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Show BETTER CONDITIONS DEMANDED DE-MANDED FOR PERSONS IN THE COUNTRY. Secretary of Agriculture Houston declares the residents of the agricultural agricul-tural districts are entitled to better conditions than have prevailed in the past. He. points out what steps have! been taken to make conditions better, bet-ter, but he says there arc still eight features that need immediate attention. atten-tion. He lists these as follows: j (1) The building up, primarily under un-der Slate law. of a system of personal person-al credit unions, especially for ihe benefit ben-efit of farmers whose financial status and scale of operations make it difficult dif-ficult Tor them to secure accommodations accommoda-tions through the ordinary channels. (2) Expansion of existing facilities and activities for aiding farmers in marketing, including especially the extension ex-tension of the market news and food products inspection services, and the assignment of trained market specialists special-ists to each State, in co-operation with the State authorities, to stimulate cooperative co-operative enterprises and to make .helpful suggestions as to plans and methods. (?.) Continuation of the present policy of Federal participation jn road building, through ihe appropriation, if the financial condition of the nation permits it. of $100,000,000 for at lea3t each of tho four years beginning with the fiscal year 1922, to be expended under the terms of existing legislation. (t) The regulation and control of stockyards and packing houses. ; (5) Federal legislation further 10 (protect consumers against misbrand-cd, misbrand-cd, adulterated, and worthless feeds entering into interstate commerce. (6) Similar legislation dealing with fertilizers. (7) Increased support by States for rural schools and more definite direction di-rection of their instruction along lines related to rural problems and conditions. (8) The requisite legislation for the improvement of the sanitary conditions condi-tions in rural districts and for the building up of the needed hospital and medical facilities. |