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Show Min?s -- - Markets nit n Finance The New York Stock Exchange: Final Quotations it Srilmnc Local Interest stock eootat.en furnish Edwards 4 int : Friday Morning, September 3. 1 9i Page 7 I'P and Down the Street JOBS Program Progressing, in Utali By Rober H. Woody Tnbune Business Editor ear and a half ago. James metropolitan manager of the A Alliance of Businessmen's got some of Utah came into the piogram a year aftpr it was started nationally. It has somewhat higher unemployment than the nation as a vv hole ,; Utah JOBS has a target of pu.urg 12,500 lo work. How successful? If you t.illy u m terms of goeK Utah has a long wav to go. But in terms of 1,011 hu ings pledges for the 1 245 pledges, it has done as good as can be expected. Most of the iceberg still is under the water. Have those hired bumped otherwise qualified contendeis for the job? Not necessarily, says Mr. Petersen, for the otherwise Qualified contenders are reasonably resillient and able to fend for themselves In getting new jobs. Two impoitant levers will in some measuie help the program. One is the nearly $4 million Utah will get under the Emergency Employment Act which should create more than 400 jobs. x ne money will be used for public jobs, eg. state, county and city. Beneficiaries are to be returning veterans , Peter-ien- Nation-,- j JOBS pio-gra- area's major ti,e into a ernniojers Ken-- n room m the and 1 1 " uoiks Who s he asked. v here do you pick up your relief checks? And when they their heads shook crowd: What are you, stupid or sometou don't know the hing? How come tlilson? And answers? from the The questions came Test. Any resident of the countrys ghettos could most of the questions have answered with flying colors. For the questionnaire had been prepared by those savy with ghetto life and ways. Lesson to Employers . "Dove e Counter-Inte''.genc- tests proved absolutely nothing about native intelligence or ability. The businessmen were sufficiently shaken up by Mr. Petersens plans and object lessons to pledge the hiring of 1,245 disadvantaged persons. JOBS program was institThe uted by President Johnson in 1968 while the ashes of the Detroit and Newark riots still lay smouldering. President Nixon picked up the ball and continued the program. The 4 Dow-Jone- Business itself would become a prime mover in getting the disadvantaged on the payrolls and off welfare rolls. Nor were the disadvantaged merely blacks and browns. The overall definition is that the person is poor, unemployed and underemployed. This of course, can be consequence of color, lack of education, a physical handicap or arrest or prison record. Tiie latter certainly was among the cruelest of categories. For example, a father of four could well be at stamped or handicapped for having the age 18 been arrested for taking an unlocked car on a joy ride. Enthusiasm Cooled 42 businessmen for the JOBS program may have unfortunately cooled with the ashes of Detroit and Newark. There have been no conflagrations like that in the long hot summers since. The problem is still with us. JC3S is still a long way from realizing its dream of getting the disadvantaged into the d mam-strea- Of course the ball game is different now. When JOBS was launched three years ago, national unemployment was only 3.5 percent compared w ith the preswere far ent 5.8 percent. Employers more ready, willing and able to take on and train the disadvantaged. Some Happy Results There were some happy results. Ford Motor sent recruiters to