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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Monday, March 28, 1983 Page Seven Gardner cntDcizs hiotef;dycatDOo bodoet trom page three - Utah's unemployment through technical training could be detrimental. ' IC member Reed Brinton, too, noted that this solve ' "conscious decision made by the Legislature (is) going to hurt the quality of education." According to Gardner, this is a "policy question that will not die with this Legislature." The 1983-8- 4 University budget will cause many problems, including: No salary or wage increases for staff or ' faculty. "y.- -' No increase, in library acquisition funds. This will cause the quality and standing of University libraries to fall, Gardner said. Use of computers in required courses will be more limited. This is very detrimental, Gardner noted, as there has been an "exponential - increase in demand for the computer in " instructional uses." Patient fees at the University Medical Center will have to be raised to cover the cost of staff interns and residents already hired to compensate for additional beds from recent hospital expansion. The School of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry, will be placed in financial jeopardy because its $188,400 request was denied. However, the University did receive $461,000 for a dental program, $252,000 for new-spamaintenance, $4,854,400 for fuel and and $246,100 for telephone cost costs power increases. The University also received $4,956,000 for an engineering instructional laboratory at the Merrill Engineering Building and $ 1 ,500,000 to remodel the Emery Building. The engineering building request, however, was almost $1 million less than the University , wanted, but it is anticipated the building can be at least shelled in according to the original plan.' - The Legislature, however, failed to fund a new campus dance building. 'According to Gardner, the current dance building is not safe, and is the most heavily used building on campus. A $4.5 million parking terrace also was ' ' ; not funded. v "This is a very disappointing budget that will not help the state in the long term," Gardner said. In other action, the Institutional Council: Unanimously approved the establishment of an ASUU Student Senate. This group will deal with student academic matters, and members will be elected by college Student Advisory Committees. The matter will go before the student body in a referendum in tV April. Approved the appointment of Dr. E. Allan Davis to the position of University Professor for 1983-8- 4. Davis will develop a model class to satisfy mathematics requirements for the bachelor of science degree. He will also recruit guest instructors to explain mathematical concepts. '.' ;. r.:':;; Approved the appointment of Dr. Cecil G. ce Miskel to dean of the Graduate school of Education. Miskel was professor and chairman of the Department of Educational Administra- tion. He will succeed Dr. Robert L. Erdman, who will return to teaching and research as a professor of special education. t J9 . Sffl I o Come to the "Chronicle" andflndout what a real newspaper Is like. Lj 1 . til ., . intern training program at any major American university. rs have received their training; others who have gone on to become media legends. If you would like to take advantage of this golden opportunity, pick up an internship application form at the Chrony offices, 240 Interns must be JMC Union, or call majors and have completed JMC 171. Three hours internship credit possible. 581-704- 1. School's tounh cnounh. Hanf ring doesn't have to be. First Security knows that students are some of the busiest people around. You don't have time to waste, especially when it comes to banking. That's why First Security has full service banking : in the most convenient locations. 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Allan Davis (left) will be University Professor for 1983-8due to Institutional Council will be the new dean of the Graduate School of Education 14. action March Approved the University to enter into an northeast of campus. The agreement will preserve the University's interest in the agreement with the Salt Lake City Corporation and the Salt Lake City Board of Education to structure and prevent development from protect the sight lines of the block "U" encroaching upon it. THE CHRONICLE ft IN A WORD, BXPEBIENCE CdntrSons-'Chronlc- le ' . v V' JUL , Fashion Placa 1:00 p.m. Saturday -1- ADDRESSES: 405 South Main (Fourth South Of fica) 79 South Main (First South Off ica) 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Lobby ZCMI Extension, ZCMI Canter, Suite 160 4711 Highland Drive, (Cottonwood-Hollada- y 38 East 8th South (Eighth South Office) 6135 South Stata (Fashion Placa Office) Mall) 2201 East 1300 South (Foothill Village Office) 3355 Highland Drive (Highland Drive Office) 1710 South Redwood Road (Industrial Center Office) 1773 West North Temple (North Temple Office) 3655 South State Street (South State Street Office) 1095 East 2100 South (Sugarhouse Office) 445 Trolley Square (Trolley Square Office) 2001 South Main (20th South Office) ' 3601 South 2700 West (Valley Fair Mall) 9491 South 7th East, Sandy 7869 Redwood Road, West Jordan 4740 South 9th East, Murray 5580 Amelia Earhart Drive (International Center Office) 3981 West 4700 South (Kearns Office) 2115 South 3600 West (21st South & 36th West Office) 995 East Ft. Union Blvd. (70th South Office) 2640 West 90th South (90th South Office) 310 So. State (Broadway Office) 381 E. Broadway . |