Show Ancient Ethiopians Built Skyscrapers Skyscrapers in the Holy City Ethiopians Berlin Berlin Ethiopians built buil skyscrapers skyscrapers not not for office buildings but for palaces palaces- in their holy city of is the belief of Prof Daniel Danie of the University of Berlin He finds evidence of this by studying studying studying study study- ing six curious stone monuments that have stood in a cemetery o of for over 1400 years anc and andi i that resemble skyscrapers Tallest Talles of these graveyard skyscrapers now fallen stood feet high Each monument is carved out o of a single stone block to resemble a narrow towering building with sham doors and windows Thirteen stories are indicated on the tallest monument Comparing these monuments with ruins of ancient palaces in Professor reports that the palace ground plans resemble the plan of the imitation buildings in inthe inthe the cemetery Similarities load lead him to believe that the ancient holy city of Ethiopia was vias dominated by tall tal buildings which the grav graveyard yard stones show in exaggerated narrow form |