the ghettos and hired several thousand for the assembly line and learned that these people could do the work just as efficiently, and, indeed proved more stable than their Bucy E - - Certain-- t CesnA CBS ThurMlayfc Quotations Dairy Market Markets in Brief NEW YORK (AP) slew trad ng Cctton Higher - Slocks CHICAGO Higher stronQ Vjneat aiir late aemand Higher qprd trade Oats Higher, with corn Higher, heavy Soybeans (om w demand CHICAGO 'b rind lev. block 63 , lual 64, mild lenqhorn Putter-9- 3 score 8 97 score 83 Prtrrs to producers Lame AA 19 small AA 47 medium AA Cheese sandwich 40 5 Bid 50 1 24, 1 31 1 20 26 28 30 1 31 1 30 t ' 3 3 18 3 V Tole.rr ns T inhcV n IT n c.tai d i 0 5 3 75 6 V T U U in- kC P- 10 6 ar 321 eon at 18 25 , c 200 at 18 00 67 59 'er 1 60 ono heavy 'yellow white 322'n, 1 Tn- 10 75 89 742 V''" 233 45 4 Va 63 13 130 r, O future, 91 .0 t 2 1? 2 6? 11 7S 77 9 ? 0 2 87 Kn 7 1 12 6 8 2 0 6? 5 r375 no 4 75 f V n 61 rn 1 9 25 r Trut rn v 62 15 tl 8' 47 1?2 26 1a 33 4 4 52 26i 23'a 6- 347, 64 4 23 24 42 26 4 4 35 25 520 194 43 27 37 273 87e l6Va 34 25 ? 64' a J7'T 17H 174i 107 I? 98 4 3A 10W . 28 27 28 27 214 ju, 60 21, 80 29 29 is 10 43' 44 44 50 26 44 60 29' V 443 44 a 50 21 8' 3?' 25 211 11 23 49 23 23'a 9 33 33' J 55 587 58- 32 H 3P 4 8494 83 32H 22', 73 152 154 42 42 9 - 4 23, , 4 2 440 254 114 57 19 43 17 10 25 37 36 37 65 4? 20 51 20 ! 19 20 81 43 17 25 35 20 82 20 i?h 43 PurexCD Puroiat 17 HU 36 My I A 33 12 3 47 102 38 123 17 29 H 209 691 69 m 4 ft; 5 78 8 7 13 29 25 33 33 11 30 43 IB 29 16 14 30 .. lLuoy UenStl t u Magnav 'V Oil Marcor H MerMid MarshF 14 MartMr Massey 12 1,3314 4Y 3P 29 U 66 34 ' May DS 1 40 90 91 31 12 55' 54 88 66 13 28 36 10 125 31 17 1 24 10 63 107 272 32 9 70 10 10 45 Fer 1 200 57 77 60 34 40 31 26 MaveiOs 60 1 10 Maytq McCrov 1 20 McDnO 4lq McGr E 1 40 McGr HI 60 McLean 1.20 Mead C D 1 69 28 36 15 H 1 PSb 1 20 1 60 80 231 )J4 ?3 23 32' 2 45 283 29 37 67 44 78 38 9 53 26 27 31' 20 9 '4 2li 9 M s,MadiF Lj4 334 30 257 29 74 1 22 30 25 23 40 23 23 32 1 89 ?2 88 J55 33 a 14 30 t 1 Ystn Lvk - ' 1 68 32 40 1 281 33 547 32 55 8 5d 6 eO 1 55 42 47 55 423k 47 55 30 29 30 24 35 23 18 5 31 474 42 80 244 24 35 34 23 17 11 33 6 4 17 11 33 6 11 23 66' 9 67 28'. 28 1 33 59 Axso Varian V ndoC 331 77 14 13 15 12 17 30h d0 l.t :2 War lrL Wash W WestAir WsBanc 1 30 1 36 1 31 .VUmon West El 1 !49 103 - 1 .0 7 141 12 15' 12J 66 32' a 4Ug 19 a 19' 19 19' a 19a 26K, 76' 2 J6H ?6'. 75J. 75 30H 30 . 3654 33;i ' 1 36', 33 SS'Jlb 3V.1- - 4 45 1, 94'. 1'. 93 37'. 914. 37' 2 914. 375. 35 34 34 333 227 103. 44 10 39 451, 19". 19'. 194. t 103. 43 49'. 49 - . , .f 45'. '4 443t 43 ' 116 40 38 50 39 50 t 117-1 ' 41 39 50 Vf Mutual Funds -- 25 t- 41 38 21 6 31 46 26 38 21 31 4 10 Incom KEYSTONE: Cust Bl 18 89 Cust 62 20 00 Cust B4 8 54 Cust K! 7 95 Cust K2 5 66 Cust $1 20 02 Cust S3 8 60 Cust $4 5 19 11 01 9 48 Apollo 4 21 1300 Polars 22 2 43 7 40 8 00 3 3 ) 3 59 5 43 5 95 6 82 7 45 5 74 5 74 9 56 10 45 3 56 3 891 2 8 65 11 86 4 72 5 Ask id Bid Ailed T Aberdn Atfil Fnd Amr Bus Am Entv Am Grltt t4 Am Invst Am Mut AmNt Gr ANCHOR V GROUP; i Captal Grwth lAstron 4 9 36 8 71 6 71 93 9 47 5 6 12 06 21 LOOMIS 1C I84 j 1 t 40 17 84 13 31 36 a 33 8 26 31 36 - 26 1 40 66 92 22 15 17 2 14 230 16 6 73 7 40 35 22 8 30 2 112 45 17 27 8 26 65 61 21 17 23 14 5 40 22 , 2? 