Show liFE ENDS FOR FORAGED AGED ACED PIONEER I LOIS WORKER Mrs Mary l Ann White Crossed Plains on Foot With Pioneer Train TrainAn An eventful life Ufe of service was brought to a close last Friday at p p. p m m. with the death of Mrs Mary Ann White te 95 early Utah pioneer who died at the home of her daughter Mrs E E. E W. W Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew May- May hew at Pleasant View Mrs White was born April 20 1841 in Newbold England daughter daugh daugh- ter tel of Edward and Ann Smith Ingram She came came to Utah a a. convert convert convert con con- vert of the L. L D D. S. S church in 1862 and settled in Nephi She crossed the plains on foot with one of early pioneer trains and was married to John C C. White of Spanish Fork March 9 1863 The couple pioneered in the settlements settlements settlements settle settle- ments of Levan Levan Orderville Loa Eoa Blue Valley and Giles In 1906 they moved to Duchesne where Mr White died in 1926 Oldest Woman oman at Picnic Mrs White then moved to Provo Provo Provo Pro- Pro vo where she resided until 1929 when she went to Pleasant View to live with her daughter Active in church work until a a. afew afew few years ago Mrs White served served served ed as president of the Giles Ward Vard Relief society for 12 years and was active in Primary and M M. I. I A A. A work She was an honor member member member mem mem- ber of Camp Z Daughters of Utah Pioneers and at the Old Folks' Folks outing in Ogden in 1933 was acclaimed acclaimed acclaimed ac ac- ac- ac claimed the oldest woman present present present pres pres- ent Funeral services were held at Duchesne Sunday under the direction direction direction di di- of Bishop Levi J. J Anderton Ander- Ander ton Musical numbers were given by Mrs Fern Moffitt Ina ma Jackson Jackson Jackson Jack Jack- son accompanied by Mrs Frances Frances Frances Fran Fran- ces Hair Speakers were John W W. Moulton John P P. P Madsen and LevI C. C White Invocation was offered offered offered of of- by Joseph Shanks Pa PaIl PaIl- l- l bearers were grandsons of Mrs White te Interment was in the Utahn cemetery under UDler the direction of LIndquist Sons of Ogden A. A M M. M Burton dedicated the grave Survivors Listed Surviving are six sons and daughters Levi C. C Vl White te St. St George Mrs Elizabeth Abbott Provo Oscar T. T White Duchesne Mrs Rosetta W W. Mayhew Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleas Pleas- ant View Mrs Lillie W W. Parker Kennewick vick Washington and J. J H H. White Roosevelt lt 2 brothers Charles Ingram Declo Idaho Hyrum Ingram Blackfoot Blackfoot Idaho 46 grandchildren 12 great-grand- great children and 8 great-great-grand great children |