Show ALTO NAH By W. W y E. E Davis Mr and Mrs L. L A. A Dastrup have returned home after spending spending spending spend spend- ing the winter in California and other points of interest Less Mecham is getting some new farm machinery from Salt Lake City The Ca Calder der cheese factor factory s getting getting- some more machinery for forthe forthe forthe the plant It looks like we might have electricity connected to the plant and we are in hopes that our homes can also be connected The crew on the forest near the Yellowstone Camp employed employed em em- there the first half of the month are home and a new crew took their thedr place on Sunday March Robert Aldon Carroll Fenton Powell and some others went to Duchesne Monday on business R R. M M. Brandon of Boneta was here Monday visiting with his brother George who is manager of the Altonah beer parlor F F. F C. C Waterson was on the thc sick list the he latter part of last week weel but is out again now Ed Conklin and Asa Snyder are bringing in goods this week for our merchants F. F L. L Maxwell and Jesse A. A Fowler Ellis Ems W. W Maxwell and family are moti mo moving ng to s Salt t Lake City the fore tor part of ot this week Ellis is going to take a course at the Henager Busin Business s College Willard Smith was up from Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- chesne and visited with his family family family fam fam- ily and friends from Friday to Sunday The dance given Friday by the Decoration committee was a success success success suc suc- suc- suc cess and everybody had a a. good time Darrell McConkie of Mt Emmons drew the prize given to the holder of the lucky number The prize was a nice bath robe Bishop Lott Powell went to Duchesne Duehesne Duehesne Du- Du chesne Monday as a juror for this term of Court Warren Bc Beebe bc Austin Beebe and Sam Crosby are working with Rodney McKune to try and get the road open to the McKune sawmill Mr Crosby is driving the caterpillar |