4 30's in 16 111 17 27 4114 41 12 38 Drevfus EATON 4 HOWARD: Bain Fd 10 24 6 77 Incme Speed F 9 68 FIDELITY GROUP: U99 16 38 Geo 10 93 11.95 Grwhi 8 32 9 Inc 8 61 91 19. Inv 04' Vista F 9 23 10JI9 FDS: 58 STEIN ROE 20 94 20 94 Balanc ' Caoitl 9 80 9 80 13 57 11 7 10 American Slock Exchange Vj NEW YORK (UPI) Sales(hds) 51 8 54 Selected stocks tn the American High Low Last Che. Stock Sales(hds) Exchange Thursday: Hikh Low Last Chg. 50a . AAerojet Id Control H Am Pet .5ob 13' 28W. ArkLaG 30 9 Beverly Ent 53 Brascen Ig 26 H Bundy Cp 27 Circle K 32 3 Clary Corp 21H1 ColemanCb 9 Compute-- - 45- 5P4 53 35 34 32 35 34 36 19 11 36 1 19 8 11 37 29 40 126 262 '4 , 2 1 I6V- 4- 45 15 35 191 12 41 SoCaiEd 15 53 , H 8 SmithKiF 7, SouthCo a, SoNatG 1- 0- 45 15 36 34 3 36 19 11 46 J 48 54 04b 15 32i 46 a 34 37 ?9 4 35 4 . Creole 2 60a Mine Day Dennison DeseretPharm Dixiyn Corp Equ Cp Ood Fed Resour Felmont Oil Flnl SB .20a Ford Can 2 Frontier Air Gen Battery . A, 37 29' BU7.ZY SAYS' FREE BRAKE 11-POI- Unvbl U ivbl Unvbl 3 NOTHING Unvbl Unvbl OCXOO NT EVE. CLASSES fce 1st of SEPT. INTERIOR DESIGN l ILLUSTRATION 00 BRAKE 00 on 17604 S3,7i,U8 7M W 035 760 n 47441 277 177 - 4481 1 SAUUKI - SNAP THAN THE Check the Master Cylinder Check all Hydraulic Lines A If Pack Front Wheel Bearings Adjust Emergency Broke Bleed A Adjust ths Systtm Road Test BEEHIVE 63 WEST tlx, 328-04- 53 ACADEMY OF AIT xL xr Ith $0. SALT LAKE CITY m mroDMAiioii Hoses Check all Wheel Cylinders Reline Shoes (all four wittsls) Turn Drums Fit th Shots to ths Drum Rtcondition ths Backing Plat pipnr munc tkctl INTERIOR RENDERING cau bi wiitc Tour ran A- ,WJSK DRAFTING ADVANCED jl turtle LAYOUT DESIGN SERVICE HAS pmninwttTOi 49 19 71 21 92 56 56 15 10 f- IKf New York (UPI) Following U of b'd and asked prices on Mutual NASD Inc. Funds as quoted by the INSPECTION! Latin America Argentina, peso, free Brazil, cruzeiro, fret M ex co peso Venezuela, bolivar Far East Horn; Kcng, dollar Japan yen Near East Israel, pound j t Z- 41 27 41 X40 '4 .I l. )94 19. 23 W -- X Y 16 118 ? 434 943. 94 3'4 h - 16a 16'- a- 45 17 63 37 94 4 4 19 a 18 6D4-- 31 1P8 0k 30 40 1 80 05 Stl 1 60 , 28'jI 32 r 36 71 21 25 72 21 51 Vt .. 59 45 4? 45 45 37 116 28 a 28 19J 17-- a 65j4 66 a 32' s 13019 12 1 a 333 a 166 349 67 4 168 32 25 45 36 26 148 104 103 46 40 s 40 17 r 27 26 32 a 36 4 25 4 V4 23 27? 27 42 3 l4 21 54 17 11 333 6 70 11 69 70 11 23 28 33 59 247 8 4 8 4 67 8? Thursdayi Quotations 23 29 X104 12 8 30 1()0 180 XeroxCp 80 ZaleCorp o4 Corp Zayte ZemthR 1 40 20' 2CiB 10 42 4 10 18 22 20 18 37 22 - - 15' jN 16 18 21 20- - a 4 298 20 96 288 83 422 180 9 69 183 64 2 84 60 1 16 18 22 20 14 44 18 1 1 21 i Safewy 1 30 Saxton Ind StJoMm 1 EtReqis 1 60 Sander A$so Sang Ele .40 SaF I rxj 1 60 90 ScherPio Schlum 1 40 V, S C M Corp SkaggsCom v, 'Scott Papr 1 eabdWrldAir 1 40 Sears iEheilOII 2 40 iSierraPc .8u SignalCo .60 va Simm Co 80 34 SinaerC 2 40 30 410i 41 13 28 9 53 a 9I Co Loews 414 10 15 16 4 49 9 8 41 Temc Ling 29 30 10 15 16 51 8 2 u.Uftn In 2 L6ckhed J841S6, 36 42 McNI 'Libby 19 16 8 18 79 ) 20 40 Lon StG 80 1 ,37b I 80 1 70 50 1 30 1U;2 uiLlbbvOwn 203, 36 tn 120 .84b iLonfSInd 16 10 . 14 35 42 20 19 21 4 XJ 23 2 30 4 25 3 23 10 40 15 23 15 73 203 32 52 45 55 28 59 30 1? 37 II 67 17 34 190 4) 134 91 134 32 2',l I. LtarSleo Pt C ir, 52- 4? J - R -- K- Kenme!! Kennernetel Xennecott 2 I 30 44 1 Rohr Cd RovalCC 38 W 30 80 5verR 84',1i piHsbry Pitney B Polaroid proct Gl puS Col H psE&G 20 im '4 KiddeW 'KimbCI 73s4 n, X L M 3794 U KnohlN Koooer 227. Kreftco I53,,I,li 239, 1, Kresoe S 84 Kroner 95. philPet 9pulimanln 15 .60 88 70 ,40 .80 1 32'4 I 0 WA 80 'ppGlnd 24 1 44 1 .70 Ralston 60 Raython RCA Corp Ce Reading Rep Stl 1 60 Revlonlnc Rev Ind 2 40 Rev Met 60 Rtegel P 60 RioGrlndCrm RloGrlndPref 1.51b Roan 70 iRobshaw Ind 144 IlS'il'i S8e '4Xerr Me 22H 152 23 M 17S4 55 w 314 73- iKenNeb ,4 KonPLt i9; 19 55 5 85 0 60 e 110 32 li'a -I- - v4 23' 13J 45 13 44 24 109 32' 43 15 4 37 51 5S34 5534 25 AI So I C 23 a 115'J 113s. 19 45 M 183 .44 51 67 110 2 6 32 36 44 70 1.4P 491X1. KnGE 41' r ii 1 52 56 21 60 .30d Centr Penney JC 1 Penn Dixie PennPL ; 60 80 Pennzoil PeopGs 2 08 eepsiCo PetMilk 60a Pfizer PheiD D 2 10 PhilaEI 1 64 20 Phil pM V 1 JoyMfg i1 Kaiser 183B 22 ?h 40 108 134 17 15b 37 Ltg 64 Panhdl JonLogn Jones L .50b . 