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Show ill JI E "W 1 pjy Although next month is the shortest month Iplll tc ycar new Columbia records afford j , , , . , B ansnfii? tnc longest round or harmony you ve ever m iLnOIji listened to. We have all the new w I Cslilia Mnli ' Hil ready for 'ou now we'll play any one you wish to hear in a- private demonstration. The 11 most complete record library 'in the State is Wt Pnllfiil at vour disposal. 1 TERMS SUIT YOU thousands of miles of perfect motor highways, t through sunny valleys; and along the seashore. , n Golf, tennis, polo sailing, fishing hiking, horse- back riding. Summery days for their enjoyment. - ' Great resort hotels and bungalows will house you . ;fl. luxuriously or live in comfort at less cost. for information about Excursion Fares to certain winter resorts. ''ilP''. "California for the Tourist," and "Hawd!," and other retort bookleu, onrequeit. Let tho local ticket agent help plan your trip orapply to H"e nc"t Coniolidated Ticket Office or addicts nearest Travel s -.!' gujeau, United States Railroad Administration, 646 Transportation Bldg., Chicago: 143 Liberty St., New York Cityj 602 Hcaley Bldg., " fVUznu, (ja. . Please indicate the places you wish to see en route. - i '' -- - v . ; Ill New February Numfcers 01 1 , ' I fJ Hackett and Barrientos in J -Exquisite Rigbletto Love Duet ;' These cxduAve Columbia artists iQsk malec a marvelous vocal combination i mn in "E 11 So1 deI1'Anima" the matcl I APf W) 1 Verdi's Rigolctto. His seductive J M W pleading and her response make this I x ) saV ' tne suPrcmc lve ar'a f one f tne I I w L1J 7 4 greatcst of a11 pcras- I i P; jV ' 49616-$2.00 Grainger Sparkles r c ' in "Polish Dance , J That enticing melodious mixture of 1iiS(( ff'-y : blithencss and pathos, Schanvenka's NillS$l Mgz F 1 "Polish Dance in E Flat Minor," fW V A ripples forth alluringly under Percy Yr')! J$xM 11 Grainger's lightsome touch. On the m ( n Jm 1 reverse this exclusive Columbia artist " i) ' - renders that popular favorite by . J . im i'l Grieg, "To the Springtime," and his -yr (m i own sailors chantey, "One More Day, "S I SideVs Violin P Sobs"Eili,Eili" W P'P13' A marvelous feat of musicianship 'ls tllis exclusive Columbia artist's j XfeSil rendering of "Eili, Eili," that age-old ago- ; vw;;vKV "zed cry to heaven. Actually human cries j vMWl desPair' tne wai'mg sobs of multi- Tgy tudes, are in the tones of Toscha Seidel's vl lmi Vi1In 49526 $1.50 tM I W m mmwM Other Great Selections SlF j : llllli iivu c ncw- -'urn,:i sdections for February include 2 h VW ' Grand Opera arias, 1 Neapolitan ballad sung by a Grand Opera ami f ) t Vuvu Will tar, 18 popular song hits, 8 orchestra selections, 4 band pieces, B- W. M piano solos, 2 accordion solos, 2 hvmns, I violin solo and 10 y JT (I y W dances, comprising 6 fox-trots, 3 waltzes and a one-step. ( ?E j Got tho oow Columbia Norelty Record BooUlol COLUMBIA . C ' 1 Evorr Colurabi dealer bat it GRAFO.VOLA3 (K W N" Columbia Record! on Sal. th iOth and 20ll, of Etxry Month "u'uOOpJ. IM " - COLUMBIA GRAPHO PHONE CO., New York lolnw"''" " Hi PMIBIT1? BOSH! HOW TO BEAT IT SURE Want to become intoxicated? There's a perfectly, respectable way; without liquor. Just listen to Manager Mana-ger J. F. Goss of the Orpheum theatre tell it. "Charles Chaplfn in A Day's Pleasure' Pleas-ure' is now playing at the Orpheum. This picture begins with iho funniest scene ever shown in a motion picture. And the following scenes are guaranteed guaran-teed to intoxicate any audience, with laughter."' "A Day's Pleasure" Is. Chaplin's fourth million dollars plcturo under his contract with i?irst Nationa.1 Exhibitors Ex-hibitors Circuit, William Desmond in "A Sagcbrusn ! Hamlet," is another picture. Adv. I oo Become Sleader 1 1 Rtdue your welqht ID to 60 lb., or xacro, 1 KORliN, fsUrlii CJJ7 dUrcttoci, Bold bj I ii H G. F Cave, Tabernaclo Pharmacy R J E. Cave, Cu!ey Drua Co.. Flv M 'fifl i Holnts ururj to., McEJr oo Drun C I 'ffffl J;krb.u.fy d.uc7,.,,, rhere ,til OIL OF iflAf? SCo., NV-301. suoon F, Htv York I iw |