKlora, L. Da tr book. |