42 18 18 40 48 44 37 13' 45 33 a 1734 43 4 36 a4 800 77.8uO 114 1 Roy! D Jostn an 33 43 ' - 34 JO.j. 65 19 19s 139 18 150 67 58 66s White Motor Whittekr Cp Wickes Cp WinnDx 1 74 Woclwh 1 20 A,penn AMnina JohnJn 1,V0 UtdUil't H UmvOil 2U Upionn H Utah Cst 4 UtahPL Wh Con Gs PacPwr . E' TM 70 60 5 Jantzen Pilot 4. Jet JohnMv 1? 37 49 37 20 36 M Cm 4i't 49 2o 26 44 90 1 123, 714 78 -P- H Pac Pac 17' 28 27 TO 1 84 100 81,600 Wstvac WhelPitt Whirlpl 43 IntMIn&Chem Inti Nickel 1 lot Pap Da lrT8,T 115 ITElmpCorp Itek Corprtn 38 34- -t 113 40 -Y- 251, 23', ?3- 23 4'1 l- 33- I7. 24 20H 2CJ. 20'i 7 4J1.I 8 176 176 99 Hoff ElKtn Hcl Inns ,25 Homestk 40 1 30 Honywl Hoov3 20 1 3? HousLP Howmet .70 Inti 11 36 347t ? 42s- 2 4? 1 Occid Petr 1 Caden Corn 54 , Ohio Ed 1 4 VS OkleNG OlmCorp 88 4 Or Rckl 1 20 Otis El Co 2 iOutbord M 1 75 W gweriCF Owen II 1 35 Intercolnc Int.iar v 40 56 77 407 204 209 113 70 HISTORICAL FURNISHINGS Quolalion Yesterdeyi Bank Deoi'e I' me O.--v Lexl Yrar iTottey. Cleertnq. i 8mt Dey test Year V'b 1 IBM 116 12'k 42 101 60 1 20 96 ?Ch VictorCC Va Elec Va Elec 14 IliCenln 1 14 III Pwr 2 20 C Imperial INACd 140 Ing Rand 2 Inland Stl 2 2 InspCopp 10 43 a 9.7 b US Stl US Tob meet ectlve 0 7 V 00 V 50 '0 7 Thursday 8fcJ4 1 tdeIBat 93 216 600 Dank Clearings 6 0 59 2 68 5 67 0 5 75 3 Hobart Hoerner Idaho P 11 ARCHITECTURE Wo-NE1.V YORK (API clo-e- d to ? 7 cent, lower Oct J herd Dec ( 63 0 ,6' 7 Mer Corn 167 0 6'ay 66 I 68 7 768 0 July C No 2 extre 7'9 t Oets (Vt 71 5 No. 1 Certificafed wool spot t5i 0. 7'7n, SoyoeJ t, 13 74n. nominal z bil, t Soybean oil 27 S' 9 6? 2 87 18 00 75 90 Wool Markets r V MRV434 33 2 25 25 3? 7 00 3 0 13 75 6 14 J H if tne 4- - 88A4 9 16 34 48 56 31 6 83 28 193 IMi 320 33 T 4 23 a 37 9 h 2334 44 4 0 02 mit. 6? t9 m Y t 1 . 30'9 3Pa a 3 -- I Incorp ce 2 8 Un Elec UnitedPkC M. 60 UnOCal 80 U Aircr 30 UnBrand UtConstri Vn U'd Corp 50 US Gvbsm 3 60 US Indus 73b US bml U ica-- i? 6 -r v,''h-VkTa'44 n Ji 'iKetvLhe Teiemat nnlnc 6 303 24 45 7 50' 66 6H 50' 'a 657 98 4A 25 25 2 25 5 no 4 0 3 4 26 212 - 9?a 54'! 52 2 Hilton Htl Foreign Exchange nn 4AS f MClnve'ment koithlardf oip tihwe''tResearch 364 6:a 20 402 20' 37 4 38 85 14? UAL f 4l 177 164 383 610 11 367, 0o2, 323 56 4 kvilneOd 3 3 6 3 33 3 3 28 4 J 20 5 31 9 00 75 11 50 S SaMmelerurltv c 20 b 377 50 66' 4 51 Eaton C 1 40 ElPaseNG l 70 EltraCo ESBIn 120 in 1 20 Ethyl Co 84 Excel O 1 X 1 Cash Grain 6c OOO at fanyonLands coloCnns, 600 at 8c 4 sOf 200 at 4 75. 600 at Crescent Croff 7 000 at ?Cc p re 500 at 8c Lo.l Od, 30 Bi 38C, 1.500 J 39c. 7 3ft: 2 11 PnnroilOffahrCLB PRCCorp Pn;eaTh1ndustries Rova'Ex'Clnns 733. irl 40 '4 NoA Rk NoNrGs 2 60 i NuStPw 1 0 40 'M Nw Ban . NWInd Nort Simon JD Hercul 75p H Hershy 1 ip '4 Heudein .85 w Hewitt P ,20 a 4 966 50 f79 379 265 8 6 6 29 1550 75 Zlon5UtahBirr''rp SALES at 315 3 3 23 3 28 3 3', 1 2?' 