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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Monday, March 28, Page Four r. 1983 .s 1 U tec s f y on d i on g w , from page one ... The State Board of Regents has the option of raising tuition even higher Jn an effort to According to'University President David i alleviate the problems of increased enrollments. Gardner, the University has added 2,500 '; s Additionally, the Legislature: unbudgeted students in the last three yean. a bonding package that will Approved Robertson said the enrollment pressures are at the University: Phase finance two projects more expensive here because a university.; Merrill the Four of Engineering Building and education is inherently more expensive than a renovation of the Emery of the the completion technical college education, mainly because the ' '..' Building. University educates students ranging from freshmen to Ph.D. candidates, has smaller Transferred $550,000 of mineral lease classes and conducts significant worldwide funds to complete funding for the Eyring research. .. Chemistry Building Expansion and appropBy comparison, the University currently is riated $251,000 for cooling and u and an emergency generator Duagciea ior i,uyr luu-systems enrollment- - and an education and general Lake is budget of $97.5 million. UTC-Sa- lt and an ' students budgeted for 5,207 FTE Appropriated $132,000 for Special Events million. of $12.4 education and general budget Center sidewalk repairs , It "costs nearly twice as much to educate Appropriated $252,000 for new building student at the University than at a technical space maintenance for telephone rate College. In 1981, the expenditure per. PTE . Appropriated $245,100 ' ' ' - -'. student at the University was $4,006, while at increases : yvi&i-UTC-Sa- lt ; ' Lake it was $2316." 'Appropriated $111,200 to fund part of the ' The Legislatureppropriated $390,000 to the increase of residentinterns as a result of the Lakefor hospital expansion program ; yr University and $589,000 to UTC-Sa- lt . . enrollment increases. ; The Legislature did not fund: The State Board of Regents requested an . The loss of federal funds for social work, FTE enrollment budget for $1,100 fewer psychiatry. Minority Human Services Program fismdents University next year than this j and Occupational, and Environmental Health for an additional Center ' , ' 5 ... ' yeiry hilehcforasked 276 FTE students at appropriation UTC-Sa- lt Increased monitoring requirements for r. Lake. '. Robertson said the Legislature favored the - radiological waste disposal Increased demand for computer use technical schools not only in the education and in but areas, Improvement in the library acquisition general budget v ' BLOOMING EASTER GIFTS FOR THAT ! 'ii'fj sub-basem- ent ;;"T., VERY PERSON . , IN YOUR LIFE!! . V UniversityBookstore - at-th- . THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH LIBERAL EDUCATION COUNCIL Lake. such as $85,000 given to UTC-Sa- lt He said students, paying 6.5 percent higher tuition rates, will be financing most of the increase in the education and general budget. LIBERAL EDUCATION STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIP the University $ 1 000.00 budget - The plan approved last year that indicated a small increase for 1983-8- 4 in the human in the School of Medicine genetics program CO DTD DTD 0tfc 3 S of Utah is scholarships to students who wish to enhance their academic program with college-levstudy in a foreign country. The award is intended to help defray the costs of. tuition, board, and room and transportation r involved with a study abroad experience. offering i-S-- nal ANNOUNCES THE The Liberal Education Council of . el from page one of Regents by the University's Senate Executive committee. The State Board of : " Regents selected the nine members from that Board APPLICATION PROCESS s APPLICATION DEADLINE v 1 ; 1983 For Fall '83 and Winter '84 programs April .1 15, ; : " STUDY ABROAD OFFICE 159 UNION BUILDING 581-584- v Larsen said President David P. Gardner met list. weekly with the ASUU president and vice In addition to Clayton, the faculty advisory , president because he was interested in knowing committee indu4eiAfesa Adams, professor and ; FWhat the students' viewpoints were oh various' chairman of the Department of Family and , issues, and he wanted to include students in Consumer Studies; Bruce F. Baird, professor of what was going on at the University. management; B; Gail Dick, professor of When the search committee has narrowed its r physics; John A. Dixon, professor of surgery; choices to a few candidates, Larsen said she will and Robert P. Huefner, director of the Center contact schools and organizations associated for Public Affairs and Administration. : " Also appointed were L. Jackson Newell, dean with the candidates to find out what type of - of liberal education in the Graduate School of . interaction those candidates had with students. ; Education; Eunice Shatz dean of the Graduate "I plan to make a careful study of thecandidates fSichool'of Social Work; and Milton E, before making my choice,? she said. v and infnrmatinn mailahlo in Tho Rtiirk Abroad ottice. intormation regarding study abroad programs is available at the same location as well as assistance with program selection, a "Anrl irat inrt Wadsworth, distinguished professor of Larsen said she would appreciate student input; "If any students want to recommend candidates or wish to suggest any qualifications the advisory committee's recommendations, it. believe we should consider, I would will select the presidential candidates it believes they it if they would drop me a note. This appreciate most qualified and submit its recommendations decision is going to affect allof us," Larsen said. to the full Board of Regents. The new president In addition to Gardner and Larsen, the " 'metallurgy. After the search committee is presented with 9 will then be chosen. ' .t, r. Appointed by Gardner to serve on the search committee are seven members of the Board of i HOLY WEEK Come celebrate with us. Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday k Service, 7:30 p.m. Seder Meal, 7:00 p.m. (reservations required) Wednesday Holy Thrusday Good Friday Liturgy of the Lord's Supper, 7:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross, 12:10 p.m. ' Celebration of the Lord's Passion and Communion Service, 7:30 p.m. Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Liturgy, t1 -- J ; Easter Sunday. University's Institutional Council, one faculty member, one representative from the Alumni v Association, a university treasurer and one student, Elizabeth M. Larsen, newly elected - University student body vice president. ; "I see my role as a bit ominous," Larsen said. "I want to find a president that will be Members representing the University include John A. Dahlstrom and Desmond J. Barker Jr., officers of the Institutional Council; Lela M. Ence, executive director of the Alumni Association; Spencer F. Eccles, University corporate treasurer and James L. Clayton. EXTENBEB: MOUISS 10 p.m. IN A NewinniaiftCeMeir i327 East Regents, two representatives from the search committee is made up of Regents George C. Hatch, Donald B. Holbrook, Wayen Owens, Ernest D. Mariani, Neal A. Maxwell and Glen L. Taggart. Easter Liturgy, 10:30 a.m. ' LI concerned with student problems and one that will meet regularly, with students and their elected officials." . Second South Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 Catholic Parish of Saint Catherine of Siena 359-606- 6 University of Utah Monday, March 28 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 298 a.m. to 7 v.m. Wednesday, March 30 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. in fc University Bookstore (X)l |