14 2?3 271 EasreC 90 Easten Air Eaiit Kod la 75 87 10 62 25 I1 75 PilRsourres ParFno Prod '' Whittington X-- 'i 30 ty hC n Ut Id bi q Ut vvoC(.ns V Aug .64 .67 .67 25 1 65 6 .68 68 .67 67 67 Asked 1 3t 26' 1 VH Hmz t4,4 157a 35 34S E 4 i0 17 15j 3 Dlamlntcrntl Diam Shm 1 .40 Diebold DisneyW 2a DistSea 1 20 Dr Peor .40 DomeMn .80 Dow Chem Dresser 1 40 Duke P 1 40 DuPont 3ib 66 DuqneL Dynamic Cp 14 9 .7 NWGas Nr portPharmlntt 24, 15 35 500 V3 17 67 75 62 21 129 19 62 'J FashknFabrlcs V '4 1 6 4 3r : 33' 5 1 1 6 tanyo. 'lands tump on 940C. 2 22 6 GullMun tn 1 3 19 28 5 3 2(4 ' Bid ChieiC on 1 1 67 68 6 Bid 49 M 49 41 1 22 1 ( Bu iMon 5 M 4 42 lb 69 Banner, Bristol Banner ) t Quolalions Asked Low 4; H.qh 1 Sail Lake Slock Exchange Thiirsda Closing (UPI) Salt Lake City egg market weak 3 to 5 to retalleis, dehveied to cents lovter ta'-eexih.mqed s'oiei, in cartons Grade AA extra large 3540 latue AA 32 37. medium AA 2j 29 small A A 17 2! V OO t9 .'5 4 25 4 37 10 75 14 00 16 75 6 62 50 11 17 17 75 41 25 55 2 CO 37 6 1? 6 50 3 00 13 37 3 00 FirstSecCorp ri n FirstSecCorpPfd FI'StWesternFIn GalaxyOii Hesithh dustrle Close HvdrcPlam J 50 4 IdralNatl J j lntermnGas 53 s v onalnvextment '51 MedDevCorp MirlnvC oro Morrison Knud'en 1 NatIWexternt tie 24'? 24 37 109 17 DanRtver M Dana Cp Vx Dart In .30g 1 14 Oayco DayPLt 1 66 Deere &Cd 2 Del Mnt 10 Denn'sn .60 2 ?' 20 30-- 4 4 52' 89 54. 34 90 20'4 9 a 303i ?79 26j 75 122 0o Gefber 1 20 Getty 1.13b Gillette 1 40 Glen Alder) Globa! Mar 1 Goodrich U Srand W V80 B FdFairS Ford M 209 j; 10 31 ?1 240 52 1 "I 21 FMC Co 42 h GnMoel t Ain HeinzCo ConsFrght 1 ContNG 1 18 Consm Pw 2 Conti Air In ContTeleCo Cn Can 60 "ontl Oil Vt ontrl Data Corn G 27 Cox Brd 30 CPCIntl 170 60 Crane Crowe! C 4k Crwn Z1 1 20 Wrt Curtiss Cyprus Ms I Ask 10 50 G.nRrct GTE G.nTIr 'G. Psc 82 7' r 10t 36 83 35 H 276 65 63 97 90 1 2 3y 83'1 Hamm Pe I Harrlslntn 1 HartShaff&Marx 40g Ga I 76 Cm Solv 40 CmwE 2 20q Comsat 50 Con Ed 1 80 Consftd 1 20 DtEdis 2k 96 55b 60 2 80a Gu'fOII 1' Gulf&WS .60 1 marketf mately i m pp), :ntr-o5ie- r change throughout the day. Price do net FstNt'Sfr ib Include retell markup, markdown or com- FhnfkoteC 1 mission. 68 Fie P- FlylngTig StCURITlES Doanl of Trade extra , 494 134 42 16 302 GulfM 1 Fairmont FarahMf Bid GenMiliS GnMot G Pi'bu 4 F 5970; jta - 4a am 15 30 35 GreenGt .96 Greyhd Cp 1 1 Grummn CFI Stl Chemetron 2b ChmSPI Chase Mn f Che Ohio 4 Chns Craft 60 Chryslr Cm Gas 156 CIT Find 2 CltiesSv 2 20 50 City Inv CleveEl 224 r ocaCol 1 58 Colgate 1 40 Coffin Radio Collntsl 60 9 50 j wlt ' ' 16s AO! Gt WsUn 80 60 .80 Fa'rch Pairlrd - 39'ti l4Ja 4$ 60g TiGn 'nstr 1 AD ?5 41 4 41- U- yu 56b TRW hKP 1 20!hCen Fox NatCash .7? o NetDi. it NatlCityLns Natl Gen ''O NtIGvp 105 NalSteel 2? 25 Natomas Nev Pw 1 24 Newberry uJewmontMng 56 NEnaEI NiagMo 1 10 NL mdust 5 Norfolk 105 224 23 27 CO Dynam Elec 140 GnFood 1 40 Gr, Host Cp Jb Fobare F.ctrta 4 103 35 4 35H 40h 40 Cp On ti 4?!Y 9 5 61 debt not sjbicct to sratutory 70 81 Greyhound 30 GrtAAP GtNNek 1 60 Car P L 46 CarrlerC 60 CaterTr 1 40 Celanese 2 Centl Soya 1 CerroC .80q - Altalndustrles AmalbugarBond AmerMedicorp Amcor AmtfrSavmgs&Loen AmerWestt nLit ArdenMeyfalr Bonnevlllebvlvan BrownlngArrns ContIBank PenverRealEstei Emdekointl EquItvOII 10 38 475 93 TrCon too 14 41 669 76! 73 16 241 894 le 9 416 10 132,171 930 15 77 70 ,Gn 20 1 Pae Cn Over the Counter livestock none; small suoDtv slaughter titer and U5DA) (AP (UPI) heifer mostly steady cows fully needy, Cheese 5 lb processed loaf 591j66j4, quotation Thursday; lb 70 Chedsteer 32 00 33 00. choice brick Muenster 59 950-000 lb and gilts steady mixed 4.000, barrow dar single daisies 634-7good and choice longhorn; Hogs 31 three loads 59 :65 . 50, good 28003100; block5 'wis 250 J00 lb h(oh4r; ,3 1 7oO GO 100 few 28 choice "7b 2so'275B 75; lb holstelns too to few (block quote, 17 50 18 50, (wheels) 1 4 lb B 15.700 and JlW0.9S0 lb heifers 31 00; good 70 A Grade a; Grade lbs) 1b 375.310 Qj-u300 650 lb W 75 16 75 low choice 26 00 3100; utility and tom tS'aJa1; Grade C mostly steady; tows 20 00 21 W; utility dairy merciai total shipment 109; arrivals Potatoes bred 21 75 22 50, canrer and cutter 17 17; track 74 demand fair, market about 00 steady 300 small supply slauqhter Sheep Minnesota ; Treck sales (100 lb US lambs and ewrs fully steaov, choice and round reds 2 35, Wisconsin round reds, 100 )05 lb sorinq lambs slighter wooled prime 75 fair condition, 90, fair appearance 27 75 28 00 choice and 85 108 lb 25 50 26 2b; choice and end qood Onions total shipments 25, arrivals 3, Spct nonferrous b 24S0?0' 5 100 cull to good slaugh frark 17; demand fair, market about NEW YORK (AP) 52H-5metal prlcis Thursday topper fer 9Wes 50 6 00 steady Connecticut cents Valiev, lead 50' Colorado pound, Track sales yellow, large Ftimated receipts Friday Cattle 1.800, 17, deiv New York, line caiVes 200, hog 5 000, sheep 100. Size, 2 40 2 50 e'ed; tin 67, New York, gold51 493 New Yore 'd,err93 .fore 8J9.T77i.w J0r, W 45 troy on Yrk-- ' l.fi 00 85 2 65 78 7 78, 90 score ,l,sk' New York Eqns Prices Dmd delivered to Chicnoo boot Steady Prices to lelmlers (Qrnde A m cartons delivered) large tar09 36 37, medium 29 31. OMAHA ...On .. 60 52 6 4 4 7 a ? 1 a a 4 a 25 TxCaT ' 80 80 Gam Sk Gannett Budd Como Burl In 1 40 .60 Burrghs t Lhestock Markets Produce 21 Wld U0 3' 113 120 G- Boraen 1 & Borg Wr I 4 Bost Ed 2 36 Bourns Inc Bramff Airy 40 BrlggsS Brls Mv 1.20 BrltPetrg 30b Br.t Pt Br Shoe j y 12 Srunsv.k Ex CHICAGO 626,108 716 For Mck FreotMn pruehuf A . 25 191 189 'a T ' 71 90 4 47 a 35 4 59 5" 10 9 191 33 33 32 '4 ? 67a 4 4 4la TxGuSul Texlnstr Tx PLT 19,l com- 30 Aug YOPK (API Sale closing once end net change e stocks traced on In New lork Stock Excharge Thursday. 9 AMPInc 461,400 60 Branlff Air 1 a 154 6uO 27 BoiseCascd FedNatMtg a 19 800 2H PlesseyLtd PurcxCcrp GtWnFm! 119 400 27' a U AmTelSTel UnCarbid 91,700 47 JnCamp SO Boeing C Boise C ,25g which were filed by several airlines last spring. Transatlantic student and youth fares, which may be obtained by individuals from 12 years of age to, in some cases, as old as 3C, provide discounts as great as 72 percent from regular economy coach fares. about the Those who complained youth fares included Department of Transportation and the National Air Carrier Assn., which represents the charter airlines. Both had contended that if very low fares are available, they should provided for everyone, and not just those below a certain age. They further contended that some of the fares were actually below the airlines costs of flying the planes. The airlines have argued that youth and student fares are proper and are not unjustly discriminatory. They point out that past court rulings have said as much. The CAB rejected a request by Pan American World Airways that if an investigation is ordered it consider as well the issue of charter rates for youth and student travel. - Dr. Garth Mangum, McGraw professor of economics and management at the University o Jtah and former executiv director of the President's Committee on Manpower, believes that the ardor of the 37(i 424 Ve Col Washington Star Service The Civil AeronauWASHINGTON tics Board, reactirg to complaints by charter airlines and the U.S. Department of Transportation, has decided to inyouth and student vestigate fares on international flights to find out discriminate whether they unfairly against those who cant qualify for the discounts. The investigation, which is likely to take months, will not consider domestic youth fares that are already part of a lengthy CAB examination of the emir domestic air passenger fare structure. The board Wednesday adopted the decision to investigate unanimously. It said also if the member airlines of the International Air Transport Assn. (IATA) reach agreement on North Atlantic fares that include student or youth discounts, the Investigation would be broadened to include those fares as well. The board said the fact that the tariffs governing the fares were filed and in effect does not satisfy the question of the lawfulness of the fares at Issue. The board said it simply lackeu the authority to postpond the effectiveness of the fares 38 BaktrCd 25 42 2 HCV5 Bangor Bath Ind 20 36 a Beat Fd 16 4l?e Beckm 37b 3.4 Beech AI 60 14' B BelcoPetro 6ell8.HU 60 4)U Bendtx ,H0 42 In Benguet Beth Sl 1 20 Black Dkr Probe on Oceanie Flights CAB 16 13 ? 16' 3 124a B Student Fares Spur d 2 15 a 12s dollars). (m 1 GAC ya GAF f 74 9 ftab&WU (Copyright) Low-Price- 1970 fiscal vear July Withdrawal f seal year Total debt Gold assets 1 24 54 ransam Tra Uf. Trans W NEW 371 45 289 64 4 - 54- T Tne cash position of the Treasury (API 1 AMP, Inc., heading the active list thanks to large block trades, slipped to 60. This leadin'? producer of electrical connectors reported lower first-hal- f profits several weeks ago. Liberty Loan, the biggest point loser on the active roster, fell Vt to 13 after setting a yearly low. Shares of the personal loan company were weak following a dividend cut on Wednesday. Boise Cascade, No. 2 on the volume list, advanced lg to 27. It was helped by the current interest in mobile homes a field in which Boise Cascade holds a stake as well as a recommendation by a leading advisory service. - basic premise: W- Corp Corp .)5b 6 2) 40 Tcx'romx Ten Leading Stock 11 ... TexEfr 44 a 6 a a 9 1 Textron Trnokol ThrulyD T imken Balance 7 1 1 4T 4 a - TexJt.l WASHINGTON pared to Awg 28, - 1 ii 3k neco axaco U.S. Treasury - 3- 33 Coro Teeoyne 9 7 11 T Tandy 90 43' 65 66 71 70 l 88 47 47' 36 3 35 59 59 54 10 10 4 193 190 41 135 122 70 i 11 4 30 4 28 80 Traneco 13-- The stock market NEW YORK Thuisday was almost a carbon copy of Wednesdays session. It inched ahead in slow trading as the happiest investors were those already embarked upon their long Labor Day weekend. lack of Displaying a monumental s intra-daInmovement, the dustrial Average added l.Ci points to finish at 9C0 63. Turnover limped along at 10.69 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange. The daily average this week has come to less than 11 million shares. Most analysts expect activity to pick up next Tuesday afier the holiday y 20 55 C 060 qh d Industrial Railroad Utilif es Socks 425 i. p 974-17 34 51 0 11 64 0 3 8r 19 81 Grace Rail Graac Rati 10 Public Util 10 Industrials 4.MIC4' S""' 70 8(rds 40 10 H 1C 2i YORK (AP) NEW i New York Times .Service 7a3 5 "O 9o 37 84 9X fl 3xV 2 4) 243 2? ?C M 241 84-2X3 112 '8 111 00 .11 n-- 0 19 2X 900 310 39 206 iS 3 8 62 -- C eS is Standard and Poor's Daily 300 Stock Index 1 Market Duplicates Self -Trading Slow, Prices Inch Ahead and tO Total 8v 4 14 4 7 55' 4V StdOh 0 2 70 steriDra 00 55? SrewWn 1 00 331 Slude'.V 1 20 3 Sun O' Co 8 Sun-5? Sup Oil I 40 p m 4i 89 4- -4 95 21.0 Sid NJ t HI 2 80 2 30 SioOlnd (I) Ind Ra o llo StOICal 2ipm d m, deemed disadva(particularly ntaged) the disadvantaged and those who -- Alost jobs in the missile and aircraft Saltslhdi) High lw Close Ct9 AemeMk g q9 1 61 industry cutbacks. Aoress 17 ft: 3e 6 4 38)7V-tlAnother lever is the government's Aormr) ,4'p Ip 187 66 Aetnaif v) 65 4 65 H own requirement that businesses with Air Prd 20g 24 5 6 55'. 55 Air Red 63 2 21 21m government contracts hire minorities in Albertlnc tug U ID m. Ml, A wan Atm 60 H of the populau . 18 . proportion to the make-uUn 14 4 14 14 4 T 'egLp Ai 40 19 23' tion. 224- 4 qiud P 21 21 lot 22 As illustration, Mr. Petersen, who is AAigtlid Ch 2 i 3j- 34 34 34 .1 V 34 34 industrial relations dnector for the Itah AAihseuat Ch 57 14 14 t 51 1t) 53 Copjier Division of Kennei oit Copper tAicoa y AmerDnUo 5 1734 I a 587 56 56 hss He Coip.. leafed thiough a thuk volume Am 56 Am A.t yft 4 344 show mg Kennecott's 27 progiams and re- AmaiSugar 27 27 U 2 20 84 44 44 cord in training and Idling minorities. AA brnd h 4! 434 20 Brest 80 43 42 9 43 ai Am 2 KCC's with Can 131 is 20 business 34' 34 (While pi ime a, 108 36 4 34 4 34 4 AmCyan 4 the private sector, part of its copper pro- AmEiec 70 236 26 4 2e 26 8 7 4 190 Export 76 duction is purchased for the federal Am Am Hois 40 20 !v 13 13 4 A Home T0 65 79 794 stockpile progiani.) 106 36 AmHosp 26 36 a, While the NAB and JOBS program AMetCx 40 87 31 a 314 3Amer Motor 138 77a 7' i4 originally was cast as a private sector ArrNGs 2 20 49 36j4 36 4 4 35 4 A Smelt 90 146 23' 2?7 23 initiative, state departments of employAm Stnd 40 1C3 22 4 21 21 a ment security are now closely affiliated AmTAT 2 60 7h8 43'4 42' 434 Arnetex 60 47 184 18 l84 with the program. AMF Incp 77 39. 39- 39 16 9 314 Ampex 6 4 Cp I6!a 4 And to But it has a long, long way go. A 70 tar 6 37 4 37 50h 197 165 as Mr. Petersen said, business has been Anacn 16ji J6a 48 10 a 11 4 Apeco Up 4 a 99 18 4 18 a U1 a major beneficiary of the American sys- Armco Stl ArmsCk 38 1 37 58 80 38' ? or some- Ash! Oil 20 tem. Theyve got to help 988 22t 214 2- D- 4 Assoc Trans 7 11 e 11 ID day were going to get torn apart! At Rcihflfl 2 431 75 73 Atlas Avcb Avnet Inc. 31 a 28 80 44 3 62 21 65 6 44U 13 11 ' 4 30 9 27 4 9 4 34? auffChem St Brnd 60 Sd Kcllsmn I UiU lo 1 Comp NFW YORK (UPI) Seelced stocks on Commodity rumres Index the New Torn Stock Exchange Thursday iY.Y. Stock But it was sharp lesson to the employers that their own methods of recruiting and screening workers by the standard white Anglo Saxon questionnaires Merrill lynch, Perce, Fenner end Smith, 132 S Mam Member of the New 'orfc Stock Exchange 'fi Indcats following Indicates fc.io no toy Is fraction in 64ths; (r) follow ng four is fraction In 2xh$; ( following figure is fravtion m 128ms, t) Uihs. ?2no$, ioj S 44 89 14 34 boragueElec Ab haureD (ka by uO 120 137 SiRa-- d Thursdays Quotations FRAICNS 2 3 a So Ra SwstPS Dow Jones Averages hie rans tlio-- e - Building gave them the ec o SouPacific j sales In hundred (TO) cmneai ex ept tor these cesijna ed (Z) v,hi iraaed m 10 snare lets and earned m full U'VlDENHs- - are annual rate unless otherwise tdentifed (at puts extra, (b) declared cr pad v far tn $ year, ncj n accimut regular rat - (cl payment ed aivloenc(d) paid last year; te' cash pus stock (g) annual rare c us stock dividend th) paid fits year latent1 d vidend omitted per cent in stock per cent in stcik q pad last year, tn bankruptcy rev.eiversh p cr reorqan 2a- t oh (5) capital dst" button; (x) ex- vidiro, (wil when issued, (w!) war Ail Section D ' Sn, by A. G. tm m